Zodiac Academy 3: The Reckoning

The Reckoning: Chapter 1

TWELVE DEATHS. EIGHT FROM Starlight Academy, four from Zodiac. All students.

I was still caked in mud and blood long into the evening, the scent of smoke hanging over me.

Countless were injured but I’d healed as many as I could, then carried even more to Uranus Infirmary. I sent Darius off with the Vega Twins back to Ignis House to ensure they were safe. And when the last of the students were either back in their rooms or being tended to, I headed to my own place with a heaviness descending on me.

How the fuck did this happen? How did they get in? Why weren’t we more prepared?

I headed into Earth Territory, curving through The Wailing Wood which was eerily quiet, the leaves not even rustling in the still air. I soon arrived at the faculty quarters and unlocked the tall gate to Asteroid Place. 

The yard was aglow with lights, breaking up the thick darkness on its verges. The long row of brick chalets stretched out ahead of me before the pool and I spotted Washer sitting on a deck chair, his hair damp and his clothes freshly changed. He held a bottle of something in his hand and as I drew closer the acrid scent of vodka hit my nose. I wasn’t in the mood to be picky as he wordlessly offered it to me and I took a long drink, grimacing as I swallowed and passed it back to him.

He looked me up and down, eyeing the state of me with horror in his eyes. “I read the cards. Nova didn’t believe me.”

I nodded stiffly, moving to walk away but he caught my wrist. His Siren power pushed gently against me in a silent offer.

“Let me,” he said before I could shut him down. “It’s the least I can do to take away some of your anxiety. I should have done more to make Nova listen to me, but even I started to doubt the reading. I have made mistakes before…”

The promise of relief tingled against my skin, but I pulled away from him, my lips tight.

“It was only by chance I did the reading at all,” he went on. “I was practising for teaching Tarot – you know how I dislike Pitball,” Washer said, clearly desperate for me to say something.

I sighed. “Nymphs act spontaneously to get around our predictions. It is what it is, Brian.”

He nodded, his throat rising and falling. “What was the final count?”

I released a long breath, not needing to ask what he meant. “Twelve. Four from Zodiac. Two juniors who stayed to fight and two freshmen.”

“It’s a damn miracle it wasn’t more,” Washer muttered, sipping on the vodka again.

“Thanks to the Vega Twins.”

He nodded slowly, his eyes darting to me then back to the pool. “I suppose you have a theory on what their Order is?”

I didn’t answer that. Mostly because I didn’t have one. And partly because I could still smell death on me and I seriously needed some time to myself instead of discussing this.

“Elaine’s calling an assembly at midnight,” I growled then headed down the alley between mine and Washer’s chalets.

I hadn’t fed from Darcy and I was nearly tapped out magic wise. It might have been tempting to let Washer syphon off some of this stress but I was down to the last of my power reserves. And I didn’t want to be completely empty right now. Just in case this hellish night wasn’t over. Maybe I should have fed from her. But it had felt like a dick move all things considered. 

Since I’d left Blue with Darius, the lasting imprint of her ashen cheeks and wide eyes were burned into my retinas. She’d fought at my side tonight with the fierceness of a warrior. And she’d saved my fucking life. 

Now, I was adrift without her, my heart trying to tear its way out of my chest in a bid to go to her.

 Does this change things? 

No. It couldn’t. I couldn’t let it. I’d sworn to keep away from her, but after tonight, after how close we’d both come to death, a small voice had awoken in my head that whispered, fuck it, we could be dead tomorrow.

I unlocked my door halfway down the alley, stepping into the large chalet I called home. I locked up behind me, sealing the door with a shield like usual before switching on the light. The open plan kitchen-diner swept out ahead of me in tones of grey and white. I’d lived here for nearly four years now and it was the one place on campus I felt I could really remove the professor mask.

I peeled off my filthy Pitball kit, tossing it in the trash and heading into the bathroom. I practically scalded myself in the shower in an attempt to burn away the blood of students and Nymphs alike. And when I was done, I pulled on a shirt and smart pants, snatched a bottle of bourbon from the cupboard and flung myself onto the couch.

