Wife my

Chapter Wife my 251-260

Chapter 251

Rosalie clenched her fists.

“I have no intention of ruining your relationship with Theo. Why would I do that? I don’t know what’s wrong with you today–if you’re in a bad mood, or someone has upset you–but I haven’t done anything wrong. I don’t think you should be treating me like this,” she said firmly.

“So you’re saying it’s my fault?” Sydney stood up, her high heels clicking sharply as she walked over to Rosalie.

Sydney was already taller, and in her ten–centimeter heels, she towered over Rosalie.

Looking down, she said coldly, “Now that you’re divorced, you think! you don’t have to respect me as your mother–in–law anymore?”

Rosalie bit her lip and looked up, meeting her gaze head–on, not backing down. “I never thought that. Please speak to me properly.”

“Speak properly?” Sydney scoffed. “Are you telling me how to talk? It seems your grandmother has spoiled you too much. You don’t know your place. Today, I need to teach you a lesson!”

As Sydney raised her hand, Rosalie was shocked, unable to believe this unreasonable side of her.

At that moment, an angry voice rang out. “Stop!”

Theodore, despite the pain in his back, strode over and pulled Rosalie behind him. “Mom, have you lost your mind?! You were going to hit


Sydney snorted. “When was I going to hit her?

She raised her hand, and casually brushed back a strand of hair from


her forehead. “If I said I was teaching her a lesson, I meant verbally.”

“Why do you feel the need to ‘teach‘ her anything? She hasn’t done anything wrong!” Theodore gripped Rosalie’s hand tightly, shielding

her behind him.

Rosalie stared at Theodore’s broad back, feeling a momentary sense of disorientation. It was as if everything around her was unreal. Her nose tingled, and her eyes welled up with tears, blurring her vision.

She never expected that even after their divorce, Theodore would still protect her.

“She hasn’t done anything wrong?” Sydney scoffed, raising her hand to point at the woman behind Theodore. The moment Theodore saw Sydney’s hand rise, he pulled Rosalie into his arms, shielding her like a protective parent, his expression stern.

“Put your hand down. Don’t point at her,” he said.

Sydney lowered her hand and crossed her arms angrily. “Why are you still protecting her after the divorce?

“Divorced or not, she’s still part of the family. She’s like a sister to me, and nobody can pick on her!” Theodore declared, holding Rosalie tightly, ensuring she was safe from any harm.

Rosalie’s face was pressed against Theodore’s chest. She wanted to lift her head, but he held her so firmly that she couldn’t move. She was worried about his injured back, and whether this position was causing him pain. She could feel his breath becoming heavier.

Would a brother hold his sister like this?

Theodore might see her as a sister but Rosalie had never seen him as a brother. When a person loved someone who only saw them as a sibling, it brought nothing but sadness.

Sydney was relentless, and retorted sharply, “If you see her as your

sister, then she’s like a daughter to me. Why can’t I discipline her?”


“She hasn’t done anything wrong, so you have no reason to discipline. her! Even if she’s your daughter, you still can’t do that,” Theodore replied firmly.

Chapter 252

Sydney retorted, “She divorced you quietly–that’s her first mistake. Coming back after the divorce to do those things with you–that’s her second mistake. Deliberately trying to ruin our mother–son

relationship–that’s her third mistake. So tell me, why can’t I discipline.


Hearing his mother’s unreasonable arguments, Theodore’s face turned cold with anger.

“First, it was me who wanted the divorce. I’m the one who betrayed our marriage! Second, this house belongs to Rose, not me or you. You’re the guests here, she’s the owner, and I’m staying in her house.

She kindly helped me with my injuries. We didn’t do anything improper,

“Third, she never tried to ruin our relationship. You’ve been distant. since I was a child because of Dad. We barely see each other in a year! You’re the one who distanced yourself from me. You didn’t care about our relationship. I wanted to see you during holidays and on my birthdays, but you were never there!”

