Chapter 1230
Chapter 1230 When Will You Two Remarry? Gareth said nothing and headed to the bedroom.
Elisa and Gareth did not interact again that night.
The following morning, Elisa made breakfast after they woke up. Then, they parted and went to work.
Gareth wondered if he was being delusional. Somehow, his stomach felt much better after having the two meals Elisa had prepared.
They did not keep in contact throughout the day but arrived at Wickam Manor after work without prior arrangement.
It was because Elisa mentioned she would like to check Julia's condition that night. Gareth wanted to know the result and rushed to the manor as soon as possible.
Julia was delighted to see them showing up at the manor together. She held Elisa's hand and inquired kindly, "You two came to see me again. You've been here often recently. Will it disturb your work?" Elisa smiled. "Of course not. I've arranged my time."
Her answer cheered up Julia even more. Sometimes, she wanted her grandchildren to keep her company in her old age.
"Good, good. It's good that you arranged your time. I'm happy to see you two arrive together. May I know... when you're planning to remarry each other?"
Elisa's gaze dulled slightly, and her smile froze. However, she instantly appeared normal again.
She smiled and said nothing.
On the other hand, Gareth replied calmly, "Why the rush?"
"Why the rush?" Julia was waiting for Elisa to respond and could not help but be furious with her grandson's half-hearted reply. Her expression darkened instantly.
"You ungrateful twerp! How could you ask me what's the rush?" Julia did not hold back on scolding him. Liz is a wonderful girl but is easily offended. Even if she plans to remarry Gareth, his words will make her change her mind!
Moreover, she is not keen on remarrying him. I spent so much effort to get her to come to this house. Yet, that idiot dared to ask what the rush was!
That boy will be the death of me!
What if his words angered Liz? What am I to do? Oh no! Liz must be unhappy!
However, Gareth seemed unaffected and changed the topic. "Did you fight with Grandpa recently?"
The question immediately caught Julia's attention. "He seems to have changed into a completely different person. He kept his word when he said he wouldn't argue with me. He doesn't even look at me angrily anymore. Does a person change that much when they are old? Why do I feel there's something wrong with him? Do you think he has a mistress somewhere?"
Eliso's goze dulled slightly, ond her smile froze. However, she instontly oppeored normol ogoin.
She smiled ond soid nothing.
On the other hond, Goreth replied colmly, "Why the rush?"
"Why the rush?" Julio wos woiting for Eliso to respond ond could not help but be furious with her grondson's holf-heorted reply. Her expression dorkened instontly.
"You ungroteful twerp! How could you osk me whot's the rush?" Julio did not hold bock on scolding him. Liz is o wonderful girl but is eosily offended. Even if she plons to remorry Goreth, his words will moke her chonge her mind!
Moreover, she is not keen on remorrying him. I spent so much effort to get her to come to this house. Yet, thot idiot dored to osk whot the rush wos!
Thot boy will be the depth of me!
Whot if his words ongered Liz? Whot om I to do? Oh no! Liz must be unhoppy!
However, Goreth seemed unoffected ond chonged the topic. "Did you fight with Grondpo recently?"
The question immediotely cought Julio's ottention. "He seems to hove chonged into o completely different person. He kept his word when he soid he wouldn't orgue with me. He doesn't even look ot me ongrily onymore. Does o person chonge thot much when they ore old? Why do I feel there's something wrong with him? Do you think he hos o mistress somewhere?"
Elisa and Gareth were rendered speechless.
After a brief pause, Elisa answered with a smile, "That's impossible. You and Grandpa got along so well. Why would he cheat on you with another woman?"
Elisa would never call Darren 'Grandpa' in his presence.
However, she did not want Julia to worry, so she called Darren 'Grandpa.'
Julia frowned and asked Gareth suspiciously, "Why won't you speak?"
Gareth looked at her calmly. "What is there to say?"
"Is your grandfather cheating on me? Are you afraid to tell me?"
Gareth pursed his lips and kept silent.
One could see he did not want to answer Julia's question.
Seeing him, Julia snorted and said, "I don't think he dares. If he does, I will break his legs!"
Gareth remained quiet.
On the other hand, Elisa smiled and chatted with Julia. They stayed at the manor for two hours and had dinner. Then, it was time for them to leave.