War for Uyrilia

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

It was not long after Alexander had helped bring his friends back home when they were all called into a meeting with Jaxton. Liliana and Jace had an idea what the meeting was about, their father had talked to them about his ideas the day before and neither were too happy about his thoughts but they knew he was picking the best man for the job.

“Alexander, I need you to go to the front. I need someone who is able to control the battle and command all the same. With so many groups switching in and out I need someone who will be able to be the constant.” Jaxton said making Alexander nod. “I don’t know how long I’ll need you there.”

“I’ll take the rank as long as you need me.” He smirked and glanced at Liliana and Jace. “At least I’ll get to have some fun and this time they won’t.” The three smirked at each other as their fathers rolled their eyes.

“This is an important position, son.” Maximus said as he walked closer to his son. “You need to take this seriously.”

“I am.” Alexander told him before looking back at Jaxton. “When do I leave?”

“With the next wave. We’ll be heading out in another couple days.” Jaxton explained. “I will bring my forces and we will be on the front lines until we are relieved. Once we are relieved we will come back but you will stay to command the next wave.” Alexander nodded. “You’re all dismissed.” The three nodded before wandering off into the camp.

“I guess you think you’re a big shot now huh.” Jace laughed.

“You still get your ass kicked by a girl how can you be a big shot?” Liliana laughed as she teased him.

“Hey, that’s not nice and you know it.” Alexander scolded them making them shove him. “You’re just mad because I’ll get all the fun and you’ll be stuck here board to death.” The three laughed as they shoved him again before chasing him through the camp as if they were children.


Liliana walked through the camp making sure the people had all they needed while she fended off the men of high rank. They would not take no for an answer, every time she turned around there was another standing there trying to sweet talk her into his bed. She was becoming angry with them as they followed her around begging her to give in. She now had several men stalking her, not just the one crazy one. She caught sight of one following her as she wandered the camp, before she could confront him she found Robert in an argument with him. Liliana tried to ignore it and walk away. She would talk to Robert later and ask him what happened.

It seemed that everyday there was a new fight and a new man trying to take advantage of her. Liliana was becoming more and more upset as Robert seemed to show up everywhere, fighting the men stalking her. She started thinking he was following her around taking out his competition. She was beginning to fume; he was turning out to be just like all the other men trying to sweet talk her and use their lines to get what they wanted.

Jaxton called a meeting in the command tent. It was those of high ranking from his camp. They stood watching as he looked at each one of them as he told them, “Zinnia has gone to earth.” Jaxton said low as he stood with his brother and father, children, Robert, and Ryan. “She is trying to draw us out by attacking people there.”

“I’ll go.” Liliana said quickly. “If she’s attacking people there, they need someone who can stop her or at least pull her away from them. It’s not earth’s fight. They shouldn’t be hurt because of a fight on Uyrilia.”

Jaxton looked at her a moment before giving a slight nod. “Go, get the information and get back here. No confronting anyone.” Liliana gave a quick nod before running off to pack ignoring Robert when he tried to talk to her.

She quickly gathered what she needed and met with her father and the others before she started out to a desecrate place to call the bridge between worlds.


After nearly two weeks and still unable, to find any information on Zinnia being on Earth she started to have her doubts and believe it was just a false lead. However, there was one last place she could look. An ally way that Maximus had Always told her, Jace and Alexander to stay far away from. It was said they were the our casts of Uyrilia, stripped of titles, names and powers, left to live out live on Earth. She took a deep breath before slowly walking into the ally where she found a rundown mini town on the other side.

“Hey there sweet thing.” She heard, turning she found a man that was dirty, ripped clothing, and smelled like a trash heap. “What are you wandering in here for? Looking for a good time?”

“Gary!” Another man yelled this one looked much more up kept. He bent his head making Gary wander away before the man looked back at Liliana. “Well well, looks like we have a princess in our presence.”

“I want information.” Liliana said. “Tell me what I want to know and you’ll get to live.”

“You have no authority here and you still have no access to your powers. You are no threat here.” He grinned.

Liliana took a step forward and set her eyes with his. “I have authority as the princess of Atren to do as I will and I have the powers to make what little time you have left a living hell. Answer my questions and you may just live.” She narrowed her amber eyes, as they seemed to penetrate into the man’s soul. “Do you understand?” He just nodded. “Good. What is your name?” He tried to glare at her before he grabbed his head and dropped to his knees. “When I ask a question, you answer.”

“Noan Solberg.”

“I want to know where Zinnia is.”