As he said the last few sentences, his emotions seemed to

overwhelm him. Rosalie could feel him holding her tighter, making it hard for her to breathe.

She gently pushed him and whispered, “L–Let me go, Theo.”

His strong heartbeat pounded against her cheek. Realizing he might be hurting her, Theodore quickly loosened his grip and asked worriedly, “Did I hurt you?”

Rosalie shook her head. “I’m fine.”

For the first time, she realized how much Theodore craved his

mother’s love. His mother had always been cold, and they rarely saw


each other. Unlike other mothers, Sydney didn’t show warmth or care for her son, acting more like a fleeting presence in his life.

Perhaps Wesley’s betrayal caused Sydney to be emotionally distant. over the years, and she grew increasingly indifferent to family ties.

Rosalie suddenly felt a pang of sympathy for Theodore. Although her parents had passed away, they had loved her deeply while they were alive. They had spent every day together as a family.

Theodore’s parents went through their own turmoil when he was a child, and he grew up in an unhappy environment until his parents‘ relationship fell apart. Growing up in such a family generally led to

one of two outcomes.

One possibility was that the child became determined to live a life completely different from their parents. The other was that they unwittingly followed in their parent’s footsteps.

Theodore was clearly the latter. Like his father before him, he left his wife for a woman he claimed to love because he believed his wife wasn’t the one he truly wanted. He thought she was forced upon him,

The difference was that his parents never divorced, whereas Theodore and Rosalie did.

Wesley had eventually found his way back, but Theodore and Cynthia were still in the early stages of their relationship. Who knew how it

would end?

Rosalie no longer hoped for Theodore to “turn over a new leaf.” She didn’t want to live for marriage or love anymore. This divorce had made her see many things more clearly, and left her exhausted.

Love couldn’t be forced.

When a man didn’t love a woman, no amount of humility will change. that–it only led to deeper despair. It was better to walk away


gracefully. Although it hurt, the pain was temporary. Hatred served no purpose, and only brought more suffering.

Everyone present had their own thoughts. The atmosphere was eerily quiet.

Sydney stood there, stunned, as she stared at Theodore. H

Chapter 253

Sydney never imagined her son would speak to her this way. She hadn’t realized just how much sadness he harbored in his heart.

She fell silent for a long time, unable to find the right words to say. Her gaze shifted from Theodore, and she finally looked down, unsure how to face him.

Though she was a mother and Theodore was already in his twenties, she seemed almost childlike at this moment, lost and uncertain.

After a while, she said, “You’ve always been so independent. Besides, we had plenty of servants to take care of you. You didn’t need me


Rosalie frowned, feeling a surge of irritation.

Sydney’s words were grating. Having servants didn’t excuse

neglecting one’s child–it wasn’t a valid reason! Rosalie understood that Sydney had been unhappy in her marriage, but bringing a child into the world meant taking responsibility and providing ample love.

A child shouldn’t bear the burden of their parents‘ marital woes.

However, discussing this now wouldn’t change anything. This was something only Theodore and Sydney could resolve between


Theodore gently pushed Rosalie behind him, stepping forward to face Sydney with a cold gaze. His voice was less angry now, but it carried

a note of sadness.

“Yes, we had servants. So you felt it was okay to distance yourself from me? You wouldn’t come home for many nights. Sometimes, you were gone for a whole year. I had no idea where you were. I thought


you and Dad had abandoned me.”

Wesley, unable to sit any longer, stood up immediately. “I never abandoned you. I just…”

He trailed off, unable to find the right words. He knew he had been wrong back then. Upon learning Sydney was pregnant, his reaction. had been less than supportive.

However, explaining now would only come across as making excuses.

Sydney bit her lip, and lifted her gaze to meet Theodore’s..

“You complain that I neglected you, but what about all the times I was there for you? When you were born, I was the one who nursed you, changed your diapers, and held you through the night. Your father wasn’t around. It was just me.”

