FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter What I Took Her From

The trader had been dragging Dimurah up and down the dock by her hair. Offering her up to the sailors for coin. Cuffing her when she whimpered or told him she was afraid.

I watched her for a sennight.

I’d never seen anything like the light around her. He’d been true when he told Chavias he was sure there was something special about her.

“Well that day you came down to the bow.”

A dark hole where the trader had kept her. A terrified thirteen-year-old girl. Shivering. With a tear stained face.

“Do you remember what you asked me?”

Of course, I do.

I ask it often.

“Yes.” He lifted blue eyes to look at her.

Why are we rehashing memories that are painful for her? Memories she never speaks of.

“You asked if I was ready. To be free.”

I did. What about it?


“And I said yes.”

So, I freed you.

The the trader had come down the stairs shouting about Savage talking to his “goods” without permission. Then he’d offered her up to Savage for ‘the right price.’

Which irritated me. Savage had grabbed the tiny prick the man had been waving and slit his throat. Then drug it down his windpipe. Watching him crumble and flail as he fought for air. Gargling on his own fluids as he strangled.

She sobbed in panic behind him, so he’d moved to block her view until the man was dead.

Then he turned and began up the stairs. His boots thunking as the wood beneath him creaked.

It’s done.

“Wait!” She called.

For what? There’s nothing more to do here.

He paused near the deck. Turning to look back down at her. Ducking to keep from hitting his head. Making the kill beads in his yellow hair rattle.

“I’ve nowhere to go!” She wept.

Fine. Then go with me.

He’d given her a long study. Then outstretched his calloused hand to her. Cautioning. “You’ll never be the same if you take it.”

She looked at it a moment, before tentatively putting her smaller one in it.

Then I brought her back here. To the Blue Lark.

“You said yes. So, I killed him. And brought you here.”

Seemed an accurate summary.

“Yes, you did.” She murmured. Scrubbing the countertop. “But you asked if I was ready to be free.”

What of it?

“Yes?” His blonde brow knitted as he frowned at her. “What are you saying, Murah?”

Are you implying I keep you prisoner here?

“I’m thankful for all you did. But you promised I’d be free.”

That was like a punch to the gut. “You are free.”

“Not when you’re always here, hovering over me, controlling who I talk to. Controlling who comes into Winter Haven.”

Controlling is what you think?

“What is it you want me to do?” His blue eyes were unblinking.

“Let me go.”

I don’t keep you here. I keep you safe.

I’d keep you safe anywhere you went. But he was very sure that was the opposite of what she asked him for.

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