
Chapter 11

The halls are dark, the palace silent, and my feet go light against the floor as I pass through a dinning hall and into the West Wing. My wolf is on alert, my senses heightened as I need them to be for this. Taking in a deep breath, I pick up his scent, the one that drives you crazy and your wolf mad. The one that can do things to you.

I remember the maids putting up a sheet that lists the names of the Alphas and their room numbers. Pulling open the door to the West Wing, I search for the paper, his scent growing stronger.

That’s when I find it, the list of names and numbers. I search for his name, wanting to know where to find this menace. 213.

Just as I take a step back, about to head into the direction, I hit something.

Stumbling back into something, that’s when I feel it, the sparks, dull but still there. “Hello, Sybil.”

Snapping my head back, I see him, not the same as before, not put together and looking like a true gentleman, but rather the same Sebastian I grew up knowing. With a smirk upon his face, his eyes flooded with uncertain emotions, I find Sebastian grabbing my chin, cocking his head to the side.

“What a surprise,” he sarcastically greets, his eyes looking deep within mine. “Now, I’ve got to hear this story, how you met the King.” He smiles. “Let me guess, seduction? Guilt? Did you find a witch for a potion?”

I scowl, pushing away from Sebastian as his grip only tightens upon my chin. “Through unlucky luck,” I hiss, shoving upon his chest once more as my wolf growls. “Sadly the same asshole that threw me out is now back. Sadly, Sebastian, this is my domain.”

“Your domain?!” He chuckles, taking a step forward. “I don’t see a mark nor ring upon that delicate little body of yours.”

I offer him a sarcastic smile, my nails digging into his skin as the silent hall fills my ears once again. “I don’t see you standing beside the King.”

“What does he want with you?” He asks, looking down upon me.

“You should be careful, Sebastian.”

“And why?”

“He knows I was rejected. He knows it’s an Alpha. He wants a name,” I speak up, cocking my head to the side. “He wants your name so he can-

“Let me guess, kill me?” Sebastian interrupts.

“He doesn’t take to whoever rejected me lightly.”

“Why?” Sebastian asks, making me calm my nerves down.

I open my mouth, wondering what to say next, only to reveal confusion. “You and me both wonder the same thing.”

Sebastian chuckles, grabbing my forearm as he begins to drag me from the sheet and towards a flight of stairs. “I’m not going with you, Sebastian.” He frowns, acting hurt as I cross my arms. “You rejected me.”

“Why so bitter, look where I got you,” he snaps, pushing his hands into his pockets. “I got you in the palace, at the side of the King. I think you’d rather want to thank me right now.”

I scoff. “Thank someone who threw me out from my friends and family? Seems a little bit too extreme.” Sebastian looks at me, from head to toe, looking me over as if for a sign of change. “Also a douchebag move.”

Sebastian scoffs, grabbing my arm again as he pulls me with him. I follow willingly, knowing we will have a very long conversation next. Besides, the more we argue in the halls, the more we awaken people. As we pass bye five more doors, we approach a single door, my senses heightened. For sure, I know Sebastian will do something to make me miserable tonight.

Before we discovered we were mates, we were nothing but the simple friends to each other, saying hi formally and just asking about the families. If anything I always knew Sebastian was a douche, how he treated the people he was involved with or those who disrespected.

“Welcome to the room, I bet your’s is far more fit for royalty.” I look around the room, the simple yet elegant design, and the luggage a still before the bed. I take a seat upon a chair, crossing my arms as Sebastian moves to the curtains, pulling them open as the moonlight floods the room. “How’s life in the big city?”

I scowl, my eyebrows knitting together as Sebastian awaits my response. “Good, how’s my family?” I ask, looking towards the ceiling at the artwork.

Sebastian raises an eyebrow, his skin paling. “What’s wrong?”

I get to my feet, fear and anger flooding my body as Sebastian shakes his head, mumbling something under his breath. “Nothing,” he replies. “Nothing to concern yourself with.”

“My family is my concern,” I shout back, shoving upon his chest as the moonlight hits my face. “I could easily give your name to Zion and he would have you in some deep trouble.”

Sebastian almost laughs at me, shaking his head. “Pulling out the King card, are we?” My jaw clenches, my hands becoming fists. “Has the little King not let you keep contact with the family? How miserable you must feel, for the King to keep you here. Has he kept you prisoner?”

“Has the little Alpha for news for me.”

“Careful how you talk to me,” Sebastian snaps, taking a quick step forward out of intimidation as I find myself seeing red.

I laugh, massaging my temples as rejection plays in my head. “Right, a rogue show respect for someone they should have no respect for? Very true,” I sarcastically spit out, looking towards the door. “You know, Sebastian, I thought we would have a good conversation here. I wanted to warn you about what Zion wants, how he wants your blood. I came as a nice gesture and here you are, insulting me. You really haven’t changed.”

Sebastian’s lips purse together, frown lines forming as I head towards the door. “I won’t spill your name, Sebastian,” I call out behind me, watching as his eyes become black. “But be careful what you say and do, Sebastian, Zion will not leave my side until the Senate is done, and maybe not after that.”

I open the door, ready to leave as Sebastian stays within the moonlight. “Goodnight, Sybil,” Sebastian calls out, watching as I leave the room, not bothering to shut the door as all I want to do is rip his heart from his chest.

Grabbing the curtains, I pull them shut, the sunlight now absent from the room as I groan. I grab my damp hair, pulling it into a sloppy bun as Marisa walks across the room, taking my dishes from breakfast away. “Lady Sybil?”

“Yes?” I ask, looking over my shoulder to meet her gaze.

