Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 113

The building was a flurry of activity. Someone had found folding chairs and tables. People kept coming through the door. Natalia took it all in, feeling overwhelmed. She paced a few steps, thinking about what she should do next when the door opened behind her. She stepped aside only to do a double take.



She suddenly felt guilty. Here she was working at a new business when she should have been at work.

"We should talk,” he said.

"Yes. Yes. There's a room over here.”

The room was clean, but totally empty. There was nowhere to sit.

"Uri already called me,” Ravi said. "He wants to resign. He told me all that is happening: the attacks, the false accusations on you. He believes they are all tied to the Bank.”

He paused.

"This is really coming together quickly,” he said, looking out the door.

"Uri is in the hospital. I have no place to live. My daughter is living with friends. Our life is a mess.” "I stopped at your house and saw. A woman there directed me here.”

He continued to gaze out the doorway.

"You know, I'm not really ready to retire. I've been talking to Sittel about what I would do. Aside from golf, my retirement would be pretty boring. But... but... running a smaller bank might be nice.” Natalia stared at him, taking in what he just said. She read between the lines.

"I've always liked dealing with people directly,” he said.

"You could do that here,” she said.

“Yes, I could do that here.”

"Who would be your replacement at the Bank?”

"Uri was the most logical person. He's very good at what he does. My plans were to nominate him even though that wasn’t the popular vote on the board. However, I do have the last say.”

He smiled.

“Uri might be better as a board member. Or you,” he said.

“I pretty much doubt that the board will elect a woman. They seemed to be a tight good old boy group.”

“They might be more receptive if I nominate a woman as my replacement.”


“Sophie Pastel.”

Natalia had to think a moment before she realized that Pastel was Sophie's last name. The Sophie she knew. Mirren’s Sophie.

"Sophie would be an excellent choice,” Natalia said.

She also knew Sophie wasn't too keen on the Council and their controlling nature.

“May I fill out an application?” he said.

Natalia smiled, then she frowned.

“I don't even have all the paperwork started for the business. We're hardly open despite what you see. These are all people willing to invest in a local business.”

“I thought you knew the Mayor?”

She knew he was joking, despite she knew that was an ace up her sleeve.

“I do, but I hardly think he can magically get the paperwork signed.”

Natalia looked out at the people lining up. The last time she had asked, they had over two million dollars in checks.

"And no, you don't need to fill out an application. You're welcome here any time. In fact, I'm sorry to say, without even asking, I've stolen a few bank employees.”

Ravi shrugged.

"We have too many of them,” he said. “May I invest in your company?”

"We don't really need money. We have a small problem. A good problem, but a banking problem. We're flush with cash because... because someone sent out the hat so to speak to help us. Donations to get the house back to livable. Donations for getting all the properties in shape. And donations are hard to explain to a bank.”

She was stretching her lies to sound as truthful as she could.

Ravi nodded.

“I get the idea. So people are writing checks and getting cash.”

“Yes,” she said, glad he understood. “Plus Uri's other businesses are flushed with cash. We keep getting audited by someone. His businesses are squeaky clean. We just need to get rid of the cash.” "How big of checks are you accepting?”

“Twenty thousand is the limit.”

“May I write you one?”

“Be my guest,” she said, gesturing toward the door.

Ravi stepped out and joined the line.

A golf cart stopped in front. Grazie was driving. His passenger was a man in a suit. He was Undent, and he came into the building with purpose.

“Can I help you?” she said.

“I'm looking for Natalia Osrisca.”

“That's me.”

“I have papers for you to sign.”

"What papers?”

“Mayor Arnes said that these were supposed to be a rush, but got last in the shuffle last week. Your permits for your businesses.”

"Yes. Yes,’ she said, pretending she knew all about it.

She led him to a counter.

There were two sets of papers. One was for the Neighborhood's Savings and Loan. The other was for A Stitch By Design. She wondered who told Moralis the name. Uri?

“You'll need these to open bank accounts for the businesses.”

She noted they were all back dated two weeks ago.

"Yes, I wondered what happened to them,” she said, continuing the ruse.

She signed the necessary pages. He gave her copies and left.

Ravi had just received his cash. She waved him over.

“I have my permits. Someone has helped me with paperwork.”

She showed him

"Where are you planning on banking?” he said.


"Excellent choice. I'd get there today if I were you and get an account open. Take some of those checks.”

“I'm on my way.”

Ravi left to chat with Pete and Fenni.

Natalia was amazed that she was looking at what could only be an illegal laundering operation, with Ravi, the President of the A'ppollo Bank, getting into the action.

“Unbelievable,” she said.


She looked down to see Tail who was focused on a man who just walked into the building. Her phone rang.


“Someone just broke through the gate with a car. Watch yourself. Brown four door sedan full of men. They don't look nice."

It was the front gate guard. She had learned his name was Smilen.

“There might be a fifth. One just walked in the door that I don't like the look of."


"Yep. But who sent them?’ she said.

“Don’t know.’

The call ended.

