Captured: Highgate Preparatory Academy, Book 1

Captured: Chapter 41

I emerge from our Calculus exam, blurry-eyed yet full of relief and excitement. Autumn term, or as the guys say, fall semester, is finally over! Calculus was our last exam, on the final day, and as I look around at Loki, Jax, and Ash, I see similar expressions on their faces. Kai should have finished his much harder college level exam around about now too.

“Fuck yeah!” Loki suddenly shouts, jumping up and pulling Jax into a headlock, ruffling his hair and making his man bun even messier. He lets go and darts to my side before Jax can react, laughing, and slinging an arm across my shoulders.

“Fucker,” Jax rumbles with a smile, untying and retying his bun.

“You ready to go, Pretty Girl?” Loki asks me, pulling me closer and placing a kiss on my cheek.

We’d packed our bags last night, loading them into his car first thing this morning, so that we could be ready to leave straight away.

“Yep,” I say.

A pang of sadness runs through me at the thought of being separated from the rest of the guys over the break, as Kai joins us from his exam, and we head to the student lot.

Loads of other students are heading to the lot too, and I can hear excited whoops and chatter all around me. They give us a wide berth, not getting too close to our group. I’ve noticed that more than once about the guys. The other students look in awe of them, not daring to approach, as if they, we, are royalty.

We walk towards the entrance, the boys have spaces right next to the road that comes in and out, and I hesitate next to the cars. Turning around in Loki’s grip, I notice that the mood has turned somber. Jax’s brows are furrowed, Kai looks a little nervous, and Ash has a scowl marring his beautiful face. Even Loki is unusually silent next to me.

I step out from under his arm, going up to Jax, and use my thumb to smooth out his frown.

“Hey, big guy, I’ll see you in a couple of weeks, okay?” I ask softly, trying to capture his gaze. He nods, then wraps a big hand around my throat, pulling my mouth to his, devouring my lips in a blistering kiss that leaves me panting and needy.

He pulls away, a small tilt lifting one side of his mouth, in an almost grin. Cocky bastard.

He steps back, releasing me. I turn to Kai next, who gives me a sweet smile, and opens his arms for me to step into. I’m surrounded by his fresh woodsy scent as he hugs me tightly and breathes me in, kissing the top of my head, my hands fisted into the front of his shirt. I look up, offering him my lips which he takes in one of his melting kisses. It’s so different from the possession of Jax’s, but it’s no less devastating to my heart. It’s full of calmness, an acceptance, yet also a desperate need, a wish, and I kiss him back just as achingly. I hate that he’s going back to his uncle, that he’ll be all alone there, after everything that he suffered at his uncle’s hands.

I know it won’t be long, we all agreed to meet up on Boxing Day, December twenty-sixth. And if Jax is up for it, we will fly out to spend the rest of the break with him. But the days ahead of us until we meet up again are going to feel like a lifetime apart.

Tears spring to my eyes as he ends the kiss and drops his arms, giving me a sad smile.

I take a steadying breath and face Ash, knowing that in a way, this will be the hardest goodbye. I feel like I’m signing his death warrant, sending him back to his abhorrent father. Especially after the story of Luc’s death. He’s been reserved since that day, but surprisingly he hasn’t withdrawn like he did after I told them about finding Mum. I can see him shutting down now though, his grey eyes going hard and unyielding, like he’s preparing himself for the ordeal ahead. I reach up, stroking the side of his face tenderly. A tear slips out of my eye, trailing down my cheek unbidden. His gaze softens, and he catches it on the tip of his finger, bringing it up to his mouth.

“Rubber duck?” he asks with a slight smile, bringing a watery one to my own lips.

“Any time, day or night,” I vow in a whisper, stepping closer.

His hands come up into my hair, pulling me so close, there’s not an inch of space between our bodies. The rest of the students, the sounds of cars, all fade away as we stare at each other, before he lowers his lips down to mine. I gladly open for him, his tongue teasing my own and tasting me until I’m not sure whose air is whose anymore. It’s a kiss to merge two souls until they become one entity, emerging stronger than before.

