Alkine Academy

Chapter Cal • 37

Smut warning! 🚨

It's been three long and insufferable days.

Yonan and I checked into a hotel just a block away from the clinic that Jacis admitted to.

He spied on her throughout the day and the lucky bastard that I am gets the wondrous job of spying on the night shift.

The mosquitoes flying around the thrift store I'm at the side of, must really love my fucking blood for some damn reason. They have consistently been trying to suck me dry for nearly three hours now!

The WeCare Clinic that I'm scoping out is a six story building that houses multiple people. One of those being my beautiful mate that I miss dearly.

Three fucking days and I've rarely seen glimpses of her as she enters or exits the clinic and in those few instances I haven't seen her smile once.

Not one fucking time.

Her despondency is tearing me apart.

The day she had grabbed Braxtons goons gun off of the gym floor and pointed it at her fucking head was the day I almost lost my damn mind entirely.

Seeing her so dejected sent my spirits into an all time low and irreversible despair. I can't believe she wanted to end her life!

Didn't she think of us just once?About how we would fucking feel if she was no longer with us?

No longer around!

To me I thought that it was kind of fucking selfish of her on her part to not even take into consideration about our fucking feelings.

I was angry. More than angry. I was fucking pissed!

I was pissed at her. At the situation. At fucking Terry and at DC! But mainly, I was pissed at her.


Didn't she realize just how devastated we would be if she actually accomplished killing herself? How devastated I would be?

I was so damn mad at her that I took all of my aggressions out on that asshole Braxton. After Headmaster Griffin stripped him of his abilities then escorted him off of the premises. I tracked him down in an old run down mechanics shop located on the east side of town.

What I did after I found him even I am shocked at my own depravity. I took all of my anger out on him but it's not like he didn't deserve it. He deserved everything he got and I was ecstatic that I was the one that was going to be able to show him exactly what he deserved and how damn furious I was.

"I didn't hurt her man!" Braxton yells out over dramatically.

I got him chained up down in the dungeon in the same exact fashion as Terry had Jaci chained on the night of her assault.

Except, I took a different approach. I have him facing me, so I can see the terror in his eyes when I inflict my fury on him.

Asher is leaning on the far wall, with his arms crossed, observing my demented torture on Braxton. He's enjoying watching me inflict pain on him just as much as I'm enjoying doing it.

"You came to the Academy with the sole intentions of killing her! If your damn goons didn't run away like fucking cowards and drop their guns when they did then Jaci would have never had the opportunity to almost kill herself?" I spew my venom toward him.

Just knowing that this asshole came to the school with the cowardly intention of ripping away Jaci from us is enough to fuel my anger but knowing that the bastard ended up giving her a golden opportunity for her to be able to kill herself broadens my anger even more toward him.

"It's not my damn fault she wanted to commit suicide! You can't blame that shit on me!" Braxton whines pitifully.

Oh but I damn well can.

"Enough of this bullshit! Get on with it already. I'm tired of hearing this pussy ass whine!" Asher gruffly demands as he pushes off of the wall heavily walking in our direction.

Let's give the man what he wants then.

With a saw-blade in my hand and an evil grin on my face.

I fulfill Asher's demands gleefully.

That night Braxton entered the land of the nonliving, without his dick and balls, I might add. They were stuffed inside his mouth and his ass. Asher's idea not mine.

"Eat a dick!"

Those were the last words that Braxton ever heard and they were spoken from Asher as he crammed Braxtons dick down his throat. He almost seemed angrier than I was at Braxton. It's the last time I was able to really laugh here lately.

After we finished off Braxton happily, that's when I came to the realization that I was pissed at Jaci for no good reason.

She isn't to blame for all the shit that happened to her. How can I blame her for wanting to end her own misery? I just wish she would have talked me about it before she tried to do something so damn dramatic.

Talk to either of us.

Returning back to the manor, feeling a bit better of ridding the world of another spineless creation, I was passing by Jacis bedroom door when I heard her hysterical sobbing through it.

It tore me apart to hear her so damn broken. I slid down onto the floor, with my back propped against her bedroom door and basically cried along with her.

The bonding between us makes me feel her emotions just as if they were my own. So why wasn't I able to feel how badly she wanted to end it all?