“She comes to visit once in a while; she brings more recruits to build up our force to take over Earth.” He answered.

Liliana furrowed her brow. “She only visits? Who over sees the training and building?”

Noan looked at her angrily before he grabbed his head again. “I do! I do!” He yelled as the pain released. “She brings me bandits and criminals from Uyrilia and from Earth and I train them how to fight and follow orders.”

“Then she’s not here directly, not yet at least.” She mused. “Is there a way to block her from getting in here?” She asked looking around.

Liliana looked back at Noan. “I will let you and the others live. All I ask is that you leave this place find somewhere to live and build your life here on earth as an honest man. If you can prove to me that you are changed I may see what I can do to get you back home at least. But the second you make any trouble here or on Uyrilia you will be put to death by me. Understand?” The man nodded quickly as he looked up at her. “You are not to breathe a word of our conversation to anyone, especially Zinnia. Gather your things and move everyone out, kill the ones who resist. If I come back in three days time and you or anyone is left, they will be killed. If I find out you spoke to someone about any of this or Zinnia found out we were here for information I will find you and I will kill you.”

“I understand your highness.” Noan bowed his head.

“Now tell me, how is she planning on taking over Earth?”

“She plans to build her force here. She knows this place holds a sentimental place in you that is why she has decided to start here. She will have up over run the city and gather more bandits as we go. We’re then to use here as a command center and spread out taking over towns and cities one at a time until we have a force no one can stand against. She is planning to come here after we have captured the city to lend a hand in casting magic in order to overrun the world easier. That’s all I know of her plans.”

“If you do not take the city she will never come.” Liliana said glancing at the other men wandering aimlessly around. “Take everyone and get out.”

“When she finds out we are gone, she will hunt us down.” Noan said looking at her pleading.

“I will cast a spell the will protect those that leave on their own accord from any wrath she may bring. She will not be able to find you, but I will if any of you make any kind of trouble.”

Noan looked at her astonished. “You would do all of that for criminals like us?”

“I would do it for anyone if they were worthy enough. I have no idea what crimes you committed to be sentenced here but I have no doubt that you will do the right thing and follow my words.” She told him as she bent down in front of him with a small smile. “I do not wish to kill anyone; I only wish to protect my home and those I love. Will you help me do that?”

“Yes, princess, I will help you but please take me home.” He begged.

“If you follow your word and prove you are no criminal bad enough to be exiled from Uyrilia I will take you home. but you have to prove you are worthy of my generosity after All the crimes you have committed here.”

“I will your highness.”

“Good, now go take care of what you must and remember to never speak of our meeting.” She stood and offered her hand to help him stand again. He looked at her confused as to why a princess would help him even if it were to get what she wanted. No royalty would extend their hand to help a criminal to their feet or help protect them. He looked into her eyes that seemed warm and caring now as she gave him a smile. This princess was nothing like any royalty he had ever seen or heard of. He gave her a quick bow before turning to go off and do his duty. He desperately wanted to get home; he would do what he must to get there. She turned to the Alleyway with a small smile.

“Prostatépste ekeínous Alí̱theia sti̱n kardiá. Af̱toí pou gemízoun me agápi̱ apó to spíti. ólous ekeínous pou akolouthoún ta ví̱matá mou tha petachteí éxo̱ apó to kakó kai na desmév̱etai gia ti̱n poreía pou tha epiléxoun.” The walk way shimmered a pale gold before it went back to looking dark and dreary. Liliana smiled weakly before her legs buckled and dropped to her knees for a moment to catch her breath. After only a moment, she was back on her feet and walking back through the Alley.

She barely was able to turn when a blast or red and hot air flashed in front of her face. She turned to see where it came from and found Kalman with a sneer, glaring at her. “You won’t get away this time.”

“You said that several times before so um… yeah that’s not really scary.” She teased as she started walking away trying to get herself into a better position to defend and run. He shot another blast that she turned and easily dodged this time. However, within minutes, he was throwing spell after spell, charging her and it was an all out war between the two. A spell missed its mark but hit its target as it ripped into her side making her gasp and drop to the ground. A flash of steel made Kalman back away as Robert stopped beside her.

“Who are you? This is the second time, you’ve ruined my plan.”

“What are you doing here?” Liliana hissed.

“Your father was starting to get worried and your brother demanded someone check on you so I got volunteered.” He explained quickly. “Looks like you could use the help.”

“I’m fine.” She told him and pushed back to her feet angrily. Out of all the people her father could have sent he sent the one man she didn’t want to see. The one man she thought was different. She turned her attention back to Kalman.

