Captured: Highgate Preparatory Academy, Book 1

Captured: Chapter 42

It’s Christmas Eve, and for dinner we have Christmas themed pizza, which apparently is the one and only Christmas tradition of Loki’s. He makes snowmen shaped pizza bases, topped with turkey mince, cranberry and mozzarella, and they’re seriously good, even if the snowmen are more snow blobs.

Loki, the girls, and I are sitting in the living room, a cheerful fire burning in the fireplace, as we digest our meal, staring at the Christmas tree all lit up.

Loki and I went out and bought it today, and it was like all those American Christmas movies I watched as a kid, with a forest of trees to choose from in a parking lot. We spent ages there, with me insisting that we get the perfect tree and Loki humouring me until he got bored, and dragged me into the back of the lot for a quickie. The thought of being caught at any moment had me coming so hard and fast, Loki had to cover my mouth with his hand to keep everyone from hearing my cries. That only made me come harder, as he fucking knew it would.

We finally found the best and biggest tree there, Loki strapping it to the roof of his Lambo. I know…rich brat, remember? We spent the whole day with the girls decorating it. It looks a little like Santa went on a bender, and then threw up on it, but Heather and Julie are so happy, I don’t have the heart to change a thing.

“Let’s play guess the Disney song!” Heather suddenly cries, clapping her hands. Julie readily agrees, and they both pounce on a groaning Loki.

“Fine! Fine!” he laughs, shoving them off.

He turns to me, giving a helpless shrug as he gets up to leave the room. He comes back, holding his guitar and grinning at me.

“You ready?” he asks us, sitting down, guitar across his lap, and looking all too delicious in a tight t-shirt and jeans.

“Yes!” the girls and I shout with a laugh.

He starts strumming, and as soon as he begins singing, I can’t help laughing.

“Part of Your World! The Little Mermaid,” Heather shrieks, as Loki keeps singing, and giggles tumble from my mouth as the girls start singing along and leaping around.

Damn! Even singing songs sung originally by Disney Princesses, he’s still hot as fuck holding a guitar and strumming with those magical fingers of his. My thighs clench at the thought of what else his fingers can do.

He looks up as he begins the next song, catching my eye and giving me a devastating grin. My breath catches in my throat and tingles spread over my body.

“I See the Light,” I whisper, my heart swelling as he serenades me, staring deeply into my eyes. “Tangled.”

I drown in his emerald gaze, his husky voice caressing every inch of me. I swear, I hear the girls giggle, and then sigh dramatically, like we’re actually in a fucking Disney movie of our own. But I don’t care, I’m embracing all the warm and fuzzies that he gives me.

The tempo changes to a jazzy tune.

“Everybody Wants to Be a Cat!” Julie hollers at the top of her voice, both girls jumping up and grabbing my hands, pulling me with them. We dance until I’m breathless with laughter, as we shimmy and sway our hips to the tune. I look over to see Loki grinning so widely as he gazes at us, he looks like he may just burst, and my heart melts.


I spend the rest of the evening playing Disney songs, while Lilly and the girls guess what they are, then I switch to random pop songs while they dance. The pure joy on my sisters’ faces makes my chest so tight, it’s hard to take a deep breath.

My parents are absent fuckers, who give no shits about their children, other than what they can use us for. The girls have struggled over the past couple of Christmases, not understanding why Mom and Dad don’t want to spend the holidays with us. I try my best, but shit, I’m not their parent, although, most days it feels like I do a better fucking job.

My gaze moves over to the girl who brings light and laughter wherever she treads, and I give thanks to whatever gods have finally smiled down on me that I found her. I know it sounds corny as fuck, but she really is like the first flush of spring, after an endlessly dark cold winter. And I, for one, will drink every drop of sunshine she offers me and bathe in her glow for however long I have left on this godforsaken earth.

The girls start rubbing their eyes and yawning widely, no longer dancing, and I share a look with Lilly.

“Time for bed, sleepyheads,” I tell them gently, putting my guitar to one side as I get up. “Otherwise, Santa won’t come tonight…” I caution them, interrupting their protests before they can even utter them.

I take them upstairs, Lilly following behind, then we help them get ready for bed. Once they’re tucked in, Lilly steps forward with a book in her hand.

“Would you like me to read you The Night Before Christmas? My mum used to read it to me when I was a little girl every Christmas Eve,” she offers, and they nod their heads enthusiastically.