“Wasn’t that your responsibility?!” Theodore’s fists clenched tightly. “I was just a baby, brought into this world by a loveless couple. Don’t you think, as parents, you think, as parents, you should have taken responsibility? Did you think you could just stop caring for me once I could remember? If that was the plan, why have me at all? You should have just aborted me!”

Rosalie’s heart skipped a beat. Instinctively, she tightened her grip on

Theodore’s arm.

“Theo, don’t say that,” she said.

“Theodore Spencer!”

A furious voice cut through the tension. Wesley stepped forward, pulling Sydney behind him.

“How dare you speak to your mother like that? She went through so much to bring you into this world, and this is how you repay her?

You’re being incredibly ungrateful!”

“And what right do you have to criticize me?!” Theodore snarled.


His were bloodshot with anger.

“You started all this! If anyone is to blame, it’s you! Mom has her share of the blame, but you have an even greater share! If you hadn’t. neglected her, she wouldn’t have been so heartbroken and ignored me. If you didn’t love her, why did you get her pregnant?! Did you think having me was just about demanding a respectful son, without any responsibility on your part?”

Rosalie’s hand instinctively moved to her own stomach. She was pregnant now, but Theo didn’t love her.

How different was he from his father, letting a woman he didn’t love to carry his child?

And yet, he hadn’t the slightest idea.

Chapter 254

However, Rosalie had already decided to secretly have this child no

matter what. She was determined to give her child all her love, and never let him grow up feeling neglected.

But now, a new fear crept into her heart: Would her child resent her one day? Would her child blame her for bringing him into a broken, family?

Rosalie’s mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions as she

clutched the fabric of her dress tightly. She was so anxious, she didn’t. even notice Wesley trembling with anger.


Before anyone could react, Wesley struck Theodore hard across the face. The sound echoed in the room, making Rosalie’s heart jolt. She rushed forward, spreading her arms to shield Theodore.

“Dad, please, let’s talk this out! Don’t use violence!” she cried.

Sometimes, the more guilty a person felt, the louder and angrier they become. Wesley seemed to fit this mold perfectly. His fury was intense, but so was his guilt. After hitting Theodore, he immediately felt regret.

Theodore’s cheek burned from the slap. He lifted his hand and gently pressed it against his face, a cold, mocking smile forming at his lips. His eyes flashed with derision as he glared at Wesley.

Grabbing Rosalie’s hand, Theodore pulled her back behind him, protecting her once more. He let out a bitter laugh.

“Go ahead, hit me again. Beat me until I’m covered in blood, just like Grandma did. I’m the most ungrateful one in the family. I’ve

disappointed Grandma, you, and Rose. I’m nothing but an extra burden!”


Theodore’s voice was filled with pain, his deep black eyes glistening with unshed tears, and his forehead was damp with cold sweat. He had been enduring the pain to speak with them.

Rosalie clung to Theodore’s arm, feeling his body tremble. Her worry grew, and she said urgently, “Stop saying that. Nobody thinks you’re a burden. You are an essential part of the family. Don’t think like that!“,

Theodore turned around with a helpless smile tugging at his lips. “I only make everyone sad and angry. How am I not a burden?”

He gently shook off her hand.

‘Sometimes I wonder, what was the point of my birth? Did I bring joy to my parents? Did I improve their relationship? No, my birth only made things worse. My father didn’t love my mother, and he didn’t, want me. And after my mother insisted on having me, she suffered alone. Every time she looked at me, it was like seeing the man who hurt her. So she avoided me.”

Sydney looked pained, as if she wanted to say something. Yet, no words came out. It was as if anything she said would be wrong. Wesley saw the sorrow in his wife’s expression, and his heart shattered.

So, all his anger turned towards Theodore.

“Theodore, you’re the only son of the Spencer family in your generation! You have everything you wanted since you were a child, and your family is wealthy beyond imagination. What more could you want? What are you complaining about now? Your life is something ninety–nine percent of the world can only dream of! No wonder your grandmother wants to beat you! I think you deserve it!

