Broken 'N' Loved

Chapter 23

Kelly POV

As I sit on floor, leaning against the bars of my cell, I start to feel Snow stir in my mind, "Snow, are you ok?" She whines in my head, "Do you know what tomorrow is, Kelly?" I think for a minute, then it comes to me, "It is our birthday tomorrow." She whines again, "We are supposed to meet our mate tomorrow and we are stuck in here. What if Alpha Michael and the rest of the pack do not find us before we go into our heat?" This is the first time I felt fear come from Snow. Then I start to think about Ryan, when he said that he was mind linking the Alpha from the mall. "Snow, what if we try to mind link someone?" She whines again "Who? We have to be part of a pack to do that, and we are in the only pack that was ours at one point."

I think about for a minute, then I remember, Darrick, he is family so we should be able to communicate with him. I try but it does not work, "Snow, why is it not working?" She shakes her head, "Think about him hard, and then try talking to him." So, I do just that, "Darrick, can you hear me?" It took a few minutes but then, "Kelly, Is that you? Yes, I can hear you." I smile to myself, "Darrick you have to help get us out of here soon, Jack is kidnapping anyone who is rare. There is men, woman, and children, here. there is probably about fifty wolves in these dungeons now. Josh said that he was going to rush Jack into getting rid of some to make room for more." Darrick was silent for a minute, then he growls, "We are going to be leaving here soon Kelly. We are going to be leaving as soon as darkness hits. I travel better at night. How are you doing?" I sigh in sadness, "I have been punished for running, no food or water for 3 days, but I saved a little girl from getting beat by one of the warriors. The closer it gets to my birthday; the more Snow is getting more confident with herself. She looked Jack in the eyes and talked back to him."

I heard Darrick growl loud in the link, "You should be careful with that, you know how he gets about challengers. He takes them as a game. How do you know that the other wolves are rare as well?" I look around to the other cells and back at the male that is with me, "I am just guessing but the male that is in the same cell as me, is a red spotted black wolf." Darrick is silent for a few minutes, "Wait, did you say you are in the same cell as a male. Kelly, please tell me that he is mated back where he lives." I look over to him, he is currently talking to the young girl that name is Brianna, "I do not see a mark on him anywhere and before you say anything, yes I know that my birthday is tomorrow and that I will be going into heat soon. I will be fine. I just need to get out of here. I hate being here. It took so much time to be able to be myself again." I hear him sigh in my head again, "We will be there soon, Kelly. Ryan and I are coming to get you and the other out while the rest distract the pack. Just be careful and tell me if you need anything" I agree with him and close the mind-link for now.

I look over at Brianna and she is talking to male wolf, whose name is Bradley, she is telling him about her time in the pack. She has been a maid in the pack house since she turned six years old. I have already decided that she will come with me after we get out of here if she wants to, but for now all we can do for now is sit and wait for help to come. So, I sit down next to Brianna and listen to her talk till I hear back from Darrick.

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