Chapter Tev & Serdephe

She’s right. But I’d not thought she’d put it together so fast. His light green eyes narrowed on her but he didn’t bother denying it. Looking down his nose at her, he caught her upper arms in a vise grip.


Not my name.


“Christophe!” She objected. Dark eyes huge in her shock.

“Don’t tempt me, Ebs. Sneaking into my room is not fit for a lady.”

She huffed. “I came to tell you, Sam was upset last night.”

About what?

“Why?” He set her back to eye her.

“He said you wouldn’t talk to him last eve.”

Damn right, I do not!

“I don’t trust him.”

He’s a true Firoque.

“Why?” She asked fearfully.

I don’t want to tell her. And that was the crux of his nasty mood this morn. But I have no choice. She needs to know.

“He’s conferring with our enemy.”

She chewed her bottom lip. “He isn’t Sam anymore is he?”


“What is he, Bodin?”


“What is he?” She persisted.

A predator. And a liar.

“Just know, you need to watch your back with him.” Rhyers turned to grab his shirt off the back of a chair.

“He said that about you, yester-eve.”

He said I was untrustworthy?

His head spun to look at her. “What?”

“That I shouldn’t trust you.”

“He’d never say that.”

“He never would’ve before.” She agreed. “Something is wrong now though, isn’t it?” She walked to stand next to him.

Bold since I’d just grabbed her.

“Ebony…” His shoulders slumped.

“No.” She put a silencing finger to his mouth. “No more lies, Bodin-Christophe! Tell me. Tell me now. What is all this.” She gestured around her to encompass all of Ardae. “What is happening in our countries? And…What are you?”

“What?” His face went blank.

“Do not do that! Not to me!” She charged. Pointing a knowing finger at him. “That is your spy mask. When someone is getting to close. You never put on that face with me!” She said acidly.


“I’m going to Meadowbrook today. Will you go with me?”

Her face crumpled in confusion. “You want me to go?”

“I can’t leave you here.”

“You mean you won’t leave me with him?”

“Correct.” Rhyers pulled on his shirt. “Come.”

He peered into the hallway and waved to her it was clear.

She moved with him down the stairs. Staying close on his heel.

As they reached the bottom of the stairwell, Sam stalked from the Parlor with wrath written over his face.

“Where are you going?”

“We’re leaving.” Rhyers stepped next to them.

“She’s not.” Without warning Sam backhanded her. “You’ll not betray me!”

Rhyers snatched him by the collar and swung him around. The momentum carrying him above Rhyers’ head. Rhyers dropped to one knee and slammed him to the ground. Rattling the mansion enough servants fled from the various rooms on the lower level.

But by then Rhyers was standing protectively in-front of Ebony.

“What happened?” Jim, the butler asked.

“I-” Rhyers stepped forward to explain but Ebony caught his arm and yanked him back.

“He fell. He’s had too much to drink.” She gestured at Sam who was clearly unconscious.

Rosewynn Manor, Outside of Meadowbrook, Grier

Rhyers was taking Ebony to Meadowbrook. I need to check the border of Rosewynn.

It was time for his usual rounds.

But I didn’t dare leave Ebony to what remains of Sam. He’ll likely kill her. Rhyers needed some time to figure out what to do with Sam.

What I can do with him? What could I and Ebony bear to happen to him?

Once outside the iron fence of Rosewynn, Ebony asked. “Where are we?”

“Rosewynn Manor. Outside Meadowbrook.”


“I have a friend here. I must check on.”

“That woman you watched in the Grier Library?” Ebony asked shrewdly.

“Both she and her mate.” Rhyers was quick to mention him.

She has that look as though she thinks I’ve a personal interest in The Fallen.

My Captain would kill me if I were ever to even consider it. I wouldn’t.

Ebony began to climb from the carriage.

“No.” He put a staying hand up behind him to stop her. “You stay inside. Driver!”

“The man looked down at him. “You stay atop and at the ready. Do you understand me?”

He nodded.

“This is a dangerous place, Ebony. Dark things lurk in the vicinity.”

Cimmerii could be anywhere around here. I need to check first.

Rhyers moved along the property. Zig zagging through Phalanx to check for any hint of a track.

Wolf tracks. Everywhere. Ours, and dogs, and wolves, and coyotes.

So intermingled it’d have been especially hard to find a noni track.

Rhyers grunted in frustration. Scenting the air to find the odor of rotting tissue. Nothing.

Impossible. Rhyers was getting frustrated. There must be at least one.

Our wolves don’t even come back these deep in the woods. Their riding the perimeter. How can there be none here?

He glimpsed white hair and the back of a darker haired woman. “Teverius?”

Tev spun around. “Rhyers.”

Serdephe was at his side and smiled brightly in greeting as well.

“What are you two doing here?” Rhyers asked.

“We’d heard she was beginning to ascend.” Tev explained.

“I wanted to see it!” She cheered. “The light.”

Rhyers smiled at her good nature. “Is she always so merry?”

“Always.” Tev groaned aloud. Rolling his eyes.

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