It's because I chose to ignore it. I ignored her cries for help. I ignored her heartbreak. I just chose to fucking ignore it like a spineless wimp.

Because for some damn reason, in my fucked up brain, I thought if could ignored the issue for long enough that it would just disappear eventually.

Boy how wrong I was.

I should've tried to find a way to help her instead of ignoring it and pushing my own doubts aside about her suicidal tendencies.

Some fucking mate I am!

Staring at the clinic, with all of these thoughts cycling inside of my mind, I have a strong urge to walk my ass right over there and tell her how sorry I truly am for ever pushing her feelings aside.

She's on the second floor of the building. It wouldn't take much for me to able to get to her. The longing inside of me to see her and talk to her has me instantly pushing myself off the wall of thrift store and determinedly making my way over to her.

Being anxious sure does suck balls!

I snuck into the building without anyone being non the wiser. I'm just good like that.

Now I'm standing in front of her door contemplating how disastrous my decision was to sneak in the building to see her and how all of this shit is going to go down. I'm a nervous fucking wreck.

Wiping my hands on my blue jeans anxiously, I bravely decide to knock on her door regardless of what might happen afterwards.

Rapping my knuckles on her door, I gulp loudly, downing my anxiety when the door slowly opens to reveal someone I wasn't entirely expecting.

A bright blue eyed giant of a man stands in the threshold of the door staring at me cluelessly.

"Can I help you?" His deep voice gravitates in a harsh rumble that actually surprises me.

Who the hell is this fucker and what the hell is he fucking doing in Jacis room?

"I'm looking for Jaci!" I grit out with a hint of jealousy.

"Jaci." The bastard calls out over his shoulder giving me a playful smirk while he does it.

Jaci arrives behind him a second later, when I see her shyly standing directly behind him and exactly what she's wearing, has my jealousy spiking uncontrollably.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" I dismiss the confused look the stranger gives me over my uncontrolled but well deserved outburst, pushing him aside I stomp angrily into the room stopping in front of Jaci glaring down at her suspiciously.

"What are doing here Cal?" She asks me tentatively choosing to ignore my question entirely.

"Answer my question first Jaci! Why are you dressed like that in front of him," I point at the stranger that's watching our interaction closely, "and why are you sharing a room with a damn man?" I add on. My accusing tone makes her flinch back away from me like a scared little doe.

Suddenly I feel like a total jackass when I see the sadness appear in those beautiful bright blue eyes just because I can't control my irrational jealousy.


"I'm sorry. When I saw you dressed liked that and a strange guy opened your door, I kind of...lost it. I'm so sorry baby." Stepping up to her, I embrace her gently, enclosing my arms around her slender shoulders. I rest my chin on top of her head feeling guilty at my uncalled for overreaction and frightening her.

"I'll give you two a minute." The stranger generously offers. Exiting the room he closes the door quietly behind him.

After a few seconds she pulls away from my embrace those beautiful eyes stare up at me longingly.

"Why are you here Cal?" Her notable question has me basically floundering.

I can't tell her that she has a protection detail following her around for obvious reasons.

One: I don't want to scare her. She hasn't mentioned anything about DC lately and bringing him up would be putting her more on edge than she already has been.

Two: if she knew that me and my brothers were watching her every move, even if it is to protect her, she would undoubtedly hate us for not being able to trust her.

I go with option three.

"I missed you." I tell her solemnly. But unfortunately she doesn't buy it.

Those bright blue orbs diligently roll at my poor excuse for unexpectedly being here in her room at this late hour.

"Cal." She rolls my name off of her tongue disapprovingly, dragging it out like she's scolding a child.

I give a little flirty wink, lightly placing my hands on her upper arms, rubbing them.

"I did miss you baby and I was worried about you." I tell her honestly even though it's only a tiny part of why I'm actually crashing.

"Cal." She drags out my name again. Giving me a pointed look.

"Fine. I wanted to talk to you about what happened." I cave in. Dropping my hands away from her arms slowly.

"Ok. Sit down," she waved her hand to the bed on the left side of the room. I casually make my way over to it. Sitting on the edge of it looking up at her sadly. "I owe an explanation at least." She sighs out, sitting on the bed right beside me.

