With the use of a thick twine, Zaramanni and Alisha were brought out of the pit.

Admonishing herself to have a firm stance became useless when

Zara’s legs staggered as her heart jumped in reaction to the grinning sight that greeted her. Thankfully, the strong pair of hands that caged her arms prevented her from kissing the ground.

Wearing a crease on her forehead, Zara’s mind was instantly flung into a troubled state.

In addition to the thin cracks on the bony cheeks of the person staring excitedly at her, the man’s hooded eyes spelled nothing but doom, darkness, and… absolute doom.

Zaramanni’s eyes glanced at his hands, and she began to imagine how deadly his touch would feel if his presence could be so distressing.

The man whose black dress looked outrightly weird in the dark light raised those hands of his and revealed sharp, silver-coated nails that glistened.

“Leave them.” That eerie tone filled the air again, his evil grin still intact. A few steps closer and he said, “How unfortunate,” Zara felt her knees dance with fear as he reached for a lock of her hair, “you are too pretty to die.”

”Actually, they are both pretty,” a thicker voice added. The owner of that voice had Alisha in his grip and the witch didn’t look like she was going to be fine.

But their fall was a hard one, so that was expected.

Zara was just the unusual soul who wasn’t feeling the prolonged effect of the accident.

Zaramanni, while trying to hide her terror and determine a way out of the situation, soon let out a yelp as the lean man suddenly pulled a handful of her hair, his fingernails digging into her scalp.

Squeezing her eyes to shut out the pain, she prayed his action wouldn’t leave the back of her head with a bleeding spot.

Shaky breaths escaped her and she waited for the next move of the creature in front of her. Then, a rush of air fanned the skin of her neck. Her breath hitched as his long fingers wrapped around her neck suddenly.

Now sniffing her neck as though he was trying to determine the best spot to attack her, Zara realized that she was right. His touch was deadly. He was not squeezing her neck, yet she felt suffocated.

Something inside her boiled with disgust and she wanted nothing more than to magically disappear from that place. But pending the arrival of that miracle, she knew that she could not manage to stay still forever.

Especially since a cold, wet feeling was now trailing her skin.

“Hmm,” the man moaned as his lips sucked on her skin for some seconds. The hand around her neck traveled to her left breast and when it seemed like he was about to squeeze her, Zara took a step back, killing his moment of fun.

Zara, at that point, didn’t care if she would be slapped or kicked for being defiant. She decided it was time to act tough. So, she stared right into his eyes and as their eyes met, the man grinned, revealing two prominent fangs positioned in place of what the humans called the canine.

Zara felt that chill again.

She had read of such creatures based on the limited knowledge of her world.

They walked dark places, the blood of the living was their food and drink, and they brought doom to whoever crossed them.

Their deadly teeth were ever ready to satisfy them and cause chaos, leaving nothing of their victims.

Taking slow steps back as her fright grew bigger and bigger, Zaramanni positioned her sight on the man’s fangs which reminded her of King Darren’s killer wolf.

She watched those teeth as though she could tell that they would soon come for her blood.

She never stopped moving back, and she didn’t care where her blind walking led her to.

She just wanted a chance to fight back and escape.

But, before her mind could calculate a means to escape, Zara felt the heel of her feet slip.

The vampire in front of her was quick enough to stop her from falling for the second time.

Glaring into her soul, one of his arms around her waist, his poisonous voice spoke to others who had been watching the scene with hunger on their faces. “We need to get going. This night is going to be special.”

The pale creature who had Alisha in his hold smiled instantly. Even though he didn’t look like he had the strength, he easily carried Alisha and hung her over his shoulder, his hands feeling her buttocks.

“You,” Zara almost jolted at the loudness of the leader’s voice, “get two blindfolds.” His attention was on one of the vampires. “We can’t risk our path being known. I am sure you understand.”

Zara had a feeling the last statements were directed toward her. But she said nothing.

The hold on her waist soon transformed into a tight grip on her hand.

