Finding Lilibeth

Chapter 28

Today was the day Lilibeth got her cast off and she couldn't wait. Then Dj and Zac had promised to teach her to ride her bike when they got home. She already started riding her skateboard and was goofy footed whatever that meant she didn't know but she had fun on the skateboard.

Zac had introduced Dj, Gramps and Lilibeth to his boyfriend who was a regular visitor at the house. Lilibeth liked him as he always brought her a kiwi fruit which she found she loved. People may have thought it weird but that was her favourite food ever. She would eat kiwi fruit even over Miss Emma's butterfly cakes.

Lilibeth had taken to sleeping in Gramps bed due to her nightmares. She always started in her bed but during the night would run into Gramps bed and bury her face into his chest falling back to sleep. Gramps didn't mind at all, in fact he would always wait up until she came into his room as after the first night, Lilibeth would end up in his room curled up on the floor next to the bed as not to wake Gramps up. He didn't want her sleeping on the floor at all and loved having her in his arms.

Dj was back at uni but still made time for a Lilibeth every day. He would play games with her or just read her a bed time story. He wanted to make sure Lilibeth knew she was special and loved considering she was never made to feel that.

Darren hadn't bothered to reach out to any of his children nor his father in law. He just got on with his life like he had before. Zac was hurt by this but Dj hadn't expected anything less from his father. Unless he wanted something he wasn't involved in your life. He was sad that his brother had to find out this way but was there for Zac and reminded Zac he was loved. And Lilibeth didn't really care, she didn't have a relationship with Darren anyway, not now and not in her entire life.

Lilibeth was excited this morning. She wasn't going to school today. She had made several friends at school and would miss them today but she was happy to get her cast off. She just wanted to be able to use both arms again. "Gramps quick get up. Today I get my arm back" Lilibeth said while jumping on his bed. "My little Beth it's 6am in the morning, you have four hours to wait. Go back to sleep" Gramps stated. "But Gramps, I get my arm back today. Are you happy for me?" Lilibeth asked. "I would be happier with more sleep" Gramps complained. Lilibeth pouted, she was excited and wanted someone to be excited with her.

Lilibeth didn't know it but she had them all wrapped around her little finger. When Gramps peaked at the girl who had gone quiet, he noticed her pout. "How about you go tell Zac all about you getting your arm back, I'm sure he will be so excited for you" Gramps stated. Gramps was actually using Lilibeth to punish Zac for not being home by his curfew. He knew it was evil but Zac shouldn't break the rules.

Lilibeth jumped off the bed and ran towards Zac's room, she had really come out of her shell with the right home. Lilibeth threw open Zac's door causing him to wake startled. "Zac, Gramps sent me to tell you I get my arm back today" Lilibeth chirped out earning a groan from Zac. He knew this was his punishment for getting in late last night. "Zac, did you hear me?" Lilibeth asked while jumping on the bed. Zac groaned, "I heard Lilibeth, it's to early for this" Zac stated. "No it's not, I'm excited Zac and you promised to teach me to ride my bike" Lilibeth rushed out.

Zac was finally out of bed and glaring daggers at his gramps who was in the kitchen drinking a coffee. "Oh Zac my boy, up so early? Didn't you get home at 2am this morning?" Gramps stated winking at Dj who was trying to hold his laugh in. "I don't start school till 11 today, I have two free periods and was hoping to sleep in" Zac said. "Oh my bad, my little Beth was just so excited she wanted to share her news with you" Gramps smuggly stated. "Karma" Dj mumbled earning a glare from Zac.

Lilibeth didn't realise what was happening she was just happy eating her cereal and counting down the minutes till her cast came off. Miss Emma walked into the kitchen seeing everyone already eating breakfast and smiled. "Early to rise today?" Miss Emma questioned. "I'm getting my arm back today" Lilibeth chirped out. "Oh how exciting for you" Miss Emma said earning a nod from Lilibeth. "Mmmhhmmm then Zac and Dj are going to teach me to ride my bike" Lilibeth added.

Lilibeth and Gramps were next to be seen to have her cast remove. Lilibeth was very excited about it. When it was her turn she jumped up immediately earning a chuckle from Gramps. "Someone is keen" the nurse said to Lilibeth as they walked into the treatment room. "What are we doing today?" The doctor asked and before Gramps could answer Lilibeth jumped in "taking my cast off" she squealed out earning a chuckle from the doctor. "Right let me get the tools and then you can be on your way" the doctor stated.

Once the cast was off, Lilibeth was moving her arm a lot. It felt funny but also a lot lighter. The doctor explained it would be weak for a little while due to the fact it hadn't been used. Gramps and Lilibeth thanked the doctor before heading to the car. Just as they went to drive off Gramps got a phone call.

"Gramps, can you come get me and Lex?" Leo asked his grandfather. "What's happened?" Gramps asked immediately hearing the panic in Leo's voice. "We are at the police station. They haven't been able to get a hold of dad. They are going to transfer us to holding cells for court if no one picks us up. Please Gramps?" Leo asked almost sobbing. "I'm on my way" Gramps said before heading towards the police station.

At the police station Gramps directed Lilibeth to sit in the seats and not move. He headed to the desk and asked for the in charge. "I am Julian O'Sullivan. You are holding my grandchildren Leo and Lex. I want them realise into my custody" Gramps stated. "Leo and Lex were found intoxicated in a public place. We made a call to there father however we have not been able to contact him" The Sargent replied. "I will take responsibility for them" Gramps stated with authority leaving no room for argument. "Right away sir. Sign these papers and I'll bring them out" The Sargent said before going to get the boys.

Leo and Lex walked out with there heads down. "Thanks Gramps" Leo mumbled. "You two, best behaviour or you will be heading back into a cell" Gramps stated before heading over to Lilibeth.

"Right let's head home" Gramps said taking Lilibeth's hand in his for support. Lex glared at Lilibeth making her shrink into herself. "I said best behaviour Lex don't make me send you back to that cell" Gramps said before walking towards his car.

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