Captive [MXM]

Chapter Jakob Evanston

After three days I began to suspect that I had really gotten to Warren. I mean- I knew he was leaving me alone after he hadn't contacted me in two hours. I also knew he was pretty extreme when it came to me but I never realized how much freedom I had been missing until now. I had even gone to a bar and flirted with a guy to test the reins.

Not a single word from Warren.

I concluded from this that, one, he was giving me space, and two, he either wasn't keeping an eye on me or he was trying to give me freedom.

I hoped it was the latter because I didn't know how long this was going to last and I was going to make the most of it.

Fast forward four more days and I was at the grocery store feeling lighter and freer than ever. My mind must have been elsewhere because I didn't notice that someone was right in front of me.

I collided with them and dropped my basket in surprise- a few of my items fell out.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I gasped and looked up at the man. He seemed somewhat familiar but I couldn't place it.

"Ah, it's alright. I probably shouldn't have been standing in the way anyways," he laughed and leaned down to pick up the butter that had fallen from my basket, "here let me help you."

We put my things back it and he handed it back to me, "here you go, Paige."

I blinked in alarm, "I- I'm sorry do I know you?"

"Oh, I apologize, we've met before once- at the diner?" He smiled and I still didn't know what he was talking about, "...with your boyfriend?"

I turned pink when I realized that this was the guy who had hit on me in front of Warren. Had I told him my name? I didn't remember, maybe Warren had.

"Uh, he's not- we're not-"

"Together anymore? Really?" He sounded shocked, I squirmed in embarrassment.

"I think we're taking a break. Hopefully a permanent one," I shrugged.

"Then would this be a good time to ask you to have lunch with me tomorrow?" Wow he really went for it. Why was I not surprised? But then again... Warren wasn't watching. He was giving me space. Maybe it was time to move on.

"Um- I-" I faltered, just fucking say yes to him you idiot, "I don't even know your name!"

"Oh, yes, I forget myself," he smiled and stuck out his hand to me, "I'm Jakob Evanston, pleased to meet you."

"Ah, Paige Merriweather," I blinked. He his was soft but warm.

"Here's my card. Give me a ring when you decide," he waved and grinned at me as he walked. Away.

Jakob Evanston... maybe he would be my new beginning.

I stared at the card in my hand. He was a business man- an important one, as to be expected. COO of Bluestone Enterprises. I hoped that he wasn't also in the same business as Warren. However, I knew that Warren dealt with powerful people who weren't so maybe he was one of them.

I think I would do it. What was the worst that could happen?

I pressed the call button.

"Evanston speaking, who is this?" His voice was cold and business-like; nothing compared to the warm tone in the store.

"Um, this- it's Paige?" I muttered awkwardly.

"Paige," he returned with an immediate shift in tone, "have you decided on my offer?"

"I think I want to try this out," I blushed profusely. Why was I such an idiot? "Uh, only if you still want to."

"Of course I do," he sounded excited, "where should I pick you up?"

In my embarrassment and urge to end the call as quickly as possible I just gave him my address since it was the first thing I thought of.

"Great, be ready by eleven tomorrow- and dress casual," Jakob chimed.

"Okay, see you then," I returned and pressed the end call button as fast as possible.

The next day, I stood waiting in front of my shabby apartment building waiting for Jakob to come pick me up. I knew it was him the moment I saw him since the car he was driving was way too nice for this neighborhood.

He waved at me and leaned over to open the door.

"Good morning, Paige," he smiled as I hopped in.

"Good morning, Jakob. Where are we going?" I asked and rolled my lower lip between my teeth.

"A nice little restaurant that I've been going to for years- I think you'll like it, they have all sorts of food," he shrugged and I nodded a little bit.

Twenty minutes later we were parking after the most awkward car ride I'd ever been in. This was going to be much harder than I thought.

Jakob came around to my side and opened the door as he helped me out. The gentle hand on my lower back startled me but it definitely wasn't unwelcome.

