When Stars Fall(The Last Star trilogy #3)

Chapter 30

Annabelle Virgo

Sophie’s screams were synced with the Hydra’s roars as he ran around the battlefield and people aimed arrows or slashed their swords at him.

Sophie cried over McKenna’s body. I almost felt bad for her. “Who’s going to be my heir now?” I was still confused about the relations between the Hydra’s and Serpens, Scorpios too. I had heard bits of their conversation on the roof but it had left me baffled. Hellen was sobbing over Alec inside. I couldn’t help but wish that he would die. If Tristan is gone then he’s got to go too.

It took all my willpower to not kick Rasal. He had been hissing at everyone ever since. . .ever since. . .ever since Tristan. . .

I gulped, pushing away the tears. I can’t be weak, not now.

Lydia stared at her hands in disbelief. Her mother cursed and spat at her.

Milady, plan your next move, Rasal spoke.

You’re supposed to help me, I reminded.

I could feel a plan forming in his head and he slowly transmitted it to me. I descended the steps. My dagger ready in hand.

I put a hand on Lydia’s shoulder, slightly shaking her. “Come on.”

“Did I just-” her voice broke. Tears leaving makeup streaks on her face. I snatched the gun from her hand before it could slip from her sweaty palms.

“It was your first kill-”

“First?” She snapped out of her trance. “You mean there will be more?”

I laughed quietly, and shrugged. “Maybe.”

She winced. I gave her an extra dagger and grabbed her by her arm, leading her down the steps. Towards the Hydra who was her father.

“What do we do with him?” she yelled over the roars of the Hydra.

“He’s your dad!”

“I know but. . .” Her breathing fastened. “I’ve never seen him like this!”

I groaned. Rasal!



He slithered up and around my waist. He told me his plan and I suggested it to Lydia.

“Are you sure you can do this?” She turned as white as her hair.

“Absolutely not,” I said with confidence.

She glared at me, then punched me.

“I’ll need an heir of Hydra’s help though.” I raised my eyebrows at her, offering my hand. She got my meaning and grinned, slapping her hand against mine.

“Do you have your Star Stone?”

“No, but I’ll manage something,” she reassured.

“You take him from the front and I’ll counter from behind,” I told. She ran to the front. Slashing at the Hydra’s legs. It’s tail pushed me to the side and I collided with the wall.

I think you broke a rib, Rasal told. I cried out in pain but was inaudible over the Hydra’s roars. Blood came up to my throat but I forced it down. I found it hard to breathe. I had banged my head too and I felt a bruise on my forehead. Rasal’s eyes were closed in pain as well but I told him to be brave. . .like me.

I fired at the Hydra but the bullets were only pricks in his huge body and think scales. I stood near the lined up dead bodies. Anthony treated the wounded nearby.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus on Ophiuchus. Rasal knew I needed help so he silently prayed but soon I was blocked from everything. I remembered my astral lessons with Hellen.

You have the smallest control over Hydra, she had said to me. If I weren’t the last of Ophiuchus I would’ve had more control.

I focused on Ophiuchus again. This time the Hydra felt me grasping it’s Constellation. The two neighbouring Constellations glowed green in the sky. Lydia slowly gave Stars of Hydra to me. I held out my hands and visualized the serpent in my grasp. Rasal fell to the ground, giving me space to work. I felt forbidden power being handed over to me. I reminded myself to not feel guilty since this was supposed to be done a long time ago.

The Hydra fell, shaking the ground with its weight. I was glad to not be the people who had been squashed underneath it. I could’ve gotten him to do much more but he flamed my back with it’s fire breath. I cried out in pain, falling to the ground. My neck and hair were burned and sizzled. My Sign tingled on my wrist, a result of Rasal’s prayers. I felt empowered but I started to doubt the plan. I have to tame it.

I’m the serpent-bearer, I’m the only one who can. I had said that to Phoenix once but now I wasn’t so sure.

I almost let the tears flow down but with a deep breath I decided to start over. The Hydra’s spit coated me as he roared in my face. I concentrated on my Constellation and brought it closer to Hydra. I felt two different types of Celestial Energies connecting, one stronger than the other.

I replayed words of motivation to myself.

I am the serpent-bearer.

I can do this.

I can’t give up.

The Hydra choked on nothing, because I wanted it too. He roared but. . .


I spoke to it telepathically. Like I do with Rasal. He didn’t respond, I blocked his thoughts from mine. All of his heads faced me as he lay on the battlefield. I saw Jaxon in his eyes. Sure, the Hydra was Jaxon but I actually saw his face in the creature’s eyes. You will pay for what you did. For what you put everyone through. For what you put me through.

The Hydra resisted. He found his voice and roared, flames burning from his mouth but dissolving on his lips. I forced his head down. Starlight from Hydra and Ophiuchus lit the battlefield.

Stay down.

“Lydia!” I yelled. She was standing at the Hydra’s feet, smeared with sweat and blood was her face. She closed her eyes, I wasn’t sure what she intended to do. Then we all gasped as pieces of the palace broke off and flew towards her. Star Stones. Embedded and decorated into the palace walls. At least a thousand of them.

For once I was thankful for the opulence of royalty.

Rasal, now! I commanded, before the Hydra could defy me again.