“Enough!” Suddenly, Sydney grabbed Wesley and slapped him hard.



The crisp sound of the slap made Rosalie jump, clutching Theodore’s clothes tightly. She couldn’t believe Sydney had just hit Wesley.

Wesley seemed equally surprised, holding his face in shock as he looked at his wife.

Sydney turned away, staring at her trembling hand, which then clenched into a fist. She lifted her head, her gaze filled with a mix of sorrow and indignation as she looked at everyone.

Chapter 255

“It’s my fault. I’m the most useless one. If I hadn’t married into the Spencer family, none of this would have happened. I’m the one who’s a burden!”

Then, Sydney turned and ran.

“Sydney!” Wesley was about to chase after her, but then turned back.” He pointed angrily at Theodore. “Look at what you’ve done! Your mother came all this way to see you out of kindness, and you have the nerve to say she doesn’t care about you!

“If she didn’t care, she wouldn’t have come all this way! I admit I’m at fault, but since I’ve already walked down the wrong path, your

shouldn’t have followed what I did. But now, you’ve gone and done it again. Luckily, Rose doesn’t have any children, or they’d end up like you–a curse!”

There was not just anger in Wesley’s eyes but also sadness–more so, a sense of resignation. After speaking, he turned to chase after Sydney.

“Sydney, wait!” Wesley caught up, grabbing her hand and pulling her back. “Don’t run away!”

“Let go of me!” Sydney tried to break free with all her strength, but Wesley seemed to have anticipated this, holding onto her arm tightly.

Sydney struggled desperately, but Wesley simply pulled her into his embrace. “I won’t let go!”

“You bastard, let me go! Let go!”

Wesley held her firmly. “You can hit me, curse me, do whatever you want, but you can’t drive back alone like this. I’ll drive you.”


“I don’t want you to drive me! I don’t need your fake kindness!” Sydney lifted her head, glaring at him with anger. “Don’t think I’ll forgive your just because of this!”

“I’m not asking for your forgiveness, but no matter what, I’m driving you home today!”

Sydney was too worked up now, so he couldn’t let her drive back alone. Wesley was usually very accommodating to Sydney, even as humble as dirt.

However, this time, his attitude was unusually resolute. Despite

Sydney’s struggles, he lifted her up into his arms and walked towards the car.

Sydney pounded on his chest a few times in his embrace, but eventually, she ran out of strength and quietly lay in his arms.

In the living room, Theodore and Rosalie were still standing there. Rosalie stared at Theodore’s tall figure silently.

Suddenly, the towering figure before her seemed to sway, and he fell to the ground heavily.

“Theo!” Rosalie rushed forward, squatting down to help him up.

However, she was petite and didn’t have much strength. Her hands. pressed against the ground, and large beads of sweat dripped down her forehead.

“Theo, please get up quickly. Let me help you back to bed to rest.”

Theodore sat up straight. He took a deep breath, turned his head, and stared silently at Rosalie. After a while, he asked hoarsely, “Am I a bastard?”

Rosalie stared at him blankly, then said, “Thank you for standing up


for me in front of your mother.”

Today, many things had caught her off guard. What surprised her the most was Sydney suddenly giving her a hard time and Theodore standing up for her.

“It’s not your fault. You shouldn’t be blamed. It’s all my fault. If I hadn’t been born, none of this would have happened.”

His dim eyes lacked any life as he spoke.

“Don’t say such things anymore. Your existence has value. Don’t talk about yourself like that,” Rosalie said sadly.

Who could have imagined that such a prodigy would also have such a self–deprecating side?

“What value?” Theodore chuckled self–deprecatingly. “The value of making you sad and upset?”

Chapter 256

Rosalie said calmly, “Nobody’s perfect. Everyone has their flaws. I make mistakes, too. No matter what we’re already divorced. We should go our separate ways and have nothing to do with each other. I don’t want to end up like your parents.”

