Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 170

Chapter 170 – Marc

I had worked tirelessly on the car. But nothing I did seemed to make a difference. F**k knows what was wrong with it. I w increasingly aware of the rogues lingering, but I did nothing to anger them, knowing that with the number that were known to be in this area, I stood no hope of protecting the girls if they were to turn on us. It was best to continue with trying to fix the car and hope they went on their way, leaving us alone. That was what we needed…

The moment Morgan stepped from the car my wolf was going wild with apprehension. He knew it was not good. If the rogues got the scent of the girls, they were more likely to come closer… more likely to attack. That was why I had intentionally spilled some of the fuel from the can on the edge of the road to confuse their senses. The strong sense of car fuel was overwhelming for their noses, and I had hoped it would detract from the overpowering scent of the she-wolves.

Rogues do not always have many she-wolves around, putting females more at risk when around them. I did not know what they might do knowing the girls were here. I understood the girls were restless. They wanted to get home, and so did I. I had tried persistently to mindlink, but where we were was a dead spot, for both phones and my mindlink. Just slightly too far out of the range of our pack link. I needed back up… I knew that. I needed Asher. He would never forgive me if something were to happen to Bailey. D**n, I don’t think I could forgive myself. That girl had been through so much already, I did not need to be the reason she came to further harm. And I would be beyond forgiveness if




anything were to happen to my mate.

The moment the wolves surrounded us, I knew we were f**d. There were more of them than I realized when I had looked up. They seemed to come from everywhere, and they were looking at us with purpose. Bailey’s suggestion of shifting and running back to pack was our only hope now. We had no other optic But, it was not going to be straight forward. Not with a bunch of **king rabid rogues on our a**s, desperate to get to us… desperate to get their filthy claws into us… or what was probably more likely was get their claws into the girls.

As wê shifted and began to run, I could only hope the girls did as I asked and stuck together. We needed to stick together to give ourselves the strongest chance. If we didn’t, then the wolves would decimate us, of that I was certain. And the moment we began picking up speed, the wolves worked to target us individually. Them working in smaller groups to separate us. My gut was instantly to protect Morgan as a wolf flew at me, my wolf biting into the flesh of the flank of a wolf coming at me… the metallic taste of blood filling my mouth…

A loud whimper from Morgan’s wolf as one of the wolves targeting her dragged her down caused my wolf to growl deeply, somehow giving me an additional surge of strength to pounce forward, getting to my mate, dragging the wolf upon her away. Teeth deep in his neck as I snapped it. Only as I looked up did I realize Bailey’s wolf was nowhere to be seen. In the mayhem that had been occurring she seemed to have fled, and the other wolves were retreating. I could only hope she had managed to escape them. But a sinking feeling lingered in my gut, with a question hanging in my mind: Had they specifically been targeting Bailey?!





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‘Morgan? You okay? We need to get to pack. Get help.’ I mindlinked her, knowing we can’t mindlink Bailey as she doesn’t yet share our mindlink. I only wish Eden and Caleb had considered this earlier. Considered the need to keep her safe while she was in the pack, and made her part of her pack, if only a temporary one. Asher’s suggestion made so much sense. That f**er of a former fated mate of hers was poison, and the more I think of it, the more I realized this whole thing reeked of him. He had likely found a way to enlist rogues to help him. .ie was evil enough. F**k, he likely controlled rogues, he was that f***d up…

‘Yeah. I will be okay. Mimi is injured, I think, but she will be okay. Come on.” Morgan’s wolf twists herself back to standing, and I can see a large wound down her left side. Blooding weeping out. My wolf quickly rushed forward to lick along the wound to assist in it’s healing, knowing a mate’s saliva helped in that, as we made our way back to the pack. Knowing Morgan needed treatment, and in the knowledge that within pack we had back up. We could get the help there we so desperately needed to ensure Bailey was safe too.

The run to pack felt like an eternity, all the while keeping a close eye out for Bailey. So desperate to find her, but there was no sight. Asher was going to be so angry with me!

As we got a little closer to the pack I knew my mindlink would work, but at the same time I was more than a little tentative in telling him what had happened… he would never forgive me… no, I needed to do this.


‘Are you home? I have been waiting all f**g day! Where are





Chapter 170 Marc

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you, so I can meet you?’ Asher’s voice sounded so excited even through the link, I knew now I was about to break his heart.

‘Ash, I am sorry… ‘I began.

‘No. No.’ Asher interrupted. ‘Do not tell me she is dead Marc. I cannot lose another.’ His voice is trembling.

‘No.’ I told him abruptly. ‘But we have been attacked. She is trying to evade the rogues in the forest near the pack. The car broke down and they came for us. I tried to protect the girls. Told them to stick together, but I think she bolted as they came for her. I have tried to find her. I don’t know where she is. But, the way they retreated from us tells me this was not a normal rogue attack. This was planned, Ash. I think he arranged it.’

‘F**k no. I am on my way. I will get more warriors.’ And with that he was gone. I could only hope we could find her. I could never live with myself if Bailey were to come to any harm. The thing is, if this was arranged by Miles, I don’t think he would want her dead. He would have her returned to him, and then her life might as well be over. We needed to act fast.


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