You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 05 - Chapter Five - Atlas' Point Of View.

05 - Chapter Five - Atlas’ Point Of View.

I woke up this morning ready to pout over the fact that I was teased by my own dreams but quickly realized this was no dream. Benji and Alex were asleep in my bed wrapped around me, Alex's arm laying across my chest and Benji's leg was lifted up and resting on my thigh, there was no room left on my bed for space and I owned a queen-sized bed. I did the only illogical thing my brain could think about, lay back down and pretended I never woke up. I could have woken them up and told them I needed to pee or something brighter then what I did choose to do.

Benji woke up a few moments later and kissed my lips softly before he moved and drug his tongue around the shell of my ear. My eyes shot open and Alex mumbled something about needing his pray to stop moving.

Alex's arm tightened around me, Benjamin leaned over me and licked the tip of Alex's nose, Alex grabbed Benji and made him part of the group hug we had going on. Benji rolled us all off the bed and on to the floor well he was trying to get out of Alex's iron grip. I landed on Alex's hips and my manhood rubbed against him and I was rock hard instantly. I tried to run away but Alex's hands were on my hips.

" Please ... don't move yet my Beloved" Alex said his eyes shut and his breathing irregular. I stopped moving and took shallow breaths. Finally, Alex moved his hand and Benji lifted me up off the ground then went to help his brother stand up. It looked like Alex had his manhood under control again, but mine was still hard.

I took off running down the hall to the bathroom and turn the shower on ice cold. I jumped in and shivered but my manhood got under control again. I was a child when it came to sexual things I had never once touched myself. the only time I touched my manhood was when I was washing it in the shower.

I got out off the shower and went downstairs to full the whole in my belly that was calling for food, I had my robe wrapped around my body, I walked to the kitchen and both boys were in the kitchen making breakfast I watched at the door, they sure did know how to cook the smells were all so great smelling.

" Look, Dear Brother, we have an audience,” Benji said smiling and looking at me.

"1 noticed that brother,” Alex said turning around still stirring whatever was in the container he was holding.

" Go get dressed and when you get you little butt back down here food will be down, now hurry along beloved" Benji said before focusing back on what he was doing. I took the smallest footsteps on my way back to my room to get dressed. I pushed open the bedroom door and walked over the closet, I really had no clue what to wear for the day. I pulled on my skintight black pants and my black and white star sweater. I pulled some cat toe socks and brushed my hair, I took a bobby pin and pinned my bangs out of my face.

I rushed to get down the stairs and see what the twin's made. I flew into the kitchen and my socks made me slide right into both Alex and Benji who thank god had nothing in their hands. Alex caught Benji and Benji caught me and I felt so embarrassed for almost killing everyone in the kitchen.

Alex and Benji hugged me, I was sandwiched between them again. They moved apart and took me and drug me with them to the dining room which was a sight, they made the entire tabletop worth of food, my parents never had done that.

Alex sat down and pulled me into his lap and took a pancake and cut it up and dunked it in maple syrup and feed it to me. Benji feed me fruits from his fingertips, it was hard to believe that last night he was yelling at Alex because something was wrong with me, I forgot to tell my parents that I spoke to my wolf. I would tell my parents when they came home.

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