The thought of his parents made Theodore’s eyes dim.

“My dad was right. I ended up walking the same path he did.”

Rosalie’s heart tugged. She hung her head low, and fell silent.

People never learn their lesson. Many things happened in the past to prove that what they did was a mistake that would result in painful. consequences, yet those who come after them continue insisting on doing the same things.

Perhaps that was a wicked streak in humans, carved in their genes. The more they know it’s a mistake, the more they would choose to do

  1. it.

That was the way to go, according to their logic.

“But there is a difference,” Theodore went on to say. “My mother really loved my father back then, and it was precisely because of her deep love for him that she ended up broken–hearted and depressed. But things are different for us, Rose. You don’t love me, which is why you can be even happier after divorcing me. You once said that you had enough of such a marriage. You’re now free.”

Rosalie was stunned, at a loss for words. Her heart trembled, and she felt suffocated.

Theodore furrowed his brows as he stared at Rosalie, who remained silent. “You don’t love me, do you? That’s how we’re different from my




He sounded uncertain, and his tone was doubtful. Even he questioned the truth of his statement upon seeing the look in Rosalie’s eyes.

Rosalie gripped the hem of her shirt tight, and clenched her fists. She could feel her palm sweat.

‘Theodore Spencer,‘ she thought, ‘I loved you for so many years, but you have no clue.

‘Would anything change if I told you that I love you? Would you leave Cynthia and stay with me? You wouldn’t, because you don’t love me.

‘If I told you the truth, I’d look as miserable and pitiful as your mother.

‘In that case, what’s the point of telling you that I love you? I’d rather preserve my dignity and give you a good reason to divorce me–and tell you that your wife doesn’t love you.

‘That is best for everyone.”

“Rose,” Theodore called out to her and grabbed her wrist, “do you love


He didn’t know where that surge of courage came from, but his eyes. shone like burning flame, reflecting his eagerness to hear her answer. Her hesitation made his heart race.

Rosalie saw the urgency in Theodore’s eyes, and thought she was seeing things.

Did he want her to say that she loved him? Would he have a change. of heart if she did?

Yet at the next moment, she thought back on the countless times she had mistakenly thought so throughout their one year of marriage.

She had mistakenly thought that this man before her cared for her, but ended up realizing it was nothing but wishful thinking on her part.


He only cared for Cynthia.

He often gave women wrong ideas. His eyes looked too tender, too misleading.

Rosalie reminded herself that she couldn’t keep making the same mistakes and living in her own fantasies.

“Don’t you already know the answer to that?” Rosalie said as she lifted her head, looking at him with hazy eyes. “The day you asked for a divorce, you asked me if I’ve always treated you as a brother. I’ve‘ already told you yes, and I don’t want to keep repeating myself.”

She couldn’t say that she didn’t love him, because she was scared that she might break down and cry, thereby exposing herself.

All the more she couldn’t admit that she loved him.

Theodore forced himself to smile as he felt his heart drop.

“I understand. That’s good. Since you don’t love me, you’ll only be unhappy being stuck with me. Our divorce is the best possible outcome. Don’t worry, we’re nothing like my parents.”

Chapter 257


Rosalie’s throat hurt as she nodded with great difficulty.

Theodore suddenly grunted, about to collapse. She hurriedly reached

out to hold him.

“I’ll help you back to your room. Don’t stay here any longer,” she said.

Theodore didn’t want her to worry. Together with Rosalie’s help, he mustered all his strength to stand. They returned to the room and shut the door, and neither of them came out even after a long time had passed.

Anthony stole a quick glance at the door before leaving.

He went to a secluded corner, and pulled his phone out to dial a number. Very soon, the other party answered the call.

An old yet authoritative voice rang. “Well?”

“Madam, things have become rather messy.”

Anthony told Rebecca everything he saw.

After he was done, Rebecca nodded and said, “I got it.”

She seemed to have expected things to progress this way.

“Inform me once anything happens.”

