#7 The Twins of Satin Moon

Chapter 17


“What do you mean you can’t be with her? What the hell is wrong with you!” Melody was really doing a number on me, but I deserved it.

“You don’t understand, Melody.”

“You’re right, I don’t. She’s your mate!” She screamed in my face.

“Exactly! She’s my mate. That’s why I have to do this. I can’t be selfish with her, I have to protect her!” I was getting tired of her tone. She didn’t care.

“How is she safer without you?” She snapped.

“Because of Archer!” I finally screamed at her, the room shaking with my Alpha tone. Melody’s face turned white and she stumbled backwards.

“What?” She whispered. The rest of the family had gathered in my office then, sensing my boiling anger.

“What about Archer?” My mother asked. I looked at dad and he nodded.

“He called dad this morning. He asked if I had met our mate.” I mumbled.

Our mate?” Winter actually seemed interested, putting her bad mood away for the moment.

“He’s my identical twin, we share a mate. I didn’t think.” I slammed my fist into my desk, pissed at myself for not realizing it sooner.

“He sensed the mate bond through Hunter. He said it was making him weak because he was away from her. He threatened to come home and take her.” Dad explained.

“He wanted to take her away from here?” Melody gasped.

“Yes, away from here and away from Hunter.” Dad said.

“He doesn’t care that she’s human, he won’t go easy on her.” I growled.

“You don’t think being around her would soften him?” My mother asked in a quiet voice.

“Nothing can soften him, he’s ruthless, he’s a monster.” I said without emotion.

“So, you’re just going to reject her so he stays away?” Melody asked.

“I can’t reject her, that’ll kill Archer and me. I’m going to stay away from her. If I stay away from her and we weaken the bond, Archer won’t feel it anymore and he won’t be weakened.” I tried to explain.

“Archer’s agreed with that?” Mother asked.

“Yes, he doesn’t want his mate. He just wants the strength he gets from her.” I sighed.

“But you won’t have a Luna?” Winter said.

“I’ll take a chosen one.” I was barely able to get the words out.

“You won’t! Wesley!” My mother gasped, looking at her mate for help.

“It’s the only thing he can do, Elena.” Dad looked at me sadly.

“This isn’t fair, it’s not right. Just defy Archer, you’re the Alpha!” Melody was crying now. My mother soothed her.

“He’s an Alpha, too, Mel, and a warrior. He’ll take her, he’ll hurt her.” I had no fight left in me, “This is what I need to do to keep her safe.”

“Your life will be miserable.” Winter said.

“My life doesn’t matter.” That silences everyone.

When Monday came, I got to work an hour before Maizey’s shift so I wouldn’t see her. My office was on the corporate floor, above her robotics lab, so I was easily able to hide there. Really, there was no reason for me to be near her lab, I had just made up excuses before. When 4 o’clock rolled around, I watched Maizey leave from my window. She was looking around like she was searching for something. I closed my eyes and pushed away the pain.

“How are you holding up, man?” Miles asked, having quietly entered my office while I was eye stalking my mate.

Miles was my eyes and ears. He was keeping his sights on Maizey and overseeing the Luna guard to make sure that she stayed safe. Toby had taken up to being her personal bodyguard, his Gamma instincts forcing him to be near his Luna, whether she would ever be that or not. He was pissed at me and my decision. He didn’t agree at all. So, he avoided me and stayed by her side. I was fine with that if it kept her safe.

“I’m not.” I mumbled, watching her car pull away from the building. I saw Toby and the two guards follow after her discreetly.

“What can I do?” Miles really felt bad about all of this.

“I need to find a chosen mate.” I said, stunning Miles.


“The sooner I get it done the sooner I can be distracted and the sooner Maizey and I’s bond will weaken.” I said in a hard voice.

“Do you have anyone in mind?” Miles was dreading the answer.

“You know I do.” I said.

“Don’t say it.” He closed his eyes, bracing himself.


“Man, no!” Miles shouted at me.

“She wants to be my mate, she won’t ask questions. It’s the easiest answer.” I said, not reacting to his volume.

“Easy doesn’t mean smart.” Miles grumbled.

