Back & Forth | Book 1 of Back & Forth Series

Chapter Twenty Eight: Fever Dream Pt. 1

For the rest of the day, Luciano and I spent our time in my bedroom, doing nothing but watching movies, action movies to be exact. All the time we were sitting next to each other, I can’t help but to think about my feelings towards Luciano. It did make me feel a bit nervous and awkward to be around him. I kept thinking about if he also felt the same way as I do. The pondering made me anxious that I could barely focus myself to watch the movies. I didn’t even dare to look back at Luciano. I kept avoiding his gaze because if I look back at him, I felt like I might freeze and look stupid. Thank god that Alessio came back at four in the afternoon. I finally feel a bit at ease with not being in my bedroom only with Luciano. It was good that Alessio didn’t teased me like how he did in the morning. If he did, I’m sure it’ll only make me overthink about Luciano again.

Now it’s finally nighttime. We just finished eating our dinner. Alessandro got back home a few minutes before the dinner was served. He didn’t told us anything about the meeting earlier. It should be an important meeting if he’s out for so long. I’m curious about what it was about but I’m not going to use my power to find out about the meeting.

We walk to my room and immediately enter it. I go straight to my bed and sit on the bed bench. Gosh. I feel so sleepy. I fell asleep earlier while watching a movie with Luciano and Alessio but it feels as if I didn’t get any rest earlier even though they woke me up right before dinner.

“Your father agreed on paying his debt tomorrow.” Alessandro said after he closed the door. I look at him in surprise. That’s unexpected. I didn’t thought my father would agree to anything. Maybe he did it to save himself, not because he had a chance of heart just like what Alessandro and Luciano said before. Alessandro’s did say that he’ll kill my father if he doesn’t pay his debt so that’s definitely why.

“He did?” I said, raising my eyebrows at Alessandro. He sits on the bed bench, nodding to me.

“Yes. Here’s the plan. We’ll meet your father at a meeting point. Three of my men going to pick him up and bring him to us. After your father gets there, Luciano and I will go and talk to him while Alessio and you stay behind. We’ll make him hand the money first and then after we got the money and check the authenticity and amount of it, one of my men will shoot a tranquilliser at your father and make him unconscious. We’ll leave the place and then my men will bring your father and then drop him off somewhere close to the city.

“While we’re at the meeting point with your father, you have to act scared and miserable again like how you did in the blackmail video. That’s it. As easy and simple as that.” Alessandri explained.

What? Does this mean that my father is here? In Italy? Why? He could’ve just transferred the money to Alessandro. Maybe my father does want me to go back with him and make sure that Alessandro is keeping the end of the deal. So, does this mean that my father has a change of heart? I don’t think so though. He probably already has something planned for me when I’m going back with him. It won’t happen though. Alessandro said that we’ll meet my father just to take his money and that’s it.

“So, my father is here? In Italy?” I asked.

“Yes. He just arrived yesterday. My men have been watching your father just in case he tried to do something but so far he’s only been in the hotel he’s staying in. He hasn’t gone anywhere else so that’s good.” Alessandro responded.

Alessandro’s plan does sound good and well-planned but something’s telling me that it’s not going to go as planned. I’m not sure what is but it feels bad. My stomach hurts from thinking about it. It could probably just because I’m feeling nervous about seeing my father again. I’m not going to say much about it now. Not until I get an information about it. I’m just going to tell everyone about my gut feeling.

“I feel like something is going to happen unexpectedly tomorrow. I don’t know what it is but it’s making me nervous.” I said.

“Don’t worry. We’ll bring many men with us. We won’t let anything happen to you.” Alessandro said.

My heart suddenly beats rapidly. My hands start to sweat and my body trembles. Am I having an anxiety attack right now? I guess I am. Shit.

“This is really bad. I don’t want to sound paranoid, maybe I’m just being anxious right now but this feels different. This feels too scary.” I said. I try to take deeper and slower breaths to calm myself down but it doesn’t seem to work as my vision goes blurry. What’s happening to me?

I suddenly feel weak and fall to the floor. Everything around me spins so fast. It feels as if I’m riding a high-speed carousel. Breathing starts to feel even more difficult for me as my vision darkens. Through the cloudy sight, I can see everyone gathered around me. Shit. What’s going on with me?

“Allura! What’s happening? Are you okay?” Luciano asked. Someone grabs me and then gets me to lie flat on the floor.

