Zenora, The Dragon's Fury

Chapter 24. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Emily’s point of view:

“What did you do with the children that you took, or bought from the villages you have been to?” I asked Hayden, while we were laying on the bed in my room.

I was laying under the covers, on my back, with my clothes still on. Hayden was also under the covers, but he was butt naked. He was trying to convince me to be his Queen, in every means of the word. But of course, my heart only belonged to one man, the one that he is keeping locked up in the dungeons.

My stomach was aching, small cramps distracted me to keep my mind steady. I probably should have tried to eat more at dinner.

I was also angry and feeling worthless because I couldn’t attack him. The risk of hurting anyone I love is still there.

But I had to get to know more information about his plan, trying to loosen him, only to get a small window of time alone. Even when I had to go to the toilet, he was there trying to read my mind.

“I needed pure blood.” He said, while taking a hair away from my face.

My heart was racing, the moment I know that everyone is safe, he is going to wish he wasn’t near me. But I couldn’t let him get inside my head. I have to slow down my breathing, letting him think that I was alright for him to touch me. With a certain boundary off course.

“Don’t adults have pure blood?” I asked him, with slight sincere interest.

“As my Queen you shouldn’t worry yourself with any of these subjects.”

“What? Do you think that when I will be your Queen, that I would leave the ruling of the lands up to you?” I asked him.

I knew my specific choice of words, using ‘when’ instead of ‘if’. But I have to catch him off-guard somehow.

“I know you are strong but I won’t allow you to break your pretty head over such things.”

“How thoughtful.” I sneered at him, at which he sighed. He wasn’t fazed at all.

He explained to me that children’s blood is innocent, most of them haven’t done anything wrong in their lives. As bad decisions, stress, murder and so on, infects the blood of people. I can understand what he means by that, but if their blood is so special, then why didn’t he take the children from all of the villages and cities then?

Ow, my stomach ache is getting worse.

“It’s not.”

“What isn’t?” I asked him confused, my face slightly contorting of the pain in my belly.

“It’s not that special, I found something better.”

What did he find, from who would the blood be better? Somehow, I am relieved that he won’t use my children or any other child again. But what did he do with the children that he didn’t use? Where are they now?

And why won’t the pain in my belly end? Is there something wrong with the baby?

Hayden looked amused, during my questionnaire in my mind. But I wasn’t smiling, I needed answers.

“Fuck! Goddess!” I yelled. A tight cramp shot through my abdomen. The pain in my belly was almost unbearable now.

Hayden stood up, walked over to the door and told one of the guards to get the tub filled. I looked anxious towards him; does he want to get in the tub?

“No bunny, you are going to get in. As much as I like it, that you dropped the blockage from your mind, your baby needs you to calm down. To relax.”

Brock’s point view:

I looked at the females around us in the cells. What the hell are they up to now? The warrior with the earrings just left the dungeons, so it was time to proceed with our plan. Well... not our plan, but Anna’s plan.

“Natalya, do you have one of those pins in your hair? The ones that Emily gave you?” Anna asked her.

Natalya nodded and took one of those pins out, making her hair drop alongside her face. Anna took it from her and pried it in to the lock of her cell. It took her some time, and I was wondering what she was trying to do. But after a few minutes, the lock clicked and the door swung open.

I looked amazed at her, just as Archeops and Dennis did.

“Yes, that look is what happens when you don’t consider a female’s skill!” She snapped at us.

“That’s not a female’s skill, but you are right, sometimes I forget that you’re an engineer Missy.” Dennis said to her, after kissing her on the mouth.

I shook my head, if only we thought of that before, well the others should have, I have an excuse.

Everyone left that cell, except for Natalya with her baby and Ruth. I didn’t know why Ruth should stay with her, but before I could ask, Archeops shook his head.

“That’s for later.” He said to me, so I let it go.

Soon after, Anna opened all the locks and when I stepped outside, I saw Ruth’s eyes glinting red. Quickly, Archeops ran over to her and turned her around, facing her sight away from me, whispering some words in her ear. She went to sit at the back of the cell, and Natalya kept her distracted.

I didn’t ask, I was just hoping to get my memory back as soon as possible.

Me and Dennis got to stand behind the wall, the women and men divided themselves over the cells. So, there was a woman in each one of them, with a few men behind her. They closed the cell doors, but not locking them.

The next guard would soon come down here, so we needed to get into the next part of the plan.

“Alright men, turn around and don’t you dare look!” Anna whisper yelled.

So as she commanded, we turned around and then I heard clothes dropping to the floor. The girls giggled, laughed and cheered.

“Yoohoo! Is there at least one strong warrior who can suffice to our needs? Because the ones that are here, suck at it!” Anna yelled really loud.

I could hear Dennis growl next to me. He wasn’t keen on what she just yelled. I bet he will be doing some sucking on her later, just to show her how good he is.

Soon the bald warrior came down, and instantly got red ears when he saw the women. I had to turn around, to see if the warrior didn’t see us. The women looked beautiful, but no one compared to look as strong as my wife. Even though I can’t remember her, and only have seen her once, I still have the massive urge to take her for a ride.

Her gorgeous body and strong character are things that I like. Anna was too bold, Cirilya too quiet and too thin for my taste, Natalya too young, no, no woman other than Emily fits my needs. I don’t only feel it, I sincerely know it.

“So, why don’t you get the other two warriors down here, and show us some good time?” Cirilya said.

“I bet your boss won’t give you much time for fun, right?” One of the female Royal guards seductively said.

The bald warrior stumbled backwards and ran upstairs to get his fellow guards down. Good, I'm glad that worked.

The woman quickly got dressed and the ones that can’t fight, stepped backwards, to give room to the fighters in their cells.

Emily’s point of view:

“Aahhh! Shit!” I screamed. What the hell is going on!?

The tub was being filled as we speak, but I didn’t need hot water. There is something wrong with my baby! I’m not even half-way my pregnancy, so am I having a miscarriage?

I felt between my legs, blood was filling my pants. No, no, please! I started crying, I don’t want to lose my little girl!

“I need Cirilya! Please get her!” I yelled to Hayden, I could see him contemplating whether I was in actual pain or not.

He knew I needed the help; he could see the blood running too. But, is he going to help me? If he ever wants me to be his Queen willingly, he better listens to me!

The pain was growing, I need Cirilya bad! I took off my pants and underwear and stepped into the water. I didn’t care if he saw me naked from below, this baby was coming out now, and the hot water could maybe dull most of my pain.

“I’m in no condition to fight you Hayden! Get me Cirilya, please!” I begged him.

He was still thinking about it, but I couldn’t wait. It was either me and my baby ending up dead, or he would get me help and I would make a deal with him.

“What kind of deal?” He asked me, after reading my mind.

“Only if you let everyone, I care about live, I will freely become your Queen.”

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