Robert took a slow breath. “I can use Elven magic and give you time to get out of here.”

“What? No!” She furrowed her brow trying to figure out a plan. “Spare me a few minutes.” He just nodded and started his spells, firing them off and blocking as fast as he could as she closed her eyes and tried to focus on her own. She felt the air twist and moved in front of Robert making her body move on its own to take another hit to her shoulder before a blast of cold air had them dropping to the ground unconscious.


Slowly Liliana began to wake up only to make her squeeze her eyes shut tightly and moan as pain went through her entire body. Taking a deep breath and pushing the pain out of her mind, she opened her eyes seeing darkness.

“Liliana.” She heard seconds before she saw Robert move to her side making her try to sit up only to cry out slightly in pain. “Relax, don’t try to move. When you stopped that blast from hitting me, you took a bad hit. I just got it to stop bleeding a little while ago.” He told her as she looked up at him.

“How long was I out?”

“It’s been about six hours since I woke up. I don’t know how long we’ve been here, how we got here or even where we are.”

“We’re in the castle. Zinnia brought us here. She’s going to use us as bate to draw everyone out.” She said. “Help me sit up.” She said as he reached out and gently helped her sit up and lean against the cement wall.

“What are we going to do? If my mother finds out, she is definitely not going to listen to your father or any one. She is going to do what she can to get me back, even if it’s the worst possible thing.”

“We just have to have faith in the others to stop her or act before she does.” She said breathing heavy again from the pain. “Damn this hurts.” She whispered as Robert pulled a small vile of liquid from his belt.

“Here, this will help a little bit.” He pulled the stopped and held it for her to drink. “All you need is a few drops and it will help with the pain.” She swallowed the little bit he gave her and tried to relax her body as it took effect. “After a little bit I’ll give you some more and it should help with healing too.” She nodded and closed her eyes.

“How are you, did you get hit with anything?”

“Nothing other than that last one that knocked us both out. I’m fine other than that.” She gave a small nod as she began to drift off to sleep as the pain subsided. Robert gently laid her back down so she could rest and her body could begin to heal the massive gash in her side and shoulder.

After sleeping for seven hours, they heard the cell door open with a screech and someone walked in. Liliana and Robert prepared their muscles to attack before they heard a voice they both recognized.

“Liliana, Robert, you guys Alright?” Both opened their eyes to see Alexander standing with Arthur.

“I’m fine, but she was hit hard.” Robert told them as Alexander knelt beside Liliana when she rolled her head to look at him. He looked at the blood soaked side and shook his head.

“Leave it to you.” He said softly as he scooped her into his arms and stood as she pulled herself closer to him and the three walked out of the cell.

“No wonder you guys didn’t get a hold of anyone.” Arthur said as they walked to the door to the dungeon. “That cell was made to block all magic. She’s been preparing to capture the twins.” He said as he led the way looking back at the two men as Liliana was lost to sleep once again. “Just follow and stay quiet. We get to one of the old empty rooms I can get us back to camp.” Robert and Alexander nodded as they followed him through the darkened hallways of the old castle until they found a side room that was empty allowing all of them to file in it while Arthur began to recite the spell making everything go black before they could see the tents and small fires in the camp.

“Liliana.” Jace said as he walked up to his friend.

“Take her to her tent and start healing that wound.” Arthur told them and watched everyone scatter to do what they needed.


Liliana slowly woke up lying on her cot in her tent. She looked down at her side and shoulder as she slowly sat up and found it healed and she was changed. She smiled as she walked to the tent flap and looked outside at the evening sun setting behind the trees and mountains. Sighing when she did not see anyone, she started walking around the camp, finding almost everyone eating dinner with their families leaving the camp quiet. Liliana decided to wander through the trail she walked every night when she was at camp while her brother and father were away in battle. Walking through the last bit of trees, she found Robert sitting on the ledge like before; slowly she walked over.

“Thanks for taking care of me.” She said softly making him jump to his feet. He stopped as he started walking towards her, just looking at her wondering if she was still mad at him for whatever he might have done. She gave a small sigh. “I’m sorry. I was angry, I saw you. You were just like all the others.” She told him. Robert looked at her shaking his head. He tried to walk towards her but her amber glare stopped him. “All you wanted is to prove you’re a man and to gain either your own throne with the proof or to take the throne to Atren. You’re just like all the other men who walk around here trying to talk nice and to cop a feel.”