“You offering up Ana?” I raised an eyebrow at him and earned myself a growl,

“If you weren’t in so much pain I would kill you for that comment.”

“Exactly. Everyone else has already started staying away from me because of Maizey. They feel loyal to her already. They won’t want anything to do with me.” I explained.

“The pack is going to be pissed either way.” Miles said.

“I know and they can’t ever know the real reason. They’ll hate Archer and he’ll be pissed I turned the pack against him. He might retaliate.” I said.

“So, what? You’re just going to spend the rest of your life doing things to appease Archer so he doesn’t retaliate and do something to Maizey?” Miles asked.

“If I have to.” I said.

“Then, who’s the real Alpha of our pack?” I flinched, that was a low blow, but also, a fact.

“I don’t know what else to do.” I felt my face fall in defeat.

“I’m pretty sure the pack would support you in imprisoning Archer.” Miles shrugged.

“I can’t do that.” I said.

“You can’t choose your mate over your twin?” Miles glared at me.

“If that’s all it were, I would make that choice in a heartbeat. He’s an Alpha and a warrior. He’s supposed to take over the Warrior pack from Alpha Sal who will, undoubtedly, send his entire pack to retrieve Archer if I imprison him.” I explained in a tight voice.

“Oh.” Miles mumbled.

“Just, keep her safe, Miles,” I sighed, “I’ll handle the rest.” Miles nodded and left my office.

I grumbled and left the office for the day, jumping in my car and resisting the urge to drive to Maizey’s house. Instead, I went back to the packhouse to start phase two of my plan.

Satin Moon had a smaller packhouse than most packs, since it was only for the Alpha, Luna, their family, and the Alpha’s offices. Instead of having one large packhouse, we had several buildings to serve the pack’s needs. The Gamma and Beta each had their own grand homes as did the former Alpha and Luna. There was a large building for conferences and formal offices, and an elegant guest house that was arranged more like a hotel.

The pack grounds also offered an indoor and outdoor pool, gym, outdoor and indoor training arenas, a daycare and a school, restaurants, small boutiques, a recreational room, and so much more. Whatever the pack wanted, myself and my forefathers gave them. Houses, cottages, and cabins filled the territory so each member had their own home.

I drove straight to the packhouse and into my private parking garage. I had been making plans to get rid of the garage and make more parking spaces because of Maizey’s fears, but I guess that didn’t matter anymore. I threw my car into the parking spot and stormed out, heading for Carmin’s family cottage. I knocked on the door and braced myself for the unpleasant interaction.

“Oh, Alpha!” Carmin’s mother gasped dramatically as she opened the door. She was wearing a 50’s style homemaker dress, her hair and make up done to the nines, like she was ready for a night on the town.

“Hello, Mrs. Michaels.” I sighed, plastering on a fake smile.

“Please, call me Molly!” She beamed.

“Is Carmin home?” I asked her and she nodded enthusiastically, batting her heavily painted eyelashes at me.

“Carmin!” She yelled, making me wince at her volume. Carmin bounced to the door, likely already nearby and listening in.

“Hello, Alpha.” She curled her lips, purring at me.

“May I speak with you?” I asked, stepping to the side. She nodded and gave her mother a smug smile. Molly shut the door as we walked down the front steps, but I had the sinking feeling that she was watching us through the window.

“What is it, Alpha?” Carmin asked.

“I was hoping we could….spend some time together.” I choked out.

“Oh, us? What of that human girl….Mason?” I growled under my breath as she purposefully got her name wrong.

“I realized that a human isn’t right for the pack. I think you might be, though.” I turned on my charm. It didn’t take much to woo Carmin, which is what I was hoping for. I didn’t have enough energy to put into flirting with someone who wasn’t my mate.

“I would love to spend some time with you, Alpha.” She kept saying my title like she was waiting for me to tell her to informally address me. She had no trouble calling me by my name at the party to make Maizey jealous so I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction.

“Great,” I attempted a smile, “How about dinner tomorrow?” I asked.

“I can meet you at the office so we can go somewhere in the city?” Carmin offered, but I saw right through it. She wanted everyone, namely Maizey, to see her with me. I sighed, mindswell get it over with now.

“Meet me at 4:00.” I nodded and left her standing in her front yard.

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