Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 191

Chapter 191 – Bailey

I woke up from snoozing, and found Asher crashed out in the chair next to my bed. He still had not left my side. Despite every reassuring word the doctor could give him, he had chosen not to leave me. We had marked one another last night, so were now officially mates, and I can only say it feels beyond amazing. More than I could ever have imagined. This is what I wanted in life, I had realized while lying there, watching him sleep.

A mate who loves me for who I am. With no judgment. Who doesn’t try to change me. Who cares for me, protects me, and makes me feel adored. Asher does all of those things and more. It seemed I had wanted a mate, and I never knew. But I had also wanted a place I could call home. A place I felt safe, felt secure and content, and Lotus Shadow Pack had not been that in a long time. Autumn Valley Pack had given me that security almost as soon as I walked in, in a way I couldn’t explain, and that only developed the closer I became to Asher, and as my friendships within the pack bloomed.

Fate and the moon goddess seemed to have messed up when fating me to Miles, but, in a bitter-sweet-twisted intervention, things were somehow realigned in me finding my way here to find Asher. To find the other half of my soul; because that is what it felt like. Yes, he drove me wild in the beginning, but now I know that was because he was feeling lost. He was feeling broken, just like I was. We fixed one another. That darkness that had lingered around him had long since faded, and now all I saw was light. Happiness. And that is what he brought into my life




Chapter 191- Bailey

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The doctor walked into my room with a smile upon his face as he looked at Asher. “Wow, such a handsome fella when he is sat there snoring.” He chuckled. “Though I think we can let him off when he has been here since the moment you arrived, worrying sick, and I don’t think he has even slept.”

I nodded, I felt guilty for that, but if anything, it just proved my point that this man cared for me like no other man could. He was dedicated to me, and I wanted to be the same for him.

“Well, I have some good news for you dear, you are good to go home. I think the marking helped you heal. We were not sure if it was, as Luna was asking, suggesting Beta try while you were unconscious, but he refused to without your permission, when we could not guarantee it would help. But, it seemed it really did help. Those last wounds seem to be healed up now. Your stats are stable. All looking good. But, I would say to not overdo it for a day or so. And if you feel unwell, you can always come back. I imagine this big doofus here will be making sure you are okay, and ensuring you get checked if there are any issues.”

I had to say I was shocked at his words. I had no clue Eden had been trying to convince Asher to mark me, but again, the fact he was considering me while wanting to do what was right only made me love him more. The doctors couldn’t tell him making me would help me heal, and he hadn’t wanted to do that without knowing it was what I wanted. I don’t think he could be more perfect…

“Thank you doctor.” I smiled up at him, I could not wait to go home, no matter what they may try and tell you, there is no chance of gaining any rest in a hospital. All the chaos going on, and being checked on every few minutes for one thing or another.


Chapter 191-Bailey

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“Not a problem.” He nodded, and as he moved toward the door, he looked back at me. “Congratulations on becoming our Beta’s mate, I am truly happy for you. I won’t lie, we worried about him for a while. He is a good man, and despite all he went through he still managed his role of Beta valiantly, despite feeling like he was falling apart. He deserves good things. I can see the happiness you bring to him, Miss West.”

Asher cleared his throat from next to us, and the doctor looked across to him awkwardly, evidently not realizing he had been listening. “I was just saying how happy I was for you both.”

Asher raised his brows accusingly. “Hmm, so I heard.” He muttered sleepily.

“The doctor told me I can go home.” I informed him, and his face instantly lit up.

“She is okay? No more concerns?”

“Everything is fine, Beta. She will be okay. Just keep an eye on her for a day or so.” The doctor nodded before moving out of the room, likely wanting to make a quick escape after his faux-


“Well, let me get my mate home then!” Asher exclaims, almost jumping from his seat.

“Slow down, I don’t need you near falling over again.” I teased.

‘Spoilsport.’ Akira joked. ‘I was looking forward to that.”

I used the en suite shower room to take a shower, and get myself dressed into the clothes that my sister had thankfully dropped off for me, before we walked from the hospital


Chapter 191-Bailey

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together hand in hand, being waved off by the doctors. It felt good to be back out in the fresh air, I had to admit, and was surprised to see Eden waiting for us with Alpha Caleb, and their little ones.

“Good morning!” Eden greeted me excitedly. “We just wanted to say congratulations. Do you feel better? Do you feel different now you are Asher’s mate? Aww, I can’t believe you guys are mates! That is such good news! Aww, my babies have you both now as Aunt and Uncle. You will come and visit when you feel up to it, yeah? I already told Alli you would need some time off to recover. You have been through a lot, so you need a rest.”

Asher and Caleb looked at one another before shaking their heads and laughing. “Did you breathe that time, Eden?” Asher teased, so I assumed her talking with so much information in one go was normal. I had noticed it a few times when we had chatted and thought it was quite funny.

“I have been worried about Bailey, And I have missed her. She is the Beta’s mate now!” Eden exclaimed. “Aww, Ash, you done well for yourself.” She smiled, and Asher smiled in response.

“I know I did. Not quite sure how I managed it to be honest.”

“Aww, really? You guys are a perfect match. Despite you being a grumpy **ker at times, Bailey is definitely good for you.” Alpha Caleb slapped Asher on the back.

“Cal, stop cursing when the babies are near.” Eden frowned, and Asher wagged his finger in fake mockery at his friend. I think I could get used to being around these two as friends as well as pack Alpha and Luna. They seemed to work well together, and I knew they were close with Asher

Chapter 191-Bailey

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“Well, I do want to take Bailey home, the doctor said to let her rest, but we will call over to see you guys in a day or so, yeah?” Asher told the Alpha, who nodded.

“Taking it easy is probably for the best. But we will have a BBQ or something when you are up to it. Welcome you into the pack properly, Bailey. Not to mention officially introducing you as Asher’s mate. This is definitely where you were meant to be from what Ash had said.”

I smiled up at Asher, who had his arm around my waist protectively since we left the hospital. “Will you keep us updated with any news about other stuff.” Asher said, and Alpha Caleb nodded.

“He is currently in the cells, Council are expected here today. Not sure what they plan with him to be honest. Morgan said he killed someone at the wedding. Plus attempted murder of your friend.” He looked at me, and I nodded, knowing he was talking about Harley, though I was a little shocked, to say the least, at the fact he had killed someone at the wedding. I knew Miles had a temper, but I could only imagine what had gone down to cause him to go as far as killing someone at what was meant to be his own wedding day. I don’t think that man was ever capable of change. “He could be looking at being locked up for a long time. If not killed.” Alpha Caleb added, and I nodded. I hope he got everything he deserved.

I felt Asher’s touch tighten upon me, in what I assume was reassurance. “Come on then, let us head home. You are staying with me, so I can take care of you.” he told me, and I saw Eden and the Alpha smile, as they walked away.

We walked the rest of the way to the packhouse in a

Chapter 191 – Bailey

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comfortable silence, my mind overrun with all the new information it had thrown at it so far. So much had changed in the last day or so, and things would be changing even further in the future, but I was ready for them. I was ready to be the Beta’s wife of Autumn Valley, and I was ready to put the past behind me, that was Miles and Lotus Shadow Pack. It was all irrelevant now. I had the man I wanted and he wanted me.

Asher opened the door to his Beta suite, letting me follow him in, before he turned to take my hand. “Welcome home, beautiful.” He whispered as he pulled me closer to him. I felt my body reacting to his the moment fell into his embrace. “I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us.” He added, as he brought his lips to mine in a deep and passionate kiss.

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