#7 The Twins of Satin Moon

Chapter 18


Hunter was true to his word. I didn’t see him at work all day. His car was in his parking spot when I arrived and still there when I left. I told myself that I wasn’t going to cry for him anymore.

The next day was more of the same, but when I left, I noticed a familiar face in the lobby. It was Carmin, the rude brunette from the party. She sneered at me but I didn’t have it in me to care. That was, until a familiar scent filled my senses. I wasn’t sure when he started to have such a mouthwatering smell that could reach me from across the room, but apparently he did. I stiffened and turned around to see Hunter strolling up to Carmin.

He either didn’t sense my presence or didn’t care. He grabbed Carmin and kissed her cheek. He looked at her face, seeming to finally catch her expression. He followed her gaze and found me, staring at them. I blushed and quickly looked away, throwing myself out the door. I didn’t want to be here when they came out to get in Hunter’s car. I stepped on the gas and sped away from the parking lot.

I fought the tears that threatened to fall, determined to keep my promise to myself and never cry over him again. It was quite clear what was going on between Hunter and Carmin, and it was exactly what Hunter said would never happen. Every single day Carmin was there, either lurking in the halls around lunch or waiting for him at dinnertime. I threw myself into my work, pushing them far from my mind. Or, at least I tried.

It had been two weeks since Hunter broke my heart. I was walking out to my car when I spotted someone lurking in the parking lot.

“Hello? I can see you!” I yelled at the figure who attempted to flee. I heard a loud sigh and then he stepped out from behind a dumpster. I squinted, recognizing this guy from somewhere.

“Have you been following me?” I knew this man from the grocery store, the coffee shop, and the gas station.

“No.” Oh he was a liar.

“Why are you following me?” I glared.

“Maizey?” Miles came walking out of the building, watching me carefully.

“What?” I snapped, knowing he was a friend of Hunter’s.

“This is Danny.” He introduced the stranger.

“You know him?” I leveled an accusing gaze on him.

“Yes, he’s one of your bodyguards.” Excuse me, what?

“One of….my bodyguards?” I wasn’t sure what was more shocking, the fact that I had bodyguards or that there was more than one.

“You have ten total, but five rotate out; three who stay at your house and two who follow you.” He explained like it was normal.

“Why do I have bodyguards? Who ordered bodyguards?” I had so many questions.

“Hunter did, to keep you safe.” I seethed at the sound of his name.

“What does he care?” I snapped.

“His fear for your safety is why he left you, Maizey.” Miles sighed.

“What does that even mean?” I crossed my arms over my chest, frustrated with all of the lies.

“It doesn’t matter. They are just here for your safety. The Greyback’s have a lot of enemies and Hunter openly involved you in his life.” Miles said, his expression incoherent.

“And then he openly shoved me out of it and started dating Carmin. I don’t want anything from him.” I was almost shouting.

“Maizey.” I stiffened immediately at his desirable voice. I refused to turn around, “Please, just keep the bodyguards.” Suddenly, I was angry, like, really angry. I whipped around and pointed a finger at his face,

“How dare you? You wanted out of my life, you wanted me to stay away from you, congratulations, you got your wish. You don’t get to keep one toe in the water. Leave me alone and take your bodyguards with you.” My voice was level and stern. Hunter flinched like I had just slapped him.


“Go to hell, Mr. Greyback.” I spat his name, “If I see any of you again, I’m calling the police.” I turned my fury on the bodyguard named Danny. I jumped in my car, slammed the door, and nearly hit Hunter on my way out of the parking lot.

“Selfish, argonaut, dick, piece of shit, infuriating….” I was shouting as I stormed into the house. Matt and Nicky were already home, looking at me from the living room.

“Hello?” Matt replied hesitantly, looking at Nicky with a concerned expression.

“She’s finally cracked.” Nicky whispered not so subtly.

“Don’t talk to me.” I snapped like I was pissed at my brothers.

“What did we do?” They squealed together. I ignored them and slammed my bedroom door shut.

I hid in my room the rest of the day, which was the new normal for me, anyway. Every afternoon I came home from work, showered, and hid in my room until dinner. If it was my turn to make dinner, I did so silently and in a terrible mood. After dinner, I showered and crawled back into bed. It was unhealthy, I’ll admit.

But, something kept me in my room, something I was both scared of and excited by. The green eyes who watched me from the trees in our backyard, the green eyes of my white wolf. Every night he was there, watching me. I never saw him, he didn’t get close like he did that night I fell in the kitchen, he stayed in the shadows of the woods, but his eyes were unmistakable. Somehow I knew that he wouldn’t hurt me, that he was there to look out for me. It sounded irrational, which was why I didn’t tell my brothers or anyone else about it.

The next day at work I was still pissed and my mood was noticeable.

“Hey, Maze, you alright?” Gabe hadn’t spoken to me much since the first day, but I did notice that his mood changed considerably once Hunter stopped visiting. Coincidence? I think not.

“Yeah, fine.” I grumbled and Gabe smirked at me.

“You’ve never been good at hiding your emotions.” He pointed out and I just rolled my eyes, focusing on my computer screen.

