Weaver's Curse

Chapter 20- Travelling Companions

Toby didn’t like the caravan searches they’d already been submitted to twice.

The first time it had happened, he’d nearly panicked, thinking they were looking for him. But then it had become clear that they were looking for a woman. Most likely Sedine Malachite.

But still. He felt nervous each time. The second search had been conducted by Prince Ryle, and Toby had practically been shaking with fear the entire time.

Ryle hadn’t even glanced his way. He also hadn’t spent an uncomfortably long time scrutinizing Allie, like Salazar Malachite had. Toby had felt relieved by that; Ryle Zircon had a violent reputation.

And Allie’s bubbliness seemed like something that might anger that man-child.

Toby didn’t mind her bright, chattery personality, though. She was sweet, and considerate, and not annoying at all, in his opinion. Quite unlike his fiancée, Allaire Crocus, who was rumored to be sour and aloof.

Toby himself was a fairly laid-back and easy-going person, and felt that there was no way he and Lady Allaire would have been the least bit compatible.

It might be a little unfair to judge her when I’ve never actually met her, but… oh well. Hopefully I won’t ever have to meet her.

And hopefully, I won’t spend the rest of my life being tracked down my family, like Lady Sedine.

He could worry about that later. For now, he had to worry about the mysterious group that was after Kaedwyn, and defending his friends at the prophesied confrontation. And Isaan’s amnesia; the man had begun entrusting his memories to Allie and Toby too. He hadn’t had a blank day in a while, but most days he couldn’t remember anything new.

He didn’t worry about Allie. She’d looked a little more tense than usual, but that was understandable. She was clearly worrying about Kaedwyn. Out of the four of them, she was the only one that didn’t have any problems with pursuers or curses. She was just a normal commoner girl.

She was lucky, really.

“We’ll be in Dover soon.” She said.

“Yeah.” Toby said. “Excited?”

“Apprehensive, more like.” Allie said. “You?”

“Also apprehensive. But I’m sure we’ll be fine.”

“I wonder if they’d be alright with me going on to Telare with them?” Allie mused. “I’d like to see it…”

“I’ll go with you if they don’t want to continue travelling with you.” He said, grinning at her. “I don’t have much else to do.”

And the further away I am from Reganne, the better.

“Oh, thanks!” Allie said, beaming back at him.

“Bad news.” Isaan said, plopping down beside them. “Kaedwyn says we’re being followed.”

“By her stalkers?” Allie asked.

“By her stalkers.” Isaan confirmed. “Probably.”

“Well that’s not ideal.” Toby said.

“Nope.” Isaan agreed. “They probably won’t try anything until we’ve broken off from the caravan.”

“And they won’t be expecting us extra three.” Allie said, a wicked gleam in her eye. “And we’ll get to see how good my disguise was!”

“You probably shouldn’t sound so excited about that.” Toby said.

“Oh, probably not!” Allie said cheerfully. “So Isaan… theoretically… If I were holding a nice thick piece of wood… and the enemy was right there… where would the best place to hit him be?”

Yeesh, scary.

“Lower back, groin, stomach, face.” Isaan said, his facial expression not even changing.

Also scary.

“So do you think they even know which of us is Kaedwyn, or did they just get tipped off that she joined this caravan?”

“Good question.” Toby said.

Or they’re someone else entirely. Like a group of Reganne’s royal guards come to drag me home.

“It’d be nice if it were someone else.” Allie sighed.

Uh, no it wouldn’t. If it happened to be the Reganne royal guard, and you three killed them, you might get charged with treason or something.

It would be best if we didn’t find out.

“Where is Kaedwyn, anyway?” Toby asked.

“Mrs. Hexing has her repairing some clothes in their wagon.”

“Ah.” Toby said.

“She’s not getting too stressed out, is she?” Allie asked.

“No, I think she’s handling it okay.” Isaan said. “She’s got us now.”

“And we won’t let her down.” Allie promised.

“No, we won’t.” Toby echoed.

“So have either of you heard of King Deled?” Isaan asked, changing the subject.

“Deled…” Allie said, frowning.

“No, it doesn’t ring a bell.”

“King Deled…” Allie said. “Of Selah?”

“Yes!” Isaan said. “Thank goodness! Kaedwyn almost had me thinking I was delusional! Anyway, I think I work for him.”

“Um.” Allie said, clearing her throat awkwardly. “Isaan… King Deled has been dead for… five hundred years, maybe?”

“What?” Isaan asked, his face falling.

“Maybe four-hundred years?” Allie said. “I don’t really remember that bit of history that well…”

Why does she know history? Most peasants don’t bother learning it, do they?

Toby didn’t know, as he hadn’t met many peasants before joining the merchants and they didn’t talk about history very much.

Isaan was frowning now. “That can’t be, I… I remember taking orders from him…”

“Maybe King Deled was some sort of codename?” Allie suggested.

“That… might actually make sense.” Isaan said, still frowning. “But if that’s the case, is Isaan Vef also a codename?”

Allie didn’t answer, so Isaan looked to him. Toby shrugged.

“Was I involved in some sort of… cult? Or something?” Isaan mumbled. “Gah, I wish I could remember!”

“A cult is in interesting idea.” Toby said. “and maybe that’s why you were cursed; for going against the leader’s orders, or something of that nature.”

“If I was a cult member maybe it’s better I don’t remember that.” Isaan said. “But still… I think I’d rather remember than keep living in a state of confusion.”

“I’d want my memories back too.” Allie agreed.

“Maybe the marks are some sort of connection to other cult members?” Toby suggested.

“I don’t think so.” Isaan said. “I was almost sure they were related to my sisters.”

“They might also have been in the cult. Who knows.” Toby said.

“I hope that isn’t the truth.” Isaan sighed.

Poor guy. I’d almost say he has it worse than I do, Toby thought.

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