Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 192

Epilogue 1 – Bailey

4 months later

I sat on the edge of our bed, nerves rushing through every part of my body, while Asher paced the floor in front of me before he looked down at me. In the whole time since we had officially become a couple, this was the first time I had felt so worried. I did not know how he would react when I told him the news, but now he was as nervous as I was.

“Are you sure you did the test right?” he asked, his voice wobbling a little.

“Can you do them wrong? You pee on it and wait, right?” I attempted to joke, but I genuinely didn’t think I had done it wrong. I just hated the wait…

I had not felt right for a couple of weeks now, and had put it down to a virus going around school. It had not taken me long to go back to work after leaving the hospital after all the drama of the incident with Miles. And soon Asher and I had fallen into the routine of a couple, and I loved it. It was like we had always been together.

His late night working sessions were a thing of the past; he rushed out of work each day to come home to me, or would often come to meet me as I finished work, which always brightened my day. Fresh flowers would often await me, and chocolate was always stocked up too, which made me smile. Asher was far from the dark and moody guy I had first met and was always smiling now, and showering me with love and



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compliments, as well as the fun banter we had going on which always had me smiling, and amused Akira greatly.

But this feeling of constantly being tired, and persistent sickness had made me begin to feel a little suspicious, especially as it never seemed to ease. It had led me to buy a pregnancy test, which, admittedly, had sat in the bag on the shelf in the bathroom for a little while until I had found the courage to do it. Terrified about what Asher might do if I was pregnant, as we had never actually planned for a baby just yet.

But, the moment he found the test, he was as nervous as me, but he had an excitement about him that had melted my heart. But he wanted to do the test immediately the moment he looked in the bag and saw it. Patience clearly not his strongest point… Which meant we were going to be running a little late today…

“Bai, is it time to check it now?” Asher looked at me, his face full of expectation, and I glanced at my phone, nodding. He offered me his hand, pulling me up from the bed as I took it, and we walked over to the dressing table where the test now sat. Together we leaned over it, and my heart raced at the sight.

“There is nothing there.” Asher whispered.

‘Isn’t he meant to be smart?’ Akira giggled.

“I have to turn it over.” I told him, realizing it was faced down. And as I did, there was no denying the answer, as the word ‘pregnant’ sat inside of the little screen.

Asher gasped in surprise, before wrapping his arms around me. “Oh Bai!” he snuggled his face into my neck. “We are having a baby!” his voice told me all I needed to know, as I felt every bit


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as overjoyed as he did.

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There was a sudden knock at the door, telling me we were already late. “I bet that will be Marc and Morgan.” Asher grumbled. “Marc already mindInked to say they were ready to leave.”

Today was the day Ellis would officially become Alpha of the Lotus Shadow Pack, and we were all invited to join them, as were Eden and Caleb, as Alpha and Luna of a nearby pack, so, it was a day to visit family, as well as a day to celebrate.

Miles would not be there, so visiting my home pack was not so much of a chore now. Miles had long since been detained by the Werewolf Council, and was now awaiting a formal trial for his attempted murder of Harley, and for the murder of his former bride’s boyfriend. They had said they would attempt to bring charges for the attempted kidnap of me too, but I held no hope of that one. But, it was expected he would be locked up for a long time to come, and when or more like, if he was released, he would have all ranks taken from him and be forced to join the Werewolf Council defense force army.

Miles would no longer be involved in, anyway, shape or form with the Lotus Shadow Pack. His actions had well and truly severed all ties to his family and his pack. And, I have to say, I felt nothing towards him, no pity or anything. He deserved everything he got.

“You two better not be holding us up because you couldn’t resist ripping each other’s clothes off!” Morgan called through the door, so loud it was likely half the pack heard.

“Open the door before she says anything else!” I warned Asher, and he chuckled. He may not have been keen on my sister when


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she first arrived, but now he was spending time with her and Marc on a more regular basis, he was getting used to her somewhat unique and quirky ways, and he actually found her quite amusing now.

“Come on, we are going to be late!” Marc said as Asher opened the door. “Alpha and Luna are just putting the little ones in the car.”

I walked to meet them at the front door, ready to make our departure to our former pack. “Are you okay, Bai, you look like you have been crying?” Morgan asked me suddenly, and my gaze fell on Asher, and Morgan’s eyes followed. “Actually you both do. Is something wrong?” she asked accusingly.

Has he done something?’ she mindlinked, and I could see she was ready to argue with him for me. I needed to make sure this was right, before she said something she regretted. Ever since she got pregnant three months ago, she had got even more fiery than before, that and little more loopy too in my mind…

“Everything is fine. I just did a test.” I smiled across at Asher, who looked at me in shock. Maybe he hadn’t expected me to tell anyone, but he had to understand why. Morgan had a habit of saying what she thought, especially lately, and I honestly did not want her saying something she shouldn’t.

Asher’s face softened and smiled before he finished my sentence for me. “And we are having a baby.” He came over to meet me, his hand resting upon my non-existent belly, knowing that our little pup was already growing in there.

The look of shock on Morgan’s face was a picture, while Marc just smiled. “Aww!” Morgan almost squealed. “You got pregnant soon after me then! Our little ones will grow up so


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close they will be like family!”

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I found myself frowning, wondering how her mind even worked, while Asher looked at me with a smile. “Erm, Morgan, I am pretty sure they will already be family.” He pointed out, and she looked at him, confused momentarily, before she laughed.

“You know what I mean!”

Marc grinned at me, like he was used to my sister’s weirdness. “We sure do, baby.” Marc gently kissed her head. “Anyway, let us get going, before we have Luna coming up here joining us.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I do believe we have an Alpha ceremony to get to.”

Marc and Morgan walked out of the door, before Asher pulled me to him in a gentle embrace. “You okay with today?” he asked, and I nodded. I was actually looking forward to seeing Ellis being made Alpha of my former pack. He definitely deserved it, and was without a doubt the right man for the title.

“I am fine. Looking forward to seeing everyone. And, this time, I have you to come with me. As my mate too. I don’t think it could have worked out more perfectly.” I smiled up at my mate, who looked down at me with nothing but love.

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