Warrior Wolves, M.C.

Chapter 29 ~ Bumpy Ride, Baby

Delaney ~

It’s been a day. Already. And it’s only ten a.m. I walked out of the clinic and walked straight up to Axe. He wrapped his arms around me and asked “What is it, little sister? Bad news?”

I shook my head.. “No. I don’t think so. I don’t know. I know why I am being a bitch to everyone.” He said “Well.. that’s good, right? The doc give you some medicine to make it stop?”

I glared at him.. and he stepped around his bike.. putting it between us. Then it dawned on me he was avoiding me smacking him. It struck me funny.. watching him sweat. I guess I have been really bad the past week.

I asked “What time will Venom be back from Trenton Falls?” He answered it should be around noon. So I grinned.. “I want to surprise him.. Now help me think of creative ways to tell him he is going to be a father.” And I waited for his reaction..

Three.. two.. one.. “YOU’RE PREGNANT?” I laughed.. nodding. He grinned.. “Let’s get shirts made.. and fill his office with pink and blue balloons. Hiding in there.. and when he opens the door… all the balloons will float out. We will be standing there with our shirts on..”

I clapped my hands.. “Let’s do it.. We’re going to get Maddox a shirt, too. Oh! And Venom.. but he only has to wear his when we tell the club. Should we get one made for Snake?”

He grins and says “Of course. He will get all butthurt if we don’t. A butthurt Snake is deadly.” I giggled and said “That whole sentence sounded wrong.” We laughed, as we started our bikes and drove to the tee shirt shop.

Next stop was the florist.. where we ordered two hundred balloons to be delivered. Then the bakery for a cake.

We spent a half hour getting the stupid balloons in his office. I was wearing my shirt.. It just says “Momma” .. Axe’s says “the fun uncle.” I got Maddox one with favorite uncle on it.. while Snake’s has “the grumpy uncle” My favorite is Venom’s. His says “Not The Momma” to match mine.

When the guys arrived.. Evie ran out to have Snake put on his shirt. Which he did.. as soon as he saw it. He followed Venom inside.. and Evie said “Prez.. Queen is in your office.. she asked me to let you know she needs your help.”

As soon as he opened the office door.. balloons attacked him on their rush to freedom. He was cursing.. and batting them out of the way.

He finally made it inside, and turned to ask “Baby.. what’s going on?” When he saw our shirts.. he was struck dumb. Just stood there. Not blinking.. or speaking.. Staring at my shirt.. looking at Maddox.. then Axe. He spun and looked at Snake.. seeing his shirt. Still.. not a sound. Not a smile.. no reaction.

Crazy pregnancy hormones threw me into a panic. He isn’t happy. He doesn’t want a baby. He’s not ready to be a father.. and I pushed past him. Running outside and jumping on Olga. I drove to the farm and went inside the house.. I had had it restored so we had a working kitchen and bathroom when we were there exercising.

I made a cup of coffee.. sat down and cried. I rationalized he was in shock.. but what if he doesn’t want a baby.. he needed time to process.. but what if he isn’t ready to be a dad.. We never discussed kids. Maybe we should have.

Ten minutes later, I heard his bike pull in. He slammed through the front door and picked me up.. wrapping my legs around his waist.. He whispered “I’m so sorry, baby. I was in shock. I am so over the moon at this unbelievable gift. I had given up the thought of ever having a family of my own. When Jessalyn rejected me.. I just figured it wasn’t in the stars. And then.. there was you. You blew my world apart.. and have made me the happiest man alive. I love you. So much! Thank you for completing me. For bringing the sunshine back into my life.”

He stood me on my feet.. and I noticed he had the shirt on.. making me giggle. I wiped my face and muttered “I panicked. Hormones. Apparently, I’m not adjusting because my hCG and progesterone are in the highest percentile. The doctor said it’s the reason for my mood swings.”

He grinned “Buckle up, folks. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride!” We went back home and celebrated with the club. Everyone was so supportive.. and happy. Maddox kept speaking to my stomach.. saying he would be the best uncle ever.. he would protect him and teach him. It really was the sweetest thing in the world.

Snake asked if I was going to be cranky for the next four months.. and Venom yelled “Abort mission.. Take it back.” I laughed and said “My hormones are off the charts. Doc said they should level out in a few weeks.. but they may not because the baby is wolf.”

Snake nodded.. then said “Yeah. Are you, though?” Axe told him “Not good, man..” and Venom said “You know what? She can be as cranky as she needs or wants to be. She is carrying our future leader. Y’all keep it up and I’mma just go sit in the corner.. sipping bud light, watching her beat your ass.”

Maddox asked “Can I go with you to the doctor? I want to hear the baby’s heartbeat. Will I get to see pictures? I can’t wait to meet him. He’s going to be my best bud. I think I will call him Buddy Roe.” I giggled and asked him “What if it’s a girl?” He gave me his little lopsided grin and told me “Then I will call her Betsy Roe.” Making me laugh again.

Venom called us all into the office to discuss what Sheriff John updated him on. As I got seated.. Gizmo walked in.. giving Venom an almost imperceptible nod.. and I wondered what that was about.

He dove right in.. not wanting to waste any time “Another girl has been found. Her name is Vicki.. and she is the second one that had been abducted. That tells us two things. The others are most likely still alive.. and they aren’t too far away. We are doubling down on our efforts to rescue them.”

I said “You referred to Vicki in the present tense. Is she alive, then?” At his nod, I responded “Let’s go, then. We should speak with her.” He was shaking his head “She’s in a coma, baby. She was beaten badly.. and sexually assaulted. Doctors aren’t sure she will wake up. It’s a question of time.”

I broke out in tears “That poor girl. What animals these men are. They better hope I don’t get my hands on them! I will rip their dicks from their bodies and shove them down their throats. Sew their mouths shut so they choke on them!”

The guys all groaned and Venom grinned “Bumpy ride, baby!”

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