A small sob leaves me as he breaks away, steel eyes still locked onto my own.

“I love you, Ash,” I breathe. A fierce look takes over his face, his grip tightening in my hair.

He holds me for a moment, staring into my eyes, like he would set fire to the world in my name.

“Come on, Pretty Girl,” Loki whines, breaking the tension between us. “Let’s hit the road like a donkey cock,” he jokes, ruining the moment entirely, and Ash reluctantly lets go of my hair, allowing me to turn around.

I roll my eyes as I walk towards Loki’s car, taking one last look behind me, before stepping into the passenger side. My breath catches at the sight of the three beautiful, broken boys I’m leaving behind.

A tremble of premonition passes over me, and I have to shake off the feeling that things are changing, and won’t be the same after the break.

Don’t be a twat, Lilly!

My phone pings as we drive off, and I look down to see a message flashing on the screen.

Ash: I love you too, Lilly Darling x

Loki and I spend the first week chilling out watching movies, swimming, and hanging out with his sisters. Loki seems to have a burning desire to have sex in every room in the house. He tells me it’s his goal for the rest of the year, so we end up in all sorts of positions all over the mansion.

We don’t see Clarissa much, apparently, she takes most of the holidays off, but whenever she is around, Loki clams up, and I’ve never seen him quite so…scathingly cold towards someone before.

There’s a story there that I’m determined to uncover one day, but I don’t want to ruin our little bubble of happiness so I keep quiet for now. Clarissa gives me the creeps, she looks at me with such loathing, like Loki is somehow hers, and I’m the other woman. Ewww!

We spend one evening talking about Christmas traditions. It’s mostly me talking, as it turns out Loki’s parents are often away over the holidays, and so Loki doesn’t really have many things that he does every year. I tell him about always making a Christmas cake with my mum, and about the time when I was ten, that I misread the instructions and put in one pound of salt instead of a pinch.

When I ask what he does for Christmas lunch, he replies that his parents get it sent in by some fancy restaurant. I’m determined to make him and his sisters a homemade English roast this year, and I make a list of all of the things I need, ordering it online to be delivered a few days before the twenty-fifth. I tell Loki to let his parents know that lunch is taken care of this year.

The next day waking up, I realise that I’m alone in Loki’s bed. I look over to the clock and notice that it’s mid-morning. Loki kept me up way too late last night, insatiable bastard. I grin to myself, stretching and feeling every delicious ache. Getting out of bed and grabbing one of Loki’s band t-shirts from the floor, I head to the bathroom to take care of business.

I emerge with still no sign of Loki, so I decide to go downstairs and grab something to eat. Approaching the kitchen, I hear White Winter Hymnal by Pentatonix playing, which makes me smile, knowing that he’s put it on for me as it’s one of my favourites.

Walking into the room, I stop when I see Loki leaning against the counter, with his panty melting grin firmly in place. He’s wearing an apron that reads ‘Redheads, setting your world alight’, and I would laugh because it’s just so Loki, except that it looks like that’s all he’s got on. He confirms my theory when he stands up and slowly turns around, flashing his peachy arse.

“Loki!” I admonish him with a laugh. “What will your sisters say?”

“They’re at a friend’s for the day, Pretty Girl,” he purrs, sauntering towards me, and I swallow at the heat in his eyes. “It’s just you and me today.”

When he reaches me, he grabs me around my waist and pulls me close, growling with approval when he realises that I’m only wearing his t-shirt and silk knickers.

“That will have to wait,” he muses, his hand caressing my arse, sending tingles racing over me.

“Wait?” I question, brows lowered in confusion. Loki never waits to get in between my thighs.

He takes a step back, indicating the worktop, which is covered in packets, and a very expensive looking mixer.

“We’ve got a Christmas cake to make, baby,” he grins.

I throw myself at him with a squeal, wrapping my arms and legs around him, his hands gripping my arse, as I pepper his face with kisses.

