#7 The Twins of Satin Moon

Chapter 50


I didn’t like the idea that Maizey thought we would fight over our babies and who would be the heir, but I could understand where she was coming from. There’s a lot of pressure on her as the Luna to have heirs, whether we put it on her or not. Not to mention all the stress she’ll have after being a new mom. Of course she wanted to handle all the details before we were forced to.

“Hunter was Satin Moon’s first Alpha so it’s only fair that he gets the first son.” Archer said before I could speak. I eyed him curiously.

“You sure?” I asked him.

“Oh, yeah, completely.” Archer shrugged.

“How about I just have boy twins first and take care of it in one shot?” Maizey teased us, pushing my arm playfully.

“That would be ideal.” Archer joined the joke, playing with Maizey’s wild curls.

“I hope you’re ready to have babies soon, because I don’t believe in condoms.” I rubbed Maizey’s stomach and she shoved me away.

“Me either.” Archer agreed and she shoved him, too.

“Then I believe in abstinence.” She crossed her arms definitely. I think Archer and I both stopped breathing.

“No, baby, please.” I begged.

“That’s cruel and unusual punishment.” Archer whined. We both started caressing her seductively. She only lasted about 15 seconds before she was in a fit of giggles.

“Fine! Fine. Get me pregnant.” She threw her hands up in defeat and we all started laughing.

“Well, if you insist.” Archer swept her up and leaned her back on the desk, kissing her fiercely.

“We’ll have to be quick.” I reminded him, our meeting was in half an hour.

“I didn’t mean right now!” Maizey shrieked.

I covered her mouth with a passionate kiss. She dissolved against my mouth, giving up her resistance. I jumped up on the desk and lifted her up, laying her head across my lap so she was more comfortable. Lucky for us, she was wearing a dress. I unzipped it and slowly slid it off her upper body. I started kneading her breasts as Archer continued removing her dress. He slid it over her knees and started pressing his mouth against her inner thighs, teasing her sensitive core with his hand.

Archer undid his belt and zipper, pushing inside Maizey and moving her against the desk. I cradled her upper body in one of my arms, making sure that she was hitting any of the hard desk, while using my other hand to rub her body. I bent over her and sucked on my mark, causing her to wither and scream under us. When Archer was finished, he and I switched spots and I made Maizey reach her high all over again.

“I love, princess.” I purred, re-dressing her in her bra and shirt.

“I love you, too, Hunter.” She smiled at me, her voice breathless.

“I love you, my little Luna.” Archer cooed as he pulled up her underwear pants. She held onto his shoulders as she slid off the desk.

“I love you, too, Archer.” She kissed Archer and then arched her back to kiss me from behind her.

“We have to get to our meeting. Are you okay by yourself?” I asked her. She narrowed her eyes at me,

“When am I ever by myself?” She flung open the office door to prove her point. Toby and Derek were already standing guard.

“Fair enough.” Archer chuckled. He rested his hand against her cheek briefly, like he always did when he was saying goodbye, and left the office. I kissed the top of her head and followed after him.

We made it to the conference room just in time. Archer was making fun of me for giving him a hard time about being late the entire walk there. I ignored him. Facing the elders was easier than I had originally thought. I wasn’t sure if they had forgiven Archer for his past indiscretion, but it turned out that they cared more about everything he has done since becoming a Warrior. They quickly approved of my plan and the meeting was adjourned in less than an hour.

With plenty of life left in the day, I decided to call a pack-wide meeting to officially introduce Maizey as our mate, the new plan for the creation of a Warrior pack, the upcoming Luna ceremony, and the birth of my two new siblings. Lots of news to be shared this evening.

With Maizey on my arm and Archer beside her, we addressed the pack before us.

“Satin Moon! As you all already know, my brother, Alpha Archer, returned to us about a month ago. His spontaneous arrival home was brought on by the discovery of our precious mate, and your Luna, Maizey Grace.” I paused to allow the pack to cheer at that announcement, “I want to thank you all for graciously welcoming not only Archer home but also Maizey. Soon, Maizey will have her Luna ceremony and become an official member of the pack.” Maizey waved at the pack sheepishly, her face bright red from embarrassment; so red that it matched her plain dress.

“I also wanted to thank you all for the warm welcome home. I appreciate you treating me as your brother and Alpha. As many of you already know, I have spent the last ten plus years with the Warrior pack. Upon returning home to be with Hunter and our mate, I have brought some Warriors with me.” Archer looked back at me to continue.

