Bottom At Heart

Chapter 14

Heart had nearly come in his pants when Clar had told him that he had been fingering himself in the shower. Holy shit. What was Heart supposed to do with that information? Other than bend his boyfriend over immediately. He knew that Clar liked it a little when Heart told him what to do. He could feel the shiver in his lover’s body when he dropped his voice to a low pitch.

He didn’t even care about his nails at this point. Being inside Clar won over his nails any day of the week. Was this really happening?

It was in fact, as Clar slowly bent over, resting his elbows on the conference room table. The conference table was a tad higher than most tables, but either way, Clar’s slack covered ass was perfectly presented. Heart pressed himself along Clar’s back, his hands smoothing up his front.

“May I take your shirt off, lover?” Heart asked, pressing kisses to Clar’s back, tonguing the fabric, sucking, making it wet, before blowing on it.

“Yes,” Clar breathed, and Heart smiled, slowly unbuttoning the shirt. The silk of the shirt was warm from Clar’s body heat, and the silky smoothness was rough in comparison to Clar’s skin.

Heart slowly peeled the shirt off of Clar, before draping in onto the chair next to them. Heart looked down and ran his hands greedily along Clar’s back. The man was perfectly muscled, and right now, all of them were clenched in Clar’s arousal.

Heart dug his nails into Clar’s skin, rubbing, kneading, his lip caught in his teeth. God Clar felt so good. The sensation of his nails on Clar’s skin while feeling the smoothness on the pads of his fingers was drugging. He should have cut his nails short long ago. He pressed himself against Clar, tilting his hips a little, rubbing against Clar. He heard Clar’s hiss of pleasure, and he ran his hand up Clar’s back, stroking his nape.

“Does that feel good, baby?” Heart breathed, rocking against Clar slowly as his fingers traced patterns on his back.

“Yes,” Clar panted, and Heart couldn’t help the smirk of satisfaction.

He stripped his shirt off, dropping it to the ground. He moved his hands to either side of Clar, caging the other between Heart’s warm body and the cool conference table. He wasn’t tall enough to reach the back of Clar’s neck, so he settled for his shoulder blades, running his tongue and teeth along Clar’s spine and skin as he gently thrust against Clar. He knew he was playing with fire. He could smell his Slick start permeating the room. Luckily Clar wasn’t quite in a mind frame to pay attention, but Heart had to hustle this along and clean up.

“Clar, I’m going to touch you now, okay darling?” Heart breathed, one hand supporting him, the other rubbing along Clar’s waist. He could see the tips of Clar’s ears heat up. He gentled his thrusts. “I’m not going to push you to do anything you don’t want, baby. You know that. We can just stay like this if you want. It feels so good, and I want you to feel good too, lover,” he murmured, leaning down, wrapping his arms around Clar’s waist, pressing gentle kisses on his shoulder blades, his spine, along his ribs.


He could hear the hesitancy in Clar’s voice, and he shifted his hips away, getting ready to stand up.

He was startled when he felt Clar reach under and grab his arm, pressing it close. He felt Clar entwine their fingers, bringing one of them up. It was a bit of stretch, but Heart felt Clar’s lips press against his hand. Clar stood, turning, pulling Heart close. Heart looked up, and was startled to see that Clar’s gaze was a deep blood gold with lust and desire.

“Heart, I know you said three months, but-” Clar broke off as Heart jumped him, wrapping his arms and legs around Clar. He slammed his lips against Clar’s, moaning against his lover’s hot mouth.

Heart pulled away before things got too heated, needing to make sure that Clar wouldn’t regret in the morning. “You sure? You want this? With me?” He asked, smoothing Clar’s dark silk strands from his face.

Clar nodded. “I’ve actually wanted it for a while, but I haven’t really known how to ask, and I wanted your boundaries to be respected.” He said simply, and in that moment, Heart loved him. No one else had been this patient or understanding or willing.

He leaned in, pressing a soft, sweet kiss to Clar’s lips, not ready to say anything, but wanting to Clar to understand.