Anthony nodded. “Yes, Madam Jarvis.”

After hanging up, Rebecca put her phone aside and leaned back. against the lounge chair. She sighed, “Some illnesses really require a strong dose of medication.


Theodore’s back injury looked worse. The bruise seemed to have deepened in color, and he could hardly walk. He couldn’t even get out of the bed.

Rosalie ate dinner with Theodore in his room.

To prevent Theodore from leaning back out of habit, Rosalie didn’t let him sit on a chair with a back. Instead, she made him sit along the bedside where he couldn’t lean back

She sat next to him, and served him the food to prevent him from further straining his back.

“Eat more. It’ll help with recovery,” she advised.

Theodore stared at the small mountain of food before him, and lifted his spoon. He scooped up some food, and was about to bring it to his mouth with the spoon dropped on the table.

Theodore’s hands slumped weakly back down and he grunted in pain, his brows furrowed. He seemed to have strained his back, and pain was etched all over his face.

Rosalie immediately put her spoon down. “What happened? Is your back hurting again?”

Theodore nodded. “Yes. It hurts whenever I move.”

He looked pitifully at her, his eyes glistening. Somehow, that made him look alluring.

Theodore’s handsome face and outstanding aura made him look

good even when he was at his worst. In fact, even his grimace was captivating.

Anyone would prove to be defenseless against his face. That was especially so now while he was injured. His pale, frail appearance and pitiful eyes broke through Rosalie’s defenses. She didn’t doubt his.


words at all.

“What should we do now? Why don’t I take you to the hospital and let the doctor check on you? Perhaps I didn’t apply the medication correctly, or I might have bandaged you too tightly,” Rosalie said in a panic.

“It’s not because of what you did,” Theodore said as he shifted his body. “I don’t feel comfortable in my clothes. It keeps rubbing against the wound.”

He was currently wearing a white shirt.

“Let me remove your shirt, then,” Rosalie suggested.

Theodore seemed to be waiting for her to say that.

He nodded, his brows slightly furrowed as he said with feigned helplessness, “Guess that’s the only thing we can do now.”

He looked reluctant to remove his shirt, but he had no choice. He lifted his hands to unbutton his shirt, but the moment he did so, he grunted in pain and his hands slumped to his side once more.

Sighing, he lamented pitifully, “It hurts.”

Chapter 258

“Let me help you,” Rosalie said, as she made a move to unbutton his


“No.” Theodore held her hand, and said firmly, “I can do it myself. I’m sure I can do something so simple myself.”

He lifted his arm with difficulty, and touched the first button. However, his fingers trembled non–stop, and he couldn’t unbutton the first button no matter how long he tried. Eventually, his arms slumped

weakly back to side again.

He gritted his teeth, and stubbornly raised his arm in an attempt to unbutton his shirt again.

Rosalie’s heart broke as she grabbed his hand. “Let me help you,

please. You’re injured, and it’s normal that you can’t do such things by yourself. Don’t be embarrassed. It’s not like I’ve never seen you shirtless, anyway.”

They had known each other for so long, and had been intimate during their marriage. What was the point in maintaining such boundaries at

a time like this?

Theodore sighed, and let go of the button. He nodded and turned his head away weakly, a helpless look on his face.

Rosalie felt so broken–hearted, she almost wanted to pull him into her

embrace and comfort him.

Theodore looked just like a helpless little boy who was unable to unbutton his own shirt. It was heart–wrenching to see.

Rosalie gently turned his body toward her and help him undo the buttons on his shirt, one by one. Despite having been intimate with



him, Rosalie couldn’t help but blush each time she saw him naked.

Underneath his shirt hid a well–built and muscular body that encompassed strength and vitality.

Theodore never neglected keeping himself fit, no matter how busy he was. His body was of perfect proportions–even those with OCD would agree.

His chest heaved; she could feel his breath on her forehead, which in turn hastened her own breathing and made her cheeks burn.

Rosalie carefully peeled his shirt off him and put it aside.

