#6 The Royal Legacy: The Conclusion

Chapter 17

Silver Moon - Marigold

Fox and I led the members of the royal families to their suites in the packhouse. My brothers would share a room, Isla and Nile would have one, King Hudson and Queen Gloria, Lachlan and his family, and Nadia. All of the Alphas and Lunas would have rooms inside the packhouse as well. The rest of the guests would be sleeping in tents outside.

As we walked across the packhouse, two familiar looking figures were crossing the yard to join us: Ferra and Frankie. Of course, Ferra had been with us all along but Frankie, Fox’s younger sibling, joined the team a few hours ago.

“Oh, here comes my siblings. Everyone, this is my Beta and twin sister, Ferra, and my brother, Frankie.” Fox grinned, motioning towards the two.

“What am I, chopped liver?” I didn’t even notice Stone was with them until he popped around Ferra.

“Well, if you weren’t always crawling up my sister’s ass I’d see you better.” Fox grunted.

“What can I say, it’s a fine ass.” Stone grinned, slapping Ferra’s butt.

She promptly spun around and punched him in the face.

“Did I mention that our Gamma, and Beta are mates?” I added, snorting at their exchange.

Stone recovered from his beating and turned a stupid grin on the royal families in front of him.

“Pleasure to meet you all, I’m Gamma Stone.” He shook the hands of everyone in the group, as did Ferra and Frankie.

When Frankie’s hand came to rest in Nadia’s, I knew something was up. He froze, his eyes widening and his smile faltering. His face got white and I noticed that his hand started to shake.

“Frankie?” Fox called out to his brother to no avail.

“Is something wrong?” Nadia asked in a quiet voice. Frankie’s eyes went wide then and it looked like he had been shocked by lightning.

He quickly jumped back and away from Nadia. Shaking his head and turning on his heels, retreating from the group.

“I am so sorry.” I mumbled, looking after my brother in law.

“He can be such a weirdo sometimes,” Fox laughed nervously, “Little brothers, right?” He shrugged, appealing to the other older brothers in the mix.

While everyone was joking and carrying on, I went after Frankie.

“Frankie, wait up!” I called out to him, jogging to catch up. He didn’t seem to want me around, his pace quickening when he heard my voice.

I grumbled and narrowed my eyes on him. A tree root popped out of the ground and tripped him, causing him to face plant into the hard grass. I appeared at his side in no time.

“No far, Luna.” He grumbled, rubbing his face as he pulled himself to his feet.

“I wouldn’t have to fight dirty if you wouldn’t run from your Luna.” I argued, crossing my arms.

“Huh? I didn’t know you were following me.” He shrugged, lying his butt off.

“Sure you didn’t. What was that back there?” I wasn’t about to let him off that easily.

“I don’t know,” He mumbled, looking at his feet and I swear his face turned a crimson red, “I just felt….something.”

“Nadia is only 16.” I pointed out.

“I know….I don’t know….” He was clearly rattled.

“Mari?” I recognized Navy’s voice as she joined our meeting, “I heard something happened with Nadia.” She eyed Frankie curiously.

“This is Frankie, Fox’s younger brother.” I introduced them.

“I’m sorry, Luna Navy, I didn’t mean any disrespect. It’s just….I felt sparks when I touched Nadia’s hand and…and her scent ....” He rambled on.

“She’s only 16.” Navy repeated.

“So I’ve heard.” Frankie said.

“It can happen.” I said with a shrug.

“What can happen?” Navy asked.

“Sensing your mate before they are of age. If one is older and already of age, they can sense their mate who is younger than 18. I’ve seen it a few times. What’s your wolf telling you, Frankie?” I asked.

“He’s confused. He definitely senses something but can’t tell for sure because she’s underage. He’s acting like she’s our mate but he’s really bummed out, too.” Frankie sighed.

“I’m just telling you all right now, my mother is going to be pissed.” Navy said with a frown, yet her eyes were sparkling with mischief.

“Man, everyone is mating with everyone!” Josie laughed as the five Lunas gathered in Austyn’s office, “You should have seen them at my party right before all this started.” She added.

“It’s true, Fox and I were there. Mates were popping up left and right.” Marigold agreed.

“Two of my brothers and a bunch of my guard members found their mates at the party. They’re all here now.” Josie said.

“I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that all our packs are intertwined like this.” Evie spoke up, “Because of everything we know with Mari’s prophecy and Austyn’s meeting with the Moon Goddess.”

“Yeah, about that. I don’t mean to be a bitch, Austyn, but….” Josie’s voice faded off,

“But, you’re not so sure about the whole Moon Goddess thing?” Austyn laughed.

“It’s not that I don’t believe you. It’s just crazy to think you and Leo are the destined King and Queen.” Josie shrugged.

“Trust me, I know.” Austyn sighed, the weight of the world suddenly appearing on her shoulders, “If I doubted it for a second I would be trying to find a way out of it.” She admits.

“I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes, that’s for sure.” Evie agreed.

“I mean, I’m a princess but I was kicked out of my realm and made to be a slave, so I can honestly say being royal isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.” I teased and everyone looked at me with horrified expressions, like they weren’t sure if they should laugh or cry.

“I was raised with a silver princess spoon, I’ll admit. But, I actually started living my life when I left my crown behind.” Navy added, the only other person in the room who really understood what I’ve gone through.

“Maybe we can help clear things up.”

“Holy shit!” I shrieked as three figures appeared in a cloud of smoke.

“Yeah, they do that.” Austyn sighed.

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