Silently, Zara gave in to his grasp even as the fold was firmly tied around her eyes, subjecting her to total darkness.


They had been walking for a while and all Zaramanni heard as they moved was the faint rustle of fallen leaves, a few creaks, and some night creature sounds.

Still plunged into darkness, Zara hoped Alisha was fine.

As she followed the lead of the leader, she soon felt the useful yet destructive warmth that only comes from a fire.

Then, a few steps more, she was greeted by chaotic sounds. Cheers erupted as their steps advanced. Deep chuckles and incoherent chants reached Zara’s ears and she tried to find a peephole in the blindfold to kill her growing curiosity.

“My people,” that was the sinister-looking man speaking, “I have brought fresh blood. We have spent the last few days in fear and hunger. Going back to Skullis is hard for us right now, but we have managed to survive. Here,” Zara’s fold was removed, “our benevolent gods have blessed us with two, healthy women.”

Zaramanni almost let out a gasp at the sight her eyes fell upon. The place seemed to be the remnants of an abandoned stone building. Rusty-looking fire stands were placed at strategic places to drive away the darkness that came with Zenrada- Zara wanted to guess that they were still in the wolf kingdom.

Her eyes went back to the people the leader was addressing.

They were fully naked. The dirtiness on their skins didn’t appear to bother them as they all gathered themselves in groups of twos and threes and began to sensually grope each other.

Some kissed vigorously to celebrate the news the tall man had just dispersed. Others assumed straddling positions and gave their partners the feeling of ecstasy while reaching out to seek pleasure from other people.

Zara looked at the leader whose evil smile was more evident thanks to the surrounding illumination. Then, she glanced at the growing steaminess in the room and deduced that they had been dragged to a vampire orgy party.

And, yes, a meal fest- since they would become a meal for the creatures at the end of the day.

While Zara tried to keep calm, moans filled the air.

Zara watched as men climbed on men and as their women wiggled with the pleasure and desire written all over their faces. Their fangs on full display, Zara found that she was getting disturbed by the sight.

She looked around and saw that it was possible to escape if she planned things well.

Stylishly noting potential exit points, her ears now deaf to the orgy, Zara noticed that Alisha was nowhere to be seen.

Scared that something might have happened to her, she faced the leader, her eyes purposely filled with fury.

“Where is Alisha?”

As he brought his haunting eyes to meet hers, a ripping sound followed and Zara watched as her hoodie split in half.

“She’s getting ready.”

Zaramanni clenched her jaws as her exposed breast and bandaged chest felt the cold breeze of the night. Her lips twitched with growing anger, and she felt more disgust when she saw the way the vampire feasted on the sight in front of him.

Lips still curling with fury, she spat the question, “Ready for what?”

“You ask too many questions. Grab her,” he said to two vampires who were yet to join the sinful party.

With haste, Zara was pinned against a large stone and the remnant of her hoodie was instantly shredded by the leader.

Then, with his sinister look persisting, he drew out a dagger that had a beautifully decorated handle. Zara eyed the weapon carefully as the man took steps closer.

While she waited for the worst in the tight grip of the men, her eyes caught a glimpse of a naked lady walking into the moan-filled space, and, with a prolonged look, it turned out to be Alisha.

Before Zaramanni could say anything, her trousers were ripped as well and she became like others.

Naked, and with no hope of getting the blueness of her skin covered.

Staring at the blood-red sky above, Zara started to feel overwhelmed by the entire situation. Her lips quivered as she crossed her legs to hide a bit of her nudity, as though that would work.

A lump formed in her throat, an indication that she had tears incoming.

But, Zara didn’t want to show such weakness. Not there, not in front of those people.

Looking to the side as she swallowed her tears, she saw that Alisha had been made to sit on the ground.

The woman looked like she was in a trance, her eyes looked soulless.

Zara, who breathed a small sigh of relief as someone called the leader aside, maintained her sight on Alisha who she wished would look up so that she could assure her that they would find a way out of the place.

