Wolf kind

Chapter 1


Hi, I'm Alara and I'm 19 I don't have a mate or at least I haven't found him. I'm not special at all or at least that's what everyone thinks you see no one in my pack knows that I have shifted the pack still thinks I have yet to shift for the first time and everyone thinks I'm weak, but little do they know the head hunter and tracker have been training me mostly because it is mandatory for the alphas children to know how to protect ourselves and the pack.

It's was currently 3:50am and I had to get up and start preparing breakfast for the pack. I might be the alphas daughter but I get treated like I'm nothing and well I was classified as an omega, so they have the right to treat me like crap. Now I bet your wondering why I was classified as one of the packs omegas it's a real funny story actually note the sarcasm well you see I have a younger brother he's 18 and he already found his mate and might I add his mate is a big bitch but he loves her so I have to play nice and she took advantage of it and she got me classified as an omega so that way I can't take over the alpha position since I'm older than my brother.

Now that I'm done making breakfast it is now 4:55am. I go to my room and change into a black sports bra and grey leggings I go out the back door and jog into the forest a little before I full on sprint my wolf wants to shift but I tell her we can't. I keep running for what seems like forever when I hear an animal whining, I carefully make my way over to see it's a wolf but not just a wolf but a werewolf I kneel down beside her to look at her wounds, but she just barks and manages to bite me I pull my hand back and wait a few seconds giving to wound time to heal.

I put my hand out so she can sniff me, and she lets me touch her as I'm touching her hind leg to put it back into place, I'm talking calmly to her. Just as I get her leg back into place, I hear a twig snap behind me, and I can tell it's her pack mates based off their scent, and they are trackers so that will help her. Just as I was about to move so they can come get her a rogue comes out of nowhere and the trackers disappear into the trees above. "So, me vs you" I say standing up looking at the rogue. The rogue snarled and looked at the she-wolf behind me "so you have come to finish what you started huh" I ask but only get a growl in return.

The rogue lunged for me, but I dodged his attack at the same time pulling I by his tail away from the she-wolf in the distance I hear more wolf paws slamming against the ground then they appear the she-wolfs beta and alpha. The alpha smells like her so they must be siblings or mated. The rogue tries to go for my throat, but I catch his mouth in my hands and rip the top part of his head from the bottom part of his mouth killing him. I turn to the she-wolf and carefully pick her up and bring her to the alpha the beta takes her instead *so he must be her mate* I thought. The alpha bows his head in thanks and I bow mine in respect and turn in the direction of my pack house and take off in a sprint to get back and shower.

~~~~at the pack house~~~~

Once I get inside, I go to my room as I'm about to get in the shower there is a knock on my door, I go to answer it to find my dad he gave me a list and said "all of that needs to be done for your brothers coronation tonight" I sigh "yes father" I answered *well goodbye shower* I thought. I got dressed in a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants. I headed downstairs to get started. A few hours have passed and all I have to do now is invite the packs on the list which are all the packs in the area and there are a lot might I add.

It is now 9:00pm and everyone is here including about 20-30 packs. And I'm one of the servers. As I'm walking around, I bump into someone *shit* I curse to myself "s-sorry" I say he smiles "it's okay accidents happen" he said. By his scent I can tell he's a beta I walk away as he takes his suit jacket off and holds it. It's now midnight and I see my dad get on a chair and get everyone's attention "Thank you all for coming tonight we celebrate my son taking the alpha position" everyone cheers and parties for an hour more. After I have cleaned up, I decided to go up to my room and finally shower then go to bed.

~~~time skip 2 years~~~

I am now 21 and my dad passed away last year. My brother has been taking his anger out on me, so I have scars all over my back and arms. And I'm getting tired of it. I also want to finally find my mate, but I don't know where to start. *Wait I could get the pack list from his office and the map then make a run for it* I thought I made my way to my room and started packing some of my things mostly clothes, but I also grabbed my art book it's how I escape the world. After I have my clothes and art book packed, I go to the kitchen to get some food and take it up to my room and put it in my bag. *Now I wait for him to leave his office so I can grab the map and list of packs* I thought. A few hours pass then he leaves with his beta and mate I make my way to his office I don't see or smell anyone, so I open the door and go over to his desk I found the list and map in his desk I take them and run to my room I put them in my bag. Then I hear "where the hell is she" crap he knows I was in his office I grab my bag throw it on my back and jump out my window when I'm mid jump I shift and sprint through the forest "yes we are free" I hear my wolf say "yes we are, and we will find mate Ellie" I tell her. Ellie is my wolf.

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