FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter SEBASTIAN - Come Talk to Me

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier Country (Elsabet captive for twenty-one years)


Sebastian returned to WaterRose the next night. Haggard. Hair disheveled from its usually immaculate restraint. Shirt rent at the back of one shoulder. And scratches marring both cheeks.

Crossing the drawbridge, he was hit with the fierceness of her pain. I can feel her there. In her window watching me. But he didn’t look, knowing it’d drive her into hiding.

He slid from Sivikon, stepping carefully, he walked the horse. Pain obvious in the knee he favored. He attuned himself to her thoughts. Using that meager advantage to prepare him for what might come.

Of all things! He was astounded at what he’d found.

Her indignation stemmed from wondering if another woman, impatient with wanting him, had torn his garments to get at his body.

When have I time for such a thing? The thought was so ridiculous he nearly laughed. I don’t want any other woman.

Innately faithful, Forever Knights, sought only one true mate. And mine is here. Hating me for her own imaginings.

His eyes flew up to see her glaring down with the intense study of a bird. He moved hesitantly, willing his exhausted body to do as commanded. Taking the last steps toward the rejuvenating forces of WaterRose.

Energy that’ll restore me. He breathed in relief. Gladly absorbing it.

She peered through the crack in the castle door, clinging to the shadows within. The closer he drew, the more haggard she saw he was.

A low whistle summoned the stable boy. One with streaming black hair and long pointed ears. The strange clothes he wore, were of uncommonly rough cloth. Crossing his torso then slinging around slim hips like leaves sewn together.

A man emerged next. Similar in coloring, he strode to the drawbridge quarters and caused the massive construction to lift. Water poured from the underside, in torrents of frothing foam. Closing with an ominous thunk.

Bast neared the entrance where she hid. So close the facial hair darkening his square jaw was visible.

She wondered if the neglect of his appearance was due to long evenings of wine and women.

Wine perhaps. He grunted. Perhaps I should abstain for a bit.

Bast grunted in shock at a profound realization. When did I become important enough to warrant her jealousy? He calmed, chest swelling a bit. A nice thought after such a long night.

She turned from the door, muttering. “Visiting a friend, indeed.”

His sharp ears caught the bitter words. Then the creak of the stairs as she headed up.

Sitting in her chamber only enhanced her frustration.

Feeling her ire coursing through the castle and making the water walls vibrate, he entered the familiar comfort of his library. Relaxing to hone in on her thoughts. Offering calming energy.

She was angry because she believed he’d asked for her hand only to spend the night in the arms of other women.

Ridiculous! He clutched the armrests. Sorely tempted to set her straight.

But the crash of a decanter against a wall, warned him now wasn’t an opportune time. Breaking something lovely did not assuage her malcontent.

The walls of magic seaming the stronghold rippled at the decanter’s impact.

She growled, the sound pulsating through floors. Her head tossed back and she loosed a shriek that sent WaterRose’s outer parapets trembling.

She intended to confront him. Thought to call him on his lies and prove she was no man’s fool.

Please do. His eyes narrowed. Inviting the confrontation.

I like confrontation. Especially with her. His hands loosened on the armrests and began massaging them thoughtfully.

He headed upstairs to his chamber down the hall from hers. To give her more ready access to him.

She’s crazed to think that’s what I’m doing. It was an easier thought then the truth.

She still doesn’t trust me. He stood before the window, attempting to change from his dirtied shirt to wait for her, when she tossed open his door.

Faster than I expected. He blew a breath. Unflinching as the door banged against the wall.

Reaching gingerly to peel the sleeve of his shirt from one shoulder. He drew a quick breath through his teeth against the pain. Glancing over his shoulder as he did.

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