Tiredness wracked every inch of my body and as I drank way more than I should have before a formal assembly. 

I found my eyes drifting closed and let myself be swallowed by the sweet nothingness of sleep.




My Atlas was pinging and someone was pounding on my door. I groaned, shifting to sit up on the couch and finding my bottle of bourbon spilled all over the floor. Alright, a third of a bottle of bourbon.

I snatched up my Atlas, finding it was only a quarter to midnight – so why is everyone hounding me right now?

“Lance! Open up!” Francesca’s frantic voice called from the other side of the door.

I grunted, checking the message on my Atlas and finding it was just a reminder from Elaine.


I really need the backup at the assembly, Lance.

The FIB are breathing down my neck and we need to show them we’re handling this like the professionals we are.

Don’t be late.

Elaine Nova.


“Lance!” Francesca banged harder. “I’ll break the door down if you don’t answer in five seconds.”

I tried to conjure enough healing energy into my body to force myself to sober up. But shit, I was running on fumes.

I headed toward the door, trying to compose my face into an expression that didn’t give away how much I’d had to drink. I disabled the shield around the door and unlocked it, pulling it wide, unable to fight a wince as the glaring lamp above Washer’s porch pinched my eye sockets.

“You look like shit.” Francesca pushed past me with an eye roll and I groaned, pulling the door closed and pressing my back to it.

She was dressed in her black FIB jumpsuit, her hazel hair pulled up into a high ponytail and her features set in a disapproving frown. She gave the room a sweeping glance, taking in the spilled bourbon on the floor then turned to me with an even harder expression. “You can’t do this. Not right now.”

“Skip the lecture.” I moved into the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of water and draining it in two long gulps. Now I was half-cut, my emotions were muffled like I had a pillow pressed over them. Being numb made everything so much easier. 

“I need to see what happened. The students are too traumatised right now and Principal Nova is too busy. Show me.” She strode forward with her hand outstretched.

I caught her wrist, a low snarl rolling out of my throat. “I’ve got a pounding headache, Francesca, I don’t wanna throw-up from Cyclops invasion as well.”

She twisted her hand free, her brows drawing together as she finally dropped the FIB act.

“Are you alright?” she breathed, her eyes dancing with sympathy.

An uncomfortable feeling stirred in my chest as she looked at me like that. “I’m Fae.” I barged past her, heading to the mirror on the wall to see precisely how much of a train wreck I was right now.

“That’s not an answer,” she pushed just as I looked at myself. My eyes were bloodshot and darkly shadowed; I looked like death warmed up. Oh shit, I can’t go to The Orb like this, Elaine will have my balls for earrings.

I pushed a hand into my hair, flattening it down while Francesca stepped up beside me with a heavy frown. “You don’t have to act like this isn’t affecting you.”

“That’s what I teach the students though, isn’t it? Fae are tough, they don’t break.” Now we’re all going to gather in The Orb and keep up that lie.

She stood there for so long in silence that I had to shatter it again.

“Don’t you have an investigation to be conducting?” I headed to my room to get a more suitable shirt because this one looked like it had been stuffed under a rock for a week.

Francesca followed me and I ignored her as I stripped off my shirt and took a black one out of my closet, shrugging it on. I turned and found her up in my personal space, her head tilted to one side. “I worry about you sometimes. And I mean that as a friend.” She gave me an anxious frown and I sighed heavily.

Francesca was one of my Nebula Allies. She’d been in Aer House with me at Zodiac and since she’d joined the FIB she’d helped me out more than a few times when she was off-duty.

The Nymph situation had been growing out of control for months and Darius and I had taken it into our own hands to help keep their numbers under control. She tipped me off any time there was a sighting within a ten mile radius of Zodiac. Which was strictly illegal, but she knew the FIB could use all the help they could get even if they wouldn’t admit it. She kept my secrets and I kept hers. Our trust was implicit. But she never looked at me like that. Like I wasn’t handling shit.

“Well don’t,” I said simply, glancing at the clock on the wall. It was just before midnight. “I’ve got to go.”