"Where do I start," sighing again, she turns the upper half of her body toward me. "First off, I need to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you and that I thought about hurting myself. I was in a dark place and I thought that the only way I could end my suffering was by ending myself. I wasn't thinking clearly. Honestly, the only thing I could actually think about was wanting it all to end. The sadness overwhelmed me. It basically consumed me. I saw the gun and thought it was an easy way out. That if I could just pull the trigger that my pain, my sadness, everything would just go away. I wasn't in my right frame of mind and for that I am truly sorry." After her heartfelt apology I find myself wanting to sympathize with her but I still have this undermining anger inside of me that I just can't seem to keep under control.

"Did you think about us Jaci? Did it even once cross your mind about how we might actually feel if you did something like that to your self? How you doing something that fucking stupid would affect us? Did you even care that if you did accomplish ending your life that it would completely destroy all of us. That it would fucking destroy me?" Standing from the bed quickly I start pacing the room back and forth frantically.

I didn't come here with the intentions of releasing all of my pent up anger her, but dammit! I couldn't keep this emotional turmoil that's been constantly on my mind inside of me any longer.

"When you put that gun to the temple of your head I did something that I will probably regret for the rest of my damn life," stressing out from the chaotic over emotional feelings that's dangerously seeping out of me, I start to feel extremely exhausted. Making my way back to the side of the bed, I plop down on it beside her. Emotionally over drained, I try to calm down to the best of my abilities.

"I froze." I finally tell her.

"I froze Jaci. In that split second that could determine between your life or death I was completely immobilized. I couldn't move. The shock of seeing you placing that damn gun to your head freaked me the fuck out! Thank fuck Ora had enough sense to take the gun away from you before you were able to do anything or else you would have shot your fucking brains out right there in that gymnasium. You would have died right there in front of me and all because I was too damned stunned to get to you in time." When I finally raise my head to look at her I curse myself when I see the tears slowly streaming down her face.

Comprehension suddenly hits me while all of this bullshit has been eating away at me.

I was mad at Jaci but I'm madder at myself even more.

I failed her. If I was a better man, a better mate, I wouldn't have frozen when I did. If I was like Ora at the time and jumped into action without giving it a second thought I would have been the one that would have stopped her but instead I completely froze like a fucking pussy!

"It's not your fault Cal and to answer your question, yes, I did think about you and your brothers. Why do you think I couldn't pull the trigger? Don't get me wrong I was about to do it but something stopped me. That something was you Cal. You and the others. I regret what I did fully. I was in a very bad place and I know that's no excuse but it is what it is. He took something away from me that I can never get back but I'm working on it Cal. I'm trying my hardest and I am improving." She grabs my hands from off of my lap and grips them in her own. Her beautiful eyes start bouncing back and forth along my face staring at me pleadingly.

"I can touch you without being scared now and do you know why?" She waits for me answer her but I don't have a single to clue as to why so I shake my head eyeing her closely, "because when I touch you I can feel the tingles, the sparks, and when you touch me I can feel the same but it's not only that. I can feel the love in your touch. I can trust you when you touch me," she removes her hand from my grasp placing it on my cheek softly, "your touch, your love, are the only things that I long for. Please don't blame yourself for not being the one to get to me first. Ora removing the gun from my hands wasn't the catalyst that stopped me from pulling the trigger that day. It was the love I have for each of you. You're the reason I'm here Cal. You and my other mates." Hearing her pour out her endearing sentiments to me escalate my own tormenting feelings toward her.

I don't even think, I just press my lips to hers, devouring her mouth with my tongue. Wrapping my arms around her waist I pick her up off the bed bringing her body over to me. She straddles me as we continue our heated French kiss.

"Cal." There she goes dragging my name out again but this time it's in between our kissing. With her lips still pressed against mine. I hesitate for a fraction of a second before I hesitantly pull my lips away from hers, with our heads resting on each others, I try to catch my breath wondering why she broke our kiss.

"I can't." Two fucking words ushered from her pretty little mouth is all it takes to break my resolve completely.


I rushed in too quickly. My desire for her overloaded all of my preconceptions. I could actually kick myself for being an overzealous horndog.

"Sorry." I obediently tell her. Dropping my hands to my side trying to contain myself.

