Chapter RHYERS - To Close To Me

Marshall Manse, Mane Country


“Where are you going?” Sam asked.

“To Delacroix Hall. A Ball.” Rhyers tugged on his wig. Resentment in every jerking movement as he pinned it to his scalp.

“I wish to go.” Ebony rose.

“No.” Both men turned to snap at her.

Ebony gave him a long look.

I can’t leave him alone with her either.

“Do you join me tonight, Sam?”

“You’ll take me?”

“Let us go together. Spy as we once did.”

Sam grinned widely. But his teeth seemed much yellowed. His complexion even more soured. Darker gray and his veins beginning to blacken.

He looks sick.

The rot is burrowing deep. But Rhyers had seen no trace of the evil Ebony had spoken of. But she’s no liar.

In hours they were at Delacroix Hall.

“What are we here for?” Sam asked.

“I think Radix may have a minion here. I’m trying to determine who it might be.”

“Why do you think that.”

“Nonis have been following me. Somehow Radix knows all my movements.”

“How can that be?”

“I’m not sure yet. But I’ll find out?”

Radix commenced dancing and laughing at the refreshments table. Moving through the crowd as he tried to catch scent of Cimmerii.

But it’s almost impossible to smell anything other than Sam. His wreak is tainting this mission. As he thought about him, Rhyers’ eyes searched for him on the opposite side of the room. Where Sam usually works.

He’s not there. Rhyers’ alert gaze scanned the crowd but could not find him.

Rhyers stepped outside and followed the stink to the back of the house. Seeing a dark silhouette knelt between two Nonis. Rhyers willed it not to be him but as he drew close, he saw Sam whispering to them.

“He knows there’s a spy here. He knows someone has been reporting on him. He’ll be searching for your tracks again soon, Master.”

He’s talking to Radix through them. Disappointment washed over Rhyers. He’d suspected it, but it made it no less painful to be sure. And how could I ever tell Ebony the truth?

He’s full evil and his soul will continue to darken.

“So what have we found?” Sam approached.

“Nothing so far.”

Sam gave him a long look and frowned but said nothing more.

He knows I’m lying.

In my defense, I’ve never had to lie to him before.

Soon they were back in Marshall Manse.


Ebony greeted them but neither man said much to her.

He knows I don’t trust him any longer.

The next morning, she crept into Rhyers chamber. Stepping quietly to his bed. Her skirt pinched in her fingers to keep it from dragging as she got close enough to lower to be level with his face.

Bold and foolish. She needs taught a lesson.

She leaned close enough he felt the warmth of her breath on his face.

His hand shot out to cup the back of her neck and he yanked her forward to smash her mouth against his in a rough, closed-mouth, kiss.

She squealed objection and flailed.

No more able to fight me off then a butterfly to ward off a hawk.

She should’ve known better then to walk in here like that. He let her go and she fell backward onto her bottom. He twisted off the bed, shirtless and stood over her. Looking regal, barefoot and half naked, as he glowered down at her.

“What was that for?” She yelped.

To dissuade you from further carelessness with men rougher than me.

“What do you expect when creeping into a man’s chambers?”

“Not that!”

Then what?

“More?” He lifted a dark brow.

“Not in the least!”

“Then I suggest you might think it out a bit more before acting on your impulsiveness.”


Not my real name.

“Christophe is actually my name, you do know that?”

“You’re in a foul mood!”

I’m aware.

“I wake to a woman intruding in my chamber when its barely daylight.”

“The devil you did!” She climbed to her feet and dusted her dress off. “You were awake or you’d not have reacted so fast.”

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