Wolf Bound (Fated) By Jenival Writes

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Amber exhaled and Callum’s smile widened, at her approved expression. “It’s gorgeous here”

“Come on.” He led the way, walking down the patio stairs.

Callum relaxed when he felt the tension in the air slowly dissipate as Amber drew on the natural things around her. Wolves were comforted by open spaces. Thankfully the change of scenery calmed her, even if she wasn’t fully aware of it.

“Where are we going?” Amber asked.

“For a walk,” he answered and continued walking, noting the sound of leaves crunching beneath their fect. “I have to call Grant in a bit to bring us supplies. But I reckon we need to talk first.”

Despite the nagging inner voice that said he should contact his Beta immediately, Callum wanted his fernale settled. Once she was comfortable in her surroundings, he could contact his friend and make arrangements. The rest would have to keep.

“Who is Grant?” Her brows came together as she collected her thoughts. Is he the man I met at the shop?”

“That’s him,” Callum replied, shooting her a grin. There was only one Grant, thankfully. “He’s not so bad once you get to know him. Although his sense of humor could use some work.”

“Really?” She matched his grin with a smile. “Why’s that?”

“He’s prone to speak before he thinks.” The path to the pond on his property was clear, despite the multicolored leaves that had fallen to the ground. He followed it as he explained, “It’s not his best character trait, but it’s easy to overlook when you think about what he brings to the table. He’s a helluva man to have at your back. I couldn’t ask for a better Beta.”

“Oh, she muttered, her smile receding as she looked ahead. “I forgot about that

“Forgot about what?”

She took a deep breath before mumbling, “That you’re an Alpha.”

“It doesn’t change anything. He stopped, giving her a firm tug so slie faced him. “As far as packs go, mine is small. I prefer to keep those I trust close to me. You don’t have anything to worry about. As soon as someone enters our fold, they become family. When she didn’t seem convinced he invaded her space, pressing close, “They’re going to love you”

Her gaze remained on his chest, her hand squeezing his. “You seem so sure.”

“I am sure.” Only a few of the males in his pack were unattached. The rest were happily mated. Another bonus of keeping his pack small. Paired werewolves, generally speaking, were happy werewolves. After thinking things over on the drive to the cabin, he’d conclude that the males and females who had found their other half wouldn’t question him when he brought Amber to meet the pack. Despite any reservations, many of them were eager to start families, something that wasn’t allowed without a Lama. As a rule, a park relied on balance. If Alphas were the muscle, Lunas were the heart. Wolves couldn’t have one without the other. The unimated males would undoubtedly voice their concertis, but he was certain the females and their mates would reinforce his status and stand behind his decision.

“When will I myret them? The insecurity she projected tugged at lys heart.

“Tomorrow,” he replied, placing a kiss on her forehead.

ied to stor

stop, he pulled on her hand, making sure she didn’t

He resumed their walk, guiding her down the path. When she tried fall behind.

“So soon?” she asked. “I thought I’d have more time?

Not something he wanted to answer but then again, she deserved his Inesty. “You’re going to go through changes on the full moon. Their presence will help you control your impulses. You need to recognize and accept you’re not alone. You have apack to ground you.”


Chapter 22

“Impulses?” She practically squeaked. He heard the panic in her voice, the fear. “Is that what happened with George? I can’t piece everything together. The memory is muddled.”

For a moment he considered stopping and puiting it all on the line, telling her about Holden, his suspicions, and what she should expect. Then he thought about what Amber was going through. He considered her alarm and how she might react when she learned she’d be transforming for the first time tomorrow. He wanted to make things easier for her, not more difficult.

“It’s normal.” He decided to shield her as best he could. “You’ll learn control

“Tm transforming.” The statement, to his surprise, sounded more confident than he was prepared for. “That’s what’s happening. I’m not going to stay human. I am becoming like you.”

*Does that scare you?” When she didn’t immediately reply he wondered if he’d pushed too hard, too fast.

“No, she finally responded with a sigh. “It doesn’t scare me. It explains a lot.”

“It does?”

“Somehow…it’s like I know you. The dream-pairing makes sense to me in a strange way.” When he peered over at her she shrugged. “It’s almost like I can feel something coming to life inside me.”

“And that doesn’t frighten you?” \\||

“Being scared won’t stop what’s happening”

Strong and smart little female.

She was right. Worry wouldn’t prevent what would eventually happen. By facing the unknown with her chin beld high, his

mate proved she was more than capable of standing by his side.

“What’s it like?” she asked softly. “Transforming, I mean

As though there could be anything else she was referring to.

His phone buzzed against his a ss, more than likely Grant contacting him with the news. He let the call roll to voice mail. Right now, there were more pressing matters that needed his attention.

“Exhilarating His answer was as natural as breathing.

There was nothing like changing forms, shifting into a stronger, more capable shape. The first transformation would be painful for Amber but after the initial shock, she’d learn how to manipulate her body. She’ll be a beautiful wolf. Even without her tantalizing scent, he’d be able to locate her by her blonde coat and green eyes.

“You’ll be able to do things you’ve never imagined,” he added. “The world will be entirely new.”

And he’d be the one to introduce her to her life.

They’d run together, hunt together, and make love together. The thought of having her at his side made his heart race, blood thundering in his cars. He’d wanted a female to share the night with for so long. Now he’d have that and so much.


“Liking jumping out of a plane?” she asked.

“Even better,” he replied.

She seemed to weigh the words. “Will it hurt?”

The question brought him crashing down to reality.

“You’re going to be fine. His vow to keep his hands to himself was broken by her uneasiness. He spun his tale around,


Chapter 22

looking into her eyes. Releasing her hand, he cupped her face in his palms. “Everything’s going to be perfect. You and me? We’re going to be beautiful together.”

He was going to make sure his words come to pa**, no matter the cost.



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