His strong body, wrapped up in bandages, somehow looked wild and savage. Strangely, injuries on a man’s body had the effect of adding to his masculinity. Heat emanated from his body, giving off the scent of warm desire.

Rosalie took a deep breath and turned her face away from his body, her heart racing.

“All right, it’s time for us to eat. The food’s turning cold.”

Theodore picked up his spoon weakly, and scooped his food up with some difficulty.

He lowered his head and bent over, and suddenly furrowed his brows in pain, as if he had tugged on his injury.


His spoon dropped and hit the edge of the bowl, falling on the table with a clank.

Rosalie picked up the spoon. It seemed he didn’t have the strength to feed himself.

“I’ll feed you.”


Any small movement right now could tug the wound on his back. She felt bad for him.

But Theodore said stubbornly, “I can do it myself. I don’t want to trouble you.”

Weak, pitiful, and frail, yet so stubborn. Rosalie’s heart ached. She seemed to feel his pain on her own body, and it didn’t feel good.

“It’s no trouble at all. I wouldn’t have stayed here otherwise. If you don’t let me help you, I’ll leave right now.”

Rosalie saw Theodore remain silent and put the spoon down.

“In that case, I’ll leave. You can do everything yourself anyway, so what’s the point of me being here?” she said.

Sighing, she stood up to leave.

“Don’t go,Theodore called out to her, his voice fraught with anxiety!

Rosalie stopped in her tracks, and turned around. She looked silently at him.

Chapter 259

Theodore looked down, and mumbled like a child who did something


“Don’t go.”

He put his spoon back in the bowl with a pitiful look on his face and placed his hands on his lap, intertwining his fingers cautiously.

Rosalie shook her head helplessly. She picked up her spoon, scooped some food, and brought it to his mouth. “Open up.”

Theodore did so obediently, and Rosalie stuck the spoon in his mouth before going on with another spoonful of food.

She took care of him like he was a child.

A beautiful, tender woman coupled with a man with a piteous look on his face made for a heartwarming image.

All traces of unhappiness vanished, leaving them with the pure joy of each other’s presence.

Rosalie stayed there and took care of Theodore until it was past nine at night.

It was getting late, and it was soon time for her to head back.

Theodore noticed Rosalie checking her phone many times, as if checking the time. He looked begrudgingly at her.

Rosalie slid her phone back in her pocket. “It’s getting late, and I have to head back. Rest early, and remember not to lie on your back.

through the night. Sleep on your side or on your stomach,”


Theodore bowed his head, silent.

Upon seeing the glum look on his face, Rosalie walked up to him and asked, “What’s the matter? Is your wound hurting again?”

“So what if it hurts? You don’t care about it, anyway.”

The bitter tone in his voice made Rosalie furrow her brows. “What do you mean by that?”

His words instinctively upset her.

“Exactly what I said,” Theodore replied to her, his tone growing more. bitter.

Rosalie started fuming.

“What temper tantrum are you throwing now?! I’ve been here the whole afternoon! I even fed you when you needed help! Why are you being sarcastic with me right now?”

Theodore looked up and grumbled, “Aren’t you leaving right now? You kept glancing at your watch–the whole time. It’s clear you don’t want to be here. You don’t even want your own home.”

Theodore rested his head on the pillow, looking like an upset wife. frustrated over Rosalie, who was playing the part of a bastard husband about to stay out the whole night.

Rosalie found the entire situation laughable yet slightly maddening. She thought that Theodore was being ridiculous, but she couldn’t find the words to refute him. This man was a pro at being unreasonable.

“What do you mean, ‘I don’t even want my own home‘? I just…just…”

Rosalie struggled to find the right words. After a moment’s pause, she said, “You’re right. This is my home. It’s absolutely acceptable for me to stay here. Perhaps I shall do just that tonight.”


Since she couldn’t out talk him, she decided to just go all out.

