#1 The Rise of the Crescent Moon

Chapter 5


I was a little surprised when Josephine ordered pancakes first. Rosie’s was famous for its pancakes. But, I just shrugged it off as my girl loving breakfast foods.

I could barely get a word in without an interruption from Savannah. She was a regret of mine. A one night stand that she wouldn’t get over. I growled at her through the pack’s mindlink when she openly disrespected my mate. I told her to back off or she would be out of a job and out of a place to sleep. Savannah would not screw this up for me.

The only good thing that came out of Savannah’s interruptions were the pings of jealousy I swear I saw on my little mate’s face. As we were finishing up our meal, Rosie came out from the kitchen and spotted me. She grinned and made a beeline for our booth. For a second, I thought I saw Josie shrink against the booth and worry flash in her eyes. I scrunched up my face in concern.

“August!” Rosie gushed, kissing my cheek. I groaned at her. She was lucky she was a pack elder, otherwise I wouldn’t dare let an old woman embarrass me like that.

“Hello, Mrs. Rosie.” I replied. She looked over at Josie and an emotion I couldn’t place flashed across her face so quickly I might have imagined it.

“And who is this?” She asked, smiling. Josie looked up at the woman then, the worry that was once in her eyes was gone as she waved at Rosie.

“This is Josie.” I introduced her proudly. Rosie winked at me knowingly.

“A pleasure to meet you Josie.” Rosie patted Josie’s hand as it sat on the table.

“She’s going to be the new doctor in the ER.” I replied and Josie’s eyes snapped towards me.

“Oh, how lovely!” Rosie clapped.

“Well, maybe.” Josie replied sheepishly and Arlo howled in my head. Rosie didn’t miss a beat,

“You would do lovely here.” She said, Josie smiled,

“It was nice to meet you, but I really should go.” She began to stand from the table and I rushed to stand at her side.

“I’ll just pay the bill and then walk you back to the hospital.” I said quickly.

“It’s on the house, dear.” Rosie patted my shoulder before retreating back to the kitchen.

“I can make it back on my own.” Josie said, grabbing her small purse from the booth and throwing it over her shoulder. I shook my head,

“My car is at the hospital too.” I said, coming up with an excuse to stay near her longer. Josie only nodded and led the way out of the diner. Her mood seemed to change and I was worried I had done something wrong. Before I could ask, my little mate spoke her mind.

“You don’t know if they are going to offer me the job.” She said as she walked in front of me. I caught up to her,

“Oh, but I do.” I said, winking down at her. She actually rolled her eyes at me.

“Well, you don’t know that I’m going to say yes.” She snapped. Arlo whimpered in my head and I faltered in my steps. She had to take the job. She had to stay. I couldn’t live without her. Two hours and I was already a love sick puppy for my mate.

“What can I do to make you say yes?” I begged, stopping in front of the parking garage. The attendants saw us and rushed in for our cars. I mindlinked them to take their time. She glared up at me but as her beautiful green eyes met mine she softened and shrugged,

“I just need time to think about it.” She said quietly.

“Do you have a family?” I asked her, suddenly wondering if she was worried about leaving them in New York. She squinted her eyes at me like she was trying to read my mind, it was freaking adorable.

“A brother.” Was all she offered and I could tell that I shouldn’t push it. The idiots didn’t take their time and were already out with our cars. She quickly moved towards hers. I had to think of a way to see her again, and fast.

“Maybe I could come to your hotel tomorrow and take you out for breakfast, we can discuss your job offer?” I suggested. Josie gripped her car door, her back to me. I heard her sigh and I could see the tension running up her back. I wanted nothing more than to touch her and take away her stress. She faced me and I almost lost it. Her eyes were so full of pain.

“I need time to think.” She repeated and in that moment I realized she wasn’t talking about the job. She slipped inside her car and was gone in an instant. Arlo was going crazy in my head, howling and begging me to go after her.

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