Zenora, The Dragon's Fury

Chapter 19. Slithering Snake

“So, you were going to wait to talk to me, until I feel just as miserable as you?” I snapped at Ayinthur.

“Don’t use that tone to me! You are right, your emotion is what makes me talk, but I sure don’t like the way you speak to me!” He replied angrily.

“I don’t care if you don’t like my way of talking to you! You should be ashamed of yourself! Not talking to me in over four years! What right does it give you, to get angry at me!”

I slammed my fist on the table, and everyone at the dining room silenced immediately. As soon as Ayinthur spoke to me, their voices dampened as the dragon’s link took over my brain a bit. But I was aware of what was happening around me. Everyone looked at me in confusion or surprise, it has been a while that they have seen my eyes turn purple. Kaden and Tyler never even seen it.

I lifted my finger in the air, noting for everyone to wait for me to reply to their silent questions.

“I’m sorry, alright. I’m just in a bad mood.” Ayinthur said.

“A bad mood? How about nearly five fucking bad years of depression! I can sense your emotions, remember? Stubborn lizard.”

“Donkey, lizard, what comes next?” He asked with a chuckle, but I didn’t reply to that.

“Well, anyway, I’m glad that you started talking to me again. Are you coming to visit us soon? I bet my sons like to see you too.” I asked him, I never seem to be able to stay angry at him.

“Yes, sure I’ll be there in a few days.”

“Good, see you then.”

I sighed. I know that a few years means nothing to him, but it sure does to me. Not hearing from him for such a long time isn’t something that I can shake that easily. Maybe his depression affects my emotion as well. As on a daily base I tried to connect with him, only to feel his emotions and being neglected of hearing his voice.

But I can’t stay mad at him, he is meant to be in my life for a purpose, I can feel it. I just don’t know what purpose yet.

“So? Is he coming?” Brock asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Yes, he is, in a few days.” I genuinely smiled. His arrival here, will make me slightly happier.

“I’m going to take a shower.” I said to Brock when we were off to our room. He nodded and went to lay on the bed.

I had put my clothes on the bench in the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stood under it for quite some time, drowning myself in thoughts, when I felt two huge arms surrounding my waist. I hadn't even heard that he opened the door, so I jumped up in surprise when Brock suddenly embraced me.

“What's going on? You are so tense lately.” He asked me.

“I don't know, I just can’t shake the feeling, that something bad is going to happen soon.” I said softly.

“You’re just stressed bunny, let me take care of you.” He said while he started kissing my neck.

I’m not sure if I am stressed about that, but I can’t explain to Brock what it is instead, as I don’t know what it is either. Some distraction might help me get rid of my thoughts, and the way Brock’s chest clings to my back, rubbing up his swollen dick to my butt-cheeks, will do the trick.

My head tilted to the left, to give Brock some more access to my neck. Greedily he sucked and gently bit my skin, flaring up an arousal that I have missed for almost a week. His hands touched my body, in search of spots of pleasure. Not that he went straight for my clit, or my stiff nipples. No, he touched me at some other places on my body, like the spot between my breasts, the side of my ribcage, the inside of my thighs and my lower belly.

“Ohhh…” A soft moan left my mouth.

I loved it when the foreplay was teasing and sensual, especially when the warm water of the shower makes our bodies wet and slippery.

I wanted to turn around, but he held my body tight, not allowing me to face his chiselled chest.

His hands went down between my legs and he started rubbing my clit ferociously. I couldn’t help myself and I threw back my head, leaning against his chest, while my eyes were closed, and I moaned loudly. The water of the shower splattered on my breasts and I heard Brock gasp in awe.

Immediately his other hand went up my breasts, gently squeezing it, curving it so that the waterdrops slid down the side quicker. I felt the water slide between my breasts and when he pinched my left nipple, while rubbing my clit I came undone. My breathing hitched, but I kept my eyes closed, waiting for my chest to calm down.

“Well bunny, after all these years, I finally got the chance to let you come on my terms.” Brock said, with a strange voice.

And what’s with the ‘bunny’? Brock never calls me that. I opened my eyes trying to understand why he is acting so strange. And when I looked down, I saw something that shook my body.

I know Brock’s body, from top to bottom, every single inch is known to my touch and engraved into my memory. I know about the scars on his back, and the small tattoo on his left shoulder, the burn mark on his right wrist from a fiery arrow that he had blocked with his bare hands. His kisses still tingling and bedazzling my mind, even after all these years.

But this man was lacking the burn on his wrist and a ring around his finger. The ring we put on, the day we got married.

This man is not Brock!

How could I not notice the change of touch and words, this man was using? Was I so far into my own thoughts that all I wanted was any man to release some of the sexual tension? No! I let my guard down and now some other man, other than Brock had touched me! Hell, he even made me have an orgasm! I enjoyed the touch of another man…

My sense of smell and expertly hearing didn’t give me notice of something that was wrong. How could I let myself into this situation? How will I ever explain it to Brock?

My mind spun in multiple directions, thinking about how Brock’s twin could have entered the castle. That’s when it dawned upon me, I never heard the door open! I figured that I wouldn’t have heard the door open and close, because I was so distracted by my own thoughts. But there must be another way for him to enter the bathroom without having to open the door.

He finally let me turn around, and I looked in his eyes. Fury raging through my body, blood crawling underneath my skin, trying to unleash some sort of power onto him.

“So, you finally understand that I’m not the man you have spent your years with? Brock shouldn’t be the only one to have your body at his pleasure!”

No… He is using the same words as Markus did, when he was about to torture me. That my body is not only meant for Brock to have, and as Markus wanted to do, but never took the chance, this man did. This man did touch my body, feel his way freely up my skin and private parts!

But I’m not going to waver in fear this time! This time I’m going to fight back! I will not be tortured again!

“Get the fuck away from me!” I pushed against his chest with all the power I have, putting my heels against the wall behind me and screamed out loud. He stumbled backwards but he didn’t fall, the wall behind him broke his motion and he hit his head against the tiled wall.

“Now, watch that filthy mouth of yours! I don’t like my Queen to talk so dirty.” He said, while rubbing the back of his head, noticing some blood that appeared from the impact.

“Your Queen? The hell I will! You will never become King of Terralon!”

“Oh, but that is what exactly is going to occur. And you are even willingly going to let it happen.”

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