“I’m not feeling well. I don’t know why.” I said weakly. Everything finally goes dark and feels different. There’s no sickness in my stomach anymore. Everything feels so still and calm. It’s odd that I feel so much different than I was a few minutes ago. It’s even stranger that I feel like I’m standing in a dark room without the slightest bit of light. Where am ? What’s going on? I feel absolutely conscious right now. It doesn’t feel like I’m sleeping.

I’m suddenly blinded by a bright light from above. My eyes automatically narrow to prevent too much of the light from entering my vision. After my eyes adjust themselves to the glaring light, I can finally see what’s in front of me but not so clearly. My heart stops for a second at the realisation of what I’m seeing before me. It’s a crowd of people. There’s probably around a hundred of them, all wearing fancy dresses and suits. Their looks are completed with masquerade masks that either cover all of their faces or only the upper half of the face. The room is a big ballroom. All people seated in front of me, watching me through their masks.

I look down at myself and my eyes widen as I see that I’m barely covered with any clothing. Only a useless mesh and lace see-through set of lingerie covering my most sensitive areas. On my feet I’m wearing a pair of high heels. From the feel of it, they might be a 12-centimetre tall.

Oh no. Am I actually where I am thinking right now? No. This can’t be happening. What’s going on? Am I still dreaming? No. This is too real to only be a dream. I’ve had lucid dreams before and this is way too vivid to only be that. So, what happened?

“We’re honoured to announce the next girl we have for tonight’s auction. This is Allura. The star of the night. As we’ve announced before through the list in the website, Allura is the long lost cousin of Alessandro Martinetti. Yes. You heard that correctly. She’s related to our enemy in the underworld of crime.

“You probably wonder how we got her and why she’s here now. How could someone who’s related to a person who despises what we’re doing end up here? Well, it turns out that Allura’s father was the one who sold her. Alessandro kept her hostage for a week to threaten her father to pay his debt to him. To get his money back, he sold her to us. How fortunate of us!

“Worry not about Alessandro. Allura’s father said Alessandro hates her and has been hurting her despite his promise to not hurt any woman and children. What a hypocrite. Rest assured that Allura is in good health despite all the beating she had went through so you won’t deal with any health complications if that’s what you’re worried about.

“Anyways, as you can see in front of you, she has the beauty and the body that we absolutely want you to have. That is one of the reason why we immediately put her in tonight’s auction list after getting her yesterday. She has the perfect face, the perfect tall body with curves on the right places. Not to mention she also has round big breasts and most importantly, thick thighs. I know lots of you are demanding more of girls with thick thighs lately and you can have it from getting Allura. The way she looks and built makes her look like a pornstar, isn’t it? So, if one of you wants her to be the star of your movies, you don’t want to miss out on getting her. Her body is a literal perfection that must be shown to the world.” The auctioneer explained. That was so fucking long. I almost fall asleep from hearing all that.

“Allura, turn around and show everyone your body.” The auctioneer ordered. I shift my gaze to him who’s standing on my left and throw him a look of disgust. He only smirks at my reaction, not fazed at all by the annoyance I show everyone clearly on my face.

This man is fucking disgusting. Everyone in this room is also fucking disgusting. There’s nothing else I want to do right now except killing the auctioneer and everyone else violently right here and now. I wish I can stab everyone here repeatedly and gauge their eyes out with the same fucking blade for having their gaze on me and every other girls they’ve seen in a sick, twisted, sexual way. As mental as that sounds, that’s the least they deserve. For the men, the other thing they deserve is to have their fucking dicks chopped or burnt with eternal flame for all eternity. These people don’t deserve any mercy. I wish them all to suffer through a painful death and to experience the same disgusting things they did to the girls they’ve harassed, assaulted, and abused before.

“Come on, Allura. Show your body to your potential master.” The auctioneer said teasingly with the same stupid grin he has from before.

“Fuck off.” I said through my gritted teeth. I hear the crowd start to talk amongst themselves in a quiet tone. Some of them are chuckling at me, amused by my brashness. I only roll my eyes at their reaction as I cross my arms over my chest. There’s no fucking way I’ll show my body off in front of these perverts. I’m naked enough with this see through bra and panties so they can already see what they’re going to get anyway.

The fuck he means my potential master? I’d rather kill myself right now than leaving with any of these filthy people in front of me. I’m not anyone’s slave, moreover a plaything to only fuck and torture for someone’s own pleasure. If I end up with any of them, I’d seriously kill them right away with my power. I hope my power still works so I can do that. I feel like I want to go into a rampage and make everyone here suffer with my power but I don’t think I can do a mass mind control just yet. It’ll definitely drain my energy so fast and probably kill me in the process. I don’t want that to happen. I want to witness them suffering.

