You Said I Was Your Favorite (A Lancaster Prep Novel)

You Said I Was Your Favorite: Chapter 26

I’m an idiot for suggesting to Daisy that we should go to Cadence’s party tonight. Of course, she doesn’t want to go. What was I thinking, that Cadence would welcome Daisy with open arms and be okay with her being there? What the hell am I smoking, believing that would work out?

I’m high on my feelings for Daisy, that’s what the problem is. I’m so into her, I’m automatically believing everyone else will be into her too. Despite knowing that deep down, my friends are kind of shitty and my ex is really shitty and bringing Daisy to Cadence’s party would most likely turn into a complete nightmare.

No, thank you.

Instead, Daisy and I made plans to go out for dinner in the next town over. Her dad is going somewhere with Kathy tonight and she doesn’t want to run into him, not that I blame her. I’m sure it’s weird that they’re not spending this day together, but I think they’re both looking for a distraction from what the day truly signifies to them. The unavoidable sadness that comes with it. Kathy is Ralph’s distraction.

I’m Daisy’s.

And I don’t mind. Whatever distraction she needs from the reality of this day, I’m here for it. Here for her. Just thinking about what happened between us earlier, my fingers sinking inside her as I swallowed her moans, kissing her deep. Shit.

Why would I share her with others when I can keep her all to myself?

After I made her come and she was still in a blissed out, Arch-can-do-no-wrong state, she reached for me, her shaky fingers skimming across my dick, making it leap to life.

“I want to make you feel good too,” she’d said with a little pout when I removed her hand from my junk.

“Later,” I told her, punctuating the promise with a deep kiss.

Yeah. It may be her birthday, but if I get it my way, I’ll have her hand wrapped tight around my dick, giving me the hand job of my dreams later tonight. Though I’d prefer her mouth, not gonna lie. But again, let’s remember.

The natural progression. Hands, then mouths, then the real fuckin’ deal.

I’m distracted in my last class and it doesn’t really matter because Nelson is cool and doesn’t make us work too hard on a Friday. I sit at my desk like a complete dope, lost in thought. My thoughts only filled with one person.



I glance up to find JJ standing in front of my desk, a devious smile on his face. “What are you doing here?”

JJ settles into the desk next to mine. It’s empty because the dude who usually sits there is somewhere else. Nelson gave up on trying to teach us anything new about ten minutes ago and is letting us do whatever we want. She hasn’t even batted an eyelash at JJ walking in here, and he’s not even in this class.

“I wanted to talk to you since you weren’t at lunch.” JJ’s gaze stares at me extra hard. “Where were you?”

I shrug and look away. “Around.”

I can’t tell him where I actually was. Or who I was with. Not yet. It feels too new, too private, what’s going on with Daisy.

“Uh huh. Listen, I want to make sure you’re coming to Cadence’s party tonight.”

“Can’t make it,” I say cutting him off. “I already have plans.”

“Who the hell do you have plans with tonight?” JJ sounds shocked.

“You don’t know her.” I offer him a mysterious smile.

Shaking his head, JJ whistles. “What, you found yourself someone new? Cadence is going to lose it.”

“I’m not hers to lose it over, so she’ll have to deal.” I’m already bored with this conversation. “I don’t want to talk about Cadence.”

“Too bad. She sent me to look for you. She’s dying for you to come tonight. I don’t know who you’re seeing now, but I can guarantee she won’t put out like Cadence is talking,” JJ says with a sly grin, like he’s trying to sell me on the idea of Cadence.


“Wait, is she telling you what she plans on doing to me? Like in descriptive detail? That’s fucking weird, bro.” I lean back in my seat, sprawling my legs out like I do, fighting the annoyance that sweeps over me.

Fucking Cadence. I am not in the mood for this.

“She didn’t tell me shit, but come on. You’ve given me plenty of deets about her over the last few months.” JJ leers and this is why I refuse to mention Daisy to him. I’m not about to have him throw whatever bits of info I give him back into my face. Besides…

What Daisy and I share is—special. I’m not about to taint it by giving up all the dirty details to my friends.

“Yeah, well…” I drop my gaze to the desk, tapping my fingers on it. “Tell her I can’t make it.”

“What’s wrong with you, huh? You haven’t been the same since the first day of school. It’s like you’re preoccupied all the time. You never want to hang out with us. With me. Do you think you’re, what? Better than all of us somehow?” JJ taunts.

He knows I don’t like being treated special just because I’m a Lancaster. I may take advantage of my last name here, but I also try my hardest to keep it real with my friends. I may come from a ridiculous amount of money but that isn’t who I am. Not really.

“I don’t think that and you know it, ass wipe,” I mutter, shaking my head. “Stop trying to start a fight.”

JJ leans back in his chair, contemplating me for a few seconds before he begins slowly shaking his head. “I’m disappointed in you. It’s our senior year and you’ve turned into an old man.”

Don’t care who you are, peer pressure always works. I’m realizing that in this very moment because his words are a challenge. His obvious disappointment, a chance for me to make it up to him. I don’t want to let this guy down. JJ has been my best friend throughout high school and he’s right. We always promised each other we’d have the best senior year together. I didn’t plan on falling for a girl—I need to spend a little time with JJ too.

“Fine,” I say with a sigh. “I’ll go. But only for an hour. And we’re going early, bro. Like I said, I have plans tonight.”

JJ holds up his hand with a grin and I slap my hand against his. “Player. Getting some with Cadence first before you get some more with your mystery girl.”

“That’s not what I meant—” I snap my lips shut, realizing JJ doesn’t give a damn what I meant.

He’s already made his assumptions about me. There’s no point in correcting him.

The moment school is over I make my way to my room, sending a quick text to Daisy. We finally exchanged phone numbers when we were at her house—can’t believe it took us that long—and I want to check in with her and see if she doesn’t mind going out to dinner a little later.

Me: Can we push back our dinner plans to nine?

Can I really get out of there by nine? Probably not but I’ll try my hardest.

She responds almost immediately.

Daze: That’s so late. I’ll be starving. The eight o’clock reservation was late enough.

I come to a stop and glance around, wishing she was right here with me. I feel like a schmuck for asking her to wait.

And I refuse to be a jerk toward her on this day. It’s too momentous for her. She shouldn’t be alone.

Me: Should I change it for seven then?

Daze: If you can! That’ll give us more time to be alone after.

It’s the word after that fills me with promise.

Me: Maybe we should skip dinner.

She sends a string of laughing emojis.

Daze: No. I need food to keep up my strength.

Me: Yeah, you do. What time does your dad expect you home?

Daze: He didn’t really give me a time.

Me: You don’t have a curfew?

Daze: Not really. I don’t go out with anyone to need a curfew.

This girl needs to get out more.

And I’m going to be just the guy to make it happen.

Switching gears, I text JJ next and back out of the party.

Me: I can’t make it tonight after all.

I’m almost in my room before I finally hear from my friend.

JJ: You gotta be shittin me. Cadence is going to freak the fuck out.

Me: She’ll get over it. I’m nothing special.

JJ: Not according to her.

JJ: Sure hope this mystery girl is worth it.

Smiling, I tap out a simple two-word response.

Me: She is.

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