I stand back, leaning against the doorframe, watching her read the story, and I think my heart might explode with how full it feels. My hands itch to grab her and kiss her, merging our fucking souls together, then I want to worship her body with my own until dawn. My dick twitches with that thought as she finishes up with the poem. She leans down and kisses their sleepy heads, my heart thumping hard in my chest again at the sight.

I grab her hand as she goes to walk past me, tugging her out of the room and shutting the door, then pushing her up against it. Slamming my mouth onto hers, I quiet any protests she might have made. God, I’m addicted to her sweet taste, the way she opens up for me, and caresses my tongue with her own.

She lets out a breathy moan when I grind my hardening cock into her pelvis.

“Loki…” she mumbles, gasping and arching her back as I nibble her neck. “Stockings,” she rasps out, planting her hands on my chest, probably in a bid to push me away.

I curse, resting my forehead on her shoulder, trying to calm my breathing down and rein in my dick, remembering that we need to put the stockings out tonight.

“You go and put them out, and I’ll meet you in your room,” she tells me, her voice husky, which makes me all kinds of happy, knowing that I affect her as much as she does me.

I practically sprint down the stairs, to the coat closet, and grab the huge red stockings out from the back that we hid behind a whole load of ski stuff. I set them down either side of the fireplace, drinking some of the milk, and taking a bite of the cookie that they left out for Santa.

I rush back upstairs, and opening my bedroom door, I can hear Play with Me by Rendezvous at Two as I take a step inside. When I catch sight of Lilly on the bed, all of the breath rushes out of me, my jaw drops, and my dick instantly stands to full attention, like a dog desperate for a treat.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” I whisper, stepping further into the room and shutting the door quietly behind me with trembling hands.

She’s wrapped like my very own present, wearing a red silk bow that just about manages to cover her sweet pussy and rosy nipples. Her beautiful hair tumbles around her shoulders, and an image of my hand tangled in it whilst I pound into her tight cunt flashes through my mind.

“Merry Christmas, Loki,” she whispers, licking her lips.

I’m across the room in two strides, looking down at her reclined on my bed, ready to be devoured. Fucking genius idea!

Kneeling on the bed, I gently push her down, until she’s lying flat on her back, legs open. Lying down on my stomach, my face hovering over that delicious mound, I look up at her body to find her gazing back at me, chest heaving. I give her my best panty melting smile, then lower my face and gaze down, moving the ribbon aside to bare her to me.

Fuck! She’s already dripping, pussy lips glistening. My tongue flicks out, tasting her from opening to clit, and her back arches with a beautiful moan coming from her lips. God, she tastes fucking incredible!

I keep up my slow pace, leisurely licking her like a cat with a bowl of cream. Looking up, I can see her eyes are closed, an almost pained look on her face as the pleasure my tongue gives her sweeps across her body. She looks so damn beautiful like this.

“Loki…” she growls. Clearly, she’s had enough of me taking it slow. Our girl does like it rough.

“Mmhmm,” I mumble, smirking as I keep licking. I know what she wants, but I love it when she begs. Blame the asshole in me.

“More, Loki,” she begs. “I need more. Please.”

“As you asked so nicely,” I tease, and then without warning, I push two fingers deep inside her, and she cries out, back arching off the bed, and her hands gripping the sheets. A flood of wetness coats my fingers and I growl in approval.

I keep up my tongue movements, flicking her clit over and over, as my fingers thrust and move inside her. I add a third finger, and the noise she makes is fucking music to my ears. I start to finger fuck her in earnest, loving the wet sounds it makes with the backdrop of her gasps like the best symphony.

“Loki…I’m gonna come…” she gasps out, and I push a fourth finger in at the same time as sucking her clit, grazing it with my teeth.

She screams as her release pours over my tongue, and I drink every fucking drop of her sweet nectar. My dick is straining against my pants, desperate to bury himself in her slick folds.

I push up to my knees, admiring her flushed skin as I strip my t-shirt off, and unbuckle my pants, taking out a condom from my pocket, then pushing them down my hips, and taking them off fully.

I open the foil packet, rolling the rubber on, then grab her gorgeous legs, kissing her ankles. I place them on my shoulders so that when I lie on top of her, they are up between us and she’s folded in half.

Keeping hold of her beautiful hazel gaze, I seat myself to the hilt in one thrust, groaning loudly as I feel her inner walls encase me. I have to close my eyes for a moment and breathe deeply, I swear I could come like a randy teenager as soon as I enter her. This angle is so deep, I know that I’m not gonna last long, especially if her pussy keeps fluttering like that around my cock.