“The King would like for you to meet him at his room in five minutes.”

“I’m not dressed,” I comment, watching as Marisa opens the door, only to shake her head.

“I do not think he will care, good day.”

She’s gone, the door shut, and I’m left alone to my thoughts. I move fast, getting on some clothes aside from a robe covering my undergarments. But time goes by quick as I struggle to pull on a pair of pajama shorts and shirt, not wanting to deal with some fancy dress. As I slide on a pair of ballet flats, I walk out of my room, looking down the hidden hallway and spot his door, the massive oak one with silver knobs.

I walk to the door, my hand reaching up to knock as my throat runs dry. Sebastian runs through my mind, those eyes haunting me as I think of just disobeying the King. To go against him when he’s all rowdy, knowing the Alpha who rejected me is under his roof.

I knock at the door, one swift knock as I go on my toes, rocking back and forth as I can hear footsteps on the other side.

The door opens, revealing the tired and drained face of the King. But something is different.

The puffy eyes, bloodshot, stumbling. They all point towards one solution: drunk. “Are you...okay?” I ask, entering the room as the King steps out of the way, his body tense. He’s still in the suit from last night, his hair a complete mess, and he doesn’t look like the King, but rather a drunk dude dressed for a fancy night. “King Zion?”

He shuts the door, the darkness of the room making it hard for me to spot any of the details of the room rather than the four-poster bed with a silk duvet and the marble floors. “I hear you snuck out last night, Sybil.”

My face runs pale as I snap my head back to the King, a bottle of whisky within his hand. I nod, walking around the room to one of the curtains. “So I bet you followed,” I comment, inspecting a small glass vase upon a nightstand.

He shakes his head, causing me to widen my eyes in shock. Zion approaches me, my back still too him. “I want the game, Sybil,” he whispers from behind. “Not a kid’s game. Besides, once I find him, I’ll enjoy ripping his head out.”

I take a step away, only for arms to wrap around my waist, pulling me back into a chest, causing my wolf to feel her nerves pick up. Butterflies form in my stomach and my brain tells me this is not something good. “If rather have no blood across the floor,” I mutter, smelling the alcohol upon his breath.

“I wouldn’t mind. It’s my floor after all,” Zion mutters, resting his chin upon my shoulder. “We should get ready.”

“And you plan to attend the Senate drunk?” I ask, looking around the rest of the dark room. His grip tightens, my hands ready for form fists and land a punch. “How will that turn out?”

“I have a potion,” he mumbles, letting me go as he heads towards the closet, having no privacy as he peeps off his shirt. My eyes widen, watching the back muscles upon the King, my jaw dropping as I almost let drool escape my mouth. I shut my mouth right away, my cheeks going red as he turns around, causing me to turn around right around.

“Have no shame?” Zion asks as I can almost hear his smirk. I make my way to the door, only to hear a faint growl. “I never said you could leave.”

“I have to get ready,” I reply, pulling on the door as I escape the King once more. “And you have to get out together.”

I leave, shutting the door behind me as I head back to my room, having enough of the King. I’ll already have to be by his side the first hour of the meeting anyway. Grabbing my closet door, I pull open, heading towards the dress for today, already hating it.

As I change and put in my clothes, my head is filled with thoughts of what today will bring.

Once the silk slides over my head, I head back into the door, ready to begin my day of hell in thirty minutes. “Can I help you?”

“I am to escort you.”

“I left for a reasons,” I mumble, pushing past the King as my blood boils. “It’s called privacy.”

He chuckles, perfectly fine now, no signs of drinking even present. “You are in my palace.”

“Why such an asshole today?”

I cover my mouth right away, regretting my words as his eyes turn pitch black. “You dare disrespect your King?”

My back hits the wall, the King still approaching as pale green eyes flood my mind. “We’ve gone through this, Sybil. How you open that smart little mouth of your’s with no control.”

My fingers begin to shake, my legs shaking, and my heart skips a beat. “I don’t know how else to respond to someone who keeps me here, saying he is my mate when he has a mark and I have a mate. Why I am kept here for you to say I am your mate and you want to kill the man who rejected me. You confuse me and because of that it makes me pissed.”

“You ask too many questions.”

“I’ve only asked one repeatedly. That is one, not many.” The King frowns, reminding me of Sebastian. “I only ask one question. I ask why I am here and you say we are mates, but we both damn well know we are not.”

“What are you wanting?” He asks, looking out upon the lake.

“I want truth, not some silly over up,” I respond, hearing the gong ring, telling us the Senate is now getting together, that they have fifteen minutes.

“We are called,” he whispers, close to me, his face pressed against the side of mine, his lips brushing my cheeks. “And then, let your actions give way to a fun game.”

He exits, reminding me of Elijah’s words, how every man and woman has their own exits and entrances. How one many will play multiple parts his whole life. I see that now, the multiple characters the King takes, from a gentlemen to a powerful man who wants blood across his floors.

I watch as the door shuts, leaving me to finish up with my appearance. Leaving me to get ready for my next entrance, to play yet another roll, to put on another mask as I protect someone I’d rather see burn. But I refuse to be like Sebastian, to make someone’s life miserable for no reason. I accepted his rejection, I made the decision to protect him, to not get revenge for what I’ve always wanted.

As to why I am doing this, I am unsure. Maybe because I do not want to see a King like this, taking away a life of someone who made me miserable, as he plays a game where he has no part. Zion has no right to play a game already finished, and by his choosing to resurrect a finished game, it will only bring drama and unwanted action to something I want done.

As to why Zion wants with me, why he is choosing to say I am his mate when he clearly has one and I do as well, I can only guess. Until he comes clean.

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