#6 The Royal Legacy: The Conclusion

Chapter 16

Blue Moon - Navy

I had filled my parents in on all the drama happening here lately and they insisted on coming to the surface for the public meeting. They wanted to show the siren realm’s support of mixing the species and aiding the werewolves’ transition back to a royal kingdom. Honestly, I was shocked.

Just as Dover, Knox, Cameron, and I made it to the beach, my family was coming out of the water. Everyone was there; my parents, Isla and Nile, and my siblings, Hudson and his mate Gloria, Lachlan and his mate Mallary with their baby daughter Coral, and my youngest sister, Nadia.

By now, Hudson had taken the throne over from my father and was the reigning King of the siren with Gloria as his Queen. The fact that both the previous and present monarchs were here today meant so much to me and the other werewolves.

“Dad!” I grinned, launching into my father’s arms for a hug. I shared the same enthusiastic greeting with the rest of my family, stealing baby Coral away immediately for some snuggles.

“Well don’t you two look ready to pop.” My mom laughed, looking between Natasha and I as we ogled over Coral.

“I just hope they wait until after this mess is over with.” Knox grumbled.

He was on edge, like all of the other Alphas, I could tell. But, he and Dover had even more stress on their shoulders because of their pregnant mates. All they wanted to do was keep us hidden away, but that was impossible. The point of this entire war was to be out in the open with the public and to keep no secrets left hidden. We all had to accomplish this together and our mates knew it, whether they liked it or not was a completely separate issue.

“I’m sure they will. The Moon Goddess is a trickster, not evil.” Hudson teased.

“Let’s go join the others.” Knox nodded his head back towards the packhouse.

“Can I have my baby back, sis?” Mallary laughed and I shook my head,

“Nuh-uh.” I pouted and she rolled her eyes at me, giving up. Lachlan threw his head back with laughter.

“Just remember, payback’s a….”

“Lachlan!” Mother shrieked, scolding her son.

Back at the packhouse, we noticed that, by now, most of the expected arrivals were here.

With all the Gammas, Betas, Alphas, Lunas, and top warriors from each pack here, so were the children. It was a risk, but one we had to take. Everyone seemed to feel that their children being unguarded at their home packs was more dangerous than being here. I had to agree, the idea of being separate from my unborn baby almost had me in tears.

Thus, Josie and Evie’s four children and Mari’s three had all just arrived as well. Mari’s children, Lexi, Levi, and Lili arrived with her brothers, the king and prince of the fae realm, while Josie’s and Evie’s came along with each of their brothers. I was eager to meet all the future Alphas and Lunas.

“Navy! You have to meet my children. This is Kade, Kol, and Kassidy.” She grinned, rocking the baby, Kassidy, in her arms, “Oh, and my brother Jared, his mate April, and my niece, Marleigh.” She added. Jared rolled her eyes at being an afterthought,

“Thanks, Jo.” He huffed, holding his hand out towards me, “Nice to meet you, Luna Navy.”

“At least you got an introduction.” An unfamiliar face scowled, “I’m Gamma Hayden and this is my mate, Kasey.” I shook his hand as well. Josie rolled her eyes at the pair of them before turning her attention back to her children.

Both August and Josie were absolutely in love with their children, adoring them with a light in their eyes that I had never seen before. I rubbed my belly, becoming even more excited to be a mother myself. Knox walked up to me then, sensing my thoughts, and warped his arms around me from behind. He cradled my stomach and rested his cheek against mine.

Kol and Kade shrieked then and ran off, dodging their parents arms as they chased another set of toddlers through the grass.

“Stella and Simon, be careful!” Evie shouted as she walked with a baby in her arms. Noah had an older looking girl clinging to his hand.

“Those four are going to be serious trouble.” Evie snickered, looking over at Josie, “Wanna take bets on which one is Stella’s mate?”

Noah and August looked suddenly terrified.

“Only if we can also guess who is Kass and Sage’s as well.” Josie mocked, sending the boys into hysteria.

“This is our oldest Sage,” Evie said, turning towards me and Knox to make the introductions, “and our youngest, Shepherd. The two terrors out there are Stella and Simon, the twins.”

“You two looked scared out of your wits.” Knox grinned at Noah and August.

“Oh, just you wait until you have a girl, man.” Noah glared at my mate.

“I’m having a girl and I’m suddenly much more terrified than before, so thanks.” Dover grumbled, protectively hovering over Tasha and her baby belly.

“Good luck, that’s all I have to say.” August shook his head, watching the four kids running through the yard.

“Marleigh is half human, so I’m hoping we just get to skip past all this.” Jared, Josie’s brother, admits. Josie started laughing hysterically,

“Yeah, like I did?” She said sarcastically.

“Well, Mallary, we’re never letting Coral come to the surface again.” My brother said sternly to his mate, snatching Coral from my hands and holding her tightly. He was eyeing the young werewolves like they were going to eat her for lunch.

“Oh, enough already.” Evie huffed, giving Noah an irritated shove.

I looked up to see King Solaris, Prince Bayu, and Princess Gena all walking towards us. I assumed that they wanted to greet the new royal additions to our group.

“Mom, Dad, Hudson, Gloria, could you come here please?” I waved for the four of them to follow me. We walked a few feet away from the rest of the group.

“So much royalty gathering. Such a historic day.” My mother said, seeming to already know who they were meeting.

“Queen Isla.” Princess Gena bowed her head.

“Please, it’s just Isla, now. My son and daughter in law have taken over the throne.” She smiled and motioned towards Hudson.

“King Hudson and Queen Gloria, it’s an honor to meet all of you.” Hudson replied in an even, diplomatic tone.

“Oh, I see. I’m Princess Gena. My father is the vampire king.” Gena shook their hands with a slight bow.

“King Solaris and my brother, Prince Bayu, of the Faes.” King Solaris’ handshake was strong as he greeted another king.

“It’s such an amazing honor to have all of us here together.” Marigold smiled, grinning at everyone.

“We’re the lucky ones to have such beautiful princesses as our mates and Lunas. You two are helping to bring together three species, at least.” Fox said, winking at Knox who had snuck up behind me.

“As Isla said, it is a historic gathering. We’re glad to be a part of it.” My father bowed his head in respect to all the royals.

“Alpha Leo has prepared special rooms for all of you as our royal guests. Allow me to show you the way?” Fox offered and everyone nodded.

Isla called out to Lachlan, Mallary, and Nadia to follow and we all started off across the courtyard. I decided to stay behind with Knox while Fox and Marigold escorted the royal members to the packhouse.

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