“A bunch of us are going out after work tonight, wanna come?” He asked. I looked at him hesitantly,

“Out where?” I asked.

“To a bar up the street. Your whole team usually goes. It’s a standing Friday thing.” Gabe nodded towards my group.

“They might have mentioned something about it before.” I shrugged.

“You really should come, let off some steam. We can carpool, if you want.” He offered. I thought about it for a minute then decided that a night out might be exactly what I needed. Not to mention, my secret desire for Hunter to see me out with Gabe.

“Okay, sure, sounds fun.” I agreed with a smile and Gabe grinned excitedly,

“Good!” The rest of the day was uneventful.

At 4:00 we all closed up shop for the day and rode the elevator back down to the lobby. Vera, Pen, Ryker, and Frankie from my group were all going to the bar along with Natalie and Merlin from Gabe’s group and Freeda, Austin, Bennett, Layla, and Peter from the other three groups. We walked out of the elevator in one large swarm, most of us carpooling in some fashion to the bar which was only a few blocks away.

Per usual, Carmin and Hunter were already in the lobby. It was like I could physically sense his tension as he turned in my direction. I ignored his eyes, staying close to Gabe and the group. Vera, Pen, and Frankie were also riding with Gabe and me. Ryker, who I was surprised was coming at all, had a motorcycle and was taking himself. We all piled into Gabe’s car and left Greyback Industries in the rearview.

“A vodka straight for me and a whisky on the rocks for the lady.” Gabe grinned at me, seeming proud of himself for remembering my drink of choice.

Except for the fact that I hated my whisky on the rocks. He never got that part right.

“Thanks, Gabe.” I clicked my glass against his and brought it to my lips. I gasped when someone ran into my back, making me spill my drink.

“Watch it, man!” Gabe yelled, grabbing the man’s shoulder. I sighed, feeling the familiar tingles shoot up my spine, revealing exactly who this man was.

“What are you doing here?” I asked Hunter, refusing to meet his gaze.

“Sorry, I didn’t know you owned this bar.” Carmin sneered, latching onto Hunter’s arm.

“I’m sorry I bumped into you.” Hunter’s voice was low.

“It’s fine. Gabe, let’s go.” I grabbed Gabe’s hand and pulled him away from the couple.

“Are you okay?” Gabe asked, putting his lips close to my ear so only I could hear him.

“Let’s dance!” I grinned, motioning for him to follow me. His face contorted into a mischievous smile, one I knew all too well.

I wasn’t proud of it, but I knew exactly how to push all of Gabe’s buttons. I spun around in his arms and pressed my bottom against his groin, swaying my hips to the beat of the bar’s music. Gabe’s hands found my waist and he pulled me even closer.

“I wasn’t sure if you felt the same way anymore, Maze.” Gabe whispered in my ear, kissing his way down my neck.

I felt my body going numb as I gave myself over to him. I never loved Gabe, not for a second, but he was a good distraction. That’s the thing my brothers never knew. I knew about Gabe’s cheating, I knew he wasn’t faithful to me or in love with me. He was using me for my intelligence and whatever else I was willing to offer up. But, I was using him, too. He made me feel absolutely nothing which is all I wanted, a break from my reality. And I needed a good break right about now.

“I don’t feel much, Gabe.” I admitted, leaning my head back to give him better access.

“Let me make you feel, baby.” Gabe nibbled on my ear lobe. I shuttered, but not because of his touch, it was because, when he called me baby, I heard it in Hunter’s voice.

I needed more. I spun around and crashed my lips to Gabe’s, moving urgently against him. His hands found my butt, squeezing and massaging it roughly. I yanked open his jacket, listening to the buttons as they clattered on the ground. My hands snuck up his shirt, roaming over his toned body.

I bet Hunter’s is better.

I forced Gabe’s mouth open and swirled my tongue with his, claiming dominance. His hands explored my body and he released my mouth,

“Let’s go somewhere more private.” He said and I nodded eagerly.

He took me into the bathroom and locked the door. I slammed him against the wall and yanked his jacket off, eager for my blind release. He groaned like I actually cared about him at all. Gabe’s hands found my body again and he untucked my shirt from the pencil skirt, fumbling with the zipper on the side of my skirt. His hand slipped into my panties.

“I’ve missed this so fucking much, Maze.” He sucked on my neck and I knew what he meant, he missed our sex. I ignored him and unbuttoned his pants, shoving them to the ground.

I screamed when the door flung open, the lock breaking from the doorframe.

“What the hell!” Gabe scrambled for his pants, yanking them up.

“Get. Out.” Hunter’s eyes were pitch black, his face full of rage. He grabbed Gabe by the collar and threw him out of the bathroom.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I glared at Hunter, zipping up my skirt.

Hunter’s eyes were squeezed shut, his hands balled into fists. When they opened, they were full of desire. He stepped towards me and I held my ground.

“Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me? I can smell…..” He clamped his mouth shut.

“What do you care, Mr. Greyback?” I spat in his face and he flinched. He stared at me for a long time before turning and walking away.

What the hell just happened?

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