"But I got an idea." She suggestively tells me.

I perk right up, tilting my head to the side waiting on her explanation.

"Let me take control." She whispers to me. Raising my eyebrows in surprise at her unusual bolstering confidence.

"By all means." Fuck if I'm going to her no.

She climbs off of my lap, walking over to her door, she pushes the lock into place. Turning her attention back to me she slowly starts to undress provocatively.

I quickly join her, jumping up from the bed, I strip off all of my clothes. Standing beside the bed I watch her as she slowly prances her way to me. Her bright blue eyes roam all over my body, stopping only when they latch on to my over expanded dick.

"Lay down." She demands of me and I quickly obey, jumping on the bed I lay my back in the center of it along her fluffy pillows. Never taking my eyes off of her seductive progression toward me. I love that her dominate side is finally coming out to play.

Jaci climbs on the bed, on all fours, I can feel the bed dip when she finally gets to me she languishingly straddles my hips. I can feel her sweet smooth pussy rub against my harden cock sending exquisite sensations pulsing throughout my body.

I start to place my hands on her hips but she grabs them both before I could make a connection to them. Shaking her head vigorously she pulls them back behind my head.

"No touching. I have to do this on my own." Hating the suggestion but I obey it anyway just for her, placing my hands behind my head, intwining my fingers, I let her continue on with her domineering seduction.

If this is what she needs to be able to make love to me then I will give her exactly what her heart desires.

She tentatively starts gyrating on top of me, with her tiny hands planted on my chest. I grind my teeth wishing that I could just fucking touch her.

Closing my eyes, trying my best to relax, I focus on giving her what she wants. Though it's fucking hard to do.

When her little warm hand wrap around my shaft, my body tenses up, then she slowly arranges herself, sliding my cock along her golden slit, gently pushing my dick inside of her already heated center.

Jaci places her hands back on my chest, pushing them down as her hips glide agonizing slow up and down my engorged dick.


This is what I call beautiful torture. Opening my eyes to watch her she's looks exactly like a damn goddess with her head thrown back and eyes closed lost in her heated passion. Her soft little whimpers escaping her mouth are reflectively driving my aspirations for her overboard. Her breast are bouncing with every little movement she makes.

I grind my teeth harder.

It's so fucking hard not to be able to touch her. I know she needs this, the power for her to be in control but it's driving me down right crazy.

"Open those beautiful eyes Jaci. I want you to see who your making love too." I solemnly tell her.

She opens her eyes wistfully staring right in to mine. "That's it's baby." I try to encourage her. I push my hips up, driving my swollen cock deeper into her little tight ass fucking pussy. With skin slapping skin roughly I feel her velvet walls start to convulse, strangling my cock with a fucking hard ass clench.

She begins to close her eyes when her climax begins to swim through her. "Look at me baby. Tell me whose cock is wedged deep inside of you!" She gingerly opens her eyes. "Yours Cal. All fucking yours." Two more slides up and down my throbbing dick, with her eyes still locked on me she comes completely undone. Seeing the pleasure on her face has my warm seed spurting inside of her core like I dropped a fucking bomb deep into her and it exploded on sudden fucking impact.

I played the best submissive ever.

She collapses on top of my chest panting heavily. I slowly take my hands away from my behind my head and gently place them around her shoulders.

She doesn't flinch or push me away. I'm ecstatic over her progress.

Hearing the rattle of the doorknob on her bedroom door, she raises up off of me with her eyes as wide as saucers.

"Jaci. Can you let me in?" Her roommate ask her beyond the door. We both laugh at our compromising position.

"Just a minute Chad." Jaci yells at him over her shoulder.

This time I don't resist, I place my hands on her lovely hips, giving her a little sly smirk.

"Please don't say another mans name while my dick is still inside of you. You're going to give me an inferiority complex baby." I jokingly quip.

Her sweet laughter rings out happily making this moment a hundred times better between us.

Thank fuck I decided that I needed to talk to her tonight. If I could freeze this exact moment in time I would gladly do it without hesitation.

She doesn't understand how much this night actually means to me. She's opened so much that I can see the old Jaci gradually returning finally.

Now all we have to do is get through the next few weeks!

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