“I have made an arrangement with Alpha Sal of the Warrior pack to allow Archer to create his own Warrior pack right here. With your approval, I would like to rename Satin Moon as the Satin Moon Warrior pack to create one large, superior pack. The Warriors will remain in their own packhouse on the other side of the territory but they will join in on all of our festivities. You all will also have the opportunity to try out for the Warrior pack as will your children and children to come.” I held my breath, waiting to see how the pack would react.

There were murmurs and quite chatter amongst the pack while they digested the idea. Then, abrupt applause as several members of the pack began mindlinking me their approval. I grinned widely.

“It seems like you are all mostly in agreement. Nevertheless, I will put it to a vote tomorrow. Anyone who wishes for their opinion to be heard can vote in the conference room. I will make the official announcement at the Luna ceremony, which will be held in five days.” I said.

I heard Maizey gasp beside me and I mentally slapped myself in the forehead as I realized I never discussed the Luna ceremony date with her. Archer rolled his eyes aggressively at me while Maizey continued to hide her frown from the pack.

“One last thing, I am pleased to announce that the former Luna Elena and Alpha Wesley have had a successful birth of twins! A daughter by the name of Shelby and a son, Sebastian.” The pack cheered again. “Thank you all for your attendance.” I bowed my head politely at the pack and they responded before the meeting was dispersed.

“Are you an idiot?” Archer grumbled as Maizey stomped away back inside the packhouse.

“Yes.” I muttered a reply, following after our mate.

“I’m sorry, Maizey, I forgot to talk to you about the ceremony date. I just thought it would be best to get it done as soon as possible since it’s already been months.” I sighed, catching up with her in the living room.

“I wish you would have asked me first, Hunter. I would have told you that I needed some more time. I don’t want to go into this unprepared.” She had her arms planted firmly on her hips.

“I know and I should have. I screwed up, I’m sorry, princess.” I batted my puppy dog eyes innocently at her and she rolled hers, smirking at my expression.

“I’m tired and I want to go to bed.” She pouted, grabbing Archer’s hand and pulling him after her. She made a face at me as she stomped past.

“You’re in trouble.” Archer sang in my head.

“Shut up. It’s usually you.” I grumbled.

“Yeah and I’m going to relish in the fact that it isn’t this time.”

I grumpily followed after them. Maizey undressed as she walked across the room, tearing her red dress over her head and dropping her panties to the floor. She swayed her hips as she strutted off to the bathroom. I heard her lock the door and turn on the faucet.

“Great, this is all your fault, you know.” Archer plopped down on the bed. All we could do was listen as Maizey filled the tub and the sweet smell of bubble bath filled the air.

“Archer!” Maizey sang from the bathroom and I heard the door unlock. Archer grinned wickedly at me and threw open the door, “It’s not fair for me to punish both of you when I’m only mad at Hunter.” She said, glaring at me from inside the tub.

“I’m sorry, baby!” I cried, trying to push my way into the bathroom.

“My Luna just wants me.” Archer grinned, clearly enjoying himself as he slammed the bathroom door in my face.

I groaned loudly and fell, face first, onto the bed. I buried my face in the pillow to try and block out the sounds and smells of my mate’s arousal. I was a jealous mess of my brother, but I knew I deserved this treatment. After a while, Maizey came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body and Archer followed, completely naked. I lifted my head up and flopped around so I could at least get a good view of my mate.

Maizey smiled at me and walked over to the bed, she crawled on top of me still in her towel, her wet hair slapping me in the face. I didn’t care. My arms immediately went around her body.

“Say you’re sorry, again.” She purred. I pulled her closer to me and pressed my lips to her ear,

“I’m so so sorry, my precious princess.” I cooed. She shivered under my touch and ran her hands under my shirt.

“And you’ll tell the pack that you spoke out of turn. I want to wait two months before the ceremony.” She added, her eyes fluttering closed as I trailed my fingers across her bare shoulders.

“Whatever you want, baby.” I would agree to anything at this point.

“I want to be prepared before I take the job. Two months.” She said again, her eyes snapped open to gaze into mine.

“Yes, princess.” My hand dipped under the towel and tickled the bottom of her butt cheeks.

She moaned and the next thing I knew we were both naked and Maizey was grinding on top of my member. I had my face pressed into her breasts while my hands gripped her hips, rocking them quickly back and forth. Archer was sitting behind her, peppering her shoulder, neck, and back with kisses while he rubbed her core. Maizey threw her head back and let out a sexy moan as she came undone for us.

We flopped over in bed and I cradled Maizey to my chest. I felt the bed shift as Archer laid behind her. I fell asleep with my nose pressed into her wet curls, breathing in her soothing scent.

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