She nodded, tugging at a loose lock of hair by her ear. “I’ll wait here. Top up while you’re out so I can look at your memories.” She flopped down onto my bed, looking exhausted and I was hit with a knee-jerk reaction.

“No,” I blurted and she stared up at me like I’d grown an extra head.

“What?” Her brow creased with confusion. Even I was confused about where that reaction had come from. All I knew was that I needed my bed to myself tonight – with the exception of Lady Bourbon.

“You can’t stay here tonight.” I strode out of the room, snatching my Atlas on the way as I headed for the door. I heard her walking after me and knew she deserved more of an explanation than a flat refusal. “I need some space, alright? Vampire needs.” I glanced at her and she gave me a pointed look before shrugging.

“Fine, but you owe me those memories.” She gave me a teasing grin as we headed out of my house and I locked the door.

“I’m sure Washer will offer them to you more than willingly,” I mocked as we walked out of Asteroid Place and along the path through The Wailing Wood.

“Ew,” she breathed. “God, does he still make the students wear those skimpy bathing suits?”


“I remember mine used to give me the worst wedgie and he just loved watching me try to sort it out.”

“Oh yeah, I remember that. That’s why everyone called you Wedge-cesca.”

“They did not!” She smacked my arm and I chuckled, a weight easing from my chest.

I was still lightheaded and I wasn’t sure if it was from the alcohol or my lack of magic. Francesca eyed me with a frown then held out her wrist. “Here. Just don’t tell anyone you bit an FIB agent.”

My fangs prickled and I couldn’t resist as I caught her arm and slid my teeth into her veins. We paused in the woods and Francesca rested her other hand against my shoulder as I fed. Her fingers trailed up to my neck and wound into my hair, causing a tight squeeze in my chest. The well inside me started to fill and relief spilled into my gut alongside it.

I pulled away, swallowing the last of the metallic taste and finally healing the haze in my brain. “I’d better be on time tonight,” I said and she nodded, understanding what I meant. She checked her watch then rolled her eyes to the sky.

“Well I guess five minutes late is on time for you.”

I gave her a slanted grin then shot away into the trees, using my Vampire speed to eat up the distance between me and The Orb.

I arrived outside and an icy wind gusted across my neck. I glanced behind me with the gut feeling of being watched. I bared my fangs, hunting the buildings circling The Orb for any sign of an enemy. But all was quiet apart from Nova’s voice carrying from inside. A few FIB agents appeared, patrolling the paths and I nodded to them before turning away.

I silently stepped into The Orb, moving to the right of the door and pressing my back to the wall. The place was packed with students, everyone listening attentively to Nova at the far end of the room while the rest of the faculty sat behind her.

On instinct, I hunted for Darius, but I found Blue first. She was with her sister, the two of them surrounded by an army of A.S.S. I had to figure out what that fire was they’d cast. It was driving me mad. I’d fought alongside Darcy and seen the full extent of her power. And I was worried as all hell about what it meant. With magic like that, she and her sister were an official threat to the Heirs. To Darius. And no matter what strange connection I had with Blue, it could not stand in the way of me ensuring Darius sat on the Celestial Council and unseated his father in the process.

I can control this.

Diego Polaris shifted beside her, dropping his arm around her shoulders. My jaw locked and white hot energy built in my chest. I had the completely irrational urge to go over there and drag him out of The Orb by the throat.

Be sensible, Lance. It was a one time thing. She’s not yours to be jealous over. Leave it alone.

I spotted Darius sitting on his usual couch with the rest of the Heirs. Seth’s jaw was tight and emotion flickered in his eyes. Some of his pack were quietly sobbing in their chairs and my mouth twitched. Ashanti Larue had fallen today. She’d been on the Pitball team since the start of the year after the former Airsentry had graduated. From the red eyes around the room, I could figure out who had been friends with the other three who’d died too. 

A fierce anger rose in me, knowing that the Nymphs had taken Ashanti and several others of our kind. Their magic stolen along with their lives. The Nymphs would pay for this. No doubt the Celestial Councillors were already preparing a retaliation which would see them brought to their knees.

