Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 171

Chapter 171 Ashef

11 288 Vouchers

Chapter 171 – Asher

Having spoken to Bailey, and heard her voice, I felt on top of the world. I knew she was on her way home to me. Things seemed to be good. I had spoken to Eden, and a formal place in the pack was guaranteed. Eden did not need much convincing, as Bailey was her new best friend. They got along so well, and were forever messaging from what Caleb told me.

Marc was doing everything he needed to keep them safe, and I had no doubt within my mind that they should be back anytime. Zion was pacing heavily within my mind though. I do not think he would settle until Bailey was back here, by our side, and where we could protect her. I had been to her room, a beautiful bouquet of flowers awaited her, along with a beautiful hamper of chocolate. I had a feeling I knew which she was likely to love the most… but either way, I just hoped they brought a smile to her face.

It was time for my girl to be treated properly. To have a smile on her face more often. I was ready to prove to her what she meant to me. I had been scared for too long to admit what my feelings truly meant.

Time seemed to be dragging… slower than slow, so I had decided to head to my office to get some paperwork done, when suddenly a mindlink came through. One I did not expect, and one I did not want to hear.

Ash?’ I knew that voice. Marc. Which had to mean they were home. My heart raced excitedly at the prospect of seeing Bailey. I could escape the paperwork, and finally see her! Spend time



12:36 D

Chapter 171 Asher

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with her. Show her how much I had missed her…

‘Are you home? I have been waiting all f**king day! Where are you, so I can meet you?’ I blurted out, unable to hold back my excitement. I don’t care what Marc thinks anymore, after the last few days, I think it is safe to say he already knows how I feel about Bailey.

‘Ash, I am sorry… ‘He began, and it was at that moment my heart tightened. Contorted in pain. Zion crumbled in despair. It was happening again, wasn’t it?

‘No. No.’ I quickly interrupted. ‘Do not tell me she is dead Marc. I cannot lose another.’ My voice wobbled. The very thought of Bailey being gone tore me apart. I felt like I was shattering. Not seeing her again… not hearing her laugh… or seeing that beautiful smile… I felt like my heart was shattering into a million pieces. This cannot happen to me. Not again. What had I done to deserve to go through this again?!

‘No.’ Marc suddenly spoke, his voice more than a little abrupt. ‘But we have been attacked. She is trying to evade the rogues in the forest near the pack. The car broke down and they came for us. I tried to protect the girls. Told them to stick together, but I think she bolted as they came for her. I have tried to find her. I don’t know where she is. But, the way they retreated from us tells me this was not a normal rogue attack. This was planned, Ash. I think he arranged it.’

His words registered within my mind. It all made perfect sense. Of course it did. He had wanted her back. He had tried to stop her leaving his back to no avail, so he had found another way to bring her home. Rogues were known to do anything for money… and now they had helped that evil b**d to attack my beautiful




Chapter 171 Asher

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girl to drag her back to that p***. To force her to be his mate. No. This cannot happen! My heart ached at the very thought, while anger raced through every pore… my vision blurred with fury.

‘*k no. I am on my way. I will get more warriors.’ I snapped through the link, as I charged from my office. The desperate need to get to Bailey taking over now. She needed our help, and she needs it now. And this time it wasn’t just me, this was the whole pack.

‘Warriors.’ I sent out a general mindlink. ‘Bailey West, our teacher from Lotus Shadow Pack, who lives on pack, is out in the forest alongside the northern route to the nearby town. Rogues on her tail, likely to kidnap her for her former fated mate. All help needed to bring her back here. Now! Urgent help needed.’

‘Receieved.’ Multiple mindlnks came through to me, as I flew through the main doors of the pack, Caleb and Eden walking up the steps, their children both in their arms as they did.

“Not time to talk. Bailey being attacked in the forest.” I yelled, as I ran toward the forest.

“No!” I heard Eden wail, when suddenly I heard footsteps alongside me. Caleb…

Seems, I had my friend and Alpha to help me find her, and battle these f**kers. Hopefully, we would get to her in time. I won’t think I could survive losing her. ‘Right what is going on?’ Caleb mindlinked as we headed to the treeline.

‘She has been to a wedding. Her former fated mate’s, who rejected her because he never saw her as good enough.




Chapter 171 – Asher

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Wedding not gone to plan. And he decided he wanted Bailey back. All complicated and fufked up, Cal. But she is in danger. Marc was trying to protect them, but the car broke down, and rogues came for them. But I think the ex paid them to help him. We need to help her, or he will trap her in her pack. She doesn’t want that.’ I explained through the link as we ran, trying to keep things as basic as I could.

‘S***t. Why did I not know about any of this?’ He asked, and in truth I didn’t know what to say, other than the truth.

‘She didn’t tell anyone. Didn’t want anyone thinking badly of her.’

‘But why would we think badly of her when this was not her fault? She needed protection from this. Is he dangerous?’ Caleb asked through the link, and in truth, I am unsure just how dangerous this upcoming Alpha is. But the more I hear, the more I fear the risk he brings to Bailey.

‘He is her pack’s upcoming Alpha. And he is a f**king nut-job. Let’s just say that much, yeah?’ I explained, as I allowed Zion to push forward, my bones cracking and dislocating, into the smooth and easy transition which I have easily mastered while on the move, which is vital when in battle or needing to get somewhere fast.

Zion was soon in control. His sleek and strong Beta wolf form running, while Caleb’s strong and skilled Alpha wolf, Thor, is alongside him, both of them pounding along the forest floor now. Noses in the air, desperate to pick up a scent of bailey or some rogues. Anything to give us a scent to let us know where she may be.

‘The upcoming Alpha?’ Caleb asks, as he allows Thor to take control. ‘And he rejected her? Why would he do that?’




Chapter 171-Asher

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‘Not a clue. She is perfect.’ I said without thinking as Zion dodged and darted through the trees, seeming to follow a scent now, and Thor was doing the same.

There was a deep chuckle through the link, before Caleb spoke. ‘Oh, she is perfect is she?’ and I realized what I had done, but it was irrelevant right now. ‘Something you want to tell me?’

‘Yeah. Bailey is perfect. And I need to bring her home, Cal. I want to make her mine.’ I said without faltering. Knowing now that I had never meant my words more. I just hope that between us and our warriors we were able to do exactly that… well, bringing her home, at least… the making her mine, that was purely down to me!


Chapter 172-Caleb

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