Chapter 89
Chapter 89
Alora’s POV
I open the box and I find two beautifully crafted rings, they had intricately knotted designs surrounding them. The designs
matched the ones on my Lunar Princess regalia, they had an infinity lock on them. They immediately felt very important to me. I
look up at Kass. “They’re beautiful, and I feel the power of them, what do they do?” I asked her.
“Mom left a note in the box and some instructions too, it’s under the cushion. But they basically absorbed any of your magical
leavings and store it. If you ever find yourself completely drained of power, you can use what’s in the rings to restore yourself.
Mom also said their is a way to feed it power, so it stores more faster, the instruction for that are there also. Dad seemed to think
that was necessary, because he’s the one who asked her if it was even possible to do that.” Kassandra says.
“She also put in a fail safe, the power stored can’t be used against the one who stores the power, and once on your fingers, both
middle ones, they’ll bond to your DNA. So only someone of your blood or your descendent will ever be able to wear them. Your
decedents will also be able to store their own power in the rings, and use the power already stored in it too.” she continued. 2
This gift was indeed valuable, I would be passing it on to my pups and they theirs and so on. I put them on and feel the power as
they activate, bonding to my DNA absorbing the leavings of my magic. My feeling of foreboding earlier making me grateful for
them, I would be making sure to start storing excess magic and energy into them. I truly felt it was going to be needed.
I look up at Kassandra “Will you help me find a way to thank your mother for such a precious gift?” I ask her.
“That you like her gift will be payment enough for her.” says Bella.
“My mom loves giving gifts. The fact that she’s not been able to give you even one gift, in the last eighteen years, has been
weighing on her since dad first found you.” says Kassandra.
“None of you are at fault for not knowing about me. I hope your mom likes me.” I say, blushing with my last words.
“We know that....but at the same time...”Kass starts then trails off.
“At the same time we feel guilty.” Asher filled in.
“Why?” I asked them.
“Because we’re your siblings, we’ve grown up knowing love from our parents, while you, were being tortured by those claiming to
be your parents.” said Nathen, his face angry and sad at the same time. “If you would have been raised with us...” he trails off.
“I might have know their love, but I might not have the power, or the connections I do now to help stop this coming war against
the Black Magic Coven.” I say to him softly. They all looked at each other
at my words, each varying expressions of frustration at the truth my words offered. “It’s ok now.” I tell them. “Your here now and
I’m free of those people, I now have all of you and my mate.” I remind them. “I am truly happy right now with what I have been
given these last few days.”
Damien squeezes me to him and kisses my temple, I look up and smile at him, then I kiss his cheek, getting a smile from him.
“Well what do we want to do after lunch.” I asked Damien. 2
“I want to see your wolf!” says Cathel excitedly.
I laugh amused “Ok we’ll go back to the Training grounds after this and I’ll let Xena out.” I tell him
“Yes!” was his excited response, causing a round of laughter from the others.
“I want to meet your Kitsune.” This was from Asher, when I look at him he says. “I only caught a glimpse, but what I saw was
cool.” He shrugs, blushing.
Laughing softly, I say. “I will transform into my Kitsune form as well.” I tell him with a smile. Everyone finished the last bites of
food on their plates and we get up and head back to the training arena, once there everyone gathers around me and Damien. I
look up at Damien an ask “Are you shifting too?”
“It’s been a while since Zane has been with Xena, he wants out with her.” He tells me.
Turning forward I say “For those uncomfortable with nudity, shield your eyes.” Damien and I start striping so we can shift.
“Why would we” That was Nathen, as he trailed off his face a bright red, he turns around and faces his brothers,
Kass and Bella. “What are you doing?” he asked the others.
“Watching her shift.” said Kass, her tone dry.
“But she’s naked!” he says in a distressed tone.
“Of course she is, Werewolves can’t shift in their clothes without shredding them.” Bella said, her tone as dry as Kassandra’s.
She then pointed to the other Werewolves who were also stripping to change. Nathen’s blush deepens, but once we were striped
we quickly shifted, minimizing poor Nathen’s exposure to our nudity. 3
Xena was excited to be out next to Zane. We looked at Zane, he was a powerful wolf, bigger then all the others here. I was only
slightly smaller than the Mountainmovers, they were big wolves. Sitting, Xena was six foot eight. Zane’s fur was a dark black with
a red undercoat. He was looking at Xena intensely. Studying her, his tail switching back and forth slowly.
Then Zane gets up and starts nuzzling Xena’s neck, making her let out a rumble of pleasure. Zane circles around Xena, rubbing
upon her as he does, marking her with his scent. Then he licks her face, then nuzzles his cheek along hers, Settling around her
in a hug of sorts, and Xena leans into him, accepting and returning his affection.
“Wow! You look amazing! Your so big!” came Cathel’s excited voice. “That mark on your hip is so cool, and your fur is so pretty. I
didn’t know your wolf could wear jewelry, the rings are even there on your paws.” We look down, ‘Yup there they are.’ “Your tail is
so fluffy and the black is sparkling too!” Cathel
had made us feel wonderful with his complements. We thought ourselves beautiful, but it was still nice to hear when others
thought so too.
I look over at Kass and Bella, they were looking at and petting their mates wolves. Kian’s wolf was named Logan and Galen’s
wolf was named Darius. Both were a fiery red, and obviously happy to receive their mates attention. The boys were looking at all
the Werewolves around them with looks of fascination. Then Cathel asked another question.
“What’s your Lycan form look like?” his tone was full of excited curiosity.
Smiling on the inside I mind link the others, “Want to show off your Lycans?” I asked them.
To answer my question Darien and his wolf Axel started to change first, Serenity and her wolf Diana, transforming with him a
second later. The next to change was, Xander and his wolf Bronx, Beatrice and her wolf Felicity, the twins and their wolves.
Victor and his wolf Vash transformed in unison with Jaxon and his wolf Bruno. 2
Then Xena and I along with Damien and Zane transformed. We towered over my siblings in this form. “Wow!” was Cathel’s
response to our transformation.
“I take it you like this form?” I asked him, our voice had a growl to it, but my tone was kind.
“Yes! This one is pretty too! Look at all those sparkling lights in your fur. Do you call that hair or fur?” he asks pointing and my
“We call it hair, even though it’s made up of fur.” We explain in that kind, but growling, tone of voice.
“Can I touch it?” he asked me, his eyes pleading.
This caused us to laugh, which sounds kind of strange in the growling voice of a Lycan. We kneel down so Cathel can reach our
head and touch our ‘hair’. He ran his little hand over one section of ‘hair’ “Oh wow it’s really soft.” he said in wonder, then he
starts to look around at the others. Taking in their different colors and sizes. 2
I stand back up, watching his joy and fascination with our Lycan forms. Then I felt my mate run his claws through my hair,
causing a shiver to go down my spine. He wraps us up from behind, with both of his, long thickly muscled arms around my waist,
pulled our back to his front. Then he nuzzles his muzzle into my neck, nipping at that spot where my neck meets my shoulder. A
purring like rumble was drawn from us at the pleasure we felt.
His rumbly growl in return did nothing to cool the fire he was igniting within us. Mind linking our mate we say “There are pups
present my darling” 2
He growls “Tonight mate, you will be all mine.” the carnal promise in those words, were like a nuclear bomb to my hormones,
causing us to release a whimper.