When we got inside a hostess led us to a table and gave us menus. He perused his for a moment but already seemed to know what he wanted.

"They have very good soups here- I've tried all of them," he remarked as I looked down the rows.

"They really do have a lot of choices," I answered. Way too many choices. I was not used to choosing things for myself.

"If you need any help then ask me," he smiled and my cheeks turned a little pink.


After a moment of silence he spoke up again, "so how have you been after Warren? I understand that you were together for a long time so it must be hard."

"Um, it was just- well actually five years is a long time," I mumbled, "I'm doing fine but I'm kind of worried that he'll do something stupid. I'm not used to him not being around."

"That's understandable and this might be off topic but you look pretty young for five years," he cocked his head to the side.

"I'm, uh, twenty-two," I replied and proceeded to blush harder.

"Twenty-two, huh? Are you in college?" Jakob changed the subject a little bit.

I smiled, "yeah, I have another year left- I'm getting a degree in architecture."

"An architect, hmm? I bet you're very good," this man was very charming. I really hoped I didn't mess this up.

"I'm not great but I like to think that I'm not terrible either," I shrugged and bit the inside of my cheek.

A waiter came to our table.

"Good morning, gentleman, what drinks can I get you?" He asked and spun the pen in his hand. I continued to look through the menu as Jakob gave him his answer.

After a few moments he called after me, "Paige."

I looked up and blinked stupidly. What was he waiting for me to do again?

"Your drink sir?" The waiter asked and I turned bright red.

"Oh- um, w-water," I stuttered. Why was I so stupid? Why would Jakob order for me? He wasn't Warren.

As the man walked away I pressed my palm against my cheek.

"I'm so sorry- I'm just not used to, erm, ordering for myself. I know that sounds completely stupid but-"

"No, no, it's okay. I understand," he smiled gently but it did nothing to lessen my mortification.

"I- can I go to the restroom?" I blurted and then realized that, again, he wasn't Warren, "I mean, I'm sorry, I'm going to the restroom."

The bathroom was the one person kind thankfully. I gripped the edge of the sink and looked down at the drain. I didn't know what was wrong with me but all I wanted to do was call Warren and let him tell me what to do.

Why was I so fucking dependant? It was unhealthy that I couldn't even fucking order for myself or go somewhere without asking. On top of all that I knew that the only thing that would untie the knots in my stomach was someone ordering me around, someone telling me what to do.

I groaned and wiped a hand down my face. I couldn't stay in the bathroom forever. I had to go back out there at some point.

After taking a few deep breaths I left the restroom and returned to the table. Jakob was sitting there with his legs crossed, staring out the window and drinking his beverage.

I took my seat, "um, sorry. I'm not used to first dates."

He looked back at me and set his glass down.

"Look, Paige, I understand," he said gently and leaned forward as he reached his hand across the table, "I spoke with you two at Sage's club and I know what kind of relationship you had."

I turned red and looked down at my lap as he squeezed my hand.

"So it's okay," he smiled, "it's not like I was there for business anyways."

I looked up in surprise, "you- you're a-"

He nodded his head, "a dominant, yes."

I couldn't tell if this was a blessing or a curse.

"So why don't you tell me what you want and when the waiter comes back I'll order for both of us, okay?"


The rest of the meal was much less awkward after we had gotten past that. I discovered that Jakob wasn't really involved with the sort of thing Warren was and that he was born in Sweden and that he was a warlock. I kind of needed to get away from the vampire side of things anyways.

"So, how about a second date this weekend?" He asked as we stopped in front of my apartment.

"Um, I have work on Saturday," I replied and unbuckled.

"In that case, you have my number so text me your schedule and we can work around it," he shrugged and gave me a smile.

"Thank you, Jakob, I will," I smiled and waved as I hopped out. He waved back with a small smile in return.

Maybe this really was a new beginning.

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