Wolf kind

Chapter 6


When I say I woke up from the best sleep ever I mean it. When I rolled over I felt nothing but warmth so I decided to claim it as mine so I climbed on top of the source then heard a chuckle and felt two sets of arms hold me "time to wake up" I heard Austin say "nope not going to happen" I reply only to get lifted and pinned down by Adam "if you stay in bed any longer.." "or what" I say cutting him off he smirked and that's when I felt Adam lower himself onto me I held in a moan and pushed Adam off he landed on the ground and growled "wrong move little one" I looked to Austin who had the biggest smile on his face I got scared and ran to the bathroom just barely making without him grabbing me.

I stayed in the bathroom for as long as I could until I remembered I have training today. I took a shower and walked out I thought I was in the clear but I was wrong as arms snake around my waist. I looked up only to find it was Adam "I'm sorry" I said turning around in his arms and pressing my face into his chest "it's okay" Adam said and kissed my head "but I have some news your not going to like" Adam said and Austin walked in "what is it" I asked "well I have to go on a business trip" Austin said "do you have to" I asked "I'm afraid so and I leave in an hour" Austin said kissing me I nodded understanding.

It's been three hours since Austin left and I'm in the middle of training with Adam and some of the hunters from the pack. "Hey whats wrong" Adam asked me "it's just that with Austin gone my wolf is relentless to go for a run" I admit Adam stared at me for a split second then said " why didn't you say something?" He asked "well I didn't want to bother you with it" I said looking down Adam smiled "alright everyone we're done for today" everyone nodded and walked back inside "now you and I have a run to go on" I smiled and took off the the lake we first went to. As soon as my feet hit the tree line I shifted into my white wolf soon after Adam is right next to me. When we get to the lake Adam tackled me to the ground still in wolf form I licked his neck where my mark was as he did the same to me we shifted back and kissed Adam licked my bottom lip asked for entrance and I opened my mouth slowly earning a low growl from I laughed and opened my mouth completely after a few minutes of making out he flipped us so I was on top I giggled and kissed down to his neck Adam brought his hands to my hips and that's when I felt him I pulled back out of shock "it's okay if your not ready I..we can wait" Adam said I smiled and shook my head "I just want to wait until Austin is here too" I said and smiled Adam said "okay then we will wait" I was about to kiss him when we heard an ear splitting screech we got up and daeted back to the pack house.

When we got back one of our hunters were dead when I looked to the one who caused this I was passed but Adam stopped me "what are you doing here" Adam demanded that's when I heard Austin in my head "I'm on my way I'll be there in 5 minutes" okay was my response the moment I looked at Adam I knew he heard Austin. We tried talking to the other pack that attacked us but it was no use there intent was clear they weren't going anywhere with us still standing. Just as they were about to attack again I felt him I felt Austin "he's here" I said through me and Adam's mind link then he was right next to me I smiled and enter locked my fingers with Austin.

The next thing that happened, happened so fast no one could stop it I looked at Adam as he fell to the ground it all happened in slow motion I fell to my knees beside him and pulled the dagger out of the right side of his chest so it can start healing but all he did was groan in pain and I couldn't do anything I felt so useless I looked to Austin for the answer "we haven't mated fully so it will take longer to heal but he will be okay" Austin said I smiled and motioned for some of the wolves to come and take Adam to the infumary when he was out of my sight I was caught off guard by the other pack and all I heard was Austin yelling in pain and holding his leg as an arrow laced in wolvesbane was shot from the trees more wolves came and carried him away. The pack was ready to attack but they couldn't bc of me one of the wolves came up to me and said "it would be best if we surrender this fight future luna" i looked at the wolf and let my eyes do the talking he walked away from me. "Awe the little tiny wolf that's not even the real Luna is all alone" the alpha of the other pack said I growled "HOW DARE YOU COME ONTO MY LAND AND THREATEN MY PACK IM AM JUST AS POWERFULL AS MY MATES AND YOU WILL NOT TALK TO ME LIKE SOME WEAKLING BC IN THE END I WILL WIN WITH OR WITHOUT HELP" I yelled then shifted my pack shifted then went quiet waiting for my next move for it will determine what happens next.

That when the other alpha launched for me being careless of his attack I was able to latch my mouth around his neck sinking my teeth into his neck then riping his throat out killing him signaling me winning and the other wolves free game my pack charged killing every last one of them when the fight was over my pack looked at me and kneeled out of respect one of the hunters came up to me and the words he said changed everything "thank you for fighting along side us, and this event will start you off as the world's most strongest and dangerous Luna, our Luna" I smiled and thanked him "we see you didn't need our help" I turned around to see my mates I ran to them and kissed them both then started to check there bodies for injuries "we are okay don't worry" Adam said

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