Zenora, The Dragon's Fury

Chapter 2. Flashback

Brock came rushing into the room again, furious, with the idea of someone taking away his son.

“WHERE IS MY… son?” That last word was said in a whisper, filled with confusion. His jaw dropped open, seeing me all happy with both our sons in my arms.

“I thought that you had transferred your mage powers to our son, but I guess you still have some left.” He said, while walking over to me and giving me a kiss on the head.

“Oh, you got this all wrong Brock. It wasn’t me who did this, Kaden did this all on his own.” I said to him, smiling from ear to ear.

Brock looked at me with wide eyes, just like the others that stood in the room with us. Our boys are going to be the most powerful duo, ever came to exist in centuries.

The look that Brock has right now, reminded me of one of the best days of our lives. Of course, that specific day, on that point, was the best day ever. But seeing him smile right now, probably even more than that day, I knew today was his new best day. As was mine.

I still remember our wedding day, like it was yesterday though…

A few months ago:

“Mills, you better not have second guesses now, because the dress that Cirilya’s people made, is to die for! If you are not going to wear it, then I will!” Anna had yelled to me, when I got bathed and dressed by at least six servants.

I didn’t know what everyone was doing specifically, but I was facing my window, while sitting in the tub. One of the servants was washing my hair, another did my nails, and behind me I heard several of them walking in with assumedly my gown.

They put up the room-divider between me and the door, so I couldn’t see what the gown looked like. Nor did I want to see it, unless I was allowed to by Anna, Natalya and Cirilya. So, I didn’t even try to read their minds. I wanted it to be magical on my own.

When I was done bathing, the servants helped me get out of the tub, and started to dry my body with silky soft towels. I was guided to the dressing table, that they had moved into one of the corners of my room. Several creams and some simple make-up was put on my face and body. The cream they put on my body, made my skin shimmer mildly. Cirilya had this specially made by one of the Elven elders, and I was astonished at how it made me look like.

My hair was being put up in curlers, and with a little magic spell that Cirilya had taught me, I managed to evaporate the water out of my wet hair. Then two of the servants started to do my hair in a beautiful way. My hair was braided like a crown on top of my head, and some of the curls that the curlers had made, were pinned up in a flowy way around the braid, and down on the sides. Then one of the servants added small pearls, which she needled trough some strands of hair.

“Let’s get you dressed now shall we?” Cirilya had said, and I was wondering if I didn’t need a corset or something to wear underneath my gown, besides a pair of sexy panties.

“No, that is not necessary, the gown is empowered with elven magic, so it will suit you just perfectly.”

I couldn’t understand what she meant, but I guess I will find out in a minute. Natalya asked me if I was ready, and when I nodded, they put aside the room divider.

What I saw next, was… well I don’t know… mind-blowing?

I don’t like to wear dresses, but this one? This one is perfect! I stepped over to it, to watch it from close by.

The white flowy gown, blending over into a light pink colour at the bottom, was stunning. The fabric looked so light, that It almost looked like it would fly away with a small sigh of air. Everywhere on the dress were tiny droplets of water, but they wouldn’t move downwards, they just stayed in place, reflecting the sunlight that came into the room. The neckline was heart shaped and the body was embroidered with the finest lace and shiny pearls.

The dress was sleeveless, and I got a bit reluctant to show the scars on my arm. Unknowingly I touched the back of my upper arm and Cirilya could see my sadness.

“Look into the mirror Emily. You’ll see that the glowing cream has masked your scars. So, you wont have to be embarrassed about them for this day.” Cirilya said to me, and when I walked over towards the dressing table I looked in the mirror and indeed those awful scars were nowhere to be found!

“Thank you Cirilya, this means the world to me.” I said softly a bit emotional, and she nodded.

“Don’t you dare cry! That make-up won’t stay on your face forever Mills!” Of course, Anna yelled that, and we all laughed for a moment.

I went back to the gown again, all smiling and happy, almost crying. Damn these pregnancy hormones!

The girls all helped me getting in to the gown, and while leaning on their shoulders, I stepped gently into the centre.

“Itai teoreh amity taniche.” Cirilya said in her ancient elven language and then something stunning happened.

The gown that was hold waist high by Natalya and Anna, lifted itself up, until the neckline reached my collarbone. The laces at the back, were tying itself on its own, the body of the gown tightening around my chest, but not suffocating me. It almost felt like the magic took notice, of the little baby-belly that I was showing already, and formed around my stomach gently and caring.