He slid down Clar’s body, carefully turning Clar. He pressed a hand between Clar’s shoulder blades, commanding him to bend over again. He leaned down, licking Clar’s lower back. “I hope you don’t mind doing it here, but honestly I can’t wait,” he murmured against Clar’s skin, licking a long swipe along his spine.

Clar laughed, looking at Heart over his shoulder. “I’ve had sex in stranger places,” he teased, and Heart laughed as well.

“We’ll swap stories someday,” Heart promised, reaching around, shifting Clar’s pants and briefs lower. He took Clar into his hand, and closed his eyes at the feel of Clar’s hard heat. He stroked slowly with his right hand, while his left was slowly easing down the back of Clar’s boxers.

Clar’s firm ass came into view and Heart couldn’t help the growl of satisfaction. He hooked his heel around one of the conference chairs they’d shoved out of the way, pulling it close. He sank into it, his left hand caressing Clar’s soft skin, while he slowly sped up his pace on Clar’s shaft. He couldn’t resist pressing a kiss to Clar’s skin, just to feel the softness against his lips. He heard Clar moan, and he smiled against his skin, and then suddenly bite the soft skin.

“Heart!” Clar said, and there was a small whine in his voice that sent Slick cascading down Heart’s legs. Damn.

“Sorry, baby, I couldn’t resist. Now, I’m going to get some lube on my fingers and start rubbing you, okay? Just breathe and relax.”

“You have lube?” He heard the surprise and skepticism in Clar’s voice.

Heart smirked as he stuck his hand in his pants, coating it liberally with Slick. “You never know, baby. It always pays to be prepared.”

He pulled his hand out, getting a little distracted by the sheer amount of Slick he was producing. This usually wasn’t a problem. Something about Clar sent his body into overdrive. Oh well.

Heart gently rubbed against Clar, and was rewarded by the sharp hiss and moan of pleasure. He didn’t press hard, just feather light strokes, getting Clar used to the feeling of being touched there. The whole time, he kept up his pace on Clar’s shaft, which was so thick and hard the Heart was briefly possessed with a desire to have it shoved deep inside him.

He shook his head, trying to ignore that thought. He started pressing harder, circling the area with his thumb. He really wanted to dart his tongue out and taste what Clar mixed with his Slick tasted like, but that was for another time.

“Baby, breathe please,” he murmured, and he grinned as he heard the sharp exhale. At the end of Clar’s exhale, Heart slipped his finger inside of Clar, and both moaned, Heart at the warm heat of his lover, Clar at the sudden feeling of being penetrated.

Heart leaned down, kissing Clar’s lower back as he continued to stroke Clar’s shaft. He moved his fingers slowly and carefully, searching. On one outstroke, he crossed his fore and middle finger slightly, and eased them both into Clar on an instroke he timed with a tight stroke of Clar’s shaft. “Good, baby?” He asked, biting his lip. He was unbelievably hard and he knew that his Slick might leave a stain on the chair. He wanted to make this magical and pleasurable for Clar, but he was getting a little uncomfortable.

“It feels so much better when you do it,” Clar murmured, and Heart smiled into his back.

“I’m going to speed up. I need to open you up more, baby,” he said, nuzzling Clar’s skin.

The soft warmth and drag of Clar against his fingers was addictive and Heart could already almost feel how it would feel clenched around his cock. He scissored his fingers inside Clar, and just like that, he found what he’d been looking for.

As soon as his fingers brushed the bundle of nerves, Clar let out a moan that made Heart stand quickly as Slick gushed out of him. The room was starting to smell sweeter, and Heart could feel sweat on his skin as he fought against Clar’s aroused Alpha pheromones. As he stretched Clar, his own ass was begging for Alpha cock, and it was really hard to ignore it.

“Clar, do you happen to have any condoms?” Heart panted, pressing his fingers deeply into Clar.

Clar reached out, sliding his hand into his briefcase, pulling out, thankfully, at least four condoms.

“Pass me two, please,” Heart managed, his voice thick, his cock painfully hard, his pants just soaked at this point. There was no way he can say it was all precum.

Clar passed him two condoms, and Heart reluctantly withdrew his fingers from Clar’s warmth, and took them. He ripped them open, pulling one on Clar’s length, and then he held his breath, taking out his own hard as hell cock. He got the condom on, and wrapped his arms around Clar’s waist, and started jerking him in earnest.