“No!” He said making her golden eyes lock with his crystal ones. “That’s not what I want at all.” She glared at him again but he looked at her pleading for her to listen to him. “All I want is to be at your side. I couldn’t care less if it was on the throne or on a farm in the middle of nowhere. After All this time, I’ve gotten to know you, I don’t want to prove anything but how I feel about you. Everything I‘ve ever told you from that first night in that meadow to now is the honest truth.” Her look softened as he spoke and he knew she was actually listening to his words. “Please, I would never do that to any woman, let alone one I have fallen in love with. You have my heart and soul, there‘s no way I could do anything like that to you.”

“What about all those men you’ve been fighting? Taking out your competition?” She sneered.

Robert frowned. “No. Those men were following you, I saw them as I wandered the camp. I didn’t want them to go near you, I didn’t want them to hurt you. I couldn’t bear the thought of them doing something to you because you told them no. They’re men like Marc, they don’t take no for an answer. They still follow you to a point just not like they were. I had to do something to stop them.” He tried to explain and watched; waiting and hoping to finally get through to her.

Her arms fell to her sides as she looked at him a moment not sure if she should believe him or not. “Do you mean every word?” He just nodded as he watched the pain die down and her amber eyes brighten with a look he had seen from her many times in the past several month of traveling with her. “You’re not just trying to say something to try to get something from me?” He shook his head. “If you’re lying…”

“I’m not. I swear on my life I’m telling you the truth.” She turned to face him completely before walking a little closer to him. “I know we had our fights and I know you don’t want to be used for some purpose.” He walked closer to her as she stopped looking up at him. “I know with all my heart that I love you. That I want to share my heart with you.” He said softly before he leaned down capturing her lips in a sweet kiss. Liliana paused only a brief moment before kissing back. Pulling apart there was a small smile on each of their faces before they leaned in for another kiss.

Pulling back, she looked up at him. “I love you too.” She told him backing him grin before stealing another kiss from her. She knew she had been silly but it still had hurt. However, with her heart back where it belonged she couldn’t help but smile and continue stealing their secret kisses.

Robert and Liliana walked together through the camp talking to the people they came across. Ryan, Alexander and Jace stood watching as Robert smirked, watching Liliana bend down to talk to a small group of children. Standing back up as they ran off she smiled at Robert before the two started walking again, talking and laughing.

“What’s going on with them?” Ryan asked

Jace shrugged. “Don’t know. They’ve been like that the last couple weeks. First she wanted him to leave her alone and now they’re walking and laughing together.”

“You don’t think…” Alexander trailed off looking from the pair to his friend.

“We’re just going to have to find out.” The three started through the camp following the two as they walked.

“I guess you’re calendar is booked up, princess.” Robert said.

Liliana smirked. “I guess so. It would be a shame to let them down after they’ve worked so hard. They are very cute after All, how could I say no.” She turned and started walking with him beside her. “They’ve been through so much Already, if I can make their day a little more enjoyable I will.”

“You are a wonderful person.” Robert smirked. “Not everyone would do something like that. Especially not many of the royalty ranks would take their time to watch children from a village play a game. You are a rare person.”

“You’re not so bad yourself.” She laughed, nudging his side making him chuckle. The three men followed behind as they walked towards her tent on the outskirts of the camp. “Our spot? Tonight?” She asked.

Robert smiled and nodded. “I’ll be waiting for you.” He said as he leaned in and kissed her check quickly before she smiled and went into her tent while he walked off leaving the three followers looking at each other in shock.

“But… they’re always at each other’s throats.” Ryan said looking at his friends who just smirked.

“Didn’t you notice how they’ve slowly stopped fighting? And the way they’ve been acting?” Jace said.

Ryan thought a moment before he smirked. “No wonder my brother’s always in such a bright mood recently.” He looked at Jace and Alexander. “I think we should keep quiet about this for now. If they haven’t told anyone there’s got to be a reason.” The three agreed to stay quiet until the couple decided to announce their relationship.

The three men could not believe what they had seen, they could not believe Liliana and Robert were in a relationship but there was something that made them feel happy for them. Liliana had a smile on her face all the time, and Jace could see the spark in her eye now a days. Ryan had noticed how happy his brother had been; recently there was almost nothing that could take that away from him as he went about his day in the camp.

Ryan wanted to talk to his brother, he figured it wouldn’t hurt to talk to him if they were alone. It was not as if he was asking everyone in the camp or telling them, Robert and Liliana were in a relationship. Ryan walked over to his brother as he returned to his tent that night. “Robert.” He said making his brother look at him. “You got a minute to talk?”