“Ooh, she’s a feisty one. It will probably be a bit of work to tame her but I’m sure it’s going to be worth it. I mean, look at that body. I’m sure none of you would want to miss the chance on getting her all to yourself. You can also show her off in one of our next events and I’m sure everyone would envy you for having the rare gem. On to the bidding, we’ll start at 50.000 dollars. The bidding starts now.” The auctioneer said and tens of people immediately lift their paddles.

What?! 50.000 dollars?! This has to be a dream. Ain’t no way this is real. I can literally buy a quite luxurious car with that amount of money. This is insane. Is this going to happen in my future? Is this a vision of mine? Or worst, did I accidentally shift to this reality and timeline? Hell no. I’d rather go back to my previous reality. I don’t want to experience what I’ll be experiencing in this reality. If this is a warning for my future, I’m still fucked. That means I’m going to experience the same thing twice. Shit. I’m fucked. My asshole father is the one to blame for what’s going to happen. How did he know about this kind of business anyway? Alessandro said the people who know this auction are either loyal customers or people who are invited by the loyal customers. So, which one is my father?

I search through the room, trying to find a way to escape, but every door in this place is guarded by big, tall, gnarly men. There’s no way I can escape them. If I use my power right now, it would be too suspicious. Shit.

I focus myself back on the auction and see only a few people left have their paddles up in the air. How long did I space out?







This is crazy. How are all these people have that much money to spend carelessly on buying another human being? This is insane. You can literally buy a house with that much money.

“500.000.” A man in the middle of the crowd said. Fuck. This is too much. No way this is real. Who the fuck is willing to spend that much of money to-

“750.000.” Another man said.

What in the actual fuck? There’s no fucking way this is going to happen to me in the future. Why would someone waste that much money to buy someone else? If they’re that desperate on wanting someone to fuck and own, they could’ve just do their own kidnapping. Just choose one person from the street and then take them. Not that I encourage that kind of thing but they could’ve at least avoided spending this much money. I don’t understand rich people sometimes.

“Sold to the gentleman at the front row. That’s the highest bid of the night. Thank you so much for your participation in this auction. You can take Allura from the backstage now or after this event ends. Do stay if you’re interested in bidding on other girls we have on tonight’s list.” The auctioneer said. I can see the man in the mask smile at me so smugly and I hold myself back to not jump off the stage and wipe off that smug look from his face.

“Allura, you may leave the stage now.” The auctioneer said.

Scowling, I roll my eyes and go the right side of the stage. I keep stomping in the pair of high heels and walk past two men guarding the backstage. I stop and see girls crowding the room. I can’t help but to frown at how most of the girls look so lost and frightened. I wish I can do something to save them and get them out of this place. I know I have my power but just like what I said before, there’s no way I can use it now. It’ll probably only cause more harm than good to these girls.

I continue to observe the girls and see a small amount of them sneering at me. They’re probably just jealous that I got the highest bid tonight. It seems like they’re here voluntarily. That’s if that even an option to be here. If they’re not voluntarily here, which also means that they got kidnapped or sold like the rest of the girls, those girls are definitely those crazy ass bitches who enjoy getting fucked up and don’t give a shit about anything else.

A man calls out my name and I lazily walk past them. I approach the man and follow him out of the crowded room. There’s many coats lined up along the hallway. Definitely each one of it is for each of us. The man then hands me a white fur long coat and I immediately put it on and tighten the belt around me. Much better. Better than only wearing a see-through lingerie set.

Another man leads me through the hallway and into an empty hall. I scowl as I see the bastard in front of me looking so smug as he stares down at me. I stay in my place, not wanting to get any closer to Federico. The man behind me has his own plan. He grabs me by the arm and pulls me towards Federico. We finally stops in front of him and his stupid grin only gets wider. It’s nothing surprising that he’s here. He literally said to Alessandro through the phone call that he’ll do anything to get me and one of it is to buy me from the auction.

“Allura, we finally met.” Federico said. The smug grin still on display in his face.

“Fuck you.” I seethed.

“Oh, rest assured, darling. I will be the one who fucks you so don’t worry about it.” Federico said. My jaw locked and my hands turn into fists as I hold myself back from not punching him across the face and break his jaw. There’s no fucking way I’m leaving with him. I hate this but I want to know what he’ll do next to me. Other than raping me. Like what is his other motives? I don’t think he wants me just for fun only. He probably has planned something for my cousins and Luciano.

