#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter 27


The weekend went by quicker than I thought. Before I knew it, it was Monday and we only had one more night at the cabin. I had no idea what happened to me, but I knew that I was falling in love with Knox Greystone. He had my heart, that was for sure. I tried to fight it, but it was a losing battle and at some point over the course of the weekend I had decided to give up.

It was Monday afternoon and we were in the backyard playing a new game Knox taught me called cornhole. I wasn’t very good at it, but it was still pretty fun. After Knox won the third game in a row, I gave up with a dramatic pout.

“Awh, baby, it’s okay. When I win, we both win.” Knox purred, kissing my cheek. I just rolled my eyes at him, sighing.

“I want to meet Alistair now.” I said suddenly, causing Knox to nearly spit out his drink.

“You do?”

“I said I wanted to before we go home and we leave tomorrow.” I shrugged.

“You don’t have to if you’re not ready, love.” Knox said, but I could practically feel Alistair arguing with him.

“No, I want to. I’m ready.” I nodded eagerly.

“Okay, right now?” He asked, moving the cornhole boards out of the way.

“Yes.” I sat on the top of the picnic table, waiting not so patiently. Knox laughed at me.

“Okay, baby.” He pulled his shirt over his head and I watched shamelessly.

He dropped his shorts and still I admired him. He smirked at me, never moving his eyes from my face as he stepped out of his underwear. I let my eyes wander over his body, lingering on his family jewels, and I wasn’t subtle about it, either.

“You can have me anytime you want me, baby.” Knox’s voice cut through my concentration and I suddenly realized what I was doing. I blushed and averted my eyes. Knox laughed wickedly before strutting off. He left plenty of space between us as he shifted.

He was my very first werewolf. I had never seen one up close before, let alone watched one shift. I watched intently, gripping the edge of the table as his bones cracked and snapped, reshaping to accommodate his new form. I searched his face for any signs of pain, but there was nothing but contempt. In less than a minute, a huge, black wolf was standing in front of me.

Alistair strolled over to me, plopping down in front of me with a loud thud. He dropped down to his belly and stuck his tongue out, staring up at me. I giggled and slid off the table. I knelt down beside him and ran my hand through his fur. Alistair purred. I thought only cats purred? He rolled over and showed me his belly.

“You really are just a puppy, aren’t you?” I giggled, scratching his soft underbelly. His back leg started twitching in approval.

After a while of petting and scratching him, I laid down on the grass and rested my head on his warm fur. Alistair’s body curled protectively around me as we basked in the sun. We stayed like that for hours.

I couldn’t explain it, but spending that time with Alistair made me feel closer to both of them. Suddenly, I felt like the mate bond had completely consumed me. An experience I was sure I would never have with Cameron. I was sure that no other siren had ever felt something like this before. I sighed in peace as I snuggled with my Alpha wolf. Eventually, Alistair stood and trotted away from me. Knox returned.

“I was starting to get impatient, baby.” He chuckled.

“Why?” I asked as he got dressed.

“You seemed happier with my wolf.” He tried to play it off as a joke, but I could tell he was hurt.

“I’m not, I’m happy with both of you. I just felt….different.” I sighed, not sure how to explain it.

“Different how?” Knox stepped up to me and took my hands.

“I don’t know, it was like spending time with Alistair made the mate bond more real.” I mumbled.

“You’re feeling it more strongly now.” He said, his eyes alive with excitement.

“Yeah, I think so. It’s been getting stronger all weekend, but being with Alistair really made it go up another level.” I knew I was bright red with embarrassment.

“That’s a good thing, baby.” Knox said soothingly, sensing my anxiety as he held my face in his large hand.

“I want to sleep with you tonight instead of starting in my room.” I admitted.

“Done.” Knox agreed eagerly. I almost laughed at his tone.

“Knox?” I spoke quietly,

“Yes, baby?” His eyes were glued to mine. I searched his face and then shook my head,

“Never mind.” I chickened out.

“Navy?” He pressed.

“It’s nothing.” I tried to pull away.

“Talk to me, baby.” He wouldn’t let me move.

“I think….I think,” I sighed, frustrated with myself,

“I think I’m falling in love with you.” I nearly yelled, my words coming out in one breath. Knox stared at me, completely frozen, as he digested my words. Then, his face broke out into an earth shattering grin as he wrapped his arms around my waist and spun me around.

“Goddess, I love you. I love you so much. Thank you for saying that. Do you really mean it?” He was speaking as quickly as me. He sat me down and buried his face in my neck,

“I really mean it.” I nodded.

“That’s the best news.” He whispered against my bare skin, sending shivers down my spin. I had no idea what came over me, but I needed to have my mate and I needed him right now.

My hands slipped across his back which was still naked. He never put his shirt on after shifting and I wasn’t complaining. I gently drug my nails over his skin and pushed myself closer to him. His lips moved against my neck, peppering me with light kisses.

I twisted in his arms so I could reach his neck and I delivered my own administration of kisses. I felt his body tremble against mine. He removed his face from my neck and locked eyes with me. We had a silent conversation before we crashed into each other. His hands moved hungrily over my body, snaking under my shirt and caressing my bare skin. We kissed passionately, his tongue finding its way inside my mouth. I gasped against him, feeling his hands grip my breasts.

He picked me up in a single motion and carried me into the house, never breaking our kiss. I tugged away from his mouth, feeling dizzy from the lack of oxygen. His lips went back down to my neck and dropped to my shoulder. He walked the whole way upstairs and laid me down on his bed, his body hovering over mine as his mouth continued to explore my skin.

I titled my head back, letting out a needy moan. I felt his body respond to mine, desire fresh in the air. He ripped off my shirt and undid my bra. His face buried into my chest, kissing and sucking on my breasts. His hands gripped my butt as he sat me up. I was now straddling his lap, feeling his bulge against my thigh. I sighed in pleasure as he massaged my butt.

He undid my shorts and gracefully removed them without disturbing our position. I fiddled with his belt and he shimmied out of his own jeans. We were now both sitting in only our underwear. I thanked my lucky stars that I opted for one of the lacy thongs Melly had packed.

Knox growled in approval at the sight of me, laying us back down. He thumbed at my underwear, teasing me. I took things into my own hands, pulling them off and sighing aggressively at my mate. He chuckled from where his face was kissing my stomach. He traveled his kisses downwards and I gasped when they made contact with my thigh.

“I love you so much, baby girl.” His voice rumbled against my body.

“I love you, too, my Alpha.” I gave in to my desires and admitted my deepest secret. Knox grinned widely and his actions increased as desire urged him forward. His eyes darkened, Alistair also urging him forward.

“I’ll be gentle, baby.” He said, his eyes asking for permission. I nodded,

“I trust you.” I bit my lip, shoving the little bit of fear I had down. I knew this was what I wanted, I was ready for this.

“Knox?” I said, making him pause.

“Yes, love?”

“Just don’t mark me, okay?” I begged.

“Okay, baby.” He agreed and returned his attention to my body. I arched my back and responded to his touch, ready to give myself to him completely as he gave himself to me.

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