Rosalie didn’t see Theodore’s eyes glint upon hearing what she said, as his head was lowered–like dark clouds giving way to a ray of sunshine that peeked through. The corner of his lips lifted.

However, this was just for a split second. He regained his composure, and when he looked up once more, his face was expressionless.

“This is your home, and you can do anything you please. I, on the other hand, am an outsider. I should be the one leaving.”

With that, Theodore stood up, put on his shirt that was lying next to him, and walked out of the door step by stubborn step.

Rosalie looked at his retreating figure, and simply watched in in silence until he walked out.

When Theodore reached the door, he stopped in his tracks, his brows furrowing. He turned around and saw Rosalie still standing by the bed, unmoving.

Doubt flashed past his eyes…

Why wasn’t she stopping him from leaving?

Chapter 260

She should be stopping him from leaving and helping him back on the bed, sitting by his side and showing him concern, her heart softening for him.

Yet, why did she look so cold?

Rosalie shrugged. “Aren’t you leaving? Why are you asking me that?

Rosalie had seen through him. He had been playing this game for so long, she would be a fool if she didn’t realize what he was trying to do.

For a moment, she had thought Theodore was being serious and found him pitiful. But now, she realized that he was just putting on an act with his excellent acting chops.

The two of them stood where they were, staring at each other, a wide, gaping distance between them.

“I’m really leaving,” Theodore said hastily, still in disbelief that she didn’t stop him.

‘She’s so vicious!‘ he thought.

“Go on,” Rosalie said, being ruthless through and through. She crossed her arms and sat on the bedside, looking leisurely at him.

Theodore gritted his teeth and stepped out, but she remained resolutely unmoving.

Finally, he walked out into the corridor. He stopped in his tracks, and tried to listen out for any signs of movement in the room.

Alas, there was none.

There were no signs of her chasing after him whatsoever. This vicious woman was really bent on ignoring him!



So be it. It’s no big deal! Since this home has no place for me, I’ll leave and never turn back!‘ he thought bitterly.

Rosalie’s brows furrowed when she heard no signs of movement outside the door.

Did Theodore really leave?

He was still wounded, so how was he going to go back home? Was he going to drive or call his driver?

If he insisted on driving back home himself… What if he met with an accident along the way?

He was injured. Why did she have to be so calculative with this pitiful but headstrong child?

Vexed by that thought, she immediately stood up to head out. Suddenly, a figure entered the room. She quickly sat back on the bedside, acting as though nothing happened, her arms still crossed in, front of her chest.

Theodore rushed forward and glared at her, fuming.

“Are you just going to let me go and not stop me from leaving me?! What if something happens to me? Don’t forget that I’m still injured,

and it hurts like hell!”

Once again, Theodore looked like a frustrated wife complaining to her bastard husband who cared nothing for her. He was on the verge of


Rosalie smirked. “Didn’t you insist on leaving?”

“Since when did I insist on leaving? You were clearly the one who chased me away!”

Theodore looked like he was faced with the greatest injustice in the world, his chest heaving as he panted heavily. He was behaving as


though she had done something grievous to him.

Rosalie was utterly confused.

Since when did she chase Theodore away? He was being unreasonable again. How old exactly was he?

She realized, perhaps she had been spoiling him too much.

All of his bad habits were her fault.

She stood up from the bed.

“I repeat: I did not chase you away. I’m now giving you a choice. You either stay here, be good and stop being ridiculous, or you leave for good and I won’t stop you. Anyway, it’s not like you have nowhere else to go. Don’t forget that we’re divorced. I’m no longer your wife, sweetie. I won’t allow you to do anything you please.”

Rosalie’s tone was like that of an adult threatening a child, tender but menacing.

After over ten seconds, Theodore walked over and sat down by her side obediently. He was as well–behaved and quiet as a dog, with no signs of his previous ridiculous actions.

“That’s the way,” Rosalie said as she patted his shoulder. “Don’t be unreasonable again, okay?”

Theodore nodded obediently.

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