Weaver's Curse

Chapter 22- Which of us is Sedine?

Surprisingly, the group of pursuers that Kaedwyn had been so worried about had broken off from their pursuit within a few days, and headed in the direction of a small town called Quill, for some reason.

It seemed her friends had been right, that those hadn’t been her pursuers. Kaedwyn was able to breathe easier once they were gone.

They arrived at Dover at nightfall, and decided to stay within the caravan for another night. They spent that time playing dice with Dill and Harry, as a last goodbye.

Allie seemed sad to leave the two, but Kaedwyn would be glad not to see Harry again. There was a reason she didn’t like children.

As the night wore on, the group split, Allie and Kaedwyn heading to their sleeping places, the boys heading to theirs. Kaedwyn snuggled into her blankets, actually feeling sleepy for once. Allie’s breathing evened out quickly, lulling Kaedwyn deeper into sleeps grasp.

The group of four gathered the next morning, and went to see Mr. Hexing to collect their pay.

“You said you were all heading to Selah the other day, correct?” Hexing asked, counting out the money he owed them.

What does it matter to you?

“Yes.” Isaan said.

“Be careful.” Hexing warned. “The peaks are old, and full of magic; not all of it benign. A careless traveler could find himself in dire straits.”

“Yes sir.” Isaan said.

“You’re a smart group of youngsters,” Hexing said. “I’m sure you will be fine.”

“Thank you for your confidence, sir.” Isaan said.

“One last tip,” Hexing said. “Stay away from the Orion Pass. I’ve heard that a lot of malevolent energy was left there.”

“Alright.” Kaedwyn said.

Hexing waved them off, and they went to shop for a better map of the mountains in Dover.

They found one fairly quickly for a decent price that even had the most cursed locations marked on it. Kaedwyn and her friends sat down on a low stone wall, and began to plot a course up the tallest peak.

“Be sure to include some of those villages on our course.” Toby advised.

“I know.” Kaedwyn said. “I’ve crossed these mountains once or twice.”

“Yeah, I might have forgotten about that.” Toby said apologetically.

“It’s no big deal.” Kaedwyn assured him.

“Are we sure we don’t want to stop at any of these cursed locations?” Allie asked jokingly. “Like c’mon. Does ‘Pit of Souls’ not sound fun?”

“As fun as it sounds, we’ve got a time limit.” Kaedwyn said, smiling at her. “Maybe on the way back.”

“Ooh! Can we stop at this place marked ‘deadly quicksand suspected’ on our way to Telare?” Allie asked.

“Sure! It can’t kill us anymore times than we were already going to die!” Kaedwyn said cheerily.

“If Allie gets to pick a place, then I must insist that we drop by the ‘Grazing Grounds for Moose with Enhanced Intelligence’. I cannot think of a place that sounds more enlightening.” Isaan said, tapping the spot on the map.

Allie giggled, Toby joining in a few minutes later.

“Alright, we really should go get some supplies.” Kaedwyn said, standing.

“Okay.” Toby said. “Allie, you’re with me. Isaan, you’re with Kaedwyn.”

“Other way around, buddy.” Kaedwyn said. “I’m taking Allie today.”

“Oh. Okay.” Toby said, looking a little disappointed.

Poor idiot. I wonder if he’s even realized that he likes her.

It honestly didn’t surprise Kaedwyn that he did. She may have found Allie’s bubbliness annoying when they’d first met, but she’d soon realized that it was foul of her to resent her cheerfulness, when she was so sweet and loyal. On top of that, Allie was very pretty.

They headed towards a cheese shop to buy some rations, and Kaedwyn was struck by a sudden curiosity.

“Do you have a family, Allie?” she asked.

“Yes.” Allie answered.

“Why leave them to become a spice merchant and adventurer?” Kaedwyn asked.

Allie’s face fell, and she chewed her lip, as if looking for the right words to say.

“There were some… issues.” Allie said. “And I did not like the person they were trying to force me to become.”

Kaedwyn nodded.

So you ran off to make a life for yourself. I guess to prove something?

“Do you ever miss your family, Kaedwyn?” Allie asked.

“All the time.” Kaedwyn said, thinking of Kaeldra’s bright, mischievous smile. “But, at the same time, I guess I resent them.”

It was Allie’s turn to nod.

“I feel like they should have left Telare with me, sometimes.” Kaedwyn sighed. Or found a way where I didn’t have to leave. “I guess it’s unfair of me to ask them to uproot their lives just for me.”

“But… Kaedwyn? Aren’t you a part of their lives? Like, a major part?” Allie asked.

I… guess I was…

“Huh.” Kaedwyn said.

Allie patted her shoulder, and they entered the cheese shop.

While regrouping with the boys, Kaedwyn spotted Salazar Malachite again.

“Did you two see that Malachite fucker again?” Kaedwyn asked them.

“Yeah. Strange, right?” Isaan said.

“Okay, you two, come clean. Which of you is Sedine Malachite?” Toby joked. “Because it almost seems like they’re following us.”

“Not me!” Allie said. “I’m the missing princess of Loann. Maybe ask Kaedwyn.”

For some reason, Toby’s smile stiffened a little.

“My roots are about as humble as they come,” Kaedwyn said. “Couldn’t be me.”

“I’m pretty sure I’m not Sedine.” Isaan said.

“Oh no.” Toby said. “If it’s none of you… then it’s me!”

“We apologize for any previous slights, your ladyship.” Allie said, mock-curtsying. “Please find it in your heart to forgive this humble group of peasants.”

Toby conjured up a stuffy, high pitched voice. “I will consider it. So long as these mistakes do not repeat themselves.”

“I grovel at your feet, my most esteemed lady.” Isaan said, delivering a sweeping bow.

“As you should.” Toby sniffed.

“Very funny and all, but are we going to stay in Dover for another night, or start climbing the mountain?” Kaedwyn said.

“That depends on whether you are all fine with sleeping in bushes.” Isaan said.

“I have no problem with it.” Allie said.

“Neither do I.” Toby said.

“And I definitely don’t.” Kaedwyn said. She’d spent most of her time away from Telare doing just that.

They found a road up the mountain, checked their map to make sure that it was going in the right direction, and began their ascent.

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