“We are all deeply saddened by the losses our academy has suffered today,” Nova said gravely. She looked preened to perfection, her dark locks coiled into a shining bun and her clothes immaculate. There wasn’t a single sign she’d fought in the battle earlier on as a powerful Manticore, but she had. Just like plenty of others in this room. But that was the way of Fae. We kept going even through the hardest of times. “The FIB have sent the bodies home to their families. We will all greatly miss Darren Torkin, Lily Jessops, Harriet Kent and Ashanti Larue-”

The wolf pack howled as one, the sound piercing my gut. Caleb wrapped an arm around Seth and Max reached out to hold his hand, taking his pain away with his Siren gifts.

“Although this tragedy has rocked us to our core, we must remember that we are Fae. We do not falter in the face of adversary. We lift our heads high and walk on. Tomorrow, classes will continue as normal and freshmen will begin preparation for The Reckoning which will be held this coming week. We will show those cowardly Nymphs who skulk in the shadows that we cannot be broken. Not even for a moment.”

A few people clapped, but most of the students seemed subdued.

Nova pressed out an invisible crease from her button-down jacket then clasped her hands together. “Now,” she said sharply and everyone lifted their heads. “Zodiac Academy is officially on lock down. We will not lose a single other student to the hands of the vile creatures who have declared war on us this very day. Curfew will start at nine pm sharp every night without fail, including weekends. Any student found out of their Houses after this time will face severe punishment. Two hundred and fifty points will be docked from your House and you will face detention with Professor Orion.” She gestured to me and a sea of eyes turned my way.

I gave them a dark look to stoke a little fear in the hearts of any rebels considering breaking those orders. Darcy’s eyes locked with mine and my lungs compressed. Why was it so fucking difficult to cut her out of me? One look was enough to make me consider risking everything I’d ever worked for. 

So stop looking, asshole.

Nova continued on, “Werewolves will have to run under the moon early in the evening-” They groaned as she went on and I searched for Darius again as I realised the major issue this curfew posed for us.

His gaze butted against mine as if he was thinking the same thing and I jerked my head to beckon him. He slid out of his seat and no one paid him much attention as he moved to the far wall and started a subtle trail toward me.

I slipped back out of the door and a moment later, he joined me outside. He said nothing as we headed away toward the shadowy path between Pluto Offices and Mercury Chambers. The FIB were crawling all over this place so I kept walking without a single word, turning into the entrance to the offices and shutting the door behind us with a loud clunk. It was deathly silent in the atrium and the darkness was penetrated by the dim blue glow of lights on the sorting machines. I opened my palm, casting a silencing bubble around us as a precaution.

“Curfew presents a real issue for your training,” I said, folding my arms.

Darius nodded. “Yeah and I still don’t even have my own draining dagger to practice with.”

“Have you got back everything else that your pal Milton stole?” I asked in a dark tone. I’d gut that kid for burning down Darius’s room if I wouldn’t lose my damn job for it. 

“I got back a few coins that were in his room,” he growled. “It’s hard to say if he took any more than that and I can’t ask him outright about the dagger. It’d draw too much attention to it. But he’s too thick to realise what it is.”

“Stupidity is dangerous around something like that. What if he starts cutting himself?” I hissed, running a hand down the back of my neck.

“Well he’ll fuck up his whole life if he gets caught doing that.”

A tense moment passed between us as the weight of his words settled in the air. We’d both lose everything if we got caught, but we were too far down this road to stop now.

“The last thing we need is the FIB getting their hands on it,” I said anxiously. “It’s not traceable but if they know an artifact like that is floating around campus, they’ll start a witch hunt.”

“Your fuck buddy will keep them off our backs,” Darius taunted but I wasn’t in the mood for games.

“Francesca covers for me when we go after Nymphs. She’s not aware of my other hobbies,” I said dryly, even though Darius knew that. He just wanted a rise out of me, which meant he was in a seriously bad mood and playing with fire.

“I think she’d still take a bullet for you even if she did figure out that you-” I stole the air from his lungs with a twist of my fingers and he spluttered heavily.

A crunch had sounded outside. A footstep for sure.

