Wild Ever After: A Marriage of Convenience Sports Romance (Wildcat Hockey Book 3)

Wild Ever After: Chapter 24

The party continues well into the night, with more people trickling in the later it gets.

“It looks like Jack called in every hot woman he knows,” Scarlett says.

“He’s trying to show the rookies a good time.” Dakota takes a drink from her cup. “But I swear if that chick takes one step closer to Johnny, she’s going to find herself in the pool.”

Piper and Scarlett laugh. I attempt a smile, but my jealousy burns just as bright. Declan steps away from a girl that leans a little closer, and I feel so unworthy of his loyalty. It’d serve me right if Declan decided hooking up with a random chick was far easier than me running hot and cold on him.

I look away and turn the conversation to Scarlett. “Didn’t you say there’s a lake at the back of the property somewhere?”

“Yeah,” she says the word slowly. “You want to see it?”

I stand, eager to get away. “Yes, definitely.”

“Let me just tell Leo.”

“They’ll be fine. We’ll just be gone for a bit.” I take one more peek at Declan, this time he’s looking my way and our eyes connect for the briefest moment. “Come on. We’ll be back before they even realize we’re gone.”

I know that is unlikely, but I need more space between Declan and me. Why did I have to start falling for my husband?

We all crowd onto Leo’s golf cart, sitting on laps in the front and the back, as Scarlett drives us down a path, toward a private lake on Jack’s property. She parks under a tree that has an old, weathered Wildcat jersey hanging from a branch.

“This is it,” she says, locking the brake.

“Wow.” Kota mouths. “I had no idea this was back here.” She lifts up on her toes and points. “I think I can see my house from here.”

She and Maverick bought a house not far from the street that Declan, Ash, Leo, and Jack live on. I haven’t seen it in person, but the pictures look gorgeous. It still trips me up that me and all my friends live in these big, beautiful houses that I only ever dreamed of as a kid.

My mom always managed to put a roof over our heads, but we stayed in a lot of places that were no bigger than Declan’s living room.

We turn on some music and sit on the grass near the water, and the conversation flows from Dakota and Maverick’s house remodel to Scarlett and Leo’s wedding date (they still haven’t nailed it down) to Piper and Tyler’s planned elopement next spring.

I’m happy for my friends and happy to talk about all that’s going on in their lives instead of mine.

Our happy bubble is invaded by the sound of another vehicle approaching. We turn to see some of the guys heading down on golf carts.

“Looks like we brought the party to us,” Scarlett says, happiness evident in her smile and the way she stands to greet Leo.

Sure enough, the guys have blankets and coolers and a couple of speakers that quickly drown out our music. Tyler and Maverick, even Ash, hop off the carts and start toward us.

Each of my friends gets up to say hello to their guy. In the distance, a couple more carts are coming, and I hold my breath as I wait to see if Declan is with them.

When it’s clear he isn’t coming, I stand and go to Scarlett. I tap her shoulder to get her attention.

“Can I take your cart back to the house?”

“Yeah. Is everything okay?” Her brows knit together.

“Yeah.” An excited smile pulls my lips apart. “Everything is great.”

“Keys are in it.” She reaches out and squeezes my hand before I jog off.

My heart races as I head back to the house. Don’t be gone. Don’t be gone.

The sun has set, but Jack has lights strung up around the yard, giving me enough light to search for his dark head.

I find him in a circle of young guys, not far from where he was standing when I left. His back is to me, so he can’t see me approach.

Even so, when I get within six feet of him, he turns like he knew I was coming. A hint of surprise crosses his face as his lips pull into a smile. He takes a step in my direction, but then pauses and lets me close the space between us.

He didn’t come after me. He knew I needed space. Maybe what he said about knowing exactly the kind of woman I am was true. He always seems to know what I need even before I do. The man has the patience of a freaking saint, and I’m tired of overthinking it. I like him. He likes me. And I want to jump his bones immediately.

Stepping to him, I cup his cheek and lift up on my toes to bring my mouth to his. His surprise is short-lived and then he’s kissing me back like he hasn’t seen me in days, instead of hours.

Dropping back to the heels of my feet, I open my eyes and look up at him. “Hey.”

“Hey.” His voice is gruff but laced with humor. “What was that for?”

“For being you.”

One side of his mouth lifts higher.

“Having fun?” I ask.

“Yeah. I’m having a pretty good time. You?”

“Yeah, but…” Anticipation builds even before I say the words. “I wanna go home and have sex in every room of your house.”

His brows rise.

“If you need to stay a little lo—”

My words are cut off as he picks me up and tosses me over one shoulder. Through my laughter, I think I hear him call, “Later, boys.”

He doesn’t put me down until he’s taken me through the house and out the front door. My feet hit the ground, and before I know which way is up, his mouth is on mine, kissing me in a way that has my toes curling.

He lets out a pained groan as he pulls away, then laces our fingers together as we hurry back to his house.

Once we’re inside, he wastes no time. His hands frame my face, and his lips are back on mine. He picks me up again, not breaking the kiss, and I wrap my legs around him as he walks us upstairs.

He lays me on his bed and then stares down at me so long, I start to worry he’s changed his mind.

“Everything okay?”

“Fuck yeah. I’ve been picturing having you naked in my bed for weeks.”

He still doesn’t move, just continues to look at me.

“Should I just sit here quietly while you have a moment?” A humored smile tugs at my lips. I don’t know how he continues to make me feel so wanted.

“Oh no, baby. Please don’t stay quiet.” Finally moving, he climbs onto the bed and invades my space until I’m forced onto my back. “In fact, feel free to scream all you want.”

We’re a tangle of eager limbs and a clash of hungry lips after that. His palms slide up my calves to my thighs and then under the skirt of my swimsuit cover. I fist his shirt in both hands so he can’t leave me.

