White Wolf Hybrid ~ The sequel

Chapter 26 ~ Thank you, Goddess

Kendrick’s POV ~

I spent the better part of last night apologizing to my sweet mate for teasing her about her magic mishaps.. Magic Mishaps…because I was told to refer to them as mishaps.. Not catastrophes..or disasters.. Mishaps..

Bella is saying she’s not still hurt by my words, this morning. But she has pouty lips..and her little brow is furrowed. So I have my doubts. I take her in my arms and ask her “Since our mating gifted me with healing.. do you suppose I can cure my foot-in-mouth disease?” She giggled “You’re such a jerk! I’m trying to be mad here!” I laughed and twirled her in a circle “How’s that working out?” She smiles a naughty smile, looking me up and down “It’s not! You’re too delicious!” and she ran out the door! The hell! Give me a smoldering look that set my pants on fire and she runs off! Minx!

I caught up to her just before the dining hall doors “That was naughty! I may have to retaliate!” She can’t stop giggling, as we walk in to grab breakfast! Jaxson says we have some warriors wanting to transfer for training. “Have they been vetted? I’m not sure I am comfortable taking in new transfers, until Ethan is caught!”

Jaxson responds “These applications are from several months back. How about you go over them with me, and we can decide if we want to accept them?” I nodded.. agreeing that will be first on the agenda.

Bella goes to her studio.. she’s being secretive..so I don’t know if she’s working on art.. or magic. Guess we will know soon enough, if it’s magic. But I didn’t say that out loud.. Just thinking thoughts seems to get me in trouble. She gets frustrated.. but her little mishaps are funny, to the rest of us.

Jaxson plopped several file folders down on my desk. Looking up at him, I ask “Any preferences? Who looks good to you? And has Jake gone over them?” He shakes his head.. I red X’d the ones that are a definite no. Two are just troublemakers.. probably bullies. One didn’t provide much background, and we couldn’t find anything on him.. so probably a fake name. A Gamma and Delta want to come for the training course. I believe they are from Red Dawn in California. We can talk to their Alpha about that!”

Jake came in a couple minutes later and I handed him the files.. “Maybe, go over them with a fine toothed comb.. before we bring in anyone new.. there can be no doubt about them!” I started looking over the applications we have for our Delta.. too many “Hey! Why don’t we hold a tournament for all the Delta applicants? It would encourage a sense of accomplishment.. if they physically beat out the competition!”

Jaxson got excited “That would be awesome! And a great way for the pack to deal with all this nervous energy floating around!” Jake says “Yeah.. was wondering how to handle that! We have at least twenty men wanting that position! A tournament will be the best was to avoid a bunch of butthurt whinebags!” Jax snickers “Bro! Whinebag? You are hanging out with Bella too much!” Just as he said that… I jumped about five feet..sitting on the floor, in front of my desk was Bella!

She looks at me and points her finger “Mishap! I was practicing teleporting.. less energy than a portal. But I meant to teleport to our room. I got sidetracked, I reckon. I was picturing our room.. then I pictured you in our room.. then I pictured you. And here I am!” She grinned happily and I am biting the insides of my cheeks. I nod… and I nod again.. had to turn my back a second.. when I turned back around to speak.. thinking the laugh was under control.. yet, when I opened my mouth to congratulate her… the laugh broke loose.

She grinned.. “It’s okay to laugh. I may never get the hang of it. I get distracted too easily, I’m thinking. I did succeed with a short portal, though! I went from the studio to the kitchen for a snack. But now chef is mad and threatened I wouldn’t get dessert!” Again.. still not over the teleportation incident just now, I try asking why Chef is mad… Shrugging, she says “One little mishap! My portal opened in the walk-in cooler. Thinking about creme puffs. There’s a big old tray of them in there. I didn’t know Chef would be in there, too! He got scared..a little bit.”

Yep! A little mishap! “It’s fine, baby. I will give you my dessert, if Chef is still being mean!” That was when Jaxson and Jake couldn’t hold it in anymore. She just beamed at me… hugging me. Oblivious to the guys still chuckling. I pulled her into my lap and asked “Are you still practicing or want to take a break? Alexander texted they were all hanging around a bonfire at the lake.”

She jumped up.. “Let me change real quick, and I’ll be back!” With that, she poofed out of the room. Jake says “Who wants to put money on where she lands?” I laughed and said “Nah! I’m sure she made it to our room! She wasn’t distracted!” Within minutes she was back.. dressed in yoga capris pants and an off shoulder sweater, with sneakers on. Damn! Those pants!

We all headed out. I decided to drive down to the lake.. the truck had changes of clothes…and various weaponry.. in case trouble came knocking. I had Jake pack a cooler with drinks..and a few snacks. He said chef is still grumbling about ten years scared off his life. Dessert may be out of the question..

The cookout and bonfire was in full swing by the time we arrived. Bella went straight to hugging everyone like it’s been years. Her parents are going back to Italy.. we all decided their trip should continue.. it will keep Aiden and the twins safe.

Blake came over, handed me a beer “You know it’s my job, right!? No one is supposed to be good enough for my daughter. But.. if I had to pick someone.. it would probably be you!” I laughed “Probably? I guess I can find a way to live with such an ignoble declaration. Is this where I thank you for that?” He clapped his hand on my shoulder “Quite magnanimous of you, son! You’re welcome!”

He walked away.. leaving me to wonder what the hell that was. Bella bounced over, asking me to play volleyball on her team. Yep.. she’s playing front row… in those sexy as hell pants! Thank you, Goddess

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