“Attention,’ she said, knowing she would only get the Viperians in the crowd

Most of the people turned toward her, then they followed her eyes to watch the man.

“We have Undents in a brown sedan who have crashed the gates. Please be careful,’ she said. “Can I help you, sir?”

She gave him a smile.

“Is this a bank?”

“No, this is the Neighborhood's Savings and Loan. Do you want to invest?”

She was very glad that she had her knives with her this morning. Her fingers tapped one.

He looked around. She felt as if he was waiting for something. She noted that Fenni, who was standing by the vault, closed the door and spun the dial. However, there was still a lot of money out. The brown sedan pulled up front.

She noted there were only two people in it.

“Sedan is up front. Two people missing.’

All the Viperians dispersed. In almost a choreographed dance, the man was pinned to the wall and held. The men outside got out of their car, but were surrounded by the people exiting the building. They were soon drug in and pinned to the wall like the other man.

“Where are your other two buddies?” she said.

Three guns were laid out that had been taken from the three.

They weren't talking.

There was a gunshot at the back of the building.

"We just redid the doors,” she said to the men. “You can't blast through them.”

Everyone froze and waited. All she could hear was the three men breathing.

“All clear.’

The call came from outside the front door.

Anpu appeared. He was dragging one man and holding two guns. The man was bleeding, but still alive.

"You expecting these guys?” he said.

“No, where is the other one? And keep him outside. We just cleaned the place,” she said.

“He decided to wear a knife.”

Natalia nodded.

"Can someone dial the police? I need to go to the bank.”

“Already on it,” someone called.

Natalia was amazed that no one panicked.

Everyone went back to writing their checks and getting their money.

A thought suddenly crossed her mind.

“How do we know the checks are good?

“We're checking IDs," Pete said. “Checks have to have their name and address on it. If the check is bad, we'll go visit them.’

Natalia left for the bank to open accounts. Considering she walked into the Federal Bank without an appointment, she was helped quickly. A commercial banker made himself available once she made it clear she had a few million to deposit. Even thought Fenni had organized the checks and added them all up, it took the Federal banker over forty minutes to verify. She was glad for the paperwork from the city. It was exactly what they asked for.

"Here are your account numbers. You're all set.”

“Thank you.”

Natalia was thinking it was lunch time when she stepped out. Bonnie pulled up to pick her up.

To the shop and lunch,’ she said.

Tail settled in her lap.

She dialed Uri.


“How are you doing?’

“Still breathing,” he said.

“I have two accounts at Federal like you said.’

“Good. Knew you'd figure it out.”

“I know you've talked to Harold."

I'm talking to everyone. I'm never alone,” he said. “Doctors are checking on me regularly.’

“Good to hear. Ravi wants to come work for me.’


“He's not ready for retirement, but ready to cut back."

“Interesting development.’

“What were you and Moralis going to do to investigate my allegations? Oh, and someone tried to rob my new savings and loan company. Undents. They didn't get far with Viperians all stepping up to stop them.”

“Talk with Moralis," Uri said. “I can't talk here.

“Okay. I will."

“Don’t come to see me, either. You stay away from Viperia. And the house.’

“Easy to do. The house is unlivable. All the money is moved. Found our lost money, too."

She told him of the toy box and the jewelry.

“Kid and cat,’ he said.

"Yeah. Just a kid and her cat. A wonderful guard cat.’

“Love you, Nattie. I have to go."

The call ended.

She knew he wasn’t going any where but that he was being interrupted.

They passed through the gates. Natalia dialed Moralis.

"Yes?" Moralis said, then he switched to Viperian. “Il can't talk now. I will call you later."

The call ended.

Natalia felt a little miffed, but she had to remember he was a busy man.

"Way too much is going on.”

The limo pulled up to the store. Bonnie opened the door for her.

“I have those credit checks,’ Bonnie said, showing her a sheet of paper.

“Thanks. I forgot all about those.’

“These two have jobs. The other three don't, and no job history.’

“Daddy is supporting them. Okay thanks. I'll let these two know they can rent.’

“Why don't I call them? You're busy enough,’ Bonnie said. “I'm just sitting in a car."

“Where did Mag, Zena and Kate go?’

“I think Kate took Mag back to the hotel to rest. Zena is back at the house.’

Too much to keep track of."

"You don't need to keep track of them,’ Bonnie said. “We're back at the hotel tonight so don't worry about it."

Natalia nodded and headed into the store. More racks contained clothing. There were now bolts of cloth displayed on one side. The array of colors grabbed the eye. Kimi immediately waved her over and sat her at a table. Food arrived before she could even ask.


She was feeling spoiled.

Yiggy came over and sat across from her. Kimi brought a pot of tea for both of them.

“Bank cleaned,” Yiggy said.

“Thank you. It looks wonderful.”

“Repairs will be done tonight. Windows are ordered, but take two weeks to get here.”

"Okay. Thanks. You didn’t need to do that.”

“Grazie man helped. Here are invoices for fabric.”

“I have a bank account set up. Thanks. Actually, we can go to my bank and get them paid today if you wish.”

