#1 The Rise of the Crescent Moon

Chapter 4


I bolted out of the interview room, beyond thankful for the nurse who blocked Mr. Hayes’ path to me. I was nearly to the elevator when Dr. Grace caught up to me. I stepped in the elevator and was thankful when the doors closed after her.

“I was very impressed with you, Dr. Taylor.” She grinned,

“Thank you, Dr. Grace.” I replied, trying to control my breathing.

“We will be in touch shortly, but I have a good feeling. Did you have any questions for me privately?” She probed. I knew that I should, but I couldn’t form a coherent thought to save my life.

“I’ll be honest, Dr. Grace, I’m still on a bit of an adrenaline high from the interview. Perhaps I can email you if I have any questions and maybe you would have time in the next day or two to meet with me?” I smiled. Dr. Grace nodded eagerly,

“Yes, of course! Why don’t you email me later today and we can set up a time tomorrow for you to come in.” I agreed appreciatively just as the elevator doors opened. I was halfway through the lobby when a warm tingle spread across my body and goosebumps scattered up my arm. Oh boy.

“Dr. Taylor.” Oh his voice was perfect, it was smooth like honey,

“If I might have a moment.” No, smooth like whiskey. I froze, mustered up my courage, and turned around.

“Mr. Hayes, wasn’t it?” I questioned like I hadn’t already memorized his name. He grinned from ear to ear,

“Please, call me August.” He held out his hand. I was dreading this. I stared at his hand and prayed I wouldn’t pass out. I gently laid mine in his and shivered as the sparks shot up my arm.

“Josie.” I whispered.

“Excuse me?” He leaned in closer and I swooned. I cleared my throat,

“Everyone calls me Josie.” I tried again. Still leaning in close, his breathe blowing across my cheek, he purred,

“I’m not everyone.” No shit. A deep rumble filled his chest and I realized he was laughing at me. I pulled my hand away and straightened my back. He looked at his empty hand, offended.

“Did you need something?” I asked, gaining confidence. It was his turn to be flustered,

“I was wondering how you were finding your stay?” He asked. I internally rolled my eyes.

“Quite well, thank you.” I began to turn to walk away from August Hayes. He hurried to my side,

“I thought maybe you would like some restaurant suggestions.” Yeah, I’m sure you did. I struggled with what to do next. I knew every good restaurant in this town but I wasn’t ready to reveal that yet. So, I sighed and decided to allow August Hayes to play tour guide.

“Actually, that would be lovely.” He perked up.

“As it were, I’m free this afternoon,” How lucky.

“Perhaps I could escort you to lunch and we could talk about what I have to do to get you to accept the job?” His eyes trapped mine and I barely heard what he said. I just nodded.

“Excellent! If you don’t mind the walk, there’s a great restaurant down a few blocks,” Rosie’s. I thought to myself just as he said,

“Rosie’s.” I grinned,

“Sounds great.” I loved Rosie’s, I just hoped the old bat wasn’t still alive. She would nail me in a New York minute.

I allowed August to lead me down the street to Rosie’s Restaurant. It was more of a diner but with some upscale charm. She had the best milkshakes in Rhode Island.

August opened the door for me and led us to the corner booth in the back of the diner. Very private. I sat down on the bench against the wall, purposefully sitting on the edge so Mr. Hayes didn’t get any ideas about sharing a bench. He paused a minute before sliding onto the booth across the table with a glint of disappointment in his eyes.

A young blonde with bubblegum pink lips came skipping up to the booth almost immediately. With her back completely turned towards me, she fixed her gaze on August. I gripped the edge of the table, nearly snapping it in half. Get a grip.

“Hi August!” She nearly shouted at the man. I give him credit though, his eyes never left my face.

“What can I get you?” Bubblegum lips purred, leaning over her notepad. August’s eyes snapped to her and his face darkened. They stared at each other for a minute, his eyes black, before they finally softened and the waitress fixed her posture. I looked away like I didn’t know what just happened.

“I’ll take an ice tea, and for the lady….” he looked over at me and I nodded. He smiled,

“Two ice teas.” Bubblegum lips walked away with a pout. August’s full attention was on me.

“So, what brings a fancy city doctor to our small town?” He asked. I bit the inside of my cheek to avoid spilling my entire life story to this complete stranger.

“Change of pace.” I shrugged, looking up at the waitress as she sat two glasses down on the table. I noticed her name tag said Savannah.

“Mhm,” August hummed like he didn’t believe me. I sucked at lying.

“Are you from New York?” He asked. I groaned internally.

“North Carolina.” I said. Not a complete lie. That was where I lived before New York, just not where I was born.

August nodded. I sucked on my straw and noticed that he was staring. I shifted uncomfortably and pushed my drink away. August leaned forward on the table like he was going to say something, but Savannah returned and was asking for our order. I thought he was going to rip her head off.

“I’ll have the pancakes.” I answered too quickly. Damn it, I wasn’t supposed to know that Rosie had a super secret pancake recipe that was to die for and no one in their right mind came here and got anything else. August gave me a weird look and shrunk down in the booth.

“I’ll do the same.” Savannah nodded and walked off. I was quick to recover,

“You like breakfast for lunch too?” I giggled. August looked captivated by the sound and I immediately blushed.

“Love it.” He growled.

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