Where the skirt of the gown, was flowing straight downwards before, it was filled with air now, making it slightly more curved. I even think the dress was automatically made a few inches taller, to fit my length. But maybe that was just a mirage, I’m not sure.

All the people in my room awed in surprise. Their eyes glimmering by the looks of the beautiful gown.

“There is one more surprise with the gown, but you’ll see that later.” Cirilya said with a huge smile and I got curious, but I would wait for it, patiently.

I took a few spins with the gown and I felt like a Queen! It was beautiful and elegant, but also sexy as it showed off my boobs just perfectly.

Natalya had given me some simple, yet elegant slippers, and then a knock on the door was heard.

“Brock you can’t see me yet!” I yelled at the door.

“It’s me hunny, I have a gift for you. Can I enter?” My dad said.

I smiled, turned around and draped the dress properly, so he could see how beautiful the gown looked like.

“Yes, come in dad.” I said smiling and when he entered the door, the box that he held dropped on the floor. Immediately tears started to form and I smiled even wider.

“Don’t cry dad, you’ll make me cry as well.”

“You are the most precious thing that I have ever seen! Your mother would be proud to see you like this.”

Crap, now I’m crying! Quickly one of the servants handed me a napkin so I could carefully wipe away the tears.

My dad picked up the box that he dropped and walked over to me. He told me that what was inside, once belonged to my mother and I got extremely curious now. The box was handed over to me, and when I opened it, my jaw dropped. So far, this morning has been amazing with beautiful things already, but the necklace and earrings that were in the box, were stunning!

The jewellery matched the colour of my gown, Cirilya must have known this and ordered the colour of the gown to be exactly the same.

The necklace had soft pink, droplet-formed crystals that were connected together with rose-gold plated, tiny chains. From the centre downwards, dangled a few more small droplets, and at the bottom, one bigger pink crystal shone gently. Just like the necklace, the earrings had two tiny pink crystals, and below it a bigger pink droplet, dangled free underneath my earlobes.

Natalya had helped me with putting on the crystals, and looked at me in awe.

“You are beautiful big sis.” She said before she gave me a hug.

“Thank you hunny, I love you.” I said to her.

I looked at all the woman and one man in my room, and then I wiggled my nose a bit.

“Let’s see if my husband can look at me, like you do now too.” I smiled again, knowing that no one can take away my smile today.

The ceremony was held in the throne room, and me and my dad stood in front of the big wooden doors, waiting for our cue to enter the room. My dad looked really good, standing next to me in a black leather outfit, with black and silver suede sashes draped over his shoulders down to his waist. And on one shoulder he had a piece of armor with a gryphon carved into it, the Kingdom’s mascot.

When the music started playing, and the doors were opened from the inside, everyone that was seated on the benches in the room, stood up and looked our way.

My dad had his arm held up, and I laid my hand on his arm, letting my dad guide me down to the altar.

The room was beautiful decorated, also by Elves I guess, as white and pink butterflies flew around the columns that were entwined with ivy leaves, branches and gorgeous white flowers. At the beginning of each row, the benches were decorated with these same nature items and butterflies. On the ground was some moss, and I guess that Cirilya had walked here, as the complete isle was covered in little white flowers, the ones that grow from underneath her feet, when she walked outside.

And there at the end of the path, stood my amazing strong General! The man that I love with all my heart. I smiled at him and from the moment he had seen me enter the door, the muscles of his jaw tightened constantly, and his eyes gleamed with pride.

He was wearing an amazing outfit as well. Just as my gown was light and flowy, his ensemble existed of a light fabric too.

His outfit has of a pair of white trousers, a white buttoned up shirt and a long white jacket over it. The jacket hangs mid-thigh and is embroidered with silvery swirls along the vertical hems and the stand-up collar. His bulky muscles filled his attire beautifully, and even in these beautiful delicate clothes he still looked amazingly strong and fierce.

His hair has been shaved at the back and sides, and on top of his head, his hair was combed backwards and looked soft and silky. His trimmed, thin beard, accentuated his broad jaws and his eyes… wow… His bright green eyes, glowing with a hint of gold from his warrior side, looking at me with such desire and love. It is amazing how his strong figure and character makes me feel so loved and blessed. Sometimes I can’t still believe that he chose me to become his wife.

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