“No hurry. Apartments are cleaned. Painting tomorrow. Stop giving free rent.”

"Yes, you said that. Thanks.”

“Lisa is doing good. We have things to display.”

Lisa came in as if hearing her name.

“Nattie, how are you doing?”

“Tired. Frazzled. Way too much going on.”

"How is Uri? Where are you staying?”

“Uri is in the hospital, but recovering. We're staying at a hotel for now. The shop looks awesome. How is your apartment?”

“I'm loving it. My father bought me a new sofa. I have curtains up. It's home. I've seen Christina. She was surprised to find the apartment cleaned, so she is painting. Yiggy said no more free rent.” Yiggy nodded. She finished her tea and left.

"We're getting along just fine,” Lisa said. “She's teaching me stuff, and I'm teaching her. We already had a customer, but Yiggy did the work. Something special and tricky. She wouldn't show me.” Natalia wondered if it had to do with sheaths

“Tall, dark, and handsome kind of guy,” Lisa said.

Anpu, Natalia thought. She remembered there had already been a pile for Mina.

“I think I know him,” she said.

"Well, I'm just taking a break. I almost have the bedrooms all painted. Then I'll move everything in there. At night, I sew.”

Lisa left. Natalia sat there, thinking of everything that was happening. She couldn't keep track. Lisa and Yiggy had control of the shops. Lisa and Grazie had the apartments under control. The bank... “Savings and loan,” she muttered under her breath.

It wasn't really a bank, yet.

She had two, no three bank employees taking care of that. They just needed computers, copiers, office supplies...

Natalia took a deep breath, feeling overwhelmed at the thought of all that had to be done. Her phone dinged.

Catch up with you later.

It was from Moralis.

She wondered if she should formally resign from the Bank or if she should wait.

Ursula sat down across from her.

“Count me in,’ she said.

“Count you in for what?" Natalia said, almost feeling like a kid who had been caught playing hooky. "Your new bank. I take it we're going to give the Bank a run for their money?’

She smiled.

“Have you talked with Ravi?’

'Of course not.

“He's the new manager at my bank.’

Ursula stared at her.

“I'm sure I'll have to have Uri as President. Or just me as President and Owner. Keep it woman owned. I think there are tax incentives for women in business,” Natalia said.

"You're kidding."

Natalia shook his head.

“He might still be there. I have Fenni and Pete as well. They all just showed up. Like you."

“How would Ravi have known? He's not Viperian.

“Uri called to resign. Ravi stopped and saw the house and came here.’

“That's unexpected. Who would replace him?”

“Who would you think?

Ursula looked to be thinking deep.

“With Uri out, and if all was fair, it should be Sophie, but he'll pick a man and that would probably be John, the other senior accounting manager.”


“Damn. We need a women's meeting. And I don't think we can wait until Wednesday.’

Ursula stood.

“Ill put out the word and let you know.

She left.

Natalia felt confused about where this was leading.

She realized she was eating and didn't even know what it was. The food before her smelled amazing, but she found it hard to enjoy. She wanted Victoria. She wanted Uri. She suddenly felt what it was like to be a Viperian and to be alone.

Grazie sat across from her and broke the spell.

“Bonnie gave me the credit reports and contacted the ladies. They no longer want the apartments.’ “Understandable.’

“Lisa is really busy with the shop, so Ill handle the apartments for now. I have other people interested in renting. Now that the cleaning and painting are going on, we won't do the free rent.’ 'Yiggy has said not to do that."

“She runs her family around a much as the Council runs us,” he said.

“I'm overwhelmed, Grazie."

"You are a catalyst, Nattie. You point and things get done. While I'm not talking to Tia about what is happening, she is talking to me. She says there are strange things going on at the Bank."

“Ravi wants to manage my new bank. Ursula was just here wanting to help. And we had two Bank employees show up. The Mayor suddenly sent the paperwork for permits for my businesses dated two weeks ago.’

“Like I said, Nattie. You point. Things get done. You have no idea how many people are living in this building. All of her grandsons are at our call for any construction work. They are very busy right now doing all that we need. Her female relatives are at our bid and call to clean. I have checks for you for rents and deposits. I've leased out quite a few buildings.”

'I have bank accounts.’


She looked at him.

"You're going to change all of Viperia. You're going to change how we live, breath, and operate. You're making us human and civilized."

“The Council went too far taking Victoria away from me.’

Grazie nodded.

“Tia doesn’t know that Victoria is safe. She still thinks the Council is hiding her."

'I talked with her this morning and didn’t know if she knew. Is... is Uri okay in Viperia?"

Grazie smiled.

"You have your Women's meeting and there is a strong sisterhood. Men meet twice a week. We have just as strong a brotherhood. No woman is watching over Uri. He isn't alone. Every doctor is taking turns to tend to him. There is always someone outside his door."

Natalia felt tears in her eyes.

“ know of the group that is trying to keep the Council honest.’

She nodded.

Grazie took her hand.

“That whole group is watching over Uri. The head of our group and the one calling all the shots is an extremely valuable person. And that person... is Uri."

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