“I fucking love you, Loki Thorn,” I enthuse, a deep chuckle vibrating over my body, as he walks us across the floor.

“I fucking love you back, Lilly Darling,” he tells me, his voice full of warmth, as he deposits me on the counter to stand in between my spread legs.

I can feel him growing hard, pressing against my core, heat flashing through me at the contact.

“Fuck waiting. You drive me fucking wild, Lilly,” he growls, bringing his hands against my bare skin, lifting my t-shirt up and off me. Then his warm mouth closes over my nipple, my back arching as he sucks, offering him more, which he takes greedily as my hands grip his fiery red hair.

He lets go of the now sensitive bud, blowing on it, and the cool air hardens it to a point. Taking his time, he kisses his way over to my other breast, capturing that nipple in his mouth, and sucking.

“Loki…” I whimper, pulling his hair tighter. He chuckles at the action, the vibrations tickling over me.

“Yes, Lilly, my love?” he asks, and I can hear the self-satisfied smirk in his tone.

“Fuck me now, Loki,” I order him, desperate to feel him move inside me and fill me up until I’m a mindless mess.

“What’s the magic word?” he teases, grinning as he pulls away from me, one perfect auburn brow raised.

“Please,” I growl. Fucking dickhead.

“Good girl,” he says approvingly. He takes a small foil packet out of his apron pocket, moves the garment aside, as he tears the packet with his teeth and rolls the condom on. Then he unties the apron and lifts it off, dropping it to the floor.

My breath comes sharply at the sight of him naked and erect. It never gets old, never ceases to amaze me, that this beautiful man is mine, and I can have him whenever I want.

He steps back into me, his cock brushing up against the inside of my thigh, and I shudder with anticipation. Using his fingers he moves the crotch of my silk knickers aside, rumbling out an appreciative growl at how wet he finds me.

“Look at you so slick and ready for me,” he hums out, lining up his pierced tip with my slick opening.

I let out a low moan when he starts to push forward, soon filling me completely. His hands gently push me down, until my back hits the cold marble countertop, my breath hissing out as my fevered skin makes contact with the frigid stone.

He drives into me, a bruising grip on my hips holding me in place as he thrusts his hips hard and fast. It’s like he can’t get enough of me. A feeling that I return wholeheartedly.

My arms come up overhead, trying and failing to find some purchase as he keeps up his relentless pace until I’m screaming my climax, my pussy quivering and fluttering around his hard cock. He doesn’t slow down, if anything my orgasm spurs him on more, and I can see the sweat dripping down his chiseled abs as he works.

“Touch yourself, Lilly,” he orders, voice strained as he keeps relentlessly pounding into me.

My hand snakes down my body, and he falters slightly as his eyes track the movement. I start to rub circles around the bundle of nerves, sending zings of pleasure skittering all over my skin. His pace picks up even more, encouraging me to go faster, and I can feel another orgasm building.

“Loki, I’m so close,” I gasp out in a moan. “Come with me, Loki,” I beg, feeling the sparks of another release begin.

“Fuck!” he growls, then suddenly pulls out, whipping the condom off and shooting hot ropes of spunk all over my stomach and breasts. His withdrawal triggers my second mind shattering orgasm, as I scream his name, clawing at the countertop.

I lie there, my whole body liquid, panting, and my heart racing. I watch Loki as he walks over to the sink, switches on the tap, and gets out a clean cloth from underneath. He comes back to me and cleans me up, sighing as he wipes his seed off of my abdomen.

“You look so pretty covered in my cum,” he admires as he wipes it all off. He helps me off the counter, kissing me breathless. “Right, now let’s go shower, and we can get baking!” he orders, swatting my arse as I turn my back on him.

Arsehole, I chuckle as we head up the stairs.

We spend the rest of the day making the Christmas cake. Loki even got me an apron to match his, only mine says, “My favourite boyfriend is a redhead.” The others are gonna go ape shit when they see it, which is probably why he got it for me. Bastard.