“Uh, sure.” Robert shrugged as they walked into the tent. “What’s on your mind?”

“I saw you and Liliana.” He said bluntly making Robert stop in his tracks and turn to look at Ryan. “I saw you earlier, before your walk.”

“What do you mean you saw us?” Robert asked not wanting to give more information than Ryan Already knew.

Ryan glanced away. “Jace, Alexander and I were wondering what was up with you two so we followed you guys through the camp. We saw you kiss her and make plans to meet tonight.” He watched as Robert forced himself to take a breath. “We were just-.”

“It’s fine.” Robert stopped his brother and sighed. “Look, Ryan, we didn’t want to tell anyone. We didn’t want to have any fights between courts or people. If it was to get out and Mother or her supporters found out I’m sure you can imagine what she would do.”

“She would start a war.” Ryan answered. “She said she wanted Marc to marry her. If she found out you and her were together….” Robert just nodded. “It was just the three of us. We won’t say anything. We had talked about it and we were even going to say anything to you guys but I figured I should talk to you about it. I just didn’t understand why you never said anything and why she never said anything to Jace. I know I just…”

“It’s fine, really.” Robert smirked as he rested his hand on Ryan’s shoulder. “Just promise you won’t let it get out.” Ryan nodded.

“I’ll make sure it doesn’t get out to anyone.” Ryan promised as a messenger stopped Robert. He took the paper and read it, furrowing his brow. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s a letter from mother.” Robert mused as he stared at the words. “She wants me to go back to Kothus. She will be coming in six months to get me.” Robert tossed the paper on the little desk in his tent as he angrily walked about his tent.

“Can’t you tell her you’re busy here? I mean maybe if you talk to Jaxton he can figure something out to keep you here.” Ryan tried to help but Robert just shook his head. “She can’t just demand you go back home when you’re needed here.”

“She can and she has. You know mother, she will get what she wants no matter what stand in her way. You know as well as I do there’s no way around this.”

“What are you going to tell Liliana?”

Robert froze before shaking his head. “I’ll figure something out.” He sighed. “I’m going to get some sleep; I’ll figure things out in the morning.” Ryan nodded and left his brother alone for the night.

The next night Robert was sitting at his desk in his tent when Liliana stormed in. “What’s wrong?” He asked as he stood.

“What’s wrong?” She asked as she glared at him. “What’s wrong? How can you ask me that after you never said one word to me today about your mother calling you home?” Robert sighed as he watched Liliana glare at him. He did not know how she had found out but she had and she was angrier than he had seen her before. “Why wouldn’t you tell me? Don’t I matter to you? Am I just someone to pass the time until you go home?” She yelled at him as her anger built more and more.

“No.” He said walking closer but she backed up still glaring at him. “I love you with all my heart. I swear to you I do. I don’t want to return home if you’re not with me. I don’t care where I go I want to have you at my side but this is my mother. She is ruthless when it comes to her getting what she wants. She will have me go back and do what she wants no matter if I argue or not. I was going to tell you, I was. I just didn’t know how.”

“Didn’t know how? How about hey Lily, my mother is demanding I go back home for a while? Was that so hard?” She crossed her arms.

“Ana, I’m sorry. I don’t want to go, I want to stay with you but she gets what she wants no matter what.” He told her, taking a step to stand in front of her. “I love you.” He reached out to touch her arm but she pulled away angrily before she stormed from the tent and off into the night. Robert sighed. He needed to figure out how to fix this.

He dropped onto his cot and started trying to think of a way to fix things between him and his love. She was the only woman he had ever felt like this for and he was not going to let his mother screw it up. Robert wracked his brain trying to think of how he can fix things between them. He refused to lose her. Then it came to him. In two days, one of the generals was getting married and they were going to hold the wedding and reception in the camp. He smirked. He knew how he was going to fix things; he just had to get through the next two days of glares and harsh words. Sighing at what the next few days held he lay back on the cot and tried to sleep.

Two days later the camp was celebration the wedding of a general, Liliana and Jace had not seen the people of the refugee camp looking so happy. There was feasting, and music, and laughter, and dancing for everyone together. “May I have this dance?” She heard making her turn to find Robert holding his hand out, much the way he had when they were at his home in Kothus and they danced on the balcony.

“Don’t be like that. Not today.” Jace said nudging her forward. He knew his sister and Robert had been arguing on and off. But he saw how the two were Always together. “Go dance with the man.” Liliana rolled her eyes and sighed as she laid her hand in his. Jace laughed, as he watched his sister be twirled around on the field a smile slowly creeping to her face. He turned to find Rebecca and too joined in fun.