But Alisha had been plunged into a different world.

Now trying hard to get out of the tight grip of the men holding her down, Zara watched as one of the orgy members slithered toward Alisha. It was evident that he had the intention of pulling the woman into their lust-filled gathering.

“Alisha!” Zara screamed with all her might. “Snap out of it!”

Many eyes snapped in her direction and they showed displeasure. Some eyes warned Zara before they went back to their sensual moves, pleasure-filled cries, and rough penetrations.

“Alisha!” Zara screamed again as the man dug his teeth into Alisha’s shoulder. It appeared to be a light bite but it drew blood regardless. Like a thirsty fellow, the creature licked her seeping blood while his hands roughly caressed her breasts.

“Alisha…” This time, Zara’s voice was low. She could feel her head spinning, an indication that she was growing weak. A look at her arms that were being pulled made her realize that her wound was getting affected thanks to the entire situation.

With a pained look and a low groan, she looked at the bandaged area, and it had indeed been affected. Her injury spot had torn open and blood stained the light-brown bandage.

Smacking her lips, she looked at the shirtless man on her right and said, “Excuse me, can I get some water?”

“You are getting nothing,” the deep, raspy voice of the leader came back and he accompanied his words with a disturbing cackle. Grabbing her chin a bit too hard, his glowing eyes testing hers, he said, “I just heard something amazing.” Zara blinked. “Do you want to know what it is?”

She said nothing. All she needed was a way to relieve her pain.

After a sharp breath, his slender fingers pressed her chin a bit too hard, and the man said, “I just heard that you are a half-fairy.”

Her pain did not let Zara show how shocked she was. And that turned out to be a good thing. it made her unreadable.

The man scoffed as he stood straight, his hold disappearing. “I have new plans for you. You are going to be a very good gift for my master, the Overlord of Skullis. You,” his finger dug into her injury and a wince almost escaped her as her face displayed her ache, “are going to be the reason I go back home a hero. I won’t be Lastshee, the rogue vampire, anymore. ”

Zara, with her upper teeth biting into her quivering lip, watched as the man dipped his bloodied finger into his mouth. He licked off the redness with a smirk on his face.

“You should be happy,” he continued. This time, his disgusting touch went to the entrance of her vagina.

Her legs tried to shake him off as he traced a line from her untouched hole to her clit. Once above her clit, he ran his thumb through the hairiness of her pubis and leaned closer.

His voice a dangerous whisper, he said, “You won’t die here, so you should be happy. But, we will still teach you how to have fun, vampire style.”

As he stepped away, Zara felt those tears again. Her head hung and she desperately tried to hide her fear.

The hands holding her were soon leading her toward the sexual rampage which had gotten out of hand.

The moanings reached Zara’s ears again, they were louder than before. Sounds of bodily liquids being exchanged filled the air and a particular scent was released.

Zara was positioned beside Alisha who was getting oral pleasure from two men. Zara frowned as it appeared that she was enjoying it. The woman’s body danced erotically and she invited the men to taste more of her.

But, it was all too much for Zaramanni. She didn’t want to have that kind of fun. Her kind of fun was listening to music and watching emotional movies that somehow make her laugh.

Being in a vampire orgy was never on the list.

So, as she saw that the leader was taking off his weird outfit and approaching her with his nakedness, she began to shake her head frantically.

Zara moved backward to escape the man but the people were quick. They pinned her down and refused to acknowledge her pleas.

With wide eyes, she watched as the leader knelt in front of her, the length of his manhood irritating her skin.

At that point, she needed no seer to tell her that there was no way out.

But she was desperate to find one.

Zara soon recalled the disaster she caused in the sacred room of Amarxona and she wondered if the same thing would happen.

Although she constantly doubted what happened that day, she wished for it to happen again.

So, as she closed her eyes and ignored the man towering above her, she prayed that her plan would work and that she would get out of that ridiculous situation before her eyes could snap open.

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