We leave the cake to cool, we’ll ice it in a few days after we’ve fed it copious amounts of alcohol. Usually, you do this over a number of weeks, but I’m sure this way it’ll taste just as good.

The next day, I tell Loki I really must go into town, as I’ve not bought a single gift yet, and Christmas is only a week away. I know we won’t be seeing the others for a little while, as long as Jax is up for it, and I know they all have everything they could ever want, but I want to get them each a gift anyway.

We take Loki’s red Lamborghini and head into Brompton Lakes. It’s another stunning day, although the temperature has dropped quite a bit now. We’ve had a few bouts of snow over the past week, but nothing that has settled too much, although apparently, the mountains are more covered, and ski season is upon us.

We pull up and park in town, and I can’t help feeling a little nervous. I have literally no idea what to get any of them. I mean, they’re rich entitled brats that have pretty much everything they want stuff wise. What do you get boys who have everything?

I’ve made them a playlist on Spotify that has all of our songs on it. The songs that we’ve danced to, played to, made love to. I was going to add them to it so that they can listen to it whenever they like. But I want to get them something else, I just don’t know what.

We get out, and I convince Loki to split up so that I can wander around, hoping that something genius comes to me as I gaze in shop windows. My uncle gives me a generous allowance, so I don’t need to worry too much about the cost.

I pass by a combat sports shop when like a lightning bolt, inspiration strikes.

Fucking perfect!

I emerge thirty minutes later, with four huge bags, containing four black gift boxes. Luckily, Loki sees me struggling up the street, and races to take them off me.

“What’s in the bags?” he asks curiously, starting to bring them up to his face.

“Good things come to those who wait, Loki,” I tease, lightly smacking his chest to discourage his investigation.

“But I hate waiting,” he whines like a small child, pouting, and I can’t help but laugh at him.

“Oh, poor baby,” I coo, pinching his cheek. “Don’t worry, I have something extra for you for Christmas Eve.” I wink, and he perks up as we walk back to his car.

We’re a few cars away when I spot Ash walking towards us, a scowl on his beautiful face. I smile wide and take a step to run up to him, when I stop, noticing the two people walking behind him. One of them I recognise instantly, and my smile freezes as he meets my eyes, a feline grin tugging his lips up.

“Ah, Lilly Darling, what an unexpected pleasure,” he purrs in his dark voice, so much like Ash’s, and yet totally different. His is like the cold whisper of a crypt, there’s no warmth or life in it.

Ash’s head snaps up, something like panic rushing across his face before he schools it again into a blank expression. I hear the rustle of bags next to me, then feel Loki’s warm hand firmly grip mine, tugging me closer to him.

“Julian,” he says, his voice almost a growl.

“Loki,” Julian nods, keeping his steel grey eyes locked on mine. I shudder at the attention, and I can’t help but feel like I’ve caught the gaze of a predator.

What a fucking creep.

We stand there, the silence just this side of awkward.

“You must be Ash’s mum,” I suddenly blurt, shifting my gaze to the dark haired woman next to Julian. She’s stunning, tall with raven hair, the colour of Ash’s. “Pleased to meet you…” I trail off as she turns to look at me. Her blue eyes are dull, vacant, and lifeless, like she’s somewhere else entirely.

“This is my wife, Samantha,” Julian’s dulcet tones interject, before Ash’s mum, Samantha, can say a word.

I risk a glance at Ash, his brow is even more pinched, and he won’t look at me at all.

“Well, we best get back,” Loki tells them, tugging my hand and stepping past their group.

“I’ll see you soon, Ash,” I murmur gently as I pass him. I wish I could just kiss him, or grab his hand, anything to take that blank look away.

He looks up, and his eyes soften minutely as he gives a quick nod.

My gut churns as we start to walk away.

“Don’t be a stranger, Lilly,” I hear Julian call out after us, and I can’t repress the shiver that cascades through me, leaving me cold in its wake.

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