I start to pound harder, going even deeper as I chase my orgasm. Sweat drips down my brow when I pick up speed even more, Lilly writhing and cursing underneath me, her nails raking down my arms. My balls start to draw up and tighten, that familiar burn beginning at the base of my spine.

“You’re gonna come for me again now, Pretty Girl,” I order her gruffly, going up on one arm so that my other can snake between us. My fingers find her clit, and she cries out as I start to rub and pinch it.

“Shit! Loki!” she shrieks, her pussy clamping down on my dick like a vise, as she climaxes for a second time, drawing my own thundering orgasm from me.

Groaning, I collapse on top of her, my heart clamouring in my chest. Our sweaty bodies are pressed so closely, that I can feel her own heartbeat reverberating through me until it matches the pace of mine. Her hands come up to stroke my hair, and I swear I purr like a fucking cat at the touch.

It’s such a soothing gesture that I find my eyelids growing heavy, and they begin to close as I drift off into a blissful sleep, still buried inside her.


I wake up with a start, rubbing my eyes, and realise that I’m all alone in Loki’s bed.

Sitting up and looking towards the door, which is slightly ajar, I can see a faint light coming from beyond it. There are the sounds of what I think are the gentle strains of an acoustic guitar, so I decide to get up and go investigate.

Pulling on my long black silk robe, I make my way towards the door, the music getting louder and I recognise the song as Lovely, the acoustic cover version by Thomas Daniel. Walking down the stairs, pausing to look through the spindles, I can just make out Loki sitting on one of the sofas in the living room, playing.

I sit down on the top step and just watch him, mesmerized. His voice is rough and smooth like cigar smoke, and goosebumps erupt on my skin at the sound. The song is so sad, tears sting my eyes, a lump forming in my throat as I listen to him sing. I can’t help feeling he’s singing about desperately wanting to escape from his obligations to their company, from his parents. He sings with such emotion, such feeling that the tears spill over, tracking down my cheeks.

When it’s finished, he looks up at me and without missing a beat, tilts his head to indicate that I should come down and join him. He begins playing another song, waiting until I’m standing in front of him before starting to sing, a gentle smile on his face, his eyes locked onto mine. As the opening verse begins, I recognise it as Perfect by Ed Sheeran, but the Matt Johnson acoustic version.

I just melt and explode all at once.

He holds my gaze as he sings, and I can barely breathe. It’s so romantic it’s ridiculous. As with many things Loki does, it should be corny as fuck, but somehow he manages to pull it off. I mean it helps that he’s only wearing grey sweatpants, his glorious tattooed chest and arms on full display.

The song ends, and his hands rest on the strings. He’s staring up at me, his beautiful emerald eyes full of laughter but also love. Despite what Loki has been through, he wears his heart on his sleeve, and he’s never hidden his feelings for me.

“I love you, Loki,” I whisper. “So much.”

His smile turns beatific, and I swear I hear angels fucking weep at the sight.

“I love you, Lilly. So much,” he whispers back as he sets his guitar aside and stands up.

I have to look up at him, I love that all the guys are taller than me. There’s something that makes me feel so safe when I’m with them, like they can protect me from the world. My inner feminist cringes at that, but she can shut the fuck up.

He captures my face in his hands, leaning in and placing his lips on mine.

The kiss starts softly at first, tentatively, as we explore each other’s mouths as if for the first time. Our tongues caress, our embrace deepening until every inch of space is eliminated between us. I can feel his hot body through the thin silk of my robe, burning where it makes contact with my skin until it’s like I’m on fire.

Our soul altering kiss ends, leaving us both panting, foreheads pressed together.

“Never leave me, Lilly,” Loki begs in a rasping tone, his hands still cupping my face. “Promise me you’ll never leave.”

He sounds so desperate, like everyone who has come before now has abandoned him without a second glance. A pang of guilt flashes through me remembering that I ran, leaving him and the others, even if only for a short time.

His fingers tangle in my hair, pulling my head back and forcing me to look into his verdigris eyes, which are churning like a storm.

“I promise. I’ll never leave you, Loki,” I reply fiercely.

My hands reach up and slip into his flaming hair, in a grip that matches his. “Swear to me you won’t either.”

“I swear, Lilly. I’ll never leave you. Your soul is mine, and you’ll never be free of me,” he promises vehemently.

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