Darius glared at me as he caught his breath but the look I gave him told him exactly why and his eyes whipped to the door. I’d cast a silencing bubble around us but an FIB agent could have breached it if they’d sensed it.

I leaned in close, speaking into Darius’s ear. “I have a feeling the FIB aren’t being transparent with their investigation this time. They’re watching all of us. I’ll message you privately. Delete everything I send the second you’ve read it.”

He nodded and I dropped the silencing bubble just before he shoved me hard in the chest. “My friend died out there! I can’t keep calm and just sit in that assembly, Professor!”

“You need to take a breath,” I boomed. “If you lose control of your Order form I’ll dock you twenty House Points.”

“Fuck you!” Darius stormed out of Pluto Offices and I marched after him into the night.

“Twenty House points and you can meet me in detention Thursday evening!” I bellowed after him. That ought to give us a chance to practice.

The air was eerily still but a shadow moving in my periphery alerted me to the slinking FIB agent, strolling along as if he hadn’t been there the entire time. 

“I wouldn’t want your job,” he joked but his eyes trailed over me in a way that made me uncomfortable.

“It’d be fine if the kids actually behaved,” I said, slapping on a smile and he nodded slowly.

“I hear that. I’ve got a ten year old who starts a rebellion every other week. You got kids?”

“Nah. Not really my calling in life.”

“Says the teacher.” He cocked a brow.

“Well if there’s one way to put you off having kids, it’s being around a bunch of teenagers twenty four seven.”

“You’ll change your mind on that one day. Besides, you’re only young. You can’t have been graduated long, you look about the same age as my eldest…”

I kept my smile in place but it was beginning to hurt my face. Don’t presume you know shit about me, asshole. “Four years out.”

He looked me over. “And you’re a professor? At this academy? How’d you pull that off?”

Nosy shit. “Straight As in my finals.” And Uncle Acrux pulling strings so I’d have to be within a mile radius of his son at all times. I didn’t even wanna be a goddamn teacher. Though I doubted anyone else could tell that…

He released a low whistle. “Well I bet you make friends with the students easier than you do the faculty, eh?”

My eyes sharpened and my smile fell away dramatically. This guy wasn’t casually interested in me, he was fucking interrogating me. And that riled up a fierce storm in my blood.

You wanna dance, shitbag? I’ve been to hell and back tonight, so you’re a walk in the park.

“I don’t make friends with anyone very easily, least of all students, Mr..?”

“Malone. Gordon Malone. It just struck me as odd that you brought Lionel Acrux’s son all the way out here to have a private chat. I hear on the grapevine that your family have a special kind of relationship with theirs.” Triumph flared in his eyes like he’d won this game. That he’d caught me out at something. But hell if he had.

My eyes slid over him as I hunted for his badge and rank. Jackpot. This loser was beneath Francesca. Because just like me, she aced every job she took on in life. She’d climbed the ranks at the FIB faster than anyone else in her training class. And she hadn’t stopped climbing since.

“Well Mr Malone, I suppose your superior Agent Sky will be wondering where you’ve run off to.”

His brows jumped up. “You…know her?”

“Yeah I’d like to think I know my girlfriend pretty well.” I watched the blood run from his face all the way down to his shiny little boots with a twisted satisfaction. It wasn’t entirely accurate but she wouldn’t deny it if he brought it up. Not that I expected he would now he knew he was interrogating the man that kept company with his boss at night.

He cleared his throat. “Yes well, you’re probably right. You won’t um, tell her that I…”

“That you what?” I smirked.

“Nothing.” He dipped his head. “Have a good night.” He hurried away and my shoulders dropped.

That was one crisis averted but I had much bigger problems facing me this week. It looked like the Vega Twins were about to emerge in their Order forms and they’d proved that they were now a genuine threat to the throne. 

On top of that, the Lunar Eclipse coincided with The Reckoning. Which meant I was about to be worked off my ass preparing freshmen for both events while trying to figure out a way to stop Darius’s father from bringing a plague down on Solaria.

At Zodiac, they called this Hell Week. And this year, it was more literal than ever.

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