Rasal’s stones-encrusted into his scales and flesh, Star Stones from Ophiuchus-came off his skin and mixed with Lydia’s stones.

With one glance, Lydia knew the next step. All of the stones pierced into the Hydra’s flesh. Now I let it scream and cry out. I allowed him to feel pain. I wanted him to.

The energies of two Constellations mixed and messed with the Hydra’s system.

“What are you doing?”

“Trust me, Phoenix,” I said. Not bothering to take a look at her.

“You do realize that piercing Hydra’s Star Stones into Hydra is going to empower him?”

I turned on my heel. “Yes, I do. But the Ophiuchus stones will also take away his Constellation.”

“Belle.” She grabbed my shoulders. “What are your intentions?”

I pushed her away slightly. “I’m destroying him.”

She raised her eyebrows, slowly starting to understand my meaning.

“Like how he destroyed everything.”

“I’ve got your back,” she promised, and went back to yelling orders to everyone.

The Hydra struggled on the ground. Kicking and wailing.

The sky blackened. Only Ophiuchus and Hydra glowed. Soon Hydra was dimmed. It’s Stars and it’s beast was in my grasp. Lydia collapsed since the experience was close to being stripped of your Constellation. Anthony rushed to her and carried her towards the walls, safe in the corner.

I demanded the three-headed beast. It took a few tries before he obeyed.

The Star Stones dissolved into his blood and his eyes closed. Hydra gleamed above and Lydia gasped awake. She stared at the Hydra with bloodshot eyes. She got up and ran next to me. Anthony chasing after her.

She tried to speak but all of a sudden she looked as if life had been sucked out of her. “Father.” She gasped.

“Lydia.” I followed her gaze. She pointed a weak finger towards the Hydra.

“I see him,” she whispered. Her eyes hovered over the Hydra’s body. She could be in shock or was hallucinating.

“I see him,” she repeated, her voice sending chills down my spine.

“Anthony,” I called. He approached us slowly. “Take her.”

He nodded and put an arm around Lydia’s shoulder and led her to the corner.

“What did she mean by that?” Raelynn worried. She and Lewis, along with Phoenix, were standing in front of me now.

“She’s in shock,” I told.

“What are you not telling us?” Phoenix interrogated.

I huffed. “Jaxon’s the Hydra.”

“That clears it up,” Lewis retorted. Even during battle he remembered to be witty.

I briefly explained what happened on the roof.

To my surprise, Raelynn had knowledge of that process. “Then the Hydra should dissolve to Stardust.”

“I think it already is,” Phoenix informed. She faced the Hydra, arms crossed and a triumphant look on her face.

The Hydra was shining. It’s scales had specks of a glitter-like substance. Stardust. After five interminable minutes the creature’s body was covered with Stardust and the Hydra froze like a statue.

“Is that supposed to happen?” Raelynn whispered to Lewis. Lewis shrugged. Phoenix was inches away from the Hydra. She glanced at me and motioned for me to come to her side. Rasal curled around my waist again. We were both trying to recover from the situation. My head felt heavy but my Sign, even the Hydra symbol tingled on my skin.

“Should we let it stay this way?” Phoenix wondered.

“I doubt Stardust is sturdy enough.”

I used Ophiuchus’ Celestial Energy on Hydra and the Stardust dissolved. The Hydra-Jaxon-had been reduced to Stardust and now his Stardust had dissolved into the air. The bodies that had been pressed underneath the Hydra’s body were coated with the Stardust residue. Suffocated under the Celestial Creature the bodies lay lifeless.

For a moment both the armies froze in shock, trying to stomach what had happened. I looked over at the marble steps of the palace and noticed Sophie was also frozen in shock and Hellen was running down the steps, sweating and her hands and face streaked with blood.

“I’ll go,” Phoenix offered and ran towards Hellen.

“We won,” I breathed. I started to shake with joy as the realization hit me. I covered my mouth with my hands. I faced Lewis and Raelynn who were beaming.

“We won!” a little louder this time. Our soldiers cheered but the palace guards looked relieved as well.

“We won!” I cheered and everyone chorused. Jaxon’s army seemed furious and some of them even started a fight but Phoenix negotiated with them. I ran into the crowd and searched for Lyra and Amara. I saw Amara, standing between cheering armies with Nathan, I was taken aback when I saw him. She rubbed her eyes and Nathan said something to her. Blood and tears streaked across her face.

She froze when she saw me, eyes glistening. She opened her mouth multiple times, as though she was trying to tell me something.

“Amara,” I started. “What’s wrong?”

She mumbled something but her voice broke and she just sobbed. Someone put a hand on my shoulder. I turned to find Phoenix. I looked over her shoulder and saw Hellen and Anthony running up the steps, probably going to try and save Alec. Lewis and Raelynn were here too.

“When did you get here?” I asked Nathan, arms crossed. I was still upset with him for leaving us.

He couldn’t find the right words and lowered his head in embarrassment. I stared at the others. Phoenix looked uncomfortable, like she didn’t know how to act in this situation. I thought she would be boasting about the victory.

I thought that they were grieving. But I also sensed as if they were hiding something from me.

It was Lewis who stepped forward, eyes bloodshot and glistening with tears behind his cracked glasses. “I have to tell you something.”

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