Hooking one arm around me, he pulls me to a sitting position and works my swimsuit cover over my head. Dark eyes drop to my lips, which already feel swollen from his hard kisses. It’s my mouth he watches as his fingers pull the knot of my bikini top free. I toss that to the side too and reach for the hem of his T-shirt and tug it up.

An involuntary sigh escapes at the sight of his chest and stomach muscles. His lips pull up into the tiniest of smiles at the sound.

“Not a scream,” I whisper, scraping my nails over the dips and ridges of his upper body.

“Not yet, but we’re just getting started.” He nips my lower lip. “Lie down, baby.”

Goosebumps dot my skin as I follow his instructions. He starts at my ankle, pressing his lips tenderly to the skin and then gliding his mouth up, letting his tongue peek out and his teeth lightly graze my flesh.

His hands and mouth caress me in the most adoring way. He’s as thorough in his kissing my body as he is in everything else he does. The ache in my core is almost unbearable when he finally grips the fabric of my bikini bottoms in his teeth and tugs them down.

I’m all too happy to help get them off. Declan lets out a tortured groan when I’m bare to him.

“You’re so wet.” He drags a finger over my center.

“You were walking around all day without a shirt on.”

“I do that a lot of days. At least at home.”

I give him a coy grin.

“Ah, fuck,” he mutters when he realizes the implication of my words. Then he covers my pussy with his mouth. My hips arch, but he keeps me pinned in place.

Gone is the slow and patient guy I’ve come to know. He’s a man on a mission. He has my first orgasm hitting in seconds, and he doesn’t stop, even when I scream out his name.

His talented mouth continues to lick and suck, and he adds a finger and then two, until I am chasing that release a second time.

He kisses up my body and he takes a nipple into his mouth. I am so overcome with sensation that tears prick behind my eyes. With a hand, I push at his chest until he sits back. His gaze searches my face for understanding.

“My turn.”

One side of his mouth lifts.

“Stand up,” I order in a bossy and playful tone that has the other side of his mouth pulling up.

“Yes, ma’am.” He gets to his feet next to the bed, and I walk forward on my knees to get closer.

I’m eye level to the serious bulge in his trunks, but I keep my eyes on his. I untie his shorts and push them down, trying to go slowly, but I’m far too excited to be patient. “You are seriously sexy.”

“Right back at ya.”

“You make me feel sexy in a way other guys haven’t.”

A flash of anger creeps into his gaze, but then he reaches out and caresses my face as he dips his head down to kiss me. I get lost in it for a moment, then pull away, smiling. “It’s supposed to be my turn.”

“Sorry.” His voice is gruff as he stands tall. “Where do you want me?”

“Here will do.” I scoot another inch and then wrap a hand around the base of him.

Every muscle in his body tenses as I close my lips around the head of his dick.

“Oh, fuck, Jade.”

The gravelly tone of his voice and the look of exquisite torture laced with happiness on his face encourage me to keep going.

Taking a page out of his book, I force myself to go slow. I open wider, taking all of him in, and then glide back up, swirling my tongue around his piercing as I do.

He threads his fingers through my hair and tugs gently, but lets me keep up my own pace. Only when I take him all the way in again, does he hold me in place. I suck a little harder, tears pricking my eyes, before he pulls me back.

I glance up at him to find his eyes locked on me. Bringing this beautiful, strong man pleasure is my new favorite hobby.

Pausing, I wait for him to take over again. He gets the hint and uses the hand tangled in my hair to guide me over him, picking up speed. It’s my turn, but I love letting Declan be in control.

When I’m sure he’s seconds from coming, he pops me off him and climbs over me, forcing me back. Opening his nightstand, he takes out a condom.

“Still want to do this?” he asks.

Is he serious?

“If you don’t fuck me, I will do it myself.” I bring my hand between my legs and circle my clit. I’m so wet and so turned on, but I need him to get there.

He watches with dark eyes as he covers himself with a condom, then captures my wrist in one hand to stop me from touching myself. He brings my fingers to his mouth and sucks each one. This guy. This fucking guy.

“Tonight, all your orgasms are mine,” he rasps.

Without another word, Declan pushes inside me. The time for slow and controlled is over. He moves at a pace that has him driving hard and deep. I lose track of the number of times he brings me over the edge while he chases his own release. The man has the stamina of a god.

I want so badly for him to find the same bliss washing over me.

“Declan.” It’s half-scream, half-plea. Those dark eyes lock onto mine, and finally, he lets go.

As night creeps into early morning, I lose track of how many times we have sex. We never leave the bed, though. We’ll have sex in every room of the house another day.

I’m curled up on his chest, so satiated that I drift in and out. Declan lifts me into his arms. I’m so tired, I don’t want to move. It takes me a second to realize he’s taking me somewhere. Does he want me to sleep in my own bed tonight? Maybe I’ve been spending too many nights in here.

“Sorry,” I say, opening my eyes, “I didn’t mean to doze off in your bed. Put me down. I can walk back to my own room.”

“You want to sleep in your bed?” His brow creases in confusion.

“I thought…” My sentence trails off as he carries me into the bathroom and sets me down, then turns on the water.

“I thought we could take a quick shower before bed. We’re a mess.”


Declan steps in and adjusts the water, then reaches a hand out to me.

It feels amazing. Even more so when he wraps his arms around me and lets me lean the bulk of my weight on him. I can’t bring myself to look at him as I say, “I don’t want to go back to my room.”

He tips my chin up with a finger, then brushes his thumb against my cheek. “Good. Shower with me, then sleep in my bed tonight?”

I nod, and the smile that I get in return makes my stomach dip.

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