“You look lovely.” Robert said as he ducked his head and she gave him a soft smile. “Still mad at me for leaving?”

“No, I guess not.” She sighed as the two waltzed around with others, having their conversation, one no one could listen in on. “I know it’s not your fault. I just…”

“I won’t be gone long. I promise.” He smiled at her and watched her eyes light up. “I could never stay away from you very long. I will do what she wants and come back as fast as I can.”

“I know you will.” Liliana leaned into him as the music switched to another song.

Robert tightened his grip as they spun again. “Just promise me you’ll be careful. With me gone Marc will think he has a better chance of getting to you even with Jace and Ryan here. I know you can handle yourself but no one knows what he’s capable of. Just be careful. For me.”

“Just because you asked me to.” She smiled up at him.

“Good, now let’s take a walk.” He laughed as he danced and twirled them through the crowd and out the other side by the wooded area. He held her hand as he pulled her into the forest as she laughed. “I’ve got something for you.” He told her softly as he turned and pulled her to him. He leaned down giving her a deep kiss as he walked backwards. Pulling away, he whispered. “Close your eyes.” She smiled and closed her amber eyes letting him lead her through the forest. “Alright, open them.”

When she opened her eyes all she could do was smile. In front of her in their spot on the cliff was several blankets laid out with cushions, a small fire, wine and strawberries. “Rob…” She whispered and looked up at him to see the bright smile.

“I figured you’d like a nice night away from everything and I wanted to give it to you before I left.” He shrugged. “Come.” He pulled her over to sit on the cushions as he poured them each a glass of wine. “A place where it can be just Liliana and Robert, no titles, no magic, no war, just us.” He handed her the wine as she gave him a sweet smile she only ever gave to him.

“I love it.” She said as he settled beside her, letting her lean onto him. “It’s beautiful out here and all of this…” She shook her head as she looked up at him. “Rob…”

He gently brushed his hand against her cheek as he settled it on her jaw. “I love you Ana. Nothing will change that. Nothing will take me away from you.” He told her as she smiled at him. “I have to leave for a little while but I will come back. I will always come back to you. Just wait for me.”

“I’ll wait as long as I need to.” She whispered before they kissed. The world melted away as the kiss deepened. The two lost track of where they were and what time it was as he laid her back, hovering above her, each working at the others clothes.

The next morning they awoke in each other’s arms, tangled in the blankets he had set out for them. “Good morning.” He said softly as she lifted her head from his chest. He smiled as he brushed back her messy hair behind her ear.

“Good morning.” She said back before turning her head to leave a kiss on his palm.

“Did you sleep well?” He asked making her giggle.

“Well for what little time we had left to sleep I slept well.” She laughed.

Robert leaned up and kissed her, pulling apart they heard horn blasts. They looked back towards the forest where the camp lay on the other side. Robert dropped back to the cushion behind his head with a heavy sigh. “It sounds like my mother is here to pick me up early.” Liliana sighed as she rested her head on his chest again and he ran his fingers through her hair.

“I wish we could just stay here.” She pushed up and looked down at him. “I know we can’t but I wish we could.”

Robert sat up and smiled down at her caressing her cheek. “As soon as I come back I’ll bring all of this back out here and we can stay here for as long as you want.” He glanced at the forest. “We should go back before they send someone to search. I don’t think either one of our brothers want to see this.” He laughed and grinned hearing her sweet laughter. The two dressed and quickly packed everything away and to the side before they made their way back to camp, sneaking past everyone and into their own tents to make it look like they were just waking. They changed and met the others by the main command tent, none the wiser to where the two had been.

“I am here for my son.” Erna called out. Robert gave Liliana’s had a squeeze and he smiled at her before walking forward.

“Didn’t trust me to go to you on my own in another five months, Mother?” He asked as he walked over to her.

“I came to see how things were going in this camp. We are to leave in two months.” She told him making him furrow his brow. “I would like to be included in talks and plans and it seems you need to be in the camp for that to happen.” She shrugged before walking off. Robert turned to look at the others before he shrugged and walked back over.

“Well I guess I have a little more time here.” He grinned.

Ryan smirked. “She’s probably setting something up for when you guys leave.” He said looking back the way their mother had gone.

“You’re probably right, but what?” Robert weighed. “Guess we’ll have to figure it out. I’m going to a walk.”

“Would you like company?” Liliana asked with a smile. Robert held his arm out with a small smile and led her towards the forest once more.

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