Clar dropped his head to the tabletop, his breath coming in short bursts, his skin covered in a light sheen of sweat that Heart eagerly lapped up. He moved his hand faster, tightening his grip ever so slightly. He could hear that Clar’s orgasm was close, and right at the edge of Clar’s orgasm, he eased himself into Clar’s impossibly tight, impossibly warm body.

They both moaned, and Heart bit his lip so hard it bled. He dropped his head down, waiting as Clar got used to the feeling of him being inside. He felt Clar slowly relax around him, and felt Clar’s hips move against him, his body signaling that he was ready.

Heart started off slowly, with long, powerful thrusts, but his own self-control was stretched taut, so the strokes shortened as Heart gripped Clar’s waist tightly. Clar was shifting his hips back, meeting Heart stroke for stroke. It felt too good. Clar was just so, so, so tight. Tonight was not going to be a study in stamina. He just had to make sure that Clar came first. But he wasn’t going to last if Clar didn’t hurry up.

Suddenly, Clar pushed himself off the conference table, his back arching beautifully, and Heart felt it. He felt Clar’s body clench around him, felt Clar’s body go rigid beneath him, and he heard Clar’s beautiful moans of ecstasy that instantly pushed Heart into an orgasm that made him see stars, his vision almost whiting out with the intensity.

He thrust into Clar, riding out their orgasmic highs. Clar was almost fully collapsed against the table, and Heart was languidly pressed into his back.

“Clar, I think that was quite possibly the best sex of my life,” Heart murmured, kissing along Clar’s spine.

He heard Clar laugh a little, his voice sleepy and tired. Heart took a deep breath, loving the way the office air smelled like sex, arousal, and happiness. “It was amazing for me too. Different. But I liked it a lot. And I’m glad my first was with you, my Heart.”

The softness in Clar’s voice nearly made Heart cry. Here he was, taking Clar’s virginity, in the man’s office, from behind, because he was a fucking coward. Clar trusted him. And Heart was lying to him.

He gently pulled out of Clar, rubbing the other’s lower back as he winced. He peeled the condoms off both of them dropping them into the trashcan by the door, before coming back to shift Clar’s pants back into place. His own were irredeemable and Slick soaked. And the musky arousal was fading from the room, meaning his sweet Slick was going to start being very noticeable. Clar was still facing away, slowly standing, wincing at the pain in his lower back. Heart’s heart broke, and he felt bile rising in his throat.

He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around Clar tightly. He could feel Clar trying to turn around, but he tightened his grip on Clar. “Clar,” he said, hating the tremble in his voice. “Clar, tonight was the best night of my life. Sex with you was amazing and perfect. Just like everything about you. You’re the best thing to ever happen to me, and I hope you know that.”

“Heart?” Clar’s voice was tentative, and he tried to turn again. Heart held him close, burying his face into Clar’s warm back. He breathed deeply, inhaling Clar’s scent. Clar smelled like home.

“I’m sorry, Clar. You mean too much to me.” He choked out, reaching around Clar to grab his phone from the table before whirling around and darting out of the office.

As he pounded down the stairs, he could feel tears streaming down his face. He couldn’t face Clar. Not like this. Not with his lies literally soaking his jeans. Clar was everything he ever wanted, and everything he couldn’t have. It hurt too much to imagine life without Clar, but how would Clar stay? After he found out that Heart was an Omega, that he’d been topped by an Omega, societies’ reject. Would he be disgusted? Would he hate him?

As soon as Heart reached the parking lot, he bent over the nearest trashcan, vomiting, sobbing. His legs went out from under him as he hung on the trashcan. Numbly, he pulled his phone out, dialing the one number he knew by heart.

He answered in one ring. “Hello?”

“Floris,” Heart sobbed, sinking down by the trashcan, hand pressing over his mouth.


Heart froze at the sound of his name, not over the phone, but here, behind him. He felt the soft fabric of a blazer drape around his bare shoulders, warm hands on his arms, rubbing them. Clar.

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