“Alessandro will absolutely go mad when he finds out that you’re with me.” Federico said, scoffing out a laugh. He reaches out for my face and I quickly slap his hand away. The movement only makes the stupid smirk on his face turns wider.

“Don’t you fucking dare touch me. Why the fuck are you here?” I asked angrily. I already know the obvious answer but I just do it to give me more time to think of what to do next. Should I kill him? Like make his heart stop beating somehow? Give him a cardiac arrest or something? No. I can’t do that just yet. I need to know if he has other plans for all of us. I need to endure his annoying presence for now.

“To come and get you, of course. Why else would I be here? Why are you so mad, little flower? Aren’t you happy to be bought by me and be the most expensive girl tonight?” Federico said. My face scrunches up in disgust at the words that just came out of his mouth. No one in their right mind would be happy to be bought by someone to be their sex slave for the rest of their lives.

“Don’t you fucking call me that.” I growled. Federico only grins at me, loving the anger I show towards him like I’m doing performing amusing.

“Are you even hearing yourself when you asked that question? I would never be happy to be bought by anyone especially you. I fucking hate you.” I said. My body temperature turn hotter as anger rushes through my veins.

Don’t fucking kill him yet, Allura. Not now.

“Why? We barely know each other.” Federico said, frowning mockingly at me.

“One of the reason is because of you fucking up my famiglia business. The other reason is because of you hurting children and woman by being involved in this business.” I said.

“It’s nothing personal with your famiglia. It’s just business. We’re competitors in the crime business world. I just want to get rid of you from the market. Being a hypocrite by working with the government to get rid of the rest of us while doing a similar illegal shit doesn’t help. Your famiglia must go down.” Federico said. He glares down at me threateningly but I stand my ground, showing him that I’m not afraid of him. His expression suddenly changes as he gives me a sickeningly sweet smile.

“But buying you from the auction, yes, it’s personal. I want you all to myself and no one else can have you. No one can save you from me anymore. You’re mine and only mine forever. Just from staring at your pretty face makes me think of all the things I’d love to do to you. I want to see you in pain, and possibly pleasure, from what I do to you. I’d make your cousins and Luciano watch as I use you as I please. I’m going to make them watch as I fuck you from behind relentlessly.” Federico said, grinning at me like a maniac. I stare back at him blankly.

“We’ll see if you’re still going to have that stupid grin after my cousins and I fuck you up.” I threatened. I can’t wait to see him suffer after all the things he did to innocent people as well as from thinking about me in that way. I’ll make him fucking pay.

The grin on Federico’s face disappears. Now he’s staring at me sternly and angrily.

“Enough talking. Come here.” Federico said, grabbing my arm and dragging me away with force. He brings me out of the building and then pushes me into the awaiting black Range Rover. I move to the other side of the car as Federico steps into the car. The car moves forwards and out of the driveway into the main road. With my gaze focused outside the window, I try my best to ignore Federico like he doesn’t exist.

I should tell everyone about this. Is everything else the same like my actual reality? I hope so. I don’t understand how my father could end up getting me and sell but I’ll think about that later. It’s more important to let my cousins and Luciano know about what’s happening now.

“Guys, my father sold me in the auction and now I’m with Federico. He won the bid.” I said, trying to communicate with my cousins and Luciano telepathically. Please work. I don’t know what to do if this reality turns out to be different than my other one.

“What the actual fuck? He managed to get you back just to sell you? I’m going to get him and fucking kill him. Where are you right now?” Alessandro asked. From the sound of it, I think someone helped my father to get me and then sell me right away. Who is it though?

“We just left the auction. I think we’re heading to his house right now.” I said. I’m not sure about it because I can’t get anything about where we’re going right now. I feel like my power is kinda blocked. I hope it’ll work again soon. I can’t let anything happen to everyone and me because I have a feeling that Federico already planned something bad for my cousins and Luciano.

“keep us informed. We’re going to get you now.” Alessandro said.

“No! Don’t leave now! Not yet. I have a bad feeling that something might happen to all of you if you go now. Trust me. I’ll find out about it later. Just don’t go now. I’ll be fine. Stay wherever you are now. Don’t do anything.” I warned. Fuck. My chest hurts. Federico definitely has planned something horrible for them. I’m not going to let that happen.

“Okay. We won’t leave now. Please stay safe. Let us know if you got something.” Alessandro said.

