FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter CHAVIAS - Countless Crimes

We know now the sad truth of what he’s become. I hadn’t thought I could feel more pain then knowing my friend was eaten alive by Cimmerii.

But I was wrong…

Knowing he now hunts us as Radix’s greatest warlord, is indescribably raw.

My greatest fear is it’ll come down to he and I, one day. As I defend another knight. When that time comes, I won’t hesitate, won’t flinch when I have to kill him. Because he’ll most certainly kill them all, if I do.

The real question is, if I do succeed in cutting him down, will I ever really live again?

From the Journal of Sebastian Bodane.

InnerCircle City, Mane Country (Radix’s captive for nineteen years)


Radix tortured him often and sometimes for no reason other than his own entertainment.

Chavias’ shackles were ran through the massive backboards. The Firoque applying the extra restraints necessary when dealing with Chavias.

Okine made gleeful noises as he moved to the table displaying an array of devices designed for inflicting pain.

Chavias tipped his head back against the wood and willed his body to relax into a form of meditation. Bracing himself when Okine collected the jagged blade from the table.

Okine made sneering sounds as he cut deeply into the skin above Chavias’ elbow. Grabbing a hollow stick which he forced between the skin of the wound. Sending blood plopping into the pail.

Chavias glanced down numbly to see his blood pouring into that pail. His immortality allowed his body to withstand being drained lethal amounts. But it was painful nonetheless and would still take several days to recuperate and his strength to regain.

Radix was careful to keep him weak so Chavias had no chance of rising against him.

But Chavias retained enough strength to peer into Radix’s mind now and again.

Hearing Okine turning the flat irons over the flame, Chavias involuntarily shuddered.

Okine used a dagger to cut away Chavias’ tunic. After that, it was only a short time before Okine applied the first iron to Chavias’ flesh. The lumbering giant retrieved the iron.

The first scream was always involuntary as the muscles of Chavias’ body contracted painfully in reaction to the first hot touch of the iron. Through the haze of pain, the second iron was applied. Chavias breathed deeply. Forcing his mind blank. As his muscles contracted in an effort to protect sensitive organs from the heat.

Abruptly he was traveling. Air cooling his skin. Breathing fully again as he rocketed from the caverns and into the sky floating over the Netherlands and the flickering lights of the NetherFey below. Shooting over the flat planes of Grier and over the Paladine Mountains into Mane Country. The sky around him darkened as night descended.

Turning an ear and listening attentively he caught sound of a woman’s lilting voice. Her thoughts entering his mind as he sought them. Following the sound, he found himself peering down on a white manor. A beautiful fountain decorated the drive.

‘Delacroix Hall’ was engraved in the base of the fountain.

Delacroix Hall? Interesting.

He let his body plummet into the gardens. Slowing when he drew nearer. Changing his angle to land smoothly on his feet. Boots crunching rocks as he took several steps. A black cloak falling over his shoulders and down his back like dark wings. Catching the hood, he pulled it up and low over his face.

His faltered as his body convulsed. Okine’s brutal work on my body reflected in my spirit’s flinching.

He’d gotten adept at relaxing into the state of meditation. Able to unleash his spirit and control its’ wanderings. It’d been the only way he could attempts redemption.

For my countless crimes.

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