When Fate Decided to Play its Part

Chapter 58: The man in suit

The Man In Suit
Tyler tried his best to not cause any audible noise that may get the attention of the three-armed people down on the floor. He
took his every step on the stairs fast but carefully. It was hard walking without making any noise because the floor was in
complete silence, as if someone muted the whole place, or it was just his ears malfunctioning.
He arrived at the floor, then he pressed his back on the wall and slowly peeked his head out to see if anyone was there. No one
was. He released the air he was holding for too long inside his lungs and got back into hiding.
He wanted to get to her, fast, since she has no idea what is happening. But there are many questions and things that keeps on
bothering him: is she still on the floor? Did she safely used the elevator to go down the basement? Is she gone? Did they catch
Tyler furrowed his brows in frustration. “If only I followed her here...”
Then both of them would be caught by the other three because none of them will have any idea that there are intruders inside
the hotel. They cannot leave the hotel that fast in the first place because they will maybe fight their way here, since it seems like
she does not like him to the point of getting disgusted as soon as she sees his face. And he would be stubborn enough to ask or
force a conversation with her- causing them to even cut their possibility of escaping safely.
His phone vibrated inside his pocket. It brought him back from the disturbing and annoying thoughts he has. The vibration
caused a buzzing sound, in fear of having the people he was wary of hearing the buzzing, he fished out his phone quickly from
his pocket and answered the call.
He lowered his voice as much as he can, “What is it?”
“I just want to tell you that,” April’s shaky voice paused before continuing after a heavy sigh. It was obvious that she was trying so
hard to remain calm. “That, you have to hurry.”
Tyler furrowed his brows, and he had a terrible sinking feeling in his stomach. Suddenly, he felt that his suit was too tight, and his
tie was chocking him. He pulled his tie away from his neck and tried to talk to her normally. “Why? Did she meet one already?”

“Unfortunately,” she said, frustration was lacing on her voice. “And he has a gun.”
This made his heart almost jump from his chest. He was hoping about her successfully escaping through the elevator and stay
safe and sound, but she was still here. And apparently with one of the thieves, to make it worst, he is armed with a gun. His mind
begun spinning for things he can do to get to her and somehow knock him out and get her to safety.
“How about the other two??” He asked in hurry.
“About that,” sounds of clicking of the keyboard was heard from the background before it stopped, and April’s voice is heard
again. “They’re coming towards where Althea and the armed guy is, but you’re closer than them, I think- argh- this is
troublesome, if only I did not let my stupid desire about making the three of you meet, this would not happen."
“You deliberately lead her there?”
“Whatever- Tyler- pick up anything there to try and fight the guy with a gun, okay?”
It sounds ridiculously impossible, but he has no other choice but to find any possible weapon that is fast enough to fight with a
gun aside from a gun itself since he does not have it. As his mind is in a turmoil while figuring out a suitable situation that will not
cause death or any major injury that might hinder their escape, his eyes- that was darting around- caught a red cylinder-shaped
container that contains an element that tames the raging fire.
“April,” he called out. “You’re looking at our situation through the CCTV’s, right?”
“Of course, what do you think I am- a psychic?” April sounded annoyed but at the same time worried.
“Then, lead me towards her.”
It was like her whole body was submerged under an icy cold water- it was stiff but at the same time shaking. It might be her only
imagination, but she can feel her heart beating slowly as she keeps on drowning on the icy water.
Althea tried to breath- but instead of calming down herself, she can feel her chest tightening even more. It hurts even just to
breath. Her belly begun to ache- her head begun to spin- she was getting dizzy. She still has her back facing the man who was
pressing the cold muzzle of his gun on her delicate back. Even with the fabric between the two, she can still feel the cold opening
of it- the hollow was like threatening her about the bullets the gun has, it was mocking her about how clueless she is about when
they are coming out to just dig deep in her flesh.

