Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 112

"Well, then. Looks like you'll be needing me.”

Natalia jumped at the voice. Grazie spun on his heels.

“Harold,” Grazie said. “What brings you to Hell?"

“Is this the old bank?"

“Yes,” Grazie said.

“I'm thinking of giving the Bank a run for its money and starting my own bank,” Natalia said to Harold

Harold laughed, then sidled up to Natalia and took her hand.

“I had a chat with Uri,” Harold said. “He said you were over here. I stopped at your shop, and they directed me over here.”

“This place needs a whole lot of cleaning,” Natalia said.

"Uhm..." Grazie said, staring out the door.

Natalia turned.

There were ten women led by Yiggy. They were all carrying mops, brooms and buckets.

“I don't even know if the water is turned on here,” Grazie said.

Yiggy stepped into the building.

"We throw all trash in back. You get dumpster,” she said, pointing at Grazie.

He nodded, looking subdued.

The women went instantly to work.

“I'll send the locksmith over here,” Grazie said.

"Show me the rest of the building first,” Natalia said.

Harold released her hand.

The building contained three floors and a basement. There was one vault upstairs that contained the safe deposit boxes as well as a secured area within that Natalia figured was for the daily cash requirements. Downstairs was the other vault.

“Combinations?” Harold said.

“We'll have to crack them,” Grazie said.

“We have people that can do that.”

“I have money that needs to go into one of these vaults,” Natalia said.

“That reminds me,” Harold said. “Is this yours?”

He pulled out a bundle of money.

“Becky had it. She said Victoria gave it to her.”

Natalia looked at it and smiled.

“You get me a cracked safe today, and you can keep that.”

He smiled and pocketed the money.

“I also have something else of yours."

He had a large satchel. The strap was over his head on one shoulder. He opened the flap. A head popped up.

“Someone said you needed her. She was very insistent.”


Tail leaped out of the satchel.

"You have her?” Natalia said, almost crying.

"She's safe. She showed up unexpectedly at the park where Becky and I were rabbit hunting.” “Alone?”

“Well, she had the kitten with her. I take it she escaped her snatchers.”

Natalia knelt to pet Tail.

“Let me make some phone calls, Nattie,” Grazie said. “And I think it's time you got off that leg. You're really limping.”

“I'll get the vaults cracked,” Harold said.

Natalia felt relief when she sat in the golf cart. Tail sat in her lap.

Grazie drove the cart back to the shop while he was on the phone. She was reminded of the hurried drive to the hospital when Anpu drove with one hand. At least this time, there was no speed involved.

Bonnie shook her head when she saw her.

“You look ready to keel over. Might I suggest you and Mag go to a hotel and rest? We have everything else under control. And alternatives in case we can’t put things into the safe.”

Natalia nodded.

"Get into the limo. I'll drive you over.”


Natalia felt as if she barely made it into the limo. Mag was stretched out on one seat.

She hardly remembered the ride to the hotel, but she did notice they didn't stop in the front. Bonnie took them down a back way. A hotel employee met them with room keys and led them to a private elevator.

Natalia knew as soon as she saw the room that this was a luxury hotel. It was like a large apartment with multiple bedrooms, a kitchen, and living room area.

“I figured we could splurge a little,” Bonnie said.

Natalia sprawled on a bed. She felt herself covered. That was the last thing she remembered.

Big gold eyes were staring at her when she woke.


Natalia rolled over.

“Do I need to feed you?’

“She's already taken care of,’ Bonnie said from the doorway.

She was barefoot and wearing one of the hotel robes.

“We have breakfast if you're up to it."

“How's Mag?’

“Stuffing her face.”

Natalia rose and used the bathroom. When she stepped out of the bedroom, Mag, Zena, Bonnie, and Kate were picking through a buffet of breakfast foods on the table. They were all barefoot and wearing robes.

Just because you know I'm made of money, you decided to go whole hog?’ Natalia said.

Bonnie laughed.

