Zenora, The Dragon's Fury

Chapter 7. Exit Trial

“So, what is your verdict about the matter?” One of the arrogant men asked me. They didn’t even bother to call me by my title, which only suggested that they felt themselves higher ranked than anyone in the room.

“William, show them out!” I yelled, without even thinking about any verdict at all. They were so lowly, and not recognizing me as their Princess, that I wouldn’t care about anything they had to say anymore.

I had told my friends and family to not call me Princess, but that doesn’t mean that everyone that came into the castle, wasn’t required to uphold the proper annunciation. Especially from people that I don’t know, and who wanted my attention.

William walked up to the men, pushing them both towards the door.

William is the man who I offered a job, as a constructor when the servant’s house was being build. He turned out to be quite a strong man indeed, just as Natalya had mentioned back then. I rewarded him with warrior training from Dennis, and he was extremely happy about the opportunity. William is not an actual warrior, but he was very useful in helping me with several tasks. He became my assistant soon after his training, and moved into the castle together with his daughter Amelia. Of course he was payed for his job, and every single day he reminded me how honoured he was for changing his life.

The woman that stood behind the men, turned around and silently followed them towards the door.

“Not you.” I said and the arrogant men turned around, together with a confused William.

“The men can leave, I don’t care how they solve their stupid dispute, but the woman stays.” I clarified myself.

“What?! She is my servant! Why would you want her?” One of the men said and he walked over to the woman.

She was still standing there, with her head bowed down. I could see her knees tremble, she was clearly scared out of her mind.

“What did you do now! Is it your fault that we are being thrown out?!” He yelled at her, and before I knew he slapped her in the face. The impact of it, made her fall to the ground, and when the man screamed to her again I got furious!

“Touch her one more time, and I swear you will not see the light of day ever again!” I yelled at the man, when I had stood up from my throne.

“Why should I listen to you! She is my slave, I can do what I want with her!” And without a second thought, he kicked her in the stomach.

That was it, the drop that made my bucket filled with rage, spill over the edge.

I knew that my eyes were glowing, as the reaction of the men, including William, was one of surprise. William immediately stepped away and took the woman with him. He has been my assistant for over three years now, and he knew exactly what to do and when not to mess with me.

I had said that the woman had to stay, and as he knows that I meant no harm to her, he took her aside when he saw my eyes glow.

My hunter was taking over, I could feel the blue glow burning with desire to kill that man.

One of the Royal Guards that stood around the throne, carried a spear with him. I noted for him to give me his weapon and he gladly did. He knew what I could do, how precise my aim is, as all of the Royal Guards train with the army as well. They have seen what I am capable off, and I was to show this arrogant son of a bitch, just that.

I aimed for the man, who said that the woman was his slave, and pointed my spear towards him. He tried to run away and reached for the door handle, I wanted to throw the spear but before I lunged it at him, a sword flew right pass me.

The sword impaled his back and bored itself into the wooden door. The man hanged soulless, limb, with his head leaning on the door.

The other man looked in terror at what just happened.

I turned around and saw Tyler standing behind me, and Brock walking in after him.

“Did you do that Tyler?” I asked him.

“Yes Mommy, I saw how he hurt that nice lady and got a bit angry. Am I in trouble now?” He asked me while bowing his head down.

“No, sweety, I was just about to do the same as you. Go with your Daddy, and let me handle this for a moment alright?” I gave him a kiss on the head, and nodded to Brock. Knowing that we would be talking about this later.

I turned around to the man, who was still shaking his knees at the large wooden door. Anger rose into my body again, upon remembering what the other mutt did with the woman.

“You are not worth holding the paper, I use to wipe my ass with, after my morning dump! Don’t ever make me hear about the use of slaves, ever again! You arrogant piece of shit! You better tell everyone you know, who think they have the power to ‘own’ other people, to be beware of my wrath! As was just displayed by my son, you can clearly understand how strong my family is, and I won’t hesitate to murder every single person that uses this kind of practice! Now get the fuck out of my castle!”

He didn’t say a thing, while stumbling out of the door, passing by his friend being pinned to the big door.

I roared, and let myself sit on the throne again. The servants that came into the throne room, looked in awe at the sight of the dead man. The guard who lent me his spear came closer to me, taking his spear back to him.

“Sorry Michel, to let you see my rage. I just hate what he did.” I said to the guard.

“Don’t worry Princess, I would have done the same, if I was ever in your position. We will get rid of the mess.” The guard stated, and walked towards the big doors.

Over the years I have trained myself, to learn a lot of names of the people who work in the castle. They know I’m not an aggressive person, I’m only like this when someone is clearly in their wrong minds.

“What happened here?” I heard my dad say.

“That pig over there made me angry, and Tyler pinned him to the door.” I casually said when I stepped down from the throne and gave him a hug. My dad didn’t ask me any further questions and I was happy that he didn’t.

I told him about the possibility that there were houses in our lands, that make use of slaves. Not servants, but actual slaves. My dad came with the suggestion of creating an investigation party, that could search through the cities, to find out how many there were. After gathering the information, we could handle the cases accordingly.

“Thanks dad, that is an excellent idea. William, are you up for that?” I asked him and he nodded, while supporting the dirty woman with walking over to us.

“Are you alright?” I asked her, and she nodded but kept her head down.

Being scared as she is, I couldn’t force her into talking about anything right now. I hated that she kept her head bowed down, but that was also something to resolve later. I’ve asked a servant to guide the woman towards one of the guest rooms on the second floor of the castle, and help her with a bath and dress her in clean clothes.

“Send Natalya and a doctor to her room as well, the woman looks malnourished and hurt.” My dad said while looking at the woman’s body, checking her up and down, and I nodded.

Over the years, my dad has come to see my point of view about the servants. He has been very nice to them, and on occasion was helping them when he, for example, tilted over a glass of wine. So, it wasn’t a surprise to me that he wanted to help the poor woman.

I said to my dad that I was going to find Nicolai, as the woman’s mind was blocked. There was something off about it, but I didn’t know what exactly.

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