“I will. You all stay put for now.” I said.

“We will. Be careful.”

“What’s inside that pretty little head of yours? Are you thinking about me? Can’t wait to be fucked by me?” Federico asked.

Pfft. Never. Not even in your wildest dreams.

I keep ignoring him. I focus on the trees at the side of the road. My breath hitches as I feel nails digging into my jaw and force my head to turn around. I stare back at Federico and see him seething in anger.

“Answer me when I’m asking you a question.” Federico growled. I chuckle at how ridiculous he looks right now. Is he trying to scare me? He thinks he’s scary huh. Doesn’t seem scary enough to me. My father looks scarier than him when he’s mad but he never really scared me so, Federico’s scary level for me is like a toddler attempting to scare someone. Not fucking scary so I’ll change the rating to -1 out of 10.

“You’re not scary so stop trying to scare me.” I said, scoffing and rolling my eyes at him.

“We’ll see about that after I I’ll do to you later.” Federico threaten with a low voice. The threat only makes me smirk.

“You’re the one who’s going to regret what’s going to happen to you later.” I said with a sinister smile. My threat only makes the same evil smile I have now to appear on his face.

“You think your cousins and Luciano are going to come and save you?” Federico laughs at me. He finally lets go of my face and grins even wider at me. “Unfortunately for you, they won’t be able to do that. I already have something planned for them. They won’t make it out alive so no one’s going to save you anymore.” Federico said.

Shit. Is this why my gut feeling telling me to not let anyone leave yet? What plan does Federico have in his mind?

“You’re just bluffing.” I said, keeping my face hard and emotionless. Despite me stating those words, I’m certain that he’s not lying about hurting my cousins and Luciano. And that actually scares me.

“You think I’m like Alessandro? All talk and no action? No. I’m not like him. I’m not scared to hurt anyone. After I show them what I’m doing to you later, I’ll blow up your fucking house, killing everyone inside of it until there’s nothing left to be saved. And for you, you’re going to stay with me forever.” Federico said. He tucks my hair behind my ear and I just let him do it as I glare at him.

“What happened? Why are you suddenly silent? Cat got your tongue?” Federico said.

“You won’t do that. You’re just trying to scare me.” I said.

“By the look on your face, I know I succeeded at it. You’re saying that I won’t do it only to convince yourself. Unfortunately for you, I always meant what I said. Let me tell you a little secret. I already know where your warehouses are so I can claim everything you have there as mine. All thanks to Salvo. Too bad he got caught trying to kidnap you.” Federico said, frowning mockingly at me. I furrow my eyebrows at the mention of that traitor’s name.

Salvo? What? I didn’t thought he’d have a direct connection with Federico. Oh. Oh my god. Is it Silvio? Is he the one who works for Federico? He is. It’s him. I finally find the connection. Shit. I have to tell the men about this later.

“Did he work for you?” I asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

“Not directly. Salvo didn’t know it but he’s been working with my man. He’s the one who pretended to buy and steal drugs from you. It’s funny how you don’t realise how fucking corrupted your famiglia is with my men all this time.” Federico said, scoffing at me. Okay. That’s confirmed. Silvio is Federico’s man. Now that he has confessed to me that he has his men infiltrated or maybe our men to turn their back on us, it makes me wonder how many of them are there. I hope there won’t be too many of them. If that’s the case, we really have to interrogate everyone in the organisation one by one. There’s no fucking way we can let the traitors, even if there’s only one of them, hidden among our loyal men. I should’ve done this before with my cousins and Luciano earlier. I should’ve came with them when they go to the warehouse.

“You think you’re slick, huh? We won’t let you get away after what you’ve done. After we bring you down, I’ll make sure you and each of your men suffer so fucking badly until you wish you’re dead and beg us to kill you instead of letting you suffer.” I threatened.

“keep telling me empty threats. You’re not going to scare me. You’ve lost. I win.” Federico said, smiling at me. Ha. We’ll see about that, old man. You don’t know what we’re capable of.

“I hope you rot in hell.” I said, smiling at him evilly. I can see him grinning back at me in the dark.

“Then I’ll see you there in the afterlife.” Federico said. I only roll my eyes at him and look out the window again. I really should tell my cousins and Luciano about his plan. I’m not going to let Federico kills them.

I feel the car comes into a halt. I look in front of me and see the automatic gate slides open. Wait. I don’t think this is Federico’s actual house. This house looks smaller than the one I was in when I astral projected. Oh shit. I’m fucked.

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