The man, who had his beard unshaved and hair unkept for who knows how long, tilted his head to looked closely at the woman
he held captive with his gun alone. She was wearing a dress that covered her whole body and was only showing her hands,
neck, and face. He raised a brow in wonder but did not dived further to it. He opened his mouth, “You are pretty stupid, aren’t
you? Why is it that you did not evacuated with the others? Have you not heard? We have bomb. You’re not afraid, eh, gal?”
He chuckled, she remained muted. “That was just a stupid lie, by the way. I can’t believe that those police fell for it. But- I guess it
does makes sense, they can’t afford to make any mistakes since there are many bigshots here. I heard that woman named
Victoria and her son is also here.”
He sighed heavily before grabbing her hair. Althea whimpered; she can feel his nails digging on her head. His pull was hard
enough to pull some strands of her hair from her scalp, but Althea could care less about that. Her hair does not matter in front
impending death. “I thought we hit the jackpot after coming here, but who thought that the staffs in this hotel is fast enough to
hide them. Sigh,”
His face was close to Althea’s neck, so when he sighed, the hot air of his breath traveled to touch her the skin of her nape.
Althea can feel her hair standing to its ends. She unconsciously flinched while her body is shivering with disgust and fear. She bit
her lip to stop her cries from coming out and gripped her purse, then her mind spun quickly, trying to find a way to escape.
The man noticed her flinched, his eyes landed on her creamy white neck and it glinted maliciously.
"I guess we also found something not bad." He used the back of his hand that was holding the gun to caress her neck. She
flinched away. He gripped her hair more and pulled her head back, then forced her to face him.
Althea can feel the burning sensation on her scalp, his grip was getting harder and harder. Althea released the grip of her purse,
and it fell on the ground with a thud. She let her hands to clutch on his hand that was holding her head in place, then glared at
She knew those eyes.
Her glare aroused the other, he smiled at her, showing his full set of yellow teeth. Since they were facing each other, Althea can
smell the filthy odor coming out from him.
Althea's face scrunched in disgust, despite the fear for the gun, she spat out. "When was the last time that you brushed your
teeth? Disgusting!"

Her words lit a fire on his eyes. His smile disappeared and it was replaced by anger. His face was flushing and his jaw was
clenching. Althea held back the cry that almost escaped from her lips when he gripped on her head harder then yanked her head
"You-!!!" Althea raised her eyebrows. This fan his anger more. "You bitch!"
He raised his hand that was holding the gun and swung it down to hit her face. Althea flinched and closed her eyes then waited
for the pain of her head and the gun colliding, but instead, she heard a loud boing before feeling the grip of her hear loosing.
There was a thud on the floor, and the hair that was holding her hair was completely gone. She opened her eyes in shock and
was even more shocked after seeing the armed man lying down on the floor, knocked out.
Before her brain can even get the gist of what was happening, someone held her arm and yanked her towards them.
Althea almost yelled when she tripped on the 'corpse' and to stop herself from falling down, she gripped the other's arm.
But her legs completely collapsed after tripping on her feet again, she cursed loudly in her head and waited for her knee to fall
painfully on the floor, but an arm boldly snaked on her waist and hoisted her up.
Althea was startled and can only lean her weight to them.
"Ooff-" the other said after recieving her weight. "Careful."
This deep, pleasant, and at the same time cold and low voice carries familiarity to Althea's ears.
Althea pushed him away, but she can't escape complete because of his hands. After some distance, she can finally see who was
this man in suit is.
"Tyler?!" She cried in surprise before furrowing her brows. "What are you doing here?"
His green eyes stared at her, "I don't have time to explain." He looked away and looked towards the hallway on her back. He
gripped her waist tighter. "Let's get out from here first."
"Wait- let go off me! I can walk by myself!" She tried to struggle when he begun dragging her away.
"No," he plainly said. "They're coming."

Althea immediately understood who are they, but still, there's no way she'll run with him clutching her arm. "I know- just- let go-"
"Hey!" Both of them cursed and it was only Althe aeho looked back. The other two had arrived.
One of them pointed at them and begun his pursue and the other one kneeled next to their unconscious companion. Althea's
eyes buldged when he picked up the other's gun. She cursed again, and as if they both have a natural understanding towards
one another, Tyler immediately knows why she was cursing and run even faster, pulling her with that speed.
Althea looked back at where they are going and also worked fast on her feet, geting about his hand on her hand. And both of
them fled the scene hand-in-hand.

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