“Complimentary,’ she said. “Il didn't randomly pick this hotel.”

Natalia zeroed in on a platter of bacon.

“Why this hotel? Out with it."

Julia Decantor owns it."

“She runs the Sisters of Fayth group that took over the Church. She gained that much money from the Church?’

“No. She had the hotel before. A lot of the nuns, once they were properly clothed and had some time to recover were housed here or hired on. I've heard rumors that she’s had bad luck dealing with the Bank. She might be an ally.’

"The Council is keeping everything that's happened to you and Uri under wraps,’ Kate said. “Which means, everyone knows.’

Natalia eyed her.

"You're forgetting that there is an unnamed group that wants less Council. They're the ones that helped us get Sherri,’ Kate said.

“I was never fully told about the group. I think I was only told what I needed to know,’ Natalia said, pouring herself some tea.

'Uri and all of us are part of that group,” Kate said. “Bonnie joined in after that Driver's Guild attack.” Bonnie nodded.

Julia is part of that group. Morals. Sophie. Mirren. Tia. The whole gang, despite, some of those people have ties to the Council. We had hoped those ties would keep the Council in line," Kate continued

Natalia suddenly had the feeling Kate was more involved than she would have ever guessed.

“We think, however, that despite the new blood on the Council, some old ideas are still there. And we also know that the Council is hardly including you on many issues. Even Tia and Mirren are finding themselves excluded. Tuesday isn’t the only night that the Council meets.’

Natalia sat and stared at Kate.

“They're having meetings without us three?’

Kate nodded.

“We've found them meeting on Thursdays. We've been recording these meetings.’

“And you haven't told me?’

'We couldn't have you going around with information that the Council knew you shouldn't have known. We have to keep a lot secret.’

“Victoria. You knew they were going to take Victoria.’

Natalia felt a little anger.

“We didn’t know that until it happened. We think they met out in the parking lot of the hospital and decided what they were going to do. However, I think they decided a few things before Mirren and Tia showed up. Tia was under the impression that they were taking Victoria in order to make Uri know the seriousness of his actions. Just a temporary thing to make a point. But they didn't say they were going to take her from Tia. Tia thought she was to take her to a safe house for the day.”

“At the moment,” Bonnie said. “My tracking app shows no sign of Victoria."

Natalia saw her look up at her.

“That means only one thing. Harold has her,’ Bonnie said.

“Why do you say that?" Natalia said.

“Harold doesn't like the Council. He's rarely been given a fair deal, even though he’s done work for them. He said there have been times where he wasn't paid for his work. Who do you complain to when it's the Council who is doing the wrong? No one."

“That doen't explaining why Harold would have Victoria."

“He has blockers. Devices that block the signals. If you're a tracked person and you want to disappear. You either remove the tracking device, or you go into Harold's building. Proof. You're invisible."

'So what do you know, Nattie?' Kate said. “You're not as distraught as you were before.’

Everyone was looking at her.

“I only learned toward the end of the day that Harold has her. He brought me Tail. Victoria said I needed her.’

“How did he get her?"

Victoria found him and Becky at the park. He thinks she slipped her captors.”

Mag laughed.

“Definitely a Uri kid."

Everyone laughed.

“Okay, why is this meal complimentary?”

Julia knows your plight,’ Bonnie said.

“Word certainly gets around.’

“We're sorry that we haven't included you in a lot of the information we have. We've needed you to be... our decoy,’ Kate said.


“Everyone watches you, Nattie. They watch you so much that they are neglecting to watch everyone else. They've even stopped watching, Uri.’

“And I'm getting pissed with everything.’

"Yeah, I think it's time for that. Your bank idea is probably the best idea I've heard. The word has spread and people are willing to invest if it helps the idea,’ Kate said.

“I think I have enough funds to start out."

Kate shrugged.

This might be huge.”

“Would be nice to grab a few bank employees.’

“That will happen,’ Kate said.

“I just remembered. Today is Monday. I need to call the Bank to let them know about Uri and me. “They already know,’ Kate said. “Tia let them know. She said she would be up later to talk with you." “So does everyone now know where Victoria is?"

Kate shook her head.

"You, us and Harold."

“And Grazie which means Tia,” Natalia said.

Kate shook her head again.

“Grazie said he isn't talking. And by now, the Council should know that Victoria is missing. So you need to be distraught, but because the Council has her.’

“I understand. I need to ask Tia how Victoria is doing.’

“Exactly,’ Kate said with a grin.

“After breakfast, I need a shower and a change of clothes.’

“We have some laundry going. Julia is letting us use whatever we need. She wants to talk to you later as well.’

“Everyone wants to talk to me.’

Tail stiffened and stared at the door. Everyone looked, but it was the sound of someone walking down the hall. Natalia could tell it wasn't a Viperian.

“There's something else you should know,’ Natalia said.

Everyone's eyes moved to her.

“Be attentive of Tail. Think of her as a guard dog. She's already protected Victoria and I against attackers.’

“She... she does seem to understand Viperian,” Mag said.

“And, yes, Mag. She is vicious, but not to family, unless you decide to go rogue,’ Natalia said.

“No one wants you or Uri..." Mag started to say.

“Or Anpu,’ Kate added.

"Yeah, or Anpu against them.’

“Where is he at?’ Natalia said.

Everyone shrugged.

"Are we sure he’s not tilted?’

“He has been watching over you long before the Council ordered him to," Bonnie said. “That's why the Council selected him.’

“Because the best person to watch over you is someone who cares for you,” Natalia said.

“Oh, you know about that,” Mag said.

“She's not stupid and Anpu is all starry eyed,’ Kate said. "You had to be blind not to see him drooling over her during Festival.’

“About as subtle as a pie in the face,” Bonnie said.

Natalia shoveled down some eggs and more bacon. She was finishing her tea when there was a knock on the door. Kate rose to check and open the door.

A maid pushed in a cart.

“These are all done. We put in two more loads for you.”

“Thanks,” Kate said, taking the cart.

Natalia was surprised to find all the clothes folded and sorted.

“Take what you need, Nattie."

Natalia showered. When she came out, there was a new bandage for her to put on her leg. The wound looked nasty, but only because, she was told, they had to dig out the bullet. She was just glad that the leg felt better.

When she returned to the living room area, everyone else was dressed and picking at the remnants of the food.

'l want to go back to Hell to check on my bank. My one text from Uri was of a single word: Federal.” Everyone shrugged.

“Tia will be up in ten minutes,’ Kate said. “I'll let Julia know she should talk to you after that.’ Natalia nodded and picked at the breakfast food like they were. All the bacon, eggs, and sausages were already gone.

There was a tap at the door. Kate answered it and let in Tia. Natalia watched while everyone else left.

“Where is Victoria?" Natalia said with a stern voice.

'She’s fine, Nattie. I'm sorry this had to happen.’

Natalia wondered if Tia didn't know.

“This is totally uncalled for,” Natalia said.

“I agree,’ Tia said. “I'm on your side, but I understand your distrust.”

"And no one can visit Uri? He has to be alone? Tia. He was protecting his home, like he always has. No one knew there were guns out there. And why isn’t anyone looking into that?’

“The Council has worked hard to get Uri into the position he is..."

“He had no control over who attacked us, Tia. We've been model citizens. We've been doing exactly what the Council wanted whether we knew it or not."

I'm sorry, Nattie."

“Does the Council expect me to behave? While my daughter is gone? A mother will do drastic things when her child is involved.’

“They've underestimated you,’ Tia said in a whisper. “They know they don't have control of you.’ “No, they don't.”

Tia nodded.

“Keep it that way,’ Tia said. “Again, I'm sorry. Grazie will do whatever you need. I already know he's not telling me a thing, and that's the way it should be.’

Tia walked back to the door and turned.

“Uri isn't alone,’ she said. “He has you in his heart, and he knows it. The Council can't take that away." They've tried.’

“And they failed.’

Tia opened the door and left, leaving the door open. Mag and Zena came back in.

“Bonnie went looking for Julia. Kate is checking laundry,’ Zena said.

"How is the house?

Zena shrugged.

“The damaged areas are covered against the weather. Good thing is that there are no carpets. We just have to wash everything and repair the damage. The company said they would have an estimate in a week with no guarantees on when they could do the work."

“That's okay. Hotels will work for now or if we find something in Hell, but even that will take some work to get livable.’

'I think I hear Bonnie coming.’

Bonnie entered with Julia. Natalia recognized her. She had seen her a few times, but knew she rarely went to the Wednesday Women's meeting. She was a typical looking Viperian woman.

“Morning, Julia.’

“Morning, Nattie.’

Everyone left again, leaving her with Julia.

“I've heard a few rumors,’ Julia said, starting the conversation. “I'm sorry to hear that Uri is in the hospital.’

I'm not sure who our enemy is. Undents, Council members or jealous men.’

I'm sure it's being investigated by someone,’ Julia said, sounding like she wanted to be vague. “But I also heard about your endeavors in Hell."

“The bank or as it will first be known... The Neighborhood's Savings and Loan.’

“What are you thinking?’

“Loans for small businesses but with the same terms a larger company would get with the Bank.’ 'If you did that, I think you'd get more business than you can handle.’

"You think so?"

“I have two and half million in high interest loans that I would love to get rid of. The Bank won't even talk to me. The Council keeps a list of Viperians who aren't allowed to do business with the Bank. I sometimes wonder if I'm on that list."

'I didn’t know that.’

Natalia felt a little surprised, not by the list, but how controlling the Council was being.

“When you get set up, let me know. I'd love to be your first customer.’

“I will definitely do that. I have a lot of work cut out for me. Also, thanks for breakfast and use of the laundry.’

Julia waved a hand dismissing it.

“Don’t worry about it. I look forward to working with you. And also, as far as any one is concerned, you were never here. I know people are looking for you, and I heard they took your daughter.’

“I don't think they thought that out,’ Natalia said. “They now have a pissed off mother to reckon with!

Julia smiled.

“If you need anything, let me know."

“Thanks. Once I get things rolling, I'll need the help."

Within an hour, Natalia found herself back in Hell at the bank building. It was now spotless.

“No more rats,’ Grazie said. “New locks on all the doors. Harold brought in the best to crack the vaults. We now have combinations.’

'I had one text from Uri this morning that said Federal. What does that mean?’

“Even as a savings and loan, you need a bank behind you. Of course, you don't want the Bank of A'ppollo. The Federal Bank is your best option. Not Viperian controlled. Very strict in regards to rules and regulations, but you just want them to hold your money. You have to go through them for check clearing and such. I know you have a chunk of money, but you can't just go to a bank and plop down twenty million in cash and open an account.’

“What do I do?

Natalia realized she hadn't even thought about that.

'I talked with Moralis and a few others about that. We've decided you need a check party.’

“A what?’

'If you go to a bank with a bundle of checks, there is no issue. You start your company books with a bunch of checks and call it investments. People investing in your company. You slowly pay them off on paper, but not really. What happens is that we get hundreds of people to give you checks and then you give them cash.’

“I see. When do we start that?’

“Today. I've already spread the word.’

Grazie nodded out the open door. There were two men coming. They were Viperian. They were dressed in suits. Grazie waited until the two men entered.

“This is Fenni and Pete. I've worked with them before. They currently work at the Bank. They'd like to work with you."

'From the Bank?’

“I've been a teller and a loan officer,’ Fenni said.

“I've done both, too,’ Pete said.

'If you give them some money, they'll start processing checks. Nine am is the time I set for people to start coming.